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论述了在油田开发过程中地面系统及井下设备无机盐垢的化学清除技术,并分析了油田最新的几种处理剂在现场应用的实例。这些技术,对油田生产中类似的结垢处理,具有重要的应用价值与参考意义。 相似文献
李云翱 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》2013,(1):69
针对曙光油田稠油老区油气水管道难溶垢化学清洗技术,通过结垢特点分析,实验室垢样成分分析研究,对现场化学清洗工艺技术进行改进,取得了超过了国家标准及行业标准的清洗效果,为低成本、高效率解决管道难溶垢提供有效的方法。 相似文献
针对丰喜肥业(集团)有限公司10万t/a甲醇项目空分装置中汽轮机叶片结垢现象,分析了原因,通过采取降低汽轮机负荷等方法,并进行清洗,使汽轮机工况恢复正常。同时,制定出相关的预防措施,以维护汽轮机的正常运行。 相似文献
阐述了如何利用低廉的传统化学清洗工艺清除工业锅炉受热面坚硬硫酸盐硅酸盐水垢。该工艺取得了较好的清洗效果,除垢率达到90%,且金属基体腐蚀速率较小。 相似文献
Zheyu Liu Jian Zhang Xianjie Li Chunming Xu Xin Chen Bo Zhang Guang Zhao Han Zhang Yiqiang Li 《中国化学工程学报》2022,43(3):324-334
Injecting CO2 into the underground for oil displacement and shortage is an important technique for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). One of the main problems during the CO2 injection is the channeling plugging. Finding an effective method for the gas channeling plugging is a critical issue in the CO2 EOR process. In this work, an acid-resistance microgel named dispersed particle gel (DPG) was characterized and its stability was tested in the CO2 environment. The microgel size selection strategies for the homogeneous and heterogeneous reservoirs were respectively investigated using the single core flooding and three parallel core flooding experiments. Moreover, the comparison of microgel alternate CO2 (MAC) injection and water alternate CO2 (WAC) injection in the dual core flooding experiments were presented for the investigation of the role of microgel on the conformance control in CO2 flooding process. The results have shown that the microgel featured with —NH and C—N groups can keep its morphology after aging 7 days in the CO2 environment. Where, the small microgel with unobstructed migration and large microgel with good plugging efficiency for the high permeability zone were respectively featured with the higher recovery factor in homogeneous and heterogeneous conditions, which indicate they are preferred used for the oil displacement and conformance control. Compared to WAC injection, MAC injection had a higher incremental recovery factor of 12.4%. It suggests the acid-resistance microgel would be a good candidate for the conformance control during CO2 flooding process. 相似文献
介绍了一种由水界面检测传感器,油界面检测传感器,通过可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)控制的新型浮油回收机。该机与原有技术相比,可根据现场实际情况来设定工作程序,决定排水泵或排油泵的工作状态,能自动排水,无需专人看管。达到自动控制的目的。 相似文献
油气回收技术方案的进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
油气回收由于对环境保护和资源综合利用具有重大意义,近年来得到广泛关注。本文综述了油气回收的三个基本方案,着重介绍了采用专用设备的工作原理、方法。 相似文献
中原油田产出水集输中的无机垢预测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
油田开发中产生无机垢不仅阻碍油气生产,降低经济效益,还可能造成生产事故。中原油田文侧215-5井产出水中SO42-和HCO3-含量分别为1734mg/L和2343mg/L;文215-2和文侧215-4井产出水中Ca2 和Sr2 含量分别在11100mg/L和630mg/L以上;文215-10井产出水离子成份复杂。如果这四口井产出液集输,很可能产生无机垢。预测结果表明:随着文侧25-5井产出水所占比例的增加硫酸盐和碳酸钙的结垢趋势和程度增强。室内实验和现场应用证实这四口产出水混合时有大量白色垢生成,经X衍射分析为硫酸钙、硫酸锶和碳酸钙垢,结垢程度和类型与预测结果基本一致,证明了预测结果的准确性。 相似文献
The use of partitionable solutes, e.g., aliphatic alcohols, to enhance the recovery of trapped oil in reservoir rock, has been simulated using a ballotini-packed column initially flooded with kerosene, and subsequently lowered to an irreducible value by a water drive. Introduction of a “slug” of an alcohol effected an increased recovery, with n-propanol and sec-butanol giving the highest yields. Previous workers attributed such increased recovery to the formation of a “soluble front”, in which both oil and connate water are completely dissolved. However, we obtained similar recoveries using slugs with initial compositions lying on the miscibility boundary, which could not form soluble fronts. It was therefore concluded that Marangoni-induced oscillation of the trapped drops is the more likely explanation of the enhanced recovery. 相似文献