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在<大学英语≯(上海外语教育出版社)1-4册中,常出现表示"除……之外"这样一类词,如:besides,except,except for,but,aside from,apart from,beyond等,虽然它们的中文意思一样,但在使用上却有差异,其区别如下:  相似文献   

在日常英语教学和课外阅读材料中,我们会遇到意为“除…之外”的种种表达法。如:apart from,aside from,bar,besides,beyound,but,except,except for,in addition to,other than,save 等。这些表达法(此处均指其介词性),在含义上有的相同,有的则相反。现就它们在含义和用法上的异同作一浅述。  相似文献   

针对Delphi8 for.NET的技术特点,阐述了利用其开发Web应用程序的现实意义,介绍了Delphi8 for.NET开发Web应用程序的典型框架.对使用Delphi8 for.NET开发基于MSSQL Server数据库的Web应用程序进行了探讨。  相似文献   

英语中的介词for在译为汉语时常作为动词使作用,而许多学生则按英语思维习惯去翻译,结果错误百出。本文介绍一些常见的介词for在汉语译文中的动词性功能及不同含义。旨在帮助英语学习者和使用者在英汉翻译过程中翻译出贴切的、合乎汉语思维习惯的译文。  相似文献   

Four intensive uplift periods, i.e., 60–35, 25–17 and 12–8 Ma (but 18–13 Ma in the Himalayas of the southern Tibet), and since about 5 Ma, can be determined on the Tibetan Plateau by synthetical analysis of low-temperature thermo-chronology data, sedimentary deposit records, and structural deformation records of different areas. The strong tectonic uplift periods in different areas on the Tibetan Plateau are penecontemporaneous, except for the Himalayan area of the southern Tibet, where a rapid uplift and e...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionDuring the last decade, the robust stability andstabilization problem for uncertain dynamic systemswith time delay have received much attention. Manyarticles focusing on time-delay systems have beenreported [1-4]. Delays frequently lead to instability andare sources of oscillations in many systems. For ex-ample, the trivial solution of the equationasymptotically stable, but thatof the equation for neutral systemunstable for any delayd > 0, so the study of the stability of neutral…  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is a main process converting the magnetic energy into thermal and kinetic energy in plasmas. It is one of the fundamental problems of crucial importance not only to space plasmas physics and space weather studies,such as the solar flare,coronal mass ejections and magnetospheric substorms,but also to the stability analysis in magnetically confined fusion. In general,except for cases with periodical boundary conditions,three-dimensional(3D) magnetic re-connection occurs on magnetic separatrices generated by magnetic nulls. Here we briefly introduce/review the theories and some recent satellite observations of 3D magnetic reconnection. Topics to be further studied are also discussed.  相似文献   

Design optimization of flow control device for multi-strand tundish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fluid flow phenomena in tundish have a strong influence not only on the uniform of composition and temperature of bath, but also on the separation of non-metallic inclusions, especially for the multi-strand tundish. A water model of a multi-strand tundish has been set up based on the Froude number and Reynold number similarity criteria. The effect of dam+weir and baffle on the uniform of composition and temperature of bath for different nozzles has been studied. The residence time distribution curves of the fluid flow were measured by SG800. Comparing the photos of the flow pattern in tundish, the optimum arrangement of baf-fle+dam was obtained. This new structure is benefit not only to uniform the temperature among different SENs (submerge entry nozzles) but also to separate the non-inclusions from the liquid steel, it can be widely used in multi-strand tundish.  相似文献   

An Al-50wt^TiC composite was directly synthesized by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis(SHS) technology,and then was used as a grain refining master alloy for commercially pure aluminun.The microstructure and grain refining performance of the synthesized master alloy were emphatically investigated.The SHS master alloy only ocntained submicron TiC particles except for Al matrix.Moreover,TiC particles were relatively free of agglomeration.Grain refining tests show that adding only 0.1wt^ of the master alloys to the aluminum melt could transform the sturcture of the solidified samples from coarse columnar grains to fine almost 1.5h at 1003K.Therefore,it is concluded that the SHS master alloy is an effective grain refiner for aluminum and its alloys,and that it is highly resistant to the grain refining fading encountered with most grain refiners.  相似文献   

A weak-inference theory and a contradictory analysis for binary neural networks (BNNs).are presented.The analysis indicates that the essential reason why a neural network is changing its slates is the existence of superior contradiction inside the network,and that the process by which a neural network seeks a solution corresponds to eliminating the superior contradiction.Different from general constraint satisfaction networks,the solutions found by BNNs may contain inferior contradiction but not superior contradiction.  相似文献   

