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Ideas and thinking about sustainability and sustainable development have permeated over the last decades into most disciplines and sectors. The area of urban studies is no exception and has generated an impressive body of literature, which aims to marry ‘sustainability’ and ‘urban development’ by grounding the many interpretations of sustainability in an urban setting. This has taken many forms and inspired a range of initiatives across the world including ‘healthy cities’, ‘urban villages’, ‘millennium communities’ and the ‘mixed communities’ movement. Moreover, urban regeneration has come under considerable scrutiny as one of the core mechanisms for delivering sustainable urban development. At the most basic level, it can be argued that all urban regeneration contributes to a certain extent to sustainable development through the recycling of derelict land and buildings, reducing demand for peripheral development and facilitating the development of more compact cities. Yet, whether urban regeneration bears an effect on urban sustainability is an underresearched area. In addition, little is known about these impacts at local level. This paper aims to extend our understanding in these areas of research. We do so, by taking a closer look at three neighbourhoods in Salford, Newcastle and Merseyside. These neighbourhoods underwent urban regeneration under the Housing Marker Renewal Programme (2003–2011), which aimed to ‘create sustainable urban areas and communities’ in the Midlands and North of England. Approximately 130 residents from the three areas were interviewed and a further 60 regeneration officials and local stakeholders consulted. The paper looks at the impact of urban regeneration on urban sustainability by examining whether interventions under the Housing Market Renewal Programme have helped urban areas and communities to become more sustainable. It also discusses impacts at local level, by probing into some of Housing Market Renewal's grounded ‘sustainability stories’ and looking at how change is perceived by local residents. Furthermore, it re-opens a window into the Housing Market Renewal Programme and documents the three neighbourhoods within the wider context of scale and intervention across the whole programme.  相似文献   

In recent years, attention has been drawn to the fact that now more than half of the world's population is urbanised, and the bulk of these urban dwellers are living in the global South. Many of these Southern towns and cities are dealing with crises which are compounded by rapid population growth, particularly in peri-urban areas; lack of access to shelter, infrastructure and services by predominantly poor populations; weak local governments and serious environmental issues. There is also a realisation that newer issues of climate change, resource and energy depletion, food insecurity and the current financial crisis will exacerbate present difficult conditions. As ideas that either ‘the market’ or ‘communities’ could solve these urban issues appear increasingly unrealistic, there have been suggestions for a stronger role for governments through reformed instruments of urban planning. However, agencies (such as UN-Habitat) promoting this make the point that in many parts of the world current urban planning systems are actually part of the problem: they serve to promote social and spatial exclusion, are anti-poor, and are doing little to secure environmental sustainability. Urban planning, it is argued, therefore needs fundamental review if it is to play any meaningful role in current urban issues.  相似文献   

Due to prolonged droughts in recent years, the use of rainwater tanks in urban areas has increased in Australia. In order to apportion sources of contribution to heavy metal and ionic contaminants in rainwater tanks in Brisbane, a subtropical urban area in Australia, monthly tank water samples (24 sites, 31 tanks) and concurrent bulk deposition samples (18 sites) were collected during mainly April 2007-March 2008. The samples were analysed for acid-soluble metals, soluble anions, total inorganic carbon and total organic carbon, and characteristics such as total solid and pH. The Positive Matrix Factorisation model, EPA PMF 3.0, was used to apportion sources of contribution to the contaminants. Four source factors were identified for the bulk deposition samples, including ‘crustal matter/sea salt’, ‘car exhausts/road side dust’, ‘industrial dust’ and ‘aged sea salt/secondary aerosols’. For the tank water samples, apart from these atmospheric deposition related factors which contributed in total to 65% of the total contaminant concentration on average, another six rainwater collection system related factors were identified, including ‘plumbing’, ‘building material’, ‘galvanizing’, ‘roofing’, ‘steel’ and ‘lead flashing/paint’ (contributing in total to 35% of the total concentration on average). The Australian Drinking Water Guideline for lead was exceeded in 15% of the tank water samples. The collection system related factors, in particular the ‘lead flashing/paint’ factor, contributed to 79% of the lead in the tank water samples on average. The concentration of lead in tank water was found to vary with various environmental and collection system factors, in particular the presence of lead flashing on the roof. The results also indicated the important role of sludge dynamics inside the tank on the quality of tank water.  相似文献   

