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In this paper a unified set of linguistic features for providing a very flexible range of resource management strategies is presented. These features may be embedded in an object oriented programming language with abstract data type definitions. Firstly some of the more frequently used resource management strategies are illustrated and the related problems of resource allocation, access and synchronization are discussed. Then linguistic mechanisms to allow static and dynamic resource allocation, static access control and synchronization are presented. Finally some examples, reflecting a wide range of resource management strategies, are discussed in order to illustrate the application of the proposed linguistic features.  相似文献   

SCOOP is a concurrent programming language with a new semantics for contracts that applies equally well in concurrent and sequential contexts. SCOOP eliminates race conditions and atomicity violations by construction. However, it is still vulnerable to deadlocks. In this paper we describe how far contracts can take us in verifying interesting properties of concurrent systems using modular Hoare rules and show how theorem proving methods developed for sequential Eiffel can be extended to the concurrent case. However, some safety and liveness properties depend upon the environment and cannot be proved using the Hoare rules. To deal with such system properties, we outline a SCOOP Virtual Machine (SVM) as a fair transition system. The SVM makes it feasible to use model-checking and theorem proving methods for checking global temporal logic properties of SCOOP programs. The SVM uses the Hoare rules where applicable to reduce the number of steps in a computation. P. J. Brooke, R. F. Paige and Dong Jin Song This work was conducted under an NSERC Discovery grant.  相似文献   

Abductive Analysis of Modular Logic Programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Subtyping in first order object calculi is studied with respect to the logical semantics obtained by identifying terms that satisfy the same set of predicates, as formalised through an assignment system. It is shown that equality in the full first order ς-calculus is modelled by this notion, which in turn is included in a Morris-style contextual equivalence. U. de’Liguoro’s research was partially supported by project PRIN’05 prot. 2005015785_003.  相似文献   

The incorporation of global program analysis into recent compilers for Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) languages has greatly improved the efficiency of compiled programs. We present a global analyser based on abstract interpretation. Unlike traditional optimizers, whose designs tend to be ad hoc, the analyser has been designed with flexibility in mind. The analyser is incremental, allowing substantial program transformations by a compiler without requiring redundant re-computation of analysis data. The analyser is also generic in that it can perform a large number of different program analyses. Furthermore, the analyser has an object-oriented design, enabling it to be adapted to different applications easily and allowing it to be used with various CLP languages with simple modifications. As an example of this generality, we sketch the use of the analyser in two different applications involving two distinct CLP languages: an optimizing compiler for CLP(R) programs and an application for detecting occur-check problems in Prolog programs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

程序设计类课程是培养学生逻辑编程能力的基本课程之一,但目前普遍反映出学生对此类课程的学习兴趣不浓,对程序设计与实现的逻辑思维混乱不清,学习效果较差。如何脱离编程语言本身,运用模拟现实生活的思维训练模型来形象地展示编程的原理与逻辑流程,以提高学生对程序设计的逻辑思维能力和学习效果是本文研究的重点。  相似文献   

Even though visual attention models using bottom-up saliency can speed up object recognition by predicting object locations, in the presence of multiple salient objects, saliency alone cannot discern target objects from the clutter in a scene. Using a metric named familiarity, we propose a top-down method for guiding attention towards target objects, in addition to bottom-up saliency. To demonstrate the effectiveness of familiarity, the unified visual attention model (UVAM) which combines top-down familiarity and bottom-up saliency is applied to SIFT based object recognition. The UVAM is tested on 3600 artificially generated images containing COIL-100 objects with varying amounts of clutter, and on 126 images of real scenes. The recognition times are reduced by 2.7× and 2×, respectively, with no reduction in recognition accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness and robustness of the familiarity based UVAM.  相似文献   

为提高通信保密系统安全风险评估的智能化水平,在论述通信保密系统安全风险评估的特点及其评估方法的基础上,设计并开发了面向对象的安全风险评估系统.针对系统需求分析与系统工具选择开展研究,给出了安全风险评估系统的总体结构,从系统工作流程和原理、系统概念模型框架、评估方法模型库的实现和管理、工程设计要求及系统实现步骤等5个方面进行了系统详细设计.  相似文献   

A system ofannotated types is proposed as a means of describing and inferring static information, such as strictness and constancy, about functional programs. An abstract semantics is given in terms ofprojections. A close connection between annotated type assignment and projection analysis is demonstrated.  相似文献   