研究鱼块除腥的方法。采用米酒酵母菌处理干鲢鱼鱼肉块,以活性干酵母除腥效果作对照,以感观评价为标准,观察酵母菌浓度、反应温度、反应时间单因素除腥效果,再通过正交实验确定最佳除腥工艺参数。结果表明:米酒酵母菌除腥效果较好,米酒酵母菌的最佳除腥接种量为25%(体积百分比)(菌种量为8.56×10^8个/mL),38℃下反应120 min。  相似文献   

我国现行刑法中有关受贿罪内容与《联合国反腐公约》相比较有一定差距,而且司法实践中暴露出来的现行有关受贿罪立法的不足直接影响我国对受贿罪的打击力度,为推动我国刑法国际化和反腐斗争的深入开展,我国有关受贿罪立法的完善势在必行。研究了“为他人谋取利益”要件理论争执及其局限性。无论把“为他人谋取利益”作为受贿罪的客观要件还是主观要件,都存在不科学的地方,建议取消“为他人谋取利益”的规定。  相似文献   

科学在本质上是与人文相通的,具有人文属性.一方面,科学是“人为的“,具有“人为“的属性,这表现在科学研究的活动及其结果的各个方面,其中科学探索的动机渗透着人的理想、信念、兴趣和激情等人的因素,科学研究的方法体现着人的想象、直觉、顿悟等非理性方法以及简单性、和谐性、对称性、守恒性等美学原则,科学活动的结果即科学知识及其体系中内涵着科学家和科学共同体的“范式“、“研究纲领“等人的认识原则以及概念、判断、推理等只有人才具有的理性框架.另一方面,科学又是“为人的“,具有“为人“的属性,这主要表现在科学是为了人的生存和实现人类自由而全面发展服务的,并且科学已经创造出了巨大的物质财富和精神成就,推进了人类物质文明的昌盛和精神文明的进步.  相似文献   

在建构主义学习理论和教学设计等理论指导下,结合现代远程开放学习、网络技术和包装材料学科的特点,探讨了《包装材料学》网络课程的设计、开发与制作.  相似文献   

“信、达、雅”的翻译准则已为广大翻译工作者所接受,此准则对各种英语文体的翻译实践都具有指导意义,就科技类专业英语的英译汉,提出了正确把握这一翻译准则的12个字——准确全面、严谨明确、通顺简练,还阐述了对翻译概念的认识和对直译、意译的看法。  相似文献   

马克思主义理论课教学效果不理想,原因主要是理论脱离实际,但要大规模地开展社会实践活动,在时间、组织、经费等方面都有一定困难。如注意点、线、面结合,则能缓解上述困难。所谓点,就是要抓住重点;线、就是各门课程内容要连线,并注意实践活动沿线考察;面,就是要抓好面上的实践教学。从实践的结果来看,这种点、线、面结合的方法是行之有效的。  相似文献   

桂林作为国际旅游名城是入境游客普遍看好的旅游目的地.拓展入境旅游对促进桂林旅游业的发展至关重要.文章系统阐述桂林提出的主市场、主产品、主渠道、主力军"四主战略"内涵,深入分析其关键成功要素:细分"主市场", 优化客源市场结构;重塑"主产品",突出适销对路的主打产品;创新"主渠道",构筑新的营销网络;夯实"主力军",整合主要旅游企业.并就"四主战略"的深入实施提出了若干建议,以期对桂林入境旅游市场的更深拓展具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

郑玄为《诗经》《三礼》所作笺注中的疑问句,反映了东汉末期疑问句的特点。从郑注看,其疑问句中的疑问词出现了双音化现象,疑问标记三重复用现象也有所增多,疑问代词"何"也成为了较高层级的疑问标记。  相似文献   

详细介绍了“浦江智谷商务园”的设计建设情况,从中分析绿色商务建筑的设计理念、应用技术及社会经济效应,从而探讨绿色商务建筑在我国的发展前景.  相似文献   

"经济人"一般被认为是有理性地追求自身利益最大化的市场活动主体,其"自利"的特性决定了"经济人"在客观事实上的伦理困惑,即经济行为与道德行为的二律背反性;然而,由于其面临的伦理冲突使其利益最大化的行为受到阻碍,"经济人"又不得不遵从道德的一些伦理规则。"经济人"的伦理困惑在一定程度上也说明了经济与伦理相联姻的必要性和现实性。  相似文献   

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