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Two completely different motions of a subject relative to the earth can induce exactly the same stimuli to the vestibular, somatosensory and visual systems. When this happens, the subject may experience disorientation and misperception of self-motion. We have identified large classes of motions that are perceptually equivalent, i.e. indistinguishable by the subject, under three sets of conditions: no vision, with vision and earth-fixed visual surround, and with vision during possible movement of the visual surround. For each of these sets of conditions, we have developed a classification of all sustained motions according to their perceptual equivalences. The result is a complete list of the possible misperceptions of sustained motion due to equivalence of the forces and other direct stimuli to the sensors under the given conditions. This research expands the range of possible experiments by including all components of linear and angular velocity and acceleration. Many of the predictions in this paper can be tested experimentally. In addition, the equivalence classes developed here predict perceptual phenomena in unusual motion environments that are difficult or impossible to investigate in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Although motion-sensitive neurons in macaque middle temporal (MT) area are conventionally characterized using stimuli whose velocity remains constant for 1-3 s, many ecologically relevant stimuli change on a shorter time scale (30-300 ms). We compared neuronal responses to conventional (constant-velocity) and time-varying stimuli in alert primates. The responses to both stimulus ensembles were well described as rate-modulated Poisson processes but with very high precision (approximately 3 ms) modulation functions underlying the time-varying responses. Information-theoretic analysis revealed that the responses encoded only approximately 1 bit/s about constant-velocity stimuli but up to 29 bits/s about the time-varying stimuli. Analysis of local field potentials revealed that part of the residual response variability arose from "noise" sources extrinsic to the neuron. Our results demonstrate that extrastriate neurons in alert primates can encode the fine temporal structure of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

1. To study the encoding of input currents into output spike trains by regular-spiking cells, we recorded intracellularly from slices of the guinea pig visual cortex while injecting step, sinusoidal, and broadband noise currents. 2. When measured with sinusoidal currents, the frequency tuning of the spike responses was markedly band-pass. The preferred frequency was between 8 and 30 Hz, and grew with stimulus amplitude and mean intensity. 3. Stimulation with broadband noise currents dramatically enhanced the gain of the spike responses at low and high frequencies, yielding an essentially flat frequency tuning between 0.1 and 130 Hz. 4. The averaged spike responses to sinusoidal currents exhibited two nonlinearities: rectification and spike synchronization. By contrast, no nonlinearity was evident in the averaged responses to broadband noise stimuli. 5. These properties of the spike responses were not present in the membrane potential responses. The latter were roughly linear, and their frequency tuning was low-pass and well fit by a single-compartment passive model of the cell membrane composed of a resistance and a capacitance in parallel (RC circuit). 6. To account for the spike responses, we used a "sandwich model" consisting of a low-pass linear filter (the RC circuit), a rectification nonlinearity, and a high-pass linear filter. The model is described by six parameters and predicts analog firing rates rather than discrete spikes. It provided satisfactory fits to the firing rate responses to steps, sinusoids, and broadband noise currents. 7. The properties of spike encoding are consistent with temporal nonlinearities of the visual responses in V1, such as the dependence of response frequency tuning and latency on stimulus contrast and bandwidth. We speculate that one of the roles of the high-frequency membrane potential fluctuations observed in vivo could be to amplify and linearize the responses to lower, stimulus-related frequencies.  相似文献   

Experimental observations suggest that contour integration may take place in V1. However, there has yet to be a model of contour integration that uses only known V1 elements, operations, and connection patterns. This article introduces such a model, using orientation selective cells, local cortical circuits, and horizontal intracortical connections. The model is composed of recurrently connected excitatory neurons and inhibitory interneurons, receiving visual input via oriented receptive fields resembling those found in primary visual cortex. Intracortical interactions modify initial activity patterns from input, selectively amplifying the activities of edges that form smooth contours in the image. The neural activities produced by such interactions are oscillatory and edge segments within a contour oscillate in synchrony. It is shown analytically and empirically that the extent of contour enhancement and neural synchrony increases with the smoothness, length, and closure of contours, as observed in experiments on some of these phenomena. In addition, the model incorporates a feedback mechanism that allows higher visual centers selectively to enhance or suppress sensitivities to given contours, effectively segmenting one from another. The model makes the testable prediction that the horizontal cortical connections are more likely to target excitatory (or inhibitory) cells when the two linked cells have their preferred orientation aligned with (or orthogonal to) their relative receptive field center displacements.  相似文献   