吴迪  徐宝文 《计算机科学》2014,41(1):1-15,38
Ada语言诞生于1979年,1980年被指定为美国军用标准,1983年被正式确立为ISO标准并投入使用。Ada所追求的主要目标是:程序的可靠性与可维护性、程序设计作为人的活动(强调程序可读性比可写性更重要)以及效率。Ada凭借其强大的功能、良好的可靠性以及对软件工程思想的优良体现在20世纪最后20年对程序设计语言的发展产生了重要影响。Ada广泛应用于高可靠、长生存期的大型软件研发,在军事、商业、公共交通、金融等领域的核心软件开发中发挥着重要作用。诸多欧美国家的国防与空中管制系统、交通运输系统、银行安全防卫系统等均使用Ada语言研制开发。迄今为止,国际标准组织先后确立过Ada 83,Ada 95,Ada 2005,Ada 2012等4个语言标准,新标准在旧标准的基础上均保持了良好的兼容性。从语言机制、应用、影响力等方面对Ada语言的发展进行全面的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

Automatically verifying heap-manipulating programs is a challenging task, especially when dealing with complex data structures with strong invariants, such as sorted lists and AVL/red–black trees. The verification process can greatly benefit from human assistance through specification annotations, but this process requires intellectual effort from users and is error-prone. In this paper, we propose a new approach to program verification that allows users to provide only partial specification to methods. Our approach will then refine the given annotation into a more complete specification by discovering missing constraints. The discovered constraints may involve both numerical and multi-set properties that could be later confirmed or revised by users. We further augment our approach by requiring partial specification to be given only for primary methods. Specifications for loops and auxiliary methods can then be systematically discovered by our augmented mechanism, with the help of information propagated from the primary methods. Our work is aimed at verifying beyond shape properties, with the eventual goal of analysing full functional properties for pointer-based data structures. Initial experiments have confirmed that we can automatically refine partial specifications with non-trivial constraints, thus making it easier for users to handle specifications with richer properties.  相似文献   

Certain tasks, such as formal program development and theorem proving, fundamentally rely upon the manipulation of higher-order objects such as functions and predicates. Computing tools intended to assist in performing these tasks are at present inadequate in both the amount of knowledge they contain (i.e., the level of support they provide) and in their ability to learn (i.e., their capacity to enhance that support over time). The application of a relevant machine learning technique—explanation-based generalization (EBG)—has thus far been limited to first-order problem representations. We extend EBG to generalize higher-order values, thereby enabling its application to higher-order problem encodings.Logic programming provides a uniform framework in which all aspects of explanation-based generalization and learning may be defined and carried out. First-order Horn logics (e.g., Prolog) are not, however, well suited to higher-order applications. Instead, we employ Prolog, a higher-order logic programming language, as our basic framework for realizing higher-order EBG. In order to capture the distinction between domain theory and training instance upon which EBG relies, we extend Prolog with the necessity operator of modal logic. We develop a meta-interpreter realizing EBG for the extended language, Prolog, and provide examples of higher-order EBG.  相似文献   

程序设计语言及相关领域的研究方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文主要讨论了程序设计语言的研究方向,以及与之有关的研究领域,并展望了程序设计语言的发展。  相似文献   

We introduce a robust framework for learning and fusing of orientation appearance models based on both texture and depth information for rigid object tracking. Our framework fuses data obtained from a standard visual camera and dense depth maps obtained by low-cost consumer depth cameras such as the Kinect. To combine these two completely different modalities, we propose to use features that do not depend on the data representation: angles. More specifically, our framework combines image gradient orientations as extracted from intensity images with the directions of surface normals computed from dense depth fields. We propose to capture the correlations between the obtained orientation appearance models using a fusion approach motivated by the original Active Appearance Models (AAMs). To incorporate these features in a learning framework, we use a robust kernel based on the Euler representation of angles which does not require off-line training, and can be efficiently implemented online. The robustness of learning from orientation appearance models is presented both theoretically and experimentally in this work. This kernel enables us to cope with gross measurement errors, missing data as well as other typical problems such as illumination changes and occlusions. By combining the proposed models with a particle filter, the proposed framework was used for performing 2D plus 3D rigid object tracking, achieving robust performance in very difficult tracking scenarios including extreme pose variations.  相似文献   

改进了Blanchet安全协议一阶逻辑系统并建立了用于评估攻击者攻击耗费的攻击树模型,明确了系统和模型中涉及的一些关键性概念和命题.改进的系统能够将逻辑推导转换成易于理解的攻击过程.建立的攻击树模型具有以下特点:能够形象直观地描述攻击者对一个协议进行攻击的行为;能够对不同方法所耗费的资源进行相对比较;基于树状结构,便于计算机实现搜索、存储.  相似文献   

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