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正The CYCIAE-100 is a high intensity cyclotron,the beam intensity is 200 μA and the energy is 75-100 MeV.The south line is composed of three lines:single event effect experimental line,neutron experimental line and proton radiography experimental line.Beams travel south stripping device to the public line and through the south  相似文献   

为了对质子照相束流线设备进行远程监测与控制,实现束流线各子系统的安全联锁功能,研制了一套采用标准控制模型结构的分布式EPICS控制系统。该控制系统通过PLC组态实现了开关逻辑设备的安全联锁及工艺流程控制。核心控制系统采用EPICS建立了多个IOC作为控制器。针对不同CPU构架下的服务器搭建了交叉编译环境。针对数字电源设备与真空仪表设备使用StreamDevice完成设备驱动及通信协议的开发,并通过建立IOC动态数据库,实现了IOC对流设备和PLC信号的监测与控制功能。使用CSS设计OPI,实现了上位机对EPICS IOC中数据的透明访问。该束流线控制系统已成功应用于CYCIAE-100回旋加速器的质子照相物理实验中。通过长时间的运行,控制系统的可靠性、安全性得到了验证。控制系统的稳定运行,为质子照相实验的开展奠定了基础,对类似的控制系统研制具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

为满足100 MeV回旋加速器磁场测量要求,设计研制了一套测磁仪自动化控制装置。该装置采用周向与径向相结合的运动方式,对目标点磁场进行测量。周向运动采用开环控制,在软件上通过算法实现间接闭环控制,整个测磁过程,只需完成1次周向运动,缓解了由硬件原因带来的周向定位震荡问题。径向运动基于光栅位置反馈,由运动控制器实现自动闭环控制,该方案使角度精度达到±5″以内,径向精度达±5 μm,达到并优于理论设计要求,解决了中能回旋加速器磁场测量时间较长、精度低的难题,对100 MeV回旋加速器的束流强度及品质的提高有重要意义。  相似文献   

CYCIAE-30, the first high intensity medical cyclotron in China, is a compact cyclotron providing energy from 15-30 MeV. This machine is designed to accelerate H^- and extract protons in two directions.  相似文献   

在中国原子能科学研究院CYCIAE-30医用回旋加速器现有的束流输运系统的基础上,根据气体靶生产新品种医用同位素的技术要求,用TRACE-3D对束流输运系统的升级改造方案进行设计,包括束流线的总体布局和光学设计。根据束流光学设计的结果,〖JP3〗设计了新增束流线的磁四极透镜和偏转磁铁。  相似文献   

The Beijing Radioactive Ion-beam Facility (BRIF) is one of the main projects at China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), and will be a versatile platform for nuclear study in China. As a major part of this project, the 100 MeV cyclotron is designed to provide protons beam from 75 MeV to 100 MeV continuously. When the construction is accomplished, the beam dump system will be used to debug the machine. Then the adjusted beam is transported to the target through the ISOL proton line, isotope study proton line, single energy neutron source proton line, mix energy neutron source proton line, biomedicine study proton line, single particle effect study proton line, and etc.  相似文献   

在强流加速器及其传输线上空间电荷效应对束流会产生重要影响。随着加速器计算物理的发展和计算机运算能力的迅速提升,PIC(Particle—In—Cell)方法已广泛应用于数值模拟强流束在加速器及传输线中运动规律。  相似文献   

In most cases, the extracted beam from cyclotrons is in Gaussian distribution, while in many applications uniformly distributed beam is needed. On account of this, the wobbling magnet is designed to satisfy the need. The wobbling magnet can form a uniform rolling magnet field perpendicular to the beam transfer direction, which enables the beam through the wobbling magnet to turn with it. As a result, the uniformity of the beam will be improved. Figure 1 suggests the course of turning.  相似文献   

为调试100 MeV回旋加速器高功率束流及放射性同位素研制,设计了一条高功率质子束流线及可插拔式高功率束流调试靶。研究了100 MeV回旋加速器引出区色散效应及剥离膜的散射效应,从而优化了光学模拟的初始参数,使得模拟结果更加精确。高功率束流调试靶设计为可插拔式以代替常用固定式调试靶,该靶插入束流管道中时可进行高功率质子束流调试,在拔出时,质子束流可直接轰击束流线终端的靶站以生产放射性同位素。优化了高功率束流调试靶的水冷结构,确保调试靶可承受500 μA以上的质子束流。经调试,该束流线可传输最高流强520 μA的质子束流。  相似文献   