Shenzhen, a new mega city founded under China's ‘open door’ policy, has experienced dramatic urban development over the past 30 years. From humble beginnings as a fishing village before the 1980s, it benefited from locational advantage next to Hong Kong, an autonomous city with a global role in finance and trade. Shenzhen was first among cities in China to adapt the capitalist world's urban development practices to an indigenous, centrally controlled land management system. As a new city, Shenzhen may best represent the role of planning in a time of economic transition. Urban planning in Shenzhen was ambitious in its reach, using ‘experimental reform’ as a vehicle for institutionalising changes in management of the land resource. These reforms became generalised in China, leading to a recent decline in academic investigation of Shenzhen. While the city as ‘reformer’ seems to have run its course, new challenges upset the old assumptions and call for more research. Today, as industry moves inland away from increasingly costly coastal areas, the city is grappling with the need to restructure its economic base. The city has undertaken major infrastructural projects in a bid to secure its role as a major transhipment hub and logistics command centre, while also developing a rail-based mass transit system. The regeneration of disused industrial land and ‘urban villages’, built up to accommodate at low cost a huge factory workforce, are important ongoing city programmes. While the city extends its infrastructure to connect more effectively with the rest of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) and with Hong Kong, more fundamental questions surround its role within a restructuring regional economy. Ambitions for international stature, bolstered by a large and young population base, a world-class port and modern facilities are challenged by a rapidly evolving regional economy.  相似文献   

For want of appropriate and effectual methodological approaches or analytical instruments, analysis of socio-economic phenomena can sometimes be problematic. As Frances et al. have aptly noted, any analysis of social nature begs the question: ‘with what theoretical tools do we approach the analysis of events and processes?’ (p. 1). In land matters, for example, Malpezzi (1999b,c) has keenly observed that most of the studies on land reforms have focused on the rural and agricultural sectors, at the expense of the urban sector. Arguably, the paucity of land policy/reform studies on the urban sector could be explained, to a large measure, by the fact that most of the studies carried out in this area apply theoretical frameworks or models that are highly abstract (e.g. neoclassical economic models) or too simplistic in approach.1 Such models or methodological frameworks may not be readily applicable or efficacious in explaining the convoluted urban land market realities. The narrow option for alternative tools of analysis for studying land market ‘events and processes’ (to use Frances et al.’s (1991) terminology) may well have hindered land policy/reform research in the urban sector. Against that background, this paper advances an eclectic, property-rights-based approach that is robust and versatile enough to have wide application. An empirical study conducted under the framework attests to the relevance of such an approach to land use policy and urban land market analysis.  相似文献   

The majority of Asia’s cities are being constructed from private funding and by private labor. This has always been the case for so-called informal settlements. Recently, however, the newly acquired socioeconomic status, aspirations, and cultural horizons of the emergent professional and business middle classes in Asia have captured both popular imagination and critical academic attention. These classes are building their own urban spaces, with or without state intervention or support. To what extent can these trends be understood by drawing upon the existing Anglophone literature, which conventionally considers the global cities of Western Europe and North America as the leading edge of urban change and theorization? What can diverse empirical cases in Asia tell us about the global privatization of urban space? Arising from a workshop on the privatization of urban space in Asia, this Viewpoint article addresses four issues that arise from comparison of several Asian cases. More specifically, this work challenges Western-centered assumptions about the spatiotemporal origins of urban change; positions Asia at the leading edge of certain urban trends that may also be discerned elsewhere; questions the prior ‘public-ness’ implied by the term ‘privatization;’ and unravels the dystopianism of Anglophone academic treatment of privately owned, constructed, or regulated spaces.  相似文献   

Clarifying and re-conceptualising density   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a spatial concept, density is a useful tool in predicting and controlling land use. However, policymakers, practitioners, academics and citizens are often uncertain about how density, and especially higher densities, can be best utilised to create and nurture the design of urban environments. Barriers related to definitions, calculations, concepts and correlations with relevant issues prevent people from understanding density beyond a simple ratio of units to area. More needs to be done to show that density plays a key role in planning, architecture and urban design, and that discussions of density cannot be done in isolation of a whole host issues found in the built and natural environment. To that end, this paper aims to clarify some of the issues surrounding density, particularly about available definitions, calculating terms, the advantages and disadvantages of increasing densities in cities and uncovering relationships between density and issues pertinent to the design of urban environments. With these relationships in mind, a new way of visualising density is then offered—through a taxonomy of density—that categorises density into its component parts, allowing scholars, policymakers and practitioners to understand what aspects of density have been examined and what gaps are still present. Finally, a re-conceptualisation of density is presented, illustrating that density is more than a quantitative calculation that exists on its own; rather, for density to be considered as an integral part of the urban environment, both ‘hard’ (i.e., quantitative) and ‘soft’ (i.e., qualitative, contextual) elements must be included.  相似文献   

