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The problem of relaxation is solved for a thermal lens which has been formed by a short laser pulse in a condensed medium. An expression is obtained for the focal length of such a lens and the asymptotic trend of the focal length as time increases is determined.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheski Zhurnal, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 983–987, December, 1983.  相似文献   

The authors obtain a new equation to estimate the forward component of a photon dose generated through the interaction between a target and a short pulse high power laser. As the equation is quite simple, it is useful for calculating the photon dose. The equation shows that the photon dose is proportional to the electron temperature in the range>3 MeV and proportional to the square of the electron temperature in the range<3 MeV. The dose estimated with this method is roughly consistent with the result of Monte Carlo simulation. With some assumptions and corrections, it can reproduce experimental results obtained and the dose result calculated at other laboratories.  相似文献   

A remote atmospheric breakdown is a very rich source of UV and broadband visible light that could provide an early warning of the presence of chemical-biological warfare agents at extended standoff distances. A negatively chirped laser pulse propagating in air compresses in time and focuses transversely, which results in a rapid laser intensity increase and ionization near the focal region that can be located kilometers away from the laser system. Proof-of-principle laboratory experiments are performed on the generation of remote atmospheric breakdown and the spectroscopic detection of mock biological warfare agents. We have generated third harmonics at 267 nm and UV broadband radiation in air from the compression and focusing of femtosecond laser pulses. Fluorescence emission from albumin aerosols as they were illuminated by the femtosecond laser pulse has been observed.  相似文献   

Energy transfer to electrons in atoms ionized by an ultrashort laser pulse of relativistic intensity (I > 1019 W/cm2) is considered. The ionization process is taken into account using the mechanism of direct suppression of the Coulomb barrier in a laser field. The acceleration of electrons in the laser wave field is described in terms of the classical relativistic equation of motion. Electron energies in the final state are determined as dependent on the average intensity of a laser pulse with a given shape. A distribution of the final energies of electrons upon multiple ionization of a complex atom is found.  相似文献   

在短脉冲激光作用下薄膜的损伤机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
计算了不同材料的能带带隙、初始电子密度、激光波长和激光脉宽等参效对薄膜的抗激光损伤闭值的影响,研究了在不同脉冲宽度激光作用下多光子离化和雪崩离化两种损伤机制的竞争.结果表明,在以平均电子能量不变为特征的雪崩电离的建立期间,光电离速度影响初始电子的浓度,从而影响雪崩电离和光电离之间的竞争.激光脉冲的宽度越大,雪崩电离对电子发展的贡献越大,而多光子离化的贡献越小.  相似文献   

Dot patterns of refractive indices were formed by the laser pulse irradiation on the tellurite glasses. The ternary tellurite glasses of TeO2-Na2O-Al2O3, TeO2-Na2O-GeO2 and TeO2-Na2O-TiO2 doped with 2 mol% of CoO were irradiated by a femtosecond pulse laser beam (800 nm) or by a green light beam (532 nm) from a second harmonic generator of a Q switch pulse YAG laser. The refractive index map of the glass was composed with an He-Ne laser beam by an scanning ellipsometric technique at a resolution of 100 m × 50 m, indicating that the spots possessing refractive index lower by about 0.05–0.38 than the surroundings were formed at the region irradiated by the laser beam. The irradiation of the femtosecond laser beam generated the dot patterns roughly equivalent to the beam size. The change of refractive index could be tunable by adjusting laser power, suggesting that the process could be applied to optical recording.  相似文献   

Bourdet GL 《Applied optics》2006,45(19):4695-4700
A simple and original derivation making it possible to analytically compute the performances achievable with an end pumped ytterbium (Yb) amplifier pumped by a pump pulse and seeded by a laser pulse both shorter than the upper-level lifetime is presented. This may be useful when amplifiers or lasers are pumped by a Ti:sapphire laser. The case of a Yb:YAG amplifier is numerically investigated and it is shown that, in these conditions, the resulting efficiency can reach quantum efficiency.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental research on laser beam quality parameters is discussed. The optical layout of the apparatus and its technical characteristics are described.  相似文献   

