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利用蒙特卡罗分析法对GaAs flash ADC的成品率及其关键参数的灵敏度进行了定性及定量的分析.当器件阈值电压的标准偏差增大时,flash ADC的DNL,INL性能会以近似线性的关系降低且更高分辨率ADC线性性能的恶化速度更快;ADC的成品率离散达到一定程度后,以指数关系下降,且高分辨率ADC的丢码率会以更快的速度增长.分析结果表明,HBT以及带腐蚀自停止的HEMT技术是超高速高分辨率ADC的发展方向.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo Analysis of Yield and Performance of a GaAs Flash ADC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monte Carlo methods are used to analyze yields and performance of GaAs flash ADCs.Due to the nonuniformity of threshold voltage,the DNL and INL of flash ADC will decrease approximately linearly.And the higher the resolution of ADC is,the faster these key nonlinear parameters decrease.When the nonuniformity increases to some degree,the yields of GaAs flash ADCs will decrease exponentially,and the missing code will increase more quickly for the higher resolution ADCs.So,GaAs HBT and HEMT with technology of etching stop will be widely used in high speed and high resolution ADCs.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide‐based hydrogels have multiple advantages because of their inherent biocompatibility, biodegradability, and non‐toxicic properties. The feasibility of using polysaccharide‐based hydrogels could be improved if they could simultaneously fulfill the mechanical property and cell compatibility requirements for practical applications. Herein, the construction of double‐cross‐linked (DC) cellulose hydrogels is described using sequential chemical and physical cross‐linking, resulting in DC cellulose hydrogels that are mechanically superior to single‐cross‐linked cellulose hydrogels. The formation and spatial distribution of chemically cross‐linked domains and physically cross‐linked domains within the DC cellulose hydrogels are demonstrated. The molar ratio of epichlorohydrin to anhydroglucose units of cellulose and the concentration of the aqueous ethanol solution are two critical parameters for obtaining mechanically strong and tough DC cellulose hydrogels. The mechanical properties of the DC cellulose hydrogels under loading‐unloading cycles are described using compression and tension models. The possible toughening mechanism of double‐cross‐linking is discussed.  相似文献   

Most photocrosslinkable hydrogels have inadequacy in either mechanical performance or biodegradability. This issue is addressed by adopting a novel hydrogel design by introducing two different chitosan chains (catechol‐modified methacryloyl chitosan, CMC; methacryloyl chitosan, MC) via the simultaneous crosslinking of carbon–carbon double bonds and catechol‐Fe3+ chelation. This leads to an interpenetrating network of two chitosan chains with high crosslinking‐network density, which enhances mechanical performance including high compressive modulus and high ductility. The chitosan polymers not only endow the hydrogels with good biodegradability and biocompatibility, they also offer intrinsic antibacterial capability. The quinone groups formed by Fe3+ oxidation and protonated amino groups of chitosan polymer further enhance antibacterial property of the hydrogels. Serving as one of the two types of crosslinking mechanisms, the catechol‐Fe3+ chelation can covalently link with amino, thiol, and imidazole groups, which substantially enhance the hydrogel's adhesion to biological tissues. The hydrogel's adhesion to porcine skin shows a lap shear strength of 18.1 kPa, which is 6‐time that of the clinically established Fibrin Glue's adhesion. The hydrogel also has a good hemostatic performance due to the superior tissue adhesion as demonstrated with a hemorrhaging liver model. Furthermore, the hydrogel can remarkably promote healing of bacteria‐infected wound.  相似文献   

针对工业废水的处理设计了一种新型圆柱形谐振腔用于微波闪蒸腔体结构。本文首先通过波导理论推导了圆柱谐振腔中的电磁场分布,其次编程计算出圆柱谐振腔体中模式数分布对腔体设计的影响,最后利用HFSS仿真软件对腔体结构及其馈口的位置进行了优化,并最终根据优化结果制造出第一代闪蒸腔体。采用微波闪蒸技术和常规闪蒸技术处理含Zn2+和硫酸的废水,进行实验对比,实验结果表明微波闪蒸技术要优于常规闪蒸,并且闪蒸效果良好。  相似文献   