When 2 targets are presented among distractors in rapid serial visual presentation, correct identification of the 1st target results in a deficit for a 2nd target appearing within 200–500 ms. This attentional blink (AB; J. E. Raymond, K. L. Shapiro, & K. M. Arnell, 1992) was examined for categorically defined targets (letters among nonletters) in 7 experiments. AB was obtained for the 2nd letter target among digit distractors (Experiment 1) and also for a 3rd target (Experiment 2). Results of Experiments 3–5 confirmed that AB is triggered by local interference from immediate posttarget stimulation (Raymond et al., 1992) and showed that AB is modulated by the discriminability between the 1st target and the immediately following distractor. Experiments 5–7 further examined the effects of both local interference and global discriminability. A 2-stage model is proposed to account for the AB results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pseudorandom encoding is a statistical method for designing Fourier transform holograms by mapping ideal complex-valued modulations onto spatial light modulators that are not fully complex. These algorithms are notable because their computational overhead is low and because the space-bandwidth product of the encoded signal is identical to the number of modulator pixels. All previous pseudorandom-encoding algorithms were developed for analog modulators. A less restrictive algorithm for quantized modulators is derived that permits fully complex ranges to be encoded with as few as three noncollinear modulation values that are separated by more than 180 degrees on the complex plane.  相似文献   

We investigated the development of orientation preference maps in the visual cortex of kittens by repeated optical imaging from the same animal. Orientation maps became detectable for the first time around postnatal day (P) 17 and improved continuously in strength unitl P30, the time at which their appearance became adultlike. During this developmental period the overall geometry of the maps remained unchanged, suggesting that the layout of the orientation map is specified prior to P17. Hence, before the visual cortex becomes susceptible to experience-dependent modifications its functional architecture is largely specified. This suggests that the initial development and layout of orientation preference maps are determined by intrinsic processes that are independent of visual experience. This conclusion is further supported by the result that orientation maps were well expressed at P24 in binocularly deprived kittens. Because the appearance of the first orientation-selective neurons and the subsequent development of orientation preference maps correlated well with the time course of the expression and refinement of clustered horizontal connections, we propose that these connections might contribute to the specification of orientation preference maps.  相似文献   

A model of orthographic processing is described that postulates read-out from different information dimensions, determined by variable response criteria set on these dimensions. Performance in a perceptual identification task is simulated as the percentage of trials on which a noisy criterion set on the dimension of single word detector activity is reached. Two additional criteria set on the dimensions of total lexical activity and time from stimulus onset are hypothesized to be operational in the lexical decision task. These additional criteria flexibly adjust to changes in stimulus material and task demands. thus accounting for strategic influences on performance in this task. The model unifies results obtained in response-limited and data-limited paradigms and helps resolve a number of inconsistencies in the experimental literature that cannot be accommodated by other current models of visual word recognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To establish an animal model for the controlled study of enteral nutrition by tube, five adult chair-adapted primates (Macaca fasicularis) had gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes placed for the delivery of a modified protein isolate diet. Following 7 days of postoperative depletion with a hypocaloric infusion of dextrose (20 kcal, 0 g N/kg/day), the animals were repleted for 10 days with tube feedings (124 kcal, 0.73 g N/kg/day). There was no operative mortality or morbidity and each animal demonstrated conversion to anabolism by significant weight gain, positive nitrogen balance, and net protein synthesis as determined by [15N]glycine protein turnover rates. Significant correlation was found between caloric intake and nitrogen balance at the level of nitrogen provided in this diet (r = 0.88, p less than 0.05). This model was found to be well suited for the surgical and nutritional techniques required for the long-term study of enteral nutrition by tube.  相似文献   

