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银行自助设备综合前置系统设计和实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍一个开放型的新一代银行自助设备综合前置系统的设计和实现,并且从系统体系结构、系统组成和系统安全三个方面论述了银行自助综合前置系统的设计方案和关键技术。  相似文献   

本文在对常用的分布式事务实现方式进行分析的基础上,根据银行前置系统的业务特点,结合了Saga模型、柔性事务以及基于知识库的异常规则处理方法等长事务处理方法的优点,提出了一种适用于银行前置系统应用的分布式事务保护模型,并在该模型的基础上设计了一个前置系统分布式事务处理框架.  相似文献   

针对中国城市商业银行开发的大前置系统投产本报讯8月8日获悉,由英特尔、惠普以及中国金融电子化企业赞同公司联合针对中国城市商业银行开发的大前置平台系统投产运行。经测试运行,该系统应用于烟台商业银行的平均处理交易速度(排除第三方返回相应时间的影响)为每小时几百万笔,相当于中型商业银行一年的交易量。据介绍,“商业银行大前置平台系统”基于英特尔安腾2处理器和惠普H PIntegrity动能服务器平台。该系统把银行特色业务从主机中解放出来,为银行中间业务提供了独立的操作平台,实现了中间业务办理快捷、内部管理顺畅。据由英特尔(中…  相似文献   

商业银行综合前置系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中间业务是商业银行新的经济增长点,该文提出了面向商业银行中间业务的综合前置系统的设计方案,并分析了系统的结构、功能及安全体系。按照这一设计,在某商业银行实施了一套综合前置系统。综合前置系统既能兼容银行原有已开办的中间业务,又能满足将来业务发展的需要,为商业银行增强市场竞争力提供了强有力的支撑。  相似文献   

本文作者认真分析银行对大量数据处理的需求,提出一种高效、安全的解决办法,即由后台数据库作支持,进行前置数据处理,基于B/S结构开发银行综合信息管理系统,实践证明该系统兼顾了稳定性、安全性、成本、系统的可扩展性和用户的易用性。  相似文献   

新业务是银行业的利润增长点,为了尽快推出新业务,可以采用改动银行核心系统的方法,但是该方法实现困难而且容易引入错误,银行大前置系统应运而生。基于银行大前置系统,可以快速开发和投产银行的新业务,拓展银行的收入来源,提高客户满意度,进而提高银行的竞争力。目前国内银行业使用的大前置系统具有技术复杂、扩展性差的缺点。为此提出轻量的新一代银行大前置交易执行引擎设计方案,该交易执行引擎具有简洁的系统架构,支持高度的系统扩展性;通过可插拔模块的方式支持各种网络协议,实现与各类第三方系统的连接;该执行引擎把Session管理交给数据库系统,极大简化了核心引擎的管理负担;在私有变量池、元信息共享的基础上,利用新的交易执行策略,充分发挥多核技术优势提高系统性能;在数据展示技术方面,利用基于哈希算法的XSLT技术完成展示层的渲染,支持大量用户通过B/S模式对系统进行访问。在与传统交易执行引擎的性能比较实验中,该系统获得了23.2%的性能提升。  相似文献   

李平平  张刚  王耀力 《软件》2010,31(11):87-90
目前商业银行存在众多的前置系统,如POS前置、ATM前置、多媒体查询机前置、柜面前置、电话银行前置等。现有的商业银行前置系统主要提供各种接入端口、数据包的转换、路由管理、授权等功能。随着第四代银行核心系统的出现,构建以客户为中心的流程银行已经成为趋势。本文分析现有的前置系统在商业银行系统数据大集中的模式下存在的问题,提出基于SOA的新一代综合前置系统与平台。在新一代综合前置系统平台的建设中,架构方面应该把通信、拆组报文、加密等分好层次,实现松耦合;通讯方面尽量做到互不相干,总结出如TCP/IP,HTTP,CICS,TUXEDO,UDP等的共同点,然后通过设定参数就能实现统一接入。  相似文献   

银行业务发展导致银行设备维护工作递增,为了能够及时发现并解决异常情况,减小维护工作人员的压力,本文设计一种基于3G网络的银行设备监控系统。系统利用3G网络实时监控前置设备的主要参数,并能够实现控制操作。银行维护人员通过该监控系统能够及时发现并解决问题,在防范风险的同时提高工作效率。  相似文献   

括通道状态的监控,交易信息查询(交易数量、成功笔数、失败笔数),启动、重启动、关闭通道等功能。渠道接入统一什么渠道接入主要包括银行柜台、银行自助设备、银证系统、银联系统、财税库银系统、手机银行、网上银行、呼叫中心和OA系统等。从通讯连接方式来看,有的外联系统通过广域网与综合前置系统相连,有的外联系统则直接部署在计算中心,通过局域网与综合前置系统相连。从通信协议来看,目前包括TCP/IP Socket、FTP等。从报文格式来看也是千差万别,综合前置系统基础平台银行综合前置系统采用E-Branch作为基础平台,可运行在任何支持Ja…  相似文献   

银行外联业务系统是指银行与银行的企业集团客户和个人及其他单位相连接的网络设备、线路及系统。目前常见的外联业务系统运行模式有以下几类: 1、外联业务系统传输量大,全天24小时都要进行传输。其应用软件结构模式如下:外单位数据服务器、外单位前置机、银行业务前置机、银行数据服务器。它的银行端前置机与防火墙在同一局域网内。这一类外联业务系统使用的网络应用协议有:(1)只使用  相似文献   

