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The shape of the craze at the tip of a slowly moving crack has been determined by optical microscopy for poly(methyl methacrylate) over the range of temperatures ?30° to +45°C. In all cases the craze shape can be described by the Dugdale model for the plastic zone at a crack tip. It was of particular interest that the crack opening displacement was found to be constant over the whole temperature range. Fracture toughness values deduced from the craze shape were in good agreement with those obtained directly. Quantitative estimates of the craze stress were obtained and are discussed. 相似文献
R. W. Lang J. A. Manson R. W. Hertzberg R. Schirrer 《Polymer Engineering and Science》1984,24(10):833-842
In order to obtain a more complete understanding of failure mechanisms in glassy polymers subjected to fatigue loading conditions, craze zone dimensions (i.e., length and thickness at the crack tip) were measured simultaneously with fatigue crack propagation data in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) by optical interferometry. Since the craze shape was observed to assume a wedge-shaped configuration similar to the one described by the Dugdale plastic strip model, crazing stresses were inferred on the basis of this model. When varying the stress ratio (R = minimum load/maximum load) of the applied cyclic load in the range from 0.1 to 0.7, it was found that both craze length and craze thickness are essentially independent of the R-ratio and can be correlated in terms of the maximum stress intensity factor only. On the other hand, significant variations in craze dimensions with test frequency occurred over the range from 0.1 to 250 Hz. The results are discussed in terms of the viscoelastic nature of the material and a competition between the effects of strain rate and hysteretic heating. 相似文献
J. M. Gloaguen P. Steer P. Gaillard C. Wrotecki J. M. Lefebvre 《Polymer Engineering and Science》1993,33(12):748-753
The deformation behavior of rubber toughened poly(methylmethacrylate), RT-PMMA, has been investigated in terms of the ability of the material to nucleate plasticity. Work-hardening rate parameter K measurements in the early stages of the nonelastic response in a constant strain-rate test are used to probe the development of micro shear zones as a function of rubber volume fraction. The results reveal the existence of a sharp transition from difficult to easy shear band nucleation for a critical rubber volume fraction Vc. This abrupt change in mechanical behavior also shows in the evolution of the critical stress intensity factor K measured at the onset of crack initiation. These findings are discussed in terms of the morphological parameters of the blends. 相似文献
The fracture behavior of oriented poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) has been investigated. The stress intensity factor KIC, characteristic distance a, and angle θ of switching propagation direction decrease with increasing draw ratio in the range of 1.25 and 3.25. The microstructures such as the plastic zone and the features of morphology are in good agreement with the variations of these three variables, i.e., KIC, a, and θ. 相似文献
Summary Poly(n-propyl methacrylate) is known to be immiscible with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). However, we have found that poly(methoxymethyl methacrylate) is miscible with PMMA, indicating the importance of ether oxygen atoms in achieving miscibility. On the other hand, poly(methylthiomethyl methacrylate) is immiscible with PMMA. 相似文献
P. W. Osborne 《Polymer Engineering and Science》1975,15(12):848-853
Steady-state fracture techniques were used to investigate the surface fracture patterns and surface fracture energies of poly(methyl methacrylate) at low velocities (10 cm/sec to 10?5 cm/sec). Several anomalies were discovered: (1) Small surface cracks, running parallel to the crack front, which were initiated by imperfections; (2) a “zero velocity” transition from the normal surface fracture patterns to a “laminar” pattern; and (3) a subsequent transition from the laminar pattern to a “turbulent” pattern. The velocities at which these anomalous fracture patterns occurred were of the order of 10?4 to 10?6 cm/sec. The corresponding surface fracture energies were as low as 105 erg/cm2. 相似文献
The absorption kinetics and equlibria of methyl methacrylate monomer into poly(methyl methacrylate) were studied over a range of penetrant activities. The interval sorption kinetics at elevated activities were determined, compared, and contrasted with the integral sorption experiments in previously unpenetrated film samples. The sorption kinetics in previously unpenetrated films were predominantly case II or relaxation controlled at high activities. A Fickian contribution to the overall kinetics was apparent at lower activities. In contrast, interval sorption, at elevated activities in previously equilibrated and plasticized samples, followed Fickian kinetics rather closely, whereas resorption, over an activity range which involved a traversal of the effective Tg, was characterized by more complicated kinetics involving a super case II mechanism at long times. These composite results reinforce the notion that the kinetics describing penetration of a single penetrant into a single polymer are extremely sensitive to the boundary condition imposed upon the polymeric sorbent. 相似文献
Summary The process of stereocomplexation in blends of isotactic poly(methyl methacrylate)s and polybutadiene-syndiotactic poly(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers was studied by differential scanning calorimetry as a function of molar mass of the constituents, annealing time and temperature. The amount of complex formed is dependent on these three parameters, while the temperature of decomposition of the complex is only dependent on the annealing temperature. Complex formation can be observed in blends containing a copolymer with a very low molar mass syndiotactic poly(methyl methacrylate) block (Mn=700). In contrast to homopolymer blends, for which two endotherms of decomposition were generally reported, only one endotherm is observed for copolymer-homopolymer blends. This behavior is attributed to the elastomer block. 相似文献
Summary This paper refers to a systematic and comparative study of the intrinsic viscosities of fractions of atactic and syndiotactic samples of PMMA in various polar solvents as a function of temperature. The data allow determination of important changes in the conformation of the polymer. 相似文献
