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In the twenty years since the agile approach to systems development was introduced, a wide range of organizations have adopted its principles. Despite numerous reports that highlight agile success stories, there are relatively few recent publications that provide practical guidance on the potential pitfalls and areas of risk related to agile. In response, this practice-oriented paper draws on 56 practitioner interviews to identify a series of “lessons learned” pertaining to agile adoption, tailoring, and use.  相似文献   

Based on evidence accumulated during the author's 45 years of professional experience, the author presents 23 important “lessons learned” regarding applying ergonomics to systems. Documented results from reported cases or other evidence are presented to validate each of these practical learning points.  相似文献   

The paper explores the reason why International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) introduced the classification system for international search and rescue (SAR) teams, INSARAG External Classification (IEC), by reviewing the INSARAG’s lessons‐learned process. The past lessons show that there was a need to register qualified SAR teams that meet the operational standards agreed by the international SAR network and to ensure that these qualified teams are ready to respond. The paper also provides some recommendations to improve the system, such as more awareness and support for receiving countries is necessary so that the IEC as a system fully works.  相似文献   

该文对第三届微软IT学院校园之星大赛决赛的过程及细节进行了描述,并分析了优秀团队所具备的素质。最后得出结论:若要在大赛中胜出,学校要在技能培养的前提下重视对学生进行包括沟通能力、自学能力、企业意识等在内的综合素质的培养。该文还对如何培养这些能力提出了一些解决方法。  相似文献   

Studies in the field of cognitive science have demonstrated the existence of a taxonomy of meronymic (part-whole) relations, each of which corresponds to a meaning of the English phrase ‘part of’. It is proposed here that equivocations between meronymic and other types of semantic relations can be a source of ambiguity during knowledge elicitation, and are, in some part, responsible for the confusing plethora of types of is_a link to be found in current knowledge-based system environments. Based on the taxonomy of part-whole relations, a general-purpose implementation, and applications of meronymic inheritance for a Rule Based Frame System, are presented.  相似文献   

Nowadays, there are systems and frameworks that support Ontology construction processes. However, ontology integration processes have not sufficiently been specified to date. In this article, by making use of a cooperative philosophy, we describe a real framework for the integration of ontologies supplied by a predetermined set of (expert) users, who may be interconnected through a communication network. This framework is based on a set of well-defined assumptions that guarantee the consistency of the ontology derived from the ontology integration process. Moreover, in the approach presented here, every (expert) user may consult the so-derived ontology constructed until a given moment in order to refine his or her private ontology. In addition to this, the model proposed in this work allows the experts involved in the construction of the ontology to use their own terminology when querying the global ontology obtained until a given instant from their own co-operative work. The validation of the framework is also included in this work.  相似文献   

支持产品设计的分布式集成信息系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对支持设计的分布式集成信息系统的结构及其实现的关键问题进行了讨论,对系统中数据存储与传递作了详细的论述,实现了基于Internet的分布式集成信息系统中知识的表达、存储与获取,最后,给出了基于DIIS思想实现的原型系统,文中的工作为实现基于Internet快速知识获取、提高产品设计水平、加快开发速度提供了一套解决方案。  相似文献   

Knowledge, as the most important resource for the knowledge economy in the 21st century, is fundamental to enterprise competitive strength. Therefore, how to effectively integrate internal and external knowledge and provide correct knowledge to the right users in a timely fashion have become key success factors in business operation.  相似文献   

系统集成服务与系统集成技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文简要地介绍系统集成服务与系统集成技术的基本概念,特点和方法。  相似文献   