To realize high‐speed communication, broadband transmission has become an indispensable technique in the next‐generation wireless communication systems. Broadband channel is often characterized by the sparse multipath channel model, and significant taps are widely separated in time, and thereby, a large delay spread exists. Accurate channel state information is required for coherent detection. Traditionally, accurate channel estimation can be achieved by sampling the received signal with large delay spread by analog‐to‐digital converter (ADC) at Nyquist rate and then estimate all of channel taps. However, as the transmission bandwidth increases, the demands of the Nyquist sampling rate already exceed the capabilities of current ADC. In addition, the high‐speed ADC is very expensive for ordinary wireless communication. In this paper, we present a novel receiver, which utilizes a sub‐Nyquist ADC that samples at much lower rate than the Nyquist one. On the basis of the sampling scheme, we propose a compressive channel estimation method using Dantzig selector algorithm. By comparing with the traditional least square channel estimation, our proposed method not only achieves robust channel estimation but also reduces the cost because low‐speed ADC is much cheaper than high‐speed one. Computer simulations confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Improving the capacitance of carbon materials for supercapacitors without sacrificing their rate performance, especially volumetric capacitance at high mass loadings, is a big challenge because of the limited assessable surface area and sluggish electrochemical kinetics of the pseudocapacitive reactions. Here, it is demonstrated that “self‐doping” defects in carbon materials can contribute to additional capacitance with an electrical double‐layer behavior, thus promoting a significant increase in the specific capacitance. As an exemplification, a novel defect‐enriched graphene block with a low specific surface area of 29.7 m2 g?1 and high packing density of 0.917 g cm?3 performs high gravimetric, volumetric, and areal capacitances of 235 F g?1, 215 F cm?3, and 3.95 F cm?2 (mass loading of 22 mg cm?2) at 1 A g?1, respectively, as well as outstanding rate performance. The resulting specific areal capacitance reaches an ultrahigh value of 7.91 F m?2 including a “self‐doping” defect contribution of 4.81 F m?2, which is dramatically higher than the theoretical capacitance of graphene (0.21 F m?2) and most of the reported carbon‐based materials. Therefore, the defect engineering route broadens the avenue to further improve the capacitive performance of carbon materials, especially for compact energy storage under limited surface areas.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel structure of multi-segment encoder with MOS current mode logic (MCML) multiplexers. As the benefit, the more segments would lead higher performance speed. Moreover, in the high-resolution flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC), the encoder structure will be simpler compared to conventional ones. As the simplest type, the two-segment encoder is used in this paper. By assistance of some MCML multiplexers, each segment encodes the most significant bits (MSBs) and the least significant bits (LSBs) separately. The figure of merit (FOM) of the proposed ADC is 0.225 pJ/conversion-step.  相似文献   

Through first‐principles calculations, it is found that two lattice‐matched halide double‐perovskites, Cs2NaBiBr6 and Cs2AgBiBr6, have a type‐I band alignment and can form highly miscible alloys in which the disordering makes the bandgaps become direct and activates the direct transition from the valence to conduction band edge, leading to a strong optical absorption and high radiative recombination rate. The bandgaps of the alloys are tunable in a wide range of 1.93–3.24 eV, while the lattice constants remain unchanged. This advantage inspires the design of a coherent crystalline matrix based on Cs2(Na,Ag)BiBr6 alloys, in which the Ag‐rich and narrower‐bandgap regions are embedded in the Na‐rich and wide‐bandgap region with lattice‐matched and coherent interfaces. The type‐I band alignment drives the photogenerated excitons into the narrower‐bandgap Ag‐rich regions, so the regions become light‐emitting centers with a high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). The bandgaps of the Ag‐rich regions are tunable, so the color of emitted light can be adjusted, making a broadband emission possible. Such kind of coherent crystalline matrix with high‐PLQY and broadband emission can also be fabricated based on the alloys of other lattice‐matched halide double‐perovskites, demonstrating the flexibility of band structure engineering in the coherent heterostructures of various halide double‐perovskites.  相似文献   