The associative pathways of the visual zone (fields 17 and 18) of the neuronal-isolated cortex of the cat were studied by the methods of Nauta-Gygax and Fink-Heimer. The cortex was isolated by the method proposed by M. M. Khananashvili (1961) by means of transection of projectional systems of the fibres connecting the cortex with subcortical structures in the site of their maximum concentration-in the internal capsule. Fields 17 and 18 were shown to have short associative pathways running both within the limits of the fields proper and to fields 17, 7 and to Clara-Bishop region disposed in the depth of the suprasylvian fissure. The site of termination of the associative libres was all layers of the cortex in some degree. It is assumed that the cytoarchitectonical fields in the neuronal-isolated cortex during conditioning interacts by means of intracortical fibres shown in the present investigation.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats discriminated among computer-generated visual displays (scenes) comprising 3 different shapes (objects). One constant scene (unrewarded) appeared on every trial together with a trial-unique variable scene (rewarded). Four types of variable scene were intermingled: (a) unfamiliar objects in different positions from the constant; (b) unfamiliar objects in same positions as the constant; (c) same objects as the constant in different positions; (d) same objects and positions, recombined. Aspiration lesions of perirhinal cortex impaired performance with type (b) only. Experiment 2 tested spatial delayed nonmatching-to-sample. The perirhinal group were impaired nonsignificantly, and less than fornix-transected rats in an earlier study. Rats' perirhinal cortex, like monkeys', subserves object identification in the absence of memory requirement but does not contribute substantially to hippocampal system spatial memory function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The visual system is constantly inundated with information received by the eyes, only a fraction of which seems to reach visual awareness. This selection process is one of the functions ascribed to visual attention. Although many studies have investigated the role of attention in shaping neuronal representations in the visual cortex, few have focused on attentional modulation of neuronal signals related to visual motion. Here we report that the responses of direction-selective neurons in monkey visual cortex are greatly influenced by attention, and that this modulation occurs as early in the cortical hierarchy as the level of the middle temporal visual area (MT). Our finding demonstrates a stronger and earlier influence of attention on motion processing along the dorsal visual pathway than previously recognized.  相似文献   

The inducible nature of the immediate-early genes (IEGs) c-fos and zif268 allows their products to be used as activity markers in the brain. The utility of such markers in general is restricted because they can resolve only neurons activated by a single stimulus. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a double-label technique that exploits the dissimilar time course of zif268 mRNA and protein induction, allowing them to be separately induced by two different stimuli and independently stained to provide a visual display of neurons that are responsive to each stimulus. Two powerful features of this new imaging technique-the possibility of staining separate populations of activated neurons and the ability to visualize them at the cellular level-should extend IEG applications in biological activity mapping.  相似文献   

Definition of the immune process that causes demyelination in multiple sclerosis is essential to determine the feasibility of Ag-directed immunotherapy. Using the nonhuman primate, Callithrix jacchus jacchus (common marmoset), we show that immunization with myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein determinants results in clinical disease with significant demyelination. Demyelination was associated with spreading to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) determinants that generated anti-MOG serum Abs and Ig deposition in central nervous system white matter lesions. These data associate intermolecular "determinant spreading" with clinical autoimmune disease in primates and raise important issues for the pathogenesis and treatment of multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Reward information is processed in a limited number of brain structures, including fronto-basal ganglia systems. Dopamine neurons respond phasically to primary rewards and reward-predicting stimuli depending on reward unpredictability but without discriminating between rewards. These responses reflect 'errors' in the prediction of rewards in correspondence to learning theories and thus may constitute teaching signals for appetitive learning. Neurons in the striatum (caudate, putamen, ventral striatum) code reward predictions in a different manner. They are activated during several seconds when animals expect predicted rewards. During learning, these activations occur initially in rewarded and unrewarded trials and become subsequently restricted to rewarded trials. This occurs in parallel with the adaptation of reward expectations by the animals, as inferred from their behavioral reactions. Neurons in orbitofrontal cortex respond differentially to stimuli predicting different liquid rewards, without coding spatial or visual features. Thus, different structures process reward information processed in different ways. Whereas dopamine neurons emit a reward teaching signal without indicating the specific reward, striatal neurons adapt expectation activity to new reward situations, and orbitofrontal neurons process the specific nature of rewards. These reward signals need to cooperate in order for reward information to be used for learning and maintaining approach behavior.  相似文献   