正In the design of CYCIAE-100,6Faraday cups will be installed to measure the beam current before the experiment terminals,to block the beam if necessary and working as part of the interlock system.For the proton radiography,another Faraday cup will be installed temporarily  相似文献   

为对CYCIAE-100回旋加速器射频系统进行远程监测与控制,实现与CYCIAE-100回旋加速器主控制系统的联锁,研制了一种基于ARM9系列处理器的嵌入式IOC。该嵌入式IOC运行Linux操作系统,使用EPICS建立了IOC作为控制软件。通过软、硬件协同设计,扩展了ARM9系列处理器的SPI从设备数量,开发了ADC和DAC设备的Linux驱动程序和EPICS设备驱动程序。使用Python语言开发了EPICS串口设备支持程序。经过长期运行考验,该嵌入式IOC稳定可靠,满足远程监测和控制的需求。  相似文献   

CYCIAE-100回旋加速器低温冷板参数的蒙特卡罗模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于气体分子运动理论建立了气体分子与低温冷板的碰撞模型,用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了放置在CYCIAE-100回旋加速器主磁铁谷区的低温冷板粘附概率、传输概率等参数,并计算其捕获系数。根据模拟计算结果设计加工了低温冷板及其性能测试罩,对低温冷板的抽速性能进行测试。抽速测试结果表明,用蒙特卡罗方法模拟的低温冷板参数与测试结果符合较好,相对误差为2%。  相似文献   

To meet the need of the installation of the RF cavities, the hill gap is increased from 5 cm to 6 cm in the central region, and from 4 cm to -5 cm at the outer region so as to provide space for the RF liner. In the meantime, the space between the hills in the central region brings an easier engineering design of the centering coils. However, for such kind of compact machine, the fringe field at both sides of the sector magnet is quite important for the vertical focusing. So, the basic geometry is studied again and the field distribution is produced for beam dynamics study.  相似文献   

根据CYCIAE-100紧凑型回旋加速器的结构特点,设计了一套大抽速低温板排气系统,插入到CYCIAE-100紧凑型回旋加速器主磁铁谷区中,该套排气系统将使CYCIAE-100紧凑型回旋加速器加速腔内真空度好于5×10-6 Pa。目前该套低温板排气系统已设计完成,用Monte-Carlo方法对其进行了优化,并进行了加工、安装和初步调试,调试时低温冷板上温度达19 K,CYCIAE-100紧凑型回旋加速器加速腔内真空度达到8×10-6 Pa。  相似文献   

The space-charge effects can impose significant influence on the high intensity beam transport process. Along with the development of computing physics and computer science, PIC (Particle-In-Cell) methods are playing an important role in the accurately numerical simulation of charged particle beam's behavior in accelerator and beam transport line.  相似文献   

The beam handling apparatus and its associated remote control arrangements are described for the NRL Cyclotron Beam Transport System. The need for reducing duplication of controls and power supplies for such a multi-beam-path facility resulted in the development of a rapid master selector system which can be programmed to accommodate the different beam path requirements. All ion optics and beam sensing components along any particular beam path can be activated from a single selector panel, and then individually controlled. The beam transport display, vacuum control display, and control console, are laid out in graphic form wherever feasible in an effort to present readout and control information concisely and continuously. Precision, versatility, modular construction, and ease of maintenance guided the mechanical and electrical design criteria. Design details and prototypes of beam stops, scanners, viewers, collimators, probes, and pumping stations, are discussed.  相似文献   

The central control system of the BRIF project is designed to provide a uniform control interface for the project facility's union operations. When the separate facility is in operation, its local control system will run independently. For union operation tasks, the local control systems of the facility involved will be connected by central control system; operations will be performed via the uniformed control interface. In the mean time, only operation commands from central Operating Interface will be valid.  相似文献   

<正>One of the important parameters of the CYCIAE-100cyclotron is that the proton beam energy reaches more than 100 MeV.In order to measure the beam energy,proton beam is calibrated by a three-dimensional water tank system.Before the calibration experiment is carried out,the experimental process needs to be simulated to ensure the accuracy of the experiment.The simulation  相似文献   

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