The field effect transistor (FET) is arguably one of the most important circuit elements in modern electronics. Recently, a need has developed for flexible electronics in a variety of emerging applications. Examples include form‐fitting healthcare‐monitoring devices, flexible displays, and flexible radio frequency identification tags. Organic FETs (OFETs) are viable candidates for producing such flexible devices because they incorporate semiconducting π‐conjugated materials, including small molecules and conjugated polymers, which are intrinsically soft and mechanically compatible with flexible substrates. For OFETs to be industrially viable, however, they must achieve not only high charge carrier mobility, but also ideal and comprehensible electrical characteristics. Most recently, nonideal double‐slope characteristics in the transfer curves of OFETs (i.e., high slope at low gate voltage and low slope at high gate voltage), have stirred debate, which has led to different mechanistic rationales in the literature. This review focuses on the general observations, mechanistic understanding, and possible solutions associated with phenomena that result in FETs with double‐slope characteristics. By surveying and systematically summarizing in a single source relevant literature that deals with the issue of double slope, the experimental framework and theoretical basis for interpreting and avoiding this electrical nonideality in OFETs is provided.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generalized post‐processing technique for enhancing the pseudorandomness of digital chaotic oscillators through a nonlinear XOR‐based operation with rotation and feedback. The technique allows full utilization of the chaotic output as pseudorandom number generators and improves throughput without a significant area penalty. Digital design of a third‐order chaotic system with maximum function nonlinearity is presented with verified chaotic dynamics. The proposed post‐processing technique eliminates statistical degradation in all output bits, thus maximizing throughput compared to other processing techniques. Furthermore, the technique is applied to several fully digital chaotic oscillators with performance surpassing previously reported systems in the literature. The enhancement in the randomness is further examined in a simple image encryption application resulting in a better security performance. The system is verified through experiment on a Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGA with throughput up to 15.44 Gbit/s and logic utilization less than 0.84% for 32‐bit implementations.  相似文献   

High‐performance top‐gated organic field‐effect transistor (OFET) memory devices using electrets and their applications to flexible printed organic NAND flash are reported. The OFETs based on an inkjet‐printed p‐type polymer semiconductor with efficiently chargeable dielectric poly(2‐vinylnaphthalene) (PVN) and high‐k blocking gate dielectric poly(vinylidenefluoride‐trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF‐TrFE)) shows excellent non‐volatile memory characteristics. The superior memory characteristics originate mainly from reversible charge trapping and detrapping in the PVN electret layer efficiently in low‐k/high‐k bilayered dielectrics. A strategy is devised for the successful development of monolithically inkjet‐printed flexible organic NAND flash memory through the proper selection of the polymer electrets (PVN or PS), where PVN/‐ and PS/P(VDF‐TrFE) devices are used as non‐volatile memory cells and ground‐ and bit‐line select transistors, respectively. Electrical simulations reveal that the flexible printed organic NAND flash can be possible to program, read, and erase all memory cells in the memory array repeatedly without affecting the non‐selected memory cells.  相似文献   

Double‐walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) are studied using in‐situ visible–near‐infrared (vis‐NIR) and in‐situ Raman spectroelectrochemistry. Electrochemical vis‐NIR spectroscopy reveals a complex picture of DWCNTs due to the overlap of the features of the inner and outer tubes and possible optical transitions, which are not predicted by the simple tight‐binding model. The optical transitions are bleached upon electrochemical doping. This is qualitatively understood to be a consequence of the Fermi‐level shift by the applied potential relative to the van Hove singularity. In‐situ Raman spectra are quenched by the applied cathodic/anodic potentials due to the loss of resonance by electrochemical charging. The electrochemical tuning of Raman spectra proceeds distinctly for inner and outer tubes. While the bands of outer tubes rapidly follow the potential change, the features of inner tubes respond relatively slowly to electrochemical perturbations. The Raman D‐mode of DWCNTs was found to be bifurcated upon electrochemical charging, which is similar to the behavior of the tangential displacement mode. Ionic liquids are good electrolytes for the spectroelectrochemistry of DWCNTs, even at extreme applied potentials. They allow the deconvolution of the tangential modes of the inner and outer tubes at both cathodic and anodic doping.  相似文献   