The visual system separates processing of an object's form and color ("what") from its spatial location ("where"). In order to direct action to objects, the identity and location of those objects must somehow be integrated. To examine whether this process occurs within the prefrontal (PF) cortex, the activity of 195 PF neurons was recorded during a task that engaged both what and where working memory. Some neurons showed either object-tuned (what) or location-tuned (where) delay activity. However, over half (52 percent, or 64/123) of the PF neurons with delay activity showed both what and where tuning. These neurons may contribute to the linking of object information with the spatial information needed to guide behavior.  相似文献   

Single neuronal activity was recorded from the supplementary motor area (SMA-proper and pre-SMA) and primary motor cortex (M1) in two Macaca fascicularis trained to perform a delayed conditional sequence of coordinated bimanual pull and grasp movements. The behavioural paradigm was designed to distinguish neuronal activity associated with bimanual coordination from that related to a comparable motor sequence but executed unimanually (left or right arm only). The bimanual and unimanual trials were instructed in a random order by a visual cue. Following the cue, there was a waiting period until presentation of a "go-signal", signalling the monkey to perform the instructed movement. A total of 143 task-related neurons were recorded from the SMA (SMA-proper, 62; pre-SMA, 81). Most SMA units (87%) were active in both unimanual contralateral and unimanual ipsilateral trials (bilateral neurons), whereas 9% of units were active only in unimanual contralateral trials and 3% were active only in unimanual ipsilateral trials. Forty-eight per cent of SMA task-related units were classified as bimanual, defined as neurons in which the activity observed in bimanual trials could not be predicted from that associated with unimanual trials when comparing the same events related to the same arm. For direct comparison, 527 neurons were recorded from M1 in the same monkeys performing the same tasks. The comparison showed that M1 contains significantly less bilateral neurons (75%) than the SMA, whereas the reverse was observed for contralateral neurons (22% in M1). The proportion of M1 bimanual cells (53%) was not statistically different from that observed in the SMA. The results suggest that both the SMA and M1 may contribute to the control of sequential bimanual coordinated movements. Interlimb coordination may then take place in a distributed network including at least the SMA and M1, but the contribution of other cortical and subcortical areas such as cingulate motor cortex and basal ganglia remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

We recorded the activity of single neurons in the middle temporal (MT) and middle superior temporal (MST) visual areas in two macaque monkeys while the animals performed a smooth pursuit target selection task. The monkeys were presented with two moving stimuli of different colors and were trained to initiate smooth pursuit to the stimulus that matched the color of a previously given cue. We designed these experiments so that we could separate the component of the neuronal response that was driven by the visual stimulus from an extraretinal component that predicted the color or direction of the selected target. We found that for all cells in MT and MST the response was primarily determined by the visual stimulus. However, 14% (8 of 58) of MT neurons and 26% (22 of 84) of MST neurons had a small predictive component that was significant at the P < or = 0.05 level. In some cells, the predictive component was clearly related to the color of the intended target, but more often it was correlated with the direction of the target. We have previously documented a systematic shift in the latency of smooth pursuit that depends on the relative direction of motion of the two stimuli. We found that neither the latency nor the amplitude of neuronal responses in MT or MST was correlated with behavioral latency. These results are consistent with a model for target selection in which a weak selection bias for the intended target is amplified by a competitive network that suppresses motion signals related to the nonintended stimulus. It is possible that the predictive component of neuronal responses in MT and MST contributes to the selection bias. However, the strength of the selection bias in MT and MST is not sufficient to account for the high degree of selectivity shown by pursuit behavior.  相似文献   

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