The limit of linear viscoelasticity is determined for poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) in uniaxial tension creep over the temperature range of 20° to Tg ?10°C. The time span covered is from 10 to 1000 sec. The linear limit is defined as the point at which the creep compliance deviates by more than 1% from its mean value in the linear viscoelastic range. For both materials, the stress limit of linear viscoelasticity falls to a minimum or plateau level at a temperature below Tg. It is suggested that the β-mechanism plays an important role in the existence of this minimum. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of a testing program carried out on the fracture properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). The objective of the program was to determine the validity of using standard impact test methods to obtain fracture data, as opposed to the more expensive fracture toughness tests. It was found that impact test results may be used to evaluate fracture properties for PMMA with correlation being obtained with fracture toughness test data. 相似文献
The plastic and fracture behavior of ‘model’ hybrid materials based on methyl methacrylate and methacryloxypropyl‐grafted nanosilica was investigated. A four‐step synthesis procedure allowed preparation of transparent nanosilica–poly(methyl methacrylate) networks of well‐defined architecture, of variable particle diameter, volume fraction of particles, number of methacryloyl units grafted per surface unit of silica particles and nature of the grafting agent. Plasticity behavior was investigated through compression tests. The evolution of yield stress with volume fraction of fillers can be understood by taking into account the undeformability of particles and using the geometrical Kerner approach. The reduction of plastic flow plateau by a substantial strain hardening was imputed to the presence of crosslinks on the particles. Fracture properties were deduced from three‐point bending experiments on notched samples. The effects on toughness of filler incorporation are tentatively related to plasticity and to the presence of crosslinks. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Thermo-oxidative stability of PMMA-grafted SiO2 and PMMA/PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanocomposites was investigated by conventional non-isothermal gravimetric technique. It was interesting to find that PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanoparticles exhibited higher thermo-oxidative stability than that of PMMA. The apparent activation energy of PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanoparticles increased with the grafting ratio of PMMA from SiO2, which was estimated by Kissinger method. This indicates that the strong interactions existing between the grafted chains are responsible for the enhanced thermo-oxidative stability of PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanoparticles. However, the grafting ratio of PMMA from SiO2 in nanoparticles has only limited effect on the thermo-oxidative stability of PMMA/PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanocomposites due to a much lower content of grafted PMMA in the nanoparticles relative to PMMA. The increased thermo-oxidative stability of PMMA/PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanocomposites is possibly resulted from the increased SiO2 content in the nanocomposites, in which the grafting ratio of PMMA in PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanoparticles is kept almost as a constant. The glass transition temperature (T g) of PMMA/PMMA-grafted SiO2 nanocomposites is about 25 °C and is higher than that of PMMA. The grafting ratio of PMMA from SiO2 in the nanoparticles has no qualitative effects on the T g of the nanocomposites. 相似文献
Clifford L. Renschler 《应用聚合物科学杂志》1984,29(12):4161-4173
It has been found that methyl salicylate (MS) undergoes a photoinduced decarboxylation to form phenol with a quantum yield of ca. 8 × 10?5. The reaction is first order and the rate constant is proportional to the irradiance used. An activation energy of 1.2 kcal/mol was determined. Computer simulations were used to predict whether sufficient UV screening would be provided by MS-containing PMMA lenses over the projected lifetime of solar photovoltaic devices. An effective screening lifetime of less than 2 years is predicted. 相似文献
P. Prentice 《Polymer》1983,24(3):344-350
A model is proposed to explain the dependence of fracture parameters on the molecular weight of glassy polymers. The model assumes that the fracture event occurs in two stages; the first involves the orientation of polymer chain segments between entanglement points and the second, the fracture itself. A value has been calculated, (~0.6J m?2), for the fracture surface energy corresponding to the lower critical molecular weight between entanglements, M=Me. Allowing for the simplifying assumptions made in its derivation, this value is in good agreement with that found experimentally. It is proposed that, after the chain segments between entanglements crossing a plane have been fully extended, two possible mechanisms are involved; chain ‘pull-out’ up to a maximum governed by the time scale of the local fracture event, or chain scission. Using the concept of a reptating chain it is proposed that above M ~2 Me there is a relationship between the fracture energy (γ) and the molecular weight of the form γ∝ ∝M2 up to a critical value of M, above which γ is constant. It has been shown that there is some agreement with experimental relationships determined independently. 相似文献
Bruce J. Poppleton 《Polymer Bulletin》1985,13(5):421-424
Summary The average solid-state molecular structures of end-groups generated through chain termination reactions in the polymerization of methyl methacrylate have been derived from published crystallographic data. Evidence is provided for the reduced stability of the head-head chain-termination configuration and in support of the postulate that it is a preferred site of chain scission. Comparable evidence for the unsaturated end group has not been found. 相似文献
Damage development during instrumented falling weight impact (IFWIM) testing of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is recorded using short pulse photography. The first visible damage is cracking on application of the peak force. Finite element analysis predicts the deformation and state of stress throughout the specimen until the first point of failure is reached. A variation in the specimen geometry produces a significant change in initial failure energy, while the maximum tensile stress is approximately constant. The proposed failure criterion is the attainment of a critical time-dependent value of tensile stress. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
A theory has been developed to explain the time-dependent failure of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) (and possibly all glassy polymers). The analysis uses the concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanics and it has been shown that by making simple assumptions it is possible to predict the lifetimes of PMMA specimens under static load from the strain-rate dependence of Young's modulus for the material. 相似文献