Despite their potential in various fields of bioapplications, such as drug/cell delivery, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine, hydrogels have often suffered from their weak mechanical properties, which are attributed to their single network of polymers. Here, supertough composite hydrogels are proposed consisting of alginate/polyacrylamide double‐network hydrogels embedded with mesoporous silica particles (SBA‐15). The supertoughness is derived from efficient energy dissipation through the multiple bondings, such as ionic crosslinking of alginate, covalent crosslinking of polyacrylamide, and van der Waals interactions and hydrogen bondings between SBA‐15 and the polymers. The superior mechanical properties of these hybrid hydrogels make it possible to maintain the hydrogel structure for a long period of time in a physiological solution. Based on their high mechanical stability, these hybrid hydrogels are demonstrated to exhibit on‐demand drug release, which is controlled by an external mechanical stimulation (both in vitro and in vivo). Moreover, different types of drugs can be separately loaded into the hydrogel network and mesopores of SBA‐15 and can be released with different speeds, suggesting that these hydrogels can also be used for multiple drug release.  相似文献   

Hierarchical FAU‐ and LTA‐type catalysts are prepared by post‐synthetic modifications and evaluated in the base‐catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation of benzaldehyde with malononitrile. A novel route to attain mesoporous Al‐rich zeolites (A and X) is demonstrated, while mesoporous Y and USY zeolites are prepared using recently developed methods. Base functionality is introduced by alkali ion exchange (Cs, Na) or by high‐temperature nitridation in ammonia. A thorough characterization of the zeolites' structure, composition, porosity, morphology, and basicity demonstrates that the presence of a secondary mesopore network enhances the ion‐exchange efficiency and the structural incorporation of nitrogen. The modified USY zeolites display twice the conversion, while the hierarchical A, X, and Y are up to 10 times more active based on the enhanced accessibility. These results demonstrate that the Knoevenagel condensation takes place predominately at the external surface, highlighting secondary porosity as a key criterion in the design of basic zeolite catalysts.  相似文献   

Herein, a high‐performance copper nanowire (Cu NW) network (sheet resistance ≈ 17 Ω sq?1, transmittance 88%) fabricated by plasmonic‐tuned flash welding (PFW) with ultrafast interlocking and photochemical reducing is reported, which greatly enhance the mechanical and chemical stability of Cu NWs. Xenon flash spectrum is tuned in an optimized distribution (maximized light intensity at 600 nm wavelength) through modulation of electron kinetic energy in the lamp by generating drift potential for preferential photothermal interactions. High‐intensity visible light is emitted by the plasmonic‐tuned flash, which strongly improves Cu nanowelding without oxidation. Near‐infrared spectrum of the flash induced an interlocking structure of NW/polyethylene terephthalate interface by exciting Cu NW surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), increasing adhesion of the Cu nanonetwork by 208%. In addition, ultrafast photochemical reduction of Cu NWs is accomplished in air by flash‐induced electron excitations and relevant chemical reactions. The PFW effects of localized surface plasmons and SPPs on junction welding and adhesion strengthening of Cu network are theoretically studied as physical behaviors by finite‐difference time‐domain simulations. Finally, a transparent resistive memory and a touch screen panel are demonstrated by using the flash‐induced Cu NWs, showing versatile and practical uses of PFW‐treated Cu NW electrodes for transparent flexible electronics.  相似文献   