企业并购是企业强化竞争优势的工具,信息整合则是并购后整合成功的关键因素。诸多学者认为并购后的信息整合策略应校准于并购策略,本研究则认为信息整合策略应考虑:(1)信息部门的协同合作;(2)各部门在整合策略上的相互配合,将以实务观点探讨企业并购后的信息整合策略。 本研究基于企业工程(Enterprise Engineering)以及校准观点发展一信息整合策略分析架构,藉由个案研究探讨并购后:(1)并购双方规划信息整合策略时的关键因素;(2)信息整合策略规划与执行的成功因素;(3)信息系统与营运流程整合的标准化。研究结果显示,信息整合策略的规划应参考其它部门的整合策略,而各部门关键人员参与,以及信息流程与商业流程标准化皆有助信息整合策略的执行。  相似文献   

信息安全管理集成原理探究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从信息安全技术的发展及管理方面出现的新方法、新趋势出发,运用系统工程原理、风险代价原理、木桶原理及互补增值原理、动态性原理论述信息安全管理思想与方法的框架体系。  相似文献   

数据集成是面向服务架构SOA的基本构件,开源项目OpenAdaptor适配器框架能够快速构建数据集成功能,具有标准化快速开发、灵活、易于定制、高度复用等特点,为企业应用集成的实施奠定了基础,文中分析了OpenAdaptor的原理及实现,通过数据发布/订阅模型的适配器详述了OpenAdaptor的应用。  相似文献   

论信息系统集成的实施   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
本文以笔者从事信息系统集成的经验为基础,讨论了信息系统集成的内涵,实施信息系统信成的三种模式及其利弊,适用场合,以及目前信息系统集成行业中存在的问题。  相似文献   

目前,随着教育行业的不断发展,高考指挥工作变得更加多元化,使得工作人员不得不利用很多系统来完成工作,这些系统相互独立运行,形成了信息孤岛。针对这一问题,该文把异构系统集成在综合办公平台上,让异构的系统之间能够顺利地进行通讯和协作,实现了高考指挥综合信息系统集成平台的建设。  相似文献   

Office GIS中图文控制流与数据流的集成设计和表达   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析传统软件工程设计方法在城市规划管理类的图文办公信息系统设计应用方面存在的问题及不足,在分析借鉴控制流与数据流集成表达的基础上,针对城市规划管理图文办公信息系统中图形与文本集成处理的具体特点,提出了基于层次结构的图文控制与数据流集成设计及表达的方法。该方法不仅在常州市规划国土管理局图文办公信息系统的设计与集成中得到了成功应用,而且极大地提高了系统的设计水平及开发效率,其应用效果证明了该方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

一、前言 为使计算机在机械设计应用中充分发挥作用,创造出一种能模拟人类专家群对杂产品设计问题进行并行处理、相互合作这一自然属性的软件环境是+分重要的。并发设计Concurrent Design),作为  相似文献   

决策支持系统与地理信息系统的集成化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过村庄布局优化决策支持系统案例,着重讨论T GIS与 DSS的系统集成,介绍了实现 DSS与 GIS集成的技术,即GIS采用独立开发的电子地图引擎,采用与DSS相一致的数据管理工具,在较低的层面上实现统一的数据结构和规范的数据交互,从而实现地理信息库与数据库和模型库的有机链接,实现在地图上村庄信息的显示和查询,以及村庄合并搬迁后在地图上的动态变化,使用户的决策活动更直观方便。  相似文献   

This paper first briefly introduces the fundamentals of automated inspection techniques, followed by a categorization of typical applications. At its focus the paper elaborates on issues relating to the need for, the approach to and the benefits of integrating automatic inspection systems within the context of computer integrated PCB manufacturing. It argues that automatic inspection systems should assume the role of not only quality inspection systems but also important quality information generators on the shop floor. In particular, integrated quality control will be realized through an integration of inspection systems with process/quality control systems such as statistical process control (SPC).  相似文献   

A model of the optimal multilevel organization is described. Its originality is determined by its multilevel character, the optimal hierarchy structure being the internal parameter examined together with the “classical” organization theory parameters, such as technology, number of agents and principals, their types and effort levels, stimulation mechanisms. The key assumption is the additivity of principals’ contributions to the total profit of the organization. A particular case of the model with the logarithmic profit function is examined in detail.  相似文献   

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