We have calculated the cross sections for electron photodetachment from the 1s shell of a negative lithium ion. The main attention is given to the behavior of the 1s electron ionization cross section near and above the threshold with simultaneous excitation of the outer 2s electron to a discrete state. The results are compared to the experimental data and to the values obtained within the framework of the R-matrix formalism [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 023001 (2001)] predicting unusually strong resonances in the cross section.  相似文献   

Ultrashort laser pulse is a unique nanometallurgical tool which operates at extreme conditions: ultimate strength of material, the smallest spatiotemporal scales, and nonequlibrium crystallization. Approaches to ultimate strength and to highly nonequlibrium crystallization are tightly coupled with the smallness of spatiotemporal scales. Usage of the tool opens new opportunities to create materials with enhanced surface hardness, anticorrosion properties, and diverted optical constants. To use these advantages we have first of all to develop clear and reliable physical model. The paper presents new results concerning interactions of optical or X-ray lasers with metals. It is shown that ultrashort laser pulse melts surface layer, sends shock into bulk, and foams molten metal. Dense dislocation bilayer is created thanks to fast recrystallization (the first sublayer) and plastic transformations behind strong shock (the second sublayer). Plastic shock generated at moderate laser intensities attenuates sharply during its propagation into metal. During this attenuation, a plastic shock regenerates into a powerful elastic shock. This process defines boundary between the second dislocation sublayer and undamaged solid. Mechanical breaking of foam after its strong stretching and fly away of a part of melt together with fast freezing are responsible for appearance of chaotic frozen nanostructures at an irradiated surface.  相似文献   

We hereby explore the effects of irradiating DNA polyanions stored in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer with an optical parametric oscillator laser between 250 and 285 nm. We studied DNA 6-20-mer single strands and 12-base pair double strands. In all cases, laser irradiation causes electron detachment from the multiply charged DNA anions. Electron photodetachment efficiency directly depends on the number of guanines in the strand, and maximum efficiency is observed between 260 and 275 nm. Subsequent collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the radical anions produced by electron photodetachment results in extensive fragmentation. In addition to neutral losses, a large number of fragments from the w, d, a*, and z* ion series are obtained, contrasting with the w and (a-base) ion series observed in regular CID. The major advantage of this technique, coined electron photodetachment dissociation (EPD) is the absence of internal fragments, combined with good sequence coverage. EPD is therefore a highly promising approach for de novo sequencing of oligonucleotides. EPD of nucleic acids is also expected to give specific radical-induced strand cleavages, with conservation of other fragile bonds, including noncovalent bonds. In effect, preliminary results on a DNA hairpin and on double strands suggest that EPD could also be used to probe intra- and intermolecular interactions in nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The paper discusses and analyzes the response of a pin-ended beam loaded by a short pulse, at an impulse range that induces slight plastic deformation. Using a simple fiber model, a transition behavior is predicted at a certain impulse range being characterized by irregular oscillatory behavior for several cycles until a repeated vibration is developed. Two impulse levels are found, between which the continuing vibration is trapped in the negative side and the the permanent plastic deflection is then negative. This anomaly is interpreted by following the variation of the total internal work per unit volume at the center of the beam with deplection, from which instability is indicated. The computed results are found to be very sensitive to the numerical procedure and its details in the vicinity of these impulse levels. Therefore the time step chosen for the numerical time integration procedure should be carefully examined when making similar calculations.  相似文献   

The longitudinal electric field of single and double Gaussian laser beams are used to accelerate electrons. The longitudinal field of the single beam is concentrated on the axis and is favourable for acceleration. A set of two beams is considered. Beams run parallel, collinearly, overlap partially and have a phase difference iπ in between. As a result, the transverse components of fields cancel each other while the longitudinal components are double-fold. In both schemes, the electrons are accelerated in lengths of the Rayleigh range, which is common to the plasma-based accelerators.  相似文献   