As the diversity of services in the financial market increases, it is critical to design usable banking software in order to overcome the complex structure of the system. The current study presents a usability guideline based on heuristics and their corresponding criteria that could be used during the early stages of banking software design process. In the design of a usability guideline, the heuristics and their criteria are categorized in terms of their effectiveness in solving usability problems grouped and ranging from usability catastrophe to cosmetic problems. The current study comprises of three main steps: First, actual usability problems from three banking software development projects are categorized according to their severity level. Secondly, usability criteria are rated for how well they explain the usability problems encountered. Finally, usability heuristics are categorized according to the severity level of usability problems through two analytical models; corresponding and cluster analyses. As the result, designers and project managers may give more importance to the heuristics related with the following usability problem categories: Usability catastrophe and then major usability problems. Furthermore, the proposed guideline can be used to understand which usability criteria would be helpful in explaining usability problems as well as preventing banking system catastrophes, by highlighting the critical parts in system design of banking software.  相似文献   

Model-driven code generation has been investigated in traditional and object-oriented design paradigms; significant progress has been made. It offers many advantages including the rapid development of high quality code. Errors are reduced and the consistency between the design and the code is retained, in comparison with a purely manual approach. Here, a model-driven code generation approach based on graph transformations for aspect-oriented development is proposed. The approach has two main transformation activities. The first activity transforms a visual (graphical) model of the design into a formal, text-based notation that can be readily processed. The graphical model is created by the software designer and uses a UML profile for aspect-oriented software (i.e., FDAF) to represent aspects and their components. XML is the target notation for this step; the transformation uses the XML meta-model to ensure that the output complies with the language. The second activity transforms the XML model into AspectJ source code. The transformation uses the AspectJ meta-model to ensure the output complies with the language. The transformations from the extended UML model to XML and from XML to AspectJ code are fully automated. The transformation algorithms are based on graph transformations; tool support has been developed. Key technical issues in the approach are discussed, including performance, the amount of code generated, correctness, and adaptability, in addition to a comparison of the proposal with existing alternative approaches. The approach has been validated on three example systems: a banking system, classroom scheduling system, and an insurance system. The banking system example is presented in the paper.  相似文献   

设计,虽然不是生产力,它不能决定社会、经济、甚至生态环境的发展,但是它的本质特征所表现出的那种协调性,却起到了很大的引导作用,在人类共同的大课题面前,只有设计能担负起"创造更合理,更健康的生活方式"的历史使命。  相似文献   

本文基于对知识管理的基本理论的研究,从产品设计与开发的活动出发,在设计层面对知识管理理论进行探讨,并对产品设计与开发中知识管理的流程和各个阶段的相互作用进行了具体的分析。论述了建立面向产品设计的知识管理系统,实现知识共享、知识应用和知识创新,保持设计的创新能力和开发能力,以及如何建立服务于产品设计的知识管理系统。  相似文献   

VFP既是一个高效的数据库管理系统,又是一个集可视化和面向对象的应用系统快速开发工具。在高职院校财经类专业如何教好VFP程序设计这门课,本文结合教学实践,运用具体教学案例,将案例教学方法运用于VFP程序设计教学中。从而激发学生的主观能动性、培养和提高学生的自主学习能力、创新意识和团队精神。  相似文献   

工业设计在企业市场竞争中扮演重要角色。本文从金融海啸对各行业预期影响不同出发,分析了金融海啸给我国工业设计发展带来机遇,就金融海啸后我国工业设计发展基本思路与战略对策进行了探讨,得出结论在金融海啸之后我国工业设计将得到发展。  相似文献   

互联网金融是传统金融行业与互联网精神相结合的新兴领域。2013年可以说是互联网金融爆发元年,互联网金融成为全社会最热门的话题。展望2014年,关于互联网金融发展,各家众说纷纭。本刊邀请了业界知名专家,对互联网金融的产生、互联网金融对互联网行业以及对传统金融的影响,从不同角度进行剖析,并对互联网金融生态环境构建、未来发展模式作了深刻的研究建言。最后,对大家关心的话题"互联网金融是又一个泡沫"进行解答。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, the quantitative analysis of financial and banking decisions has gained significant interest among researchers and practitioners. A significant part of the research conducted in this field focused on the development of analytical models that can be used in evaluating the alternative ways of action in financial and banking problems. Typically, this evaluation involves the choice of the best alternative, the ranking of the alternatives from the best to the worst ones, or their classification into predefined homogenous classes. This paper is focused on the classification approach illustrating the use of multi–criteria decision aid (MCDA) classification methods in making financial and banking decisions. Three MCDA approaches (the UTADIS method, the ELECTRE TRI method, and the rough set approach) are applied in financial and banking problems, such as business failure prediction, credit–risk assessment, and portfolio selection and management. A comparison is also performed with linear and quadratic discriminant analysis, and logit analysis.  相似文献   


Information technology is increasingly facilitating mechanisms by which information asymmetry between lenders and borrowers in the financial sector can be reduced in order to enhance financial access for human and economic development in developing countries. We examine conditional financial development from ICT-driven information sharing in 53 African countries for the period 2004–2011, using contemporary and non-contemporary quantile regressions. ICT is measured with mobile phone penetration and internet penetration, whereas information-sharing offices are public credit registries and private credit bureaus. The following findings are established. First, there are positive effects with positive thresholds from ICT-driven information sharing on financial depth (money supply and liquid liabilities) and financial activity (at banking and financial system levels). Second, for financial intermediation efficiency, the positive effects from mobile-driven information sharing are apparent exclusively in certain levels of financial efficiency. Third, with regard to financial size, mobile-driven information sharing is positive with a negative threshold, whereas internet-driven information sharing is positive exclusively among countries in the bottom half of financial size. Positive thresholds are defined as decreasing negative or increasing positive estimated effects from information-sharing offices and vice versa for negative thresholds. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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