This paper presents a double‐sharpened decimation filter based on the application of a Kaiser and Hamming sharpening technique for multistandard wireless systems. The proposed double‐sharpened decimation filter uses a pre‐droop compensator which improves the passband response of a conventional cascaded integrator‐comb filter so that it provides an efficient sharpening performance at half‐speed with comparison to conventional sharpened filters. In this paper, the passband droop characteristics with compensation provides –1.6 dB for 1.25 MHz, –1.4 dB for 2.5 MHz, –1.3 dB for 5 MHz, and –1.0 dB for 10 MHz bandwidths, respectively. These results demonstrate that the proposed double‐sharpened decimation filter is suitable for multistandard wireless applications.  相似文献   

A high‐energy conversion efficiency of 8.2% at 100 mW cm?2 is reported, one of the highest values for N719‐based, solid‐state, dye‐sensitized solar cells (ssDSSCs). The solar cells are based on hierarchical double‐shell nanostructures consisting of inner SnO2 hollow spheres (SHS) surrounded by outer TiO2 nanosheets (TNSs). Deposition of the TNS on the SHS outer surface is performed via solvothermal reactions in order to generate a double‐shell SHS@TNS nanostructure that provides a large surface area and suppresses recombination of photogenerated electrons. An organized mesoporous (OM)‐TiO2 film with high porosity, large pores, and good interconnectivity is also prepared via a sol‐gel process using a poly(vinyl chloride)‐g‐poly(oxyethylene methacrylate) (PVC‐g‐POEM) graft copolymer template. This film is utilized as a matrix to disperse the double‐shell nanostructures. Such nanostructures provide good pore‐filling for solid polymer electrolytes, faster electron transfer, and enhanced light scattering, as confirmed by reflectance spectroscopy, incident photon‐to‐electron conversion efficiency (IPCE), and intensity‐modulated photocurrent spectroscopy (IMPS)/intensity‐modulated photovoltage spectroscopy (IMVS).  相似文献   

We propose and describe new error control algorithms for redundant residue number systems (RRNSs) and residue number system product codes. These algorithms employ search techniques for obtaining error values from within a set of values (that contains all possible error values). For a given RRNS, the error control algorithms have a computational complexity of t·O(log2 n + log2 m?) comparison operations, where t denotes the error correcting capability, n denotes the number of moduli, and m? denotes the geometric average of moduli. These algorithms avoid most modular operations. We describe a refinement to the proposed algorithms that further avoids the modular operation required in their respective first steps, with an increase of ?log2 n? to their computational complexity. The new algorithms provide significant computational advantages over existing methods.  相似文献   

Conventional design wisdom prevents both bulk and interfacial toughness to be presented in the same hydrogel, because the bulk properties of hydrogels are usually different from the interfacial properties of the same hydrogels on solid surfaces. Here, a fully‐physically‐linked agar (the first network)/poly(N ‐hydroxyethyl acrylamide) (pHEAA, the second network), where both networks are physically crosslinked via hydrogen bonds, is designed and synthesized. Bulk agar/pHEAA hydrogels exhibit high mechanical properties (2.6 MPa tensile stress, 8.0 tensile strain, 8000 J m?2 tearing energy, 1.62 MJ m?3 energy dissipation), high self‐recovery without any external stimuli (62%/30% toughness/stiffness recovery), and self‐healing property. More impressively, without any surface modification, agar/pHEAA hydrogels can be easily and physically anchored onto different nonporous solid substrates of glass, titanium, aluminum, and ceramics to produce superadhesive hydrogel–solid interfaces (i.e., high interfacial toughness of 2000–7000 J m?2). Comparison of as‐prepared and swollen gels in water and hydrogen‐bond‐breaking solvents reveals that strong bulk toughness provides a structural basis for strong interfacial toughness, and both high toughness mainly stem from cooperative hydrogen bonds between and within two networks and between two networks and solid substrates. This work demonstrates a new gel system to achieve superhigh bulk and interfacial toughness on nonporous solid surfaces.  相似文献   

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