The unburned carbon in fly ash is one of the important factors for the boiler combustion condition. Controlling the unburned carbon in fly ash is beneficial for fly ash recycle and to improve the combustion efficiency of the coal. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technology has been applied to measure the fly ash contents due to its merits of non-contact, fast response, high sensitivity, and real-time measurement. In this study, experimental measurements have been adopted for fly ash flows with the surrounding gases of N2 and CO2, while the CO2 concentration varified to evaluate the CO2 effect on the unburned carbon signal from fly ash powder. Two kinds of pulse width lasers, 6?ns and 1?ns, were separately adopted to compare the influence of laser pulse width. Results showed that compared with that using 6?ns pulse width laser, plasma temperature was lower and had less dependence on delay time when using 1?ns pulse width laser, and spectra had more stable background. By using 1?ns pulse width laser, the emission signal from surrounding CO2 also decreased because of the less surrounding gas breakdown. The solid powder breakdown signals also became more stable when using 1?ns pulse width laser. It is demonstrated that 1?ns pulse width laser has the merits for fly ash flow measurement using LIBS.  相似文献   

Zhang S  Ren Y  Lüpke G 《Applied optics》2003,42(4):715-718
We calculated the temporal and spatial characteristics of an ultrashort laser pulse propagating through a diffractive beam-shaping system that converts a Gaussian beam into a beam with a uniform irradiance profile that was originally designed for continuous waves [Proc. SPIE 2863, 237(1996)]. The pulse front is found to be considerably curved for a 10-fs pulse, resulting in a temporal broadening of the pulse that increases with increasing radius. The spatial intensity distribution deviates significantly from a top-hat profile, whereas the fluence shows a homogeneous radial distribution.  相似文献   

王源  秦开宇 《中国测试技术》2007,33(3):24-26,60
介绍了把脉冲自触发技术与双光路误差模型应用于激光测距系统,从而完成精密距离测量的一种测量技术。探讨了将脉冲自触发技术、恒比值时点判别技术以及光路系统误差修正技术相结合而实现的高精度时间测量的测量原理与实现,并根据实验结果进行了定性分析。  相似文献   

Huang PH  Lai HY 《Nanotechnology》2008,19(25):255701
This paper presents the pressure-induced solid-state lattice mending of nanopores in single-crystal copper by femtosecond laser annealing processes. The microscopic mechanism of lattice mending is investigated by a modified continuum-atomistic modeling approach. Three typical lattice mending phases, including (i) the incubation of dislocation nucleation, (ii) plastic deformation under the combined effect of pressure and atomic thermal diffusion, and (iii) lattice recovery and reconstruction, are characterized via the microscopic structure changes and transient thermodynamic trajectories. The simulation results reveal that the structural mending of a pore is originated in heterogeneous nucleation of dislocations from the pore surface. The shear-induced multiple lattice glides are found to significantly contribute to the mending of a nanopore in the process of solid-state structural mending. The mending rates of two different modes, the pressure-induced and the classical unsteady-state atomic diffusion, are estimated and found to be very different from each other, by an order of 10(4). In addition, the location of the pore is also found to significantly influence the annealing threshold. Since the largest amplitude of the pressure wave is built up at a characteristic depth of approximately 45?nm below the irradiated surface, the shock wave will directly impinge on the pore and induce a fast solid-state lattice mending if the pore is located within the lower limit of the range of the characteristic depth. Furthermore, it is also interesting to note that the mending of a nanopore close to the characteristic depth by annealing fluence is generally lower than that of a pore near the surface. These results provide vital insights of photomechanical interactions with the microstructure of metallic solid, and the proposed approach can be further considered and enhanced to predict the mending depth for various defects in the future.  相似文献   

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