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针对微纳制造中光刻环节的光衍射限制,讨论了可能成为下一代光刻技术路线的压印光刻。通过对比热压印、微接触转印及常温压印的技术特点,设计了一套低成本、结构简单的紫外光固化常温压印光刻机构。其大行程纳米级定位、纳米级下压系统消除了压印过程中的机构热变形误差、驱动间隙、蠕动误差等,具有分步式纳米级驱动多场压印及纳米级下压加载能力,可实现多次重复高保真图形复制。  相似文献   

This paper describes a strategy for the fabrication of functional electronic components (transistors, capacitors, resistors, conductors, and logic gates but not, at present, inductors) that combines a single layer of lithography with angle‐dependent physical vapor deposition; this approach is named topographically encoded microlithography (abbreviated as TEMIL). This strategy extends the simple concept of ‘shadow evaporation’ to reduce the number and complexity of the steps required to produce isolated devices and arrays of devices, and eliminates the need for registration (the sequential stacking of patterns with correct alignment) entirely. The defining advantage of this strategy is that it extracts information from the 3D topography of features in photoresist, and combines this information with the 3D information from the angle‐dependent deposition (the angle and orientation used for deposition from a collimated source of material), to create ‘shadowed’ and ‘illuminated’ regions on the underlying substrate. It also takes advantage of the ability of replica molding techniques to produce 3D topography in polymeric resists. A single layer of patterned resist can thus direct the fabrication of a nearly unlimited number of possible shapes, composed of layers of any materials that can be deposited by vapor deposition. The sequential deposition of various shapes (by changing orientation and material source) makes it possible to fabricate complex structures—including interconnected transistors—using a single layer of topography. The complexity of structures that can be fabricated using simple lithographic features distinguishes this procedure from other techniques based on shadow evaporation.  相似文献   

快速一步法(ROSE法)提取DNA应用于RAPD—PCR扩增   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
对ROSE法的操作程序进行了进一步的简化,“一管一步”即可完成DNA提取全过程,系统地与CTAB和SDS法进行了比较,其提取过程明显比CTAB法、SDS法简单,提取效率分别比CTAB、SDS提高4倍和9倍,无污染物产生;与CTAB和SDS法比分别节省费用约200%和700%。提取的DNA能满足RAPD-PCR研究的需要。因此,改良后的ROSE法可能是一种适合于DNA提取自动化的方法,同时可能成为植  相似文献   

A simple one step,reproducible,synthesis route for carbon nanotubes was proposed.No external catalyst was used for the synthesis.These nanotubes were obtained after decomposition of acetone at 650 ℃ in a specially designed autoclave.The pressure generated due to decomposition of acetone played a vital role in the synthesis.The X-ray diffraction pattern and transmission electron microscopy of the sample showed that the diameter of nanotubes is in the range of 3—14 nm.The thermo gravimetric analysis showed 3%weight loss below500 ℃;the content of amorphous carbon is very less.The growth mechanism of CNTs was also proposed in the present paper.  相似文献   

Synthesis of Vanadium Nitride by a One Step Method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vanadium nitrides were prepared via one step method of carbothermal reduction and nitridation of vanadium trioxide. Thermalgravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction were used to determine the reaction paths of vanadium carbide, namely the following sequential reaction: V2O3→V8C7 in higher temperature stage, the rule of vanadium nitride synthesized was established, and defined conditions of temperature for the production of the carbides and nitrides were determined. Vanadium oxycarbide may consist in the front process of carbothermal reduction of vanadium trioxide. In one step method for vanadium nitride by carbothermal reduction and nitridation of vanadium trioxide, the nitridation process is simultaneous with the carbothermal reduction. A one-step mechanism of the carbothermal reduction with simultaneous nitridation leaded to a lower terminal temperature in nitridation process for vanadium nitride produced, compared with that of carbothermal reduction process without nitridation. The grain size and shape of vanadium nitride were uniform, and had the shape of a cube. The one step method combined vacuum carborization and nitridation (namely two step method) into one process. It simplified the technological process and decreased the costs.  相似文献   

CVD一步法制备纳米碳管的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
CVD法是制备纳米碳管的重要方法。本文研究了以乙炔为原料气,无需预先还原催化剂,以一定的程序速率从500℃升至750℃一步法生长纳米碳管,直接制备出了管径在8-12nm之间,石墨化程度好的纳米碳管。同时,对升温速率、原料气配比等因素进行了讨论,确定了CVD一步法制备纳米碳管较佳条件范围。  相似文献   

以α-溴代异丁酸叔丁酯为引发剂,CuBr/2,2′-联二吡啶为催化体系,双甲基丙烯酸乙二醇酯为支化单体,在80℃经原子转移自由基聚合反应合成了支化聚苯乙烯。用1H-NMR、GC、GPC、MALLS和DSC分别对聚合反应过程及聚合物进行了表征和分析。研究表明,聚合反应初期主要生成带有悬垂双键的线型齐聚物,支化结构主要在反应中后期通过悬垂双键的聚合偶联形成;在单体转化率高达87%的情况下合成了质均分子量高达7.9×105的支化聚苯乙烯,其玻璃化转变温度在100℃左右,略低于线型聚苯乙烯。  相似文献   

原位生成法制备单分散的纳米氧化锌分散液   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用ZnCl2作原料,PVP作分散剂,在160℃下采用原位生成法制得单分散、具有良好晶体结构和规则外形的ZnO纳米单晶分散液,用透射电子显微镜、X射线衍射、紫外/可见分光光度计等测试手段对其进行了表征.讨论了工艺条件对纳米ZnO尺寸和形貌的影响,并对其生长机理做了初步探讨.  相似文献   

本文基于单根ZnO纳米线(NW),采用一步掩膜的方法制备了Au/ZnO NW/Au忆阻器。器件表现出无极性忆阻行为,开关比可达10~5以上。低阻态具有半导体导电特性,推测忆阻行为可能来源于ZnO NW表面氧空位形成的不连续导电丝的通断。一步掩膜法工艺简单,制备过程对器件污染少,因此是制备纳米线器件的有效方法。  相似文献   

步进扫描式光刻机隔振试验平台主动减振系统试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据步进扫描式光刻机的振动特点,设计隔振试验平台的减振系统,并对试验平台的主动减振系统进行测试研究.测试结果表明,步进扫描式光刻机隔振试验主动减振系统,能有效降低光刻机工作过程中运动部件对工作平台的冲击,具有良好的减振效果.  相似文献   

介绍了一种负阶跃力源上升时间的测量过程,通过在脆性材料断裂试件两侧粘贴细导线,获得其上下两个端面断裂时间差的测量结果,从而估计获得该动态力源产生的负阶跃力的上升时间,对于钢质材料,上升时间可小于30μs,低时可达到12.5μs。而对于陶瓷材料,上升时间可小于100.s,最低时可达到1μs。该结果可用于动态力源的设计和力传感器动态特性校准的参考。  相似文献   

利用结合拉延筋计算的反向方法的数值模拟技术,研究了其在板料成形工艺设计中的应用,提出了进行初期工艺设计评估的新方法。同时对后轮毂鼓包内板件毛坯进行工艺设计,与福特公司的MTLFRM软件的对比结果表明设计的工艺是合理的,也表明该方法可以适用于大型覆盖件的工艺设计。  相似文献   

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