High residential density is an important element of the compact city concept alongside mixed land uses, well-connected urban layouts, and easily accessible public transport networks. However, there is little consensus on how dense ‘high-density’ residential development should be, nor on what are the impacts of such urban environments on residents. This paper attempts to address this gap in knowledge by exploring the concept of density within the context of sustainability, calling on empirical evidence conducted in the UK by the CityForm research project. This research examined the relationship between elements of urban form (including density) and sustainability. This paper specifically makes reference to the relationship between density and aspects of social sustainability, specifically social equity (i.e. access to services and facilities), environmental equity (i.e. access to and use of green/open space) and sustainability of community (including perceptions of safety, social interaction and community stability). An extensive postal questionnaire survey and series of follow-up in-depth focus groups were conducted in a number of neighbourhoods in five UK cities to examine the hypothesis that high-density neighbourhoods were less likely to support socially sustainable behaviour and attitudes than low-density ones.  相似文献   

The paper illustrates the transformation of Brussels since the 1960s with a special focus on ‘Brusselization’, and evaluates its consequences for the capital of Belgium today. ‘Brusselization’, defined as a destruction of certain areas of Brussels’ urban tissue, became apparent during the 1960s and 1970s, mainly as a result of the Belgian Town and Country Planning Act approved in 1962. This article describes the significance of that document for the redevelopment of Brussels and introduces the reader to the typology of the main actors in the city’s urban changes. As a leading political city in Europe, Brussels is currently in dramatic need of a new urban vision that would overcome the negative aspects of its former alteration. Detailed explanation of the cases presented in this essay, especially those of the Northern Quarter and the Leopold Quarter, may facilitate a better understanding the process of Brussels’ transformation since the 1960s and inform appropriate urban government policy development in the future.  相似文献   

The urban landscape structure and its changing characteristics have produced various effects on natural and human systems of its own and surroundings [Gilbert OL. The ecology of urban habitats. London: Chapman & Hall; 1991 [1]; Rebele F. Urban ecology and special features of urban ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 1994;4:173–87 [2]; Rees WE. Urban ecosystems: the human dimension. Urban Ecosystems 1997;1:63–75 [3]; Pickett STA, Cadenasso ML, Grove JM, Nilon CH, Pouyat RV, Zipperer WC, et al. Urban ecological systems: linking terrestrial ecological, physical, and socioeconomic components of metropolitan areas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 2001;32:127–57 [4]; Hope D, Gries C, Zhu WX, Fagan WF, Redman CL, Grimm NB, et al., Socioeconomics drive urban plant diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2003;100(15):8788–92 [5]; Pickett STA, Cadenasso ML, Grove JM. Resilient cities: meaning, models, and metaphor for integrating the ecological, socio-economic, and planning realms, Landscape and Urban Planning 2004;69(4):369–84 [6]; Luck M, Jianguo Wu J. A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region, Arizona, USA. Landscape Ecology 2002:17(4):327–39 [7]; Angold PG, Sadler JP, Hill MO, Pullin A, Rushton S, Austin K, et al., Biodiversity in urban habitat patches. Science of the Total Environment 2006;360(1–3):196–204 [8]]. By environmental literature conducted recently, it has been evidently comprehended that urban life quality for mankind and others can be improved by serving these systems with green and living elements. This study is to investigate urban rocky habitats that have special natural characteristics and that can be implicated for urban green areas. But these habitats have been considered as nature splits withstanding against the urban pressures by means of the unplanned build-up activities foremost, and road construction, poor quality or neglected remnants. Therefore, this study presents the environmental perception and preferences of urban rocky habitats which are threatening within excessive urbanization and human use of natural areas in the context of the city of Trabzon, Turkey. So, a total of 20 habitats selected from urban and surroundings were surveyed by using a questionnaire and landscape assessment approach. With surveying performed on 204 participants, visual preferences, landscape attributes and proposed management options for urban nature conservation were determined. The χ2χ2-test results revealed clearly that the demographic and expertise status of the participants were correlated with the preferences for types of rocky habitat scene and management options. The scenes with natural elements and less human disturbance obtained higher scores on visual preferences than any of the urban rocky scenes lacking these characteristics. Also, in the quantitative phase, factor analysis based on principal component structure revealed the ‘visual and spatial effects’, the ‘usage and arrangement’, the ‘naturalness and ecological value’, and the ‘functionality’ components of the scenes. Consequently, some implications for the effective and efficient planning and development of urban nature conservation by assisting the better understanding of the various patterns of landscape preference, choice and satisfaction in habitats under the present study were suggested.  相似文献   

