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International trade is an important impact factor to the carbon emissions of a country.As the rapid development of Chinese foreign trade since its entry into the WTO in 2002, the effects of international trade on carbon emissions of China are more and more significant.Using the recent available input-output tables of China and energy consumption data, this study estimated the effects of Chinese foreign trade on carbon emissions and the changes of the effects by analyzing the emissions embodied in trade between 2002 and 2007. The re-suits showed a more and more significant exporting behavior of embodied carbon emissions in Chinese international trade. From 2002 to 2007, the proportion of net exported emissions and domestic exported emissions in domestic emissions increased from 18.32% to 29.79%and from 23.97% to 34.76%, respectively. In addition, about 22.10% and 32.29% of the total imported emissions were generated in processing trade in 2002 and 2007, respectively, which were imported and later exported emissions. Although, most of the sectors showed a growth trend in imported and exported emissions, sectors of electrical machinery and communication electronic equipment, chemical industry, and textile were still the biggest emission exporters,the net exported emissions of which were also the largest. For China and other developing countries, technology improvement may be the most favorable and acceptable ways to re-duce carbon emissions at present stage. In the future negotiations on emissions reduction, it would be more fair and reasonable to include the carbon emissions embodied in international trade when accounting the total emissions of an economy.  相似文献   

The recent ratification of the World Trade Organisation Agreement will arguably be the most important factor in developing new sanitary measures for the international trade in food over the next decade. There is a markedly increased desire for quantitative data on the microbial risks associated with different classes of foods, and traditional good manