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《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1980,23(2):62-65
A beginning-level graduate survey course in integated optics taught in the School of Electrical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, is described. The goal of this course is to provide students with a broad elementary knowledge of guided wave optics, devices, and systems. 相似文献
The research presented in this paper shows how lab work can be organized into three phases: prelab, lab, and postlab, all supported by a Web-based experimental portal and a set of tools, some of which are connected to real lab devices. Different online tools and simulators are used in a flexible and configurable way that can be adapted to student curricula and course needs. This scenario is based upon real cases in distance learning courses in the Industrial Engineering School at the Universidad Nacional de Educacion (The Spanish Open University), Madrid, Spain. The details of the combined real and simulated activities are discussed and some conclusions and lessons learned from this work are presented. 相似文献
This experiment uses a relatively simple physical phenomenon to produce shock waves of an ionized gas. If two wires carry currents in opposite directions, they repel one another, due to the mutually coupled magnetic field. In this experiment, the "two wires" consisted of a stream of ionized gas and a fixed conductor. The stream of ionized gas was produced in an evacuated tube by discharging a bank of capacitors; it then was accelerated down the tube by the "push" exerted by the magnetic field. The magnetic field, created by the current flow in the circuit, can be determined from measurements of this current. Three independent techniques for the measurement of current agree within 25 per cent of one another. The velocity of the shock wave was measured, using two photo-multiplier tubes to sense the emitted light of the moving plasma at two positions along the shock tube. The velocity was around 10 cm/?sec, or 300 times the speed of sound. To minimize the inherent complexity of the experiment, the pressure in the tube was held constant. The magnitude of the pressure was derived both by measiring the gas conductivity and by using a calibrated thermocouple vacuum gauge. The gas used was air at a pressure of 0.7 mm of mercury. 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1981,24(2):178-179
This short note describes a unique approach to the introduction of microprocessors to undergraduates. The course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of electronics or computers, and is thus best suited to the first year class in all engineering and related disciplines. The course is very general in its discussion of microprocessors. A corresponding laboratory using a Z-80 evaluator is optional. The course was organized by the IEEE Student Branch and was given on a voluntary attendance basis. Attendance was high indicating keen student interest. Since the course did not require formal university approval and did not displace any existing course, it moved from idea to reality in the span of only a few months instead of years. This is felt to be a good means of dealing with the introduction of courses in fast breaking areas. It provides fast, short-term response, giving the university time to formally respond with long-range curriculum changes. It is hoped that in the long run, a similar course would be part of the first year curriculum of all engineering students. 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1971,14(3):116-117
The high cost of establishing and maintaining an integrated circuit fabrication facility is prohibitive for many electrical engineering programs. As discussed in this paper, an integrated circuit laboratory experience can be realized for a total investment of less than $ 5000. The laboratory is based upon the monolithic integrated circuit breadboards commercially available, and requires a lead bonder for interconnecting elements on the breadboard chips. Characteristics and limitations of monolithic structures are readily studied in this laboratory, and student-generated custom-designed circuits are easily assembled. 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1975,18(2):109-112
An upper level undergraduate survey course in optical engineering is described. The goal of this course is to provide students with a working knowledge of optics and optical systems as applied to modern engineering problems. 相似文献
烟气循环流化床一体化脱硫、脱硝技术 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过对烟气循环流化床脱硫技术的商业应用以及新近开发的活性焦催化吸附脱硫技术的研究发现,可以充分利用活性焦或活性炭在燃煤电厂已有电除尘器出口烟气温度100~150℃对氨和氮氧化物还原反应良好的催化作用,同时富余氨作为吸收SO2的高活性反应剂,能同步进行脱硫、脱硝反应的机理。另外,活性焦对烟气中组分有选择吸附作用,催化吸附反应过程中产生的硫氨或硫酸等离子性物质很容易通过循环流化在烟气组分浓度和温度的周期性变化中得到脱附。在此理论基础上可开发出一体化脱硫、脱硝技术,从而为国内燃煤电站SO2、NOX排放环保要求的实现,提供了一种经济和实用的脱硫、脱硝技术。 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1970,13(2):73-77
Over the last few years an integrated circuit fabrication laboratory intended primarily for use by undergraduates has been developed within the School of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University. Operating under the principle that integrated circuit design and laboratory practice are inseparable, the main objective was to allow the undergraduate student to acquire a working knowledge of how transistors, thin- and thick-film circuits, MOS field-effect transistors, and integrated circuits are fabricated. The emphasis is on how to fabricate the device in the laboratory and then to evaluate the device both electrically and metallurgically. This paper describes in detail how a device laboratory was organized for undergraduates with a minimal background in experimental technique. 相似文献
语言是文化的重要组成部分,语言教学离不开文化教学的参与和配合.在"综合英语"教学中进行文化导入,能够提高学生的学习兴趣及跨文化交际能力,本文从文化导入的必要性出发,揭示"综合英语"课堂教学文化导入的原则与策略. 相似文献
针对大规模集成电路设计课程实践性强的特点,围绕大规模集成电路设计流程和主流EDA工具,构建高效的理论教学内容框架与实践教学流程,把集成电路设计的理论和实际紧密结合,充分发挥学生的主动性和创造性,强化学生的实际动手能力,培养了学生的工程意识和系统观念,取得了良好的效果. 相似文献
永磁同步电机需要精确度高,实时性好的位置反馈来支持它的闭环矢量控制。该文针对编码器与控制器位置通讯时容易造成信号干扰、滞后等问题,提出一种内置式位置检测方法,并设计了一套电机、霍尔磁环组合和控制器一体的永磁同步电机系统。对于霍尔磁环组合发生的电压信号,采用新型的基于标定查表信号处理方式,实现了高分辨率、高精度的转子绝对位置检测。提出"吸d轴"方法,成功实现了转子的初始位置确认,为系统的同步矢量控制提供了保证。实验结果表明,一体型永磁同步电机系统的电流环、速度环运行质量和控制精度高,具有良好的动静态性能。 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1979,22(3):138-142
This paper describes a two semester design course for senior electrical engineering students. Small individual project designs are pursued during the first semester in conjunction with lectures on design related topics. In the second semester, design teams each carry out a single project of a practical, real world nature. The course method and examples of typical projects are presented and discussed. 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1983,26(4):127-132
This paper points out a need for better education in applied magnetics in order to serve a broad spectrum of electrical engineering interests. Described here is a proposed partial solution to this need, an undergraduate course that demonstrates the wide applicability of a few fundamental principles. Two introductory concepts of the course are the characterization of a magnetic device in units of volt-seconds versus current, and the definition of a piecewise linear magnetic model. These are illustrated by an example in the Appendix. The piecewise linear model provides a point of departure for the study of magnetic materials while also allowing some analytical relief to the empirical aspects of magnetics design. 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1981,24(1):69-74
A need is arising for engineers who understand both an engineering discipline, and the use and capabilities of real-time computing equipment. This paper discusses the development, content, and implementation of an interdisciplinary course in real-time computing. Experiences in running this course will be compared to the normal electrical engineering course of similar content. 相似文献