Chinese suburban residential developments have recently seen the emergence of ostentatious, decorative and ‘western’-style built forms. Many are built into gated communities. The existing perspectives on these developments from the Western context, such as the ‘club of consumption’ and the ‘discourse of fear’, are not adequate to explain the development of these residential forms in China. This paper emphasizes that the essential feature of these residential forms is their attempt to create an aesthetically appealing environment. Various packaging and branding practices are discussed, including creating magnificent gates, using foreign place names, borrowing western architectural motifs, and inventing a discourse of community. These practices are essentially a branding exercise to signify otherwise nameless suburban green fields. There are two reasons: branding is a status symbol for these residential areas in a competitive real estate market, while localized, imagined and hybrid ‘western’ forms are invented and adopted to exploit the common social mentality that treats the western style as equivalent to a modern and high-quality environment.  相似文献   

Classification of contaminated land is important for risk assessment and so it is vital to understand and quantify all of the uncertainties that are involved in the assessment of contaminated land. This paper uses a case study to compare two methods for assessing the uncertainty in site investigations (uncertainty of individual measurements, including that from sampling, and uncertainty of the mean value of all measurements within an area) and how the different methods affect the decisions made about a site. Using the ‘uncertainty of the mean value’ there is shown to be no significant possibility of ‘significant harm’ under UK guidance at one particular test site, but if you consider the ‘uncertainty of the measurements’ a significant proportion (50%) of the site is shown to be possibly contaminated. This raises doubts as to whether the current method using ‘uncertainty of the mean’ is sufficiently robust, and suggests that ‘uncertainty of measurement’ information may be preferable, or at least beneficial when used in conjunction.  相似文献   

The city of Gaborone, like Botswana, the nation of which it is capital, is extraordinary in African terms. Here is a city lacking in mass poverty, extensive squatter settlements or recurrent civil strife: for all appearances, an orderly, affluent urban area. For these reasons, it is an important example of how planning authorities in a developing nation have managed urban growth. Gaborone has had opportunities other African cities have not. Thus it invites questions as to how these have been managed and expressed. A key issue which emerges is the co-location of informal, traditional and modern forms of land allocation both within Gaborone City and the peri-urban regions with which it is increasingly connected. This throws up a number of issues, including the inconsistent way in which planning authorities have managed this ‘balancing act’.  相似文献   

This paper traces the history, and current challenges, of climate science and urban design in Greater Manchester, UK. The Mancunian metropolis is a remarkable example of a ‘climatic city’, one that shapes its climate as much as it is shaped by it. From the efforts to control smoke and clear slums in the 19th century, to today’s race to be at the forefront of ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ cities, climate is a central actor in Manchester’s history and will likely be so in the near future. We analyse the continuities and inflections of this history of climate science and urban planning in the metropolis by drawing on historical material and interviews with key local stakeholders, to understand the natural, social and political construction of this singular ‘industrial ecology’. Ultimately, we ask whether stakeholders in the Greater Manchester area can overcome existing challenges to go towards a greener, more resilient and sustainable city.  相似文献   

The method used by archaeologists for excavation and recording of the stratigraphic evidence, within trenches with or without archaeological remains, can potentially be useful to contaminated land consultants (CLCs). The implementation of archaeological practice in contaminated land assessments (CLAs) is not meant to be an exercise in data overkill; neither should it increase costs. Rather, we suggest, that if the excavation and recording, by a trained archaeologist, of the stratigraphy is followed by in-situ chemical characterisation then it is possible that much uncertainty associated with current field sampling practices, may be removed. This is because built into the chemical stratigraphy is the temporal and spatial relationship between different parts of the site reflecting the logic behind the distribution of contamination.An archaeological recording with chemical stratigraphy approach to sampling may possibly provide ‘one method fits all’ for potentially contaminated land sites (CLSs), just as archaeological characterisation of the stratigraphic record provides ‘one method fits all’ for all archaeological sites irrespective of period (prehistoric to modern) or type (rural, urban or industrial). We also suggest that there may be practical and financial benefits to be gained by pulling together expertise and resources stemming from different disciplines, not simply at the assessment phase, but also subsequent phases, in contaminated land improvement.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanisation, combined with uncontrolled urban growth in urban areas ill prepared for these challenges leads to urban sprawl. Urban sprawl is constantly on the increase, and the consequences are the ineffective use of land and urban infrastructure. This leads to the loss of biodiversity as well as the pushing of low-income families out onto the fringes of the urban area. Research has proven that cities with urban management structures in place, such as urban edges, are better off than cities without any urban management policies Blair (Public Works Management Policy 6(2):103–113, 2001; Nelson and Peterman (Journal of Planning Education and Research 19:277–285, 2000). The establishment of sound urban edges for small towns such as Plettenberg Bay (Bitou Local Municipality) will improve the possibility of the effective use of bulk infrastructure. Furthermore, the implementation of an urban edge will make the town more compact, increase the density and minimize urban sprawl while protecting the environment. This will result in a town that is more sustainable in terms of reduced greenhouse emissions and non-renewable resources that are sensibly used.  相似文献   

沈中健  曾坚  任兰红 《中国园林》2021,37(3):100-105
基于2002、2007、2012、2017年4期Landsat遥感影像,应用景观生态学和统计分析相结合的方法,探讨了厦门景观格局对热环境的影响作用及其变化规律。结果表明,2002—2017年,厦门市相对地表温度(Relative Land Surface Temperature,RLST)呈上升趋势,城区的热岛效应逐步凸显;RLST较高的区域多为耕地、建设用地,RLST较低的区域多为绿地、水体;在类型层面,绿地的景观类型比例、最大斑块指数、聚集度指数、平均斑块面积、形状指数与相对地表温度呈负相关,斑块密度、边缘密度与RLST呈正相关。耕地、建设用地的景观指数与RLST均呈正相关;在景观层面,景观分割指数、形状指数、斑块密度、边缘密度、香浓均匀度指数与RLST呈正相关;景观优势度大、聚集度高的景观类型,如耕地、绿地、建设用地对RLST影响显著。随着城区的扩张与耕地的减少,建设用地景观格局对RLST的影响逐渐加强,而耕地景观格局对RLST的影响不断减弱;景观层面的景观格局对RLST的影响作用与不同景观类型总体的结构组分及空间构型有关。随着景观结构趋于复杂,景观层面的景观格局对RLST的影响逐渐增强。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a simplified model for underground temperature prediction in summer hot weather. The data of 14 observation sites show that the surface temperature curves are close to trapeziums, and surface temperatures are related to air temperatures. Therefore, approximated temperature trapeziums that are determined by high- and lowest air temperatures can be used to simulate the underground temperature variation. Two observation sites respectively in the urban and suburban areas were used as examples. Good agreement was obtained between simulated- and measured temperatures. Measured data indicate the average temperature under urban concrete surface is 3.70 °C greater than that of suburban bare surface. The deviation is due to the heat urban environment effect and different surfaces effect, which are about 1.68 °C and 2.02 °C, respectively. Combined with soil volumetric water content (wv), ‘Heat’ Islands associates with ‘Dry’ Islands, which means urban soil moisture is lower than suburban soil moisture (13.9%). According to the variation of wv and temperature deviation graphs, Urban Heat Island, ground surface types and rainfall are important factors that influence the underground soil moisture and temperatures.  相似文献   

Within the literature, concerns have been raised that centralised urban water systems are maladapted to challenges associated with climate change, population growth and other socio-economic and environmental strains. This paper provides a critical assessment of the discourse that surrounds emerging approaches to urban water management and infrastructure provision. As such, ‘sustainable urban water management’ (SUWM) concepts are scrutinized to highlight the limitations and strengths in the current lines of argument and point towards unaddressed complexities in the transformational agendas advocated by SUWM proponents. Taking an explicit infrastructure view, it is shown that the specific context of the urban water sector means that changes to infrastructure systems occur as an incremental hybridisation process. This process is driven by a range of factors including lock-in effects of legacy solutions, normative values and vested interests of agents, cost and performance certainty and perceptions of risk. Different views of these factors help explain why transformational agendas have not achieved the change SUWM proponents call for and point to the need for a critical reassessment of the system effects and economics of alternative service provision models.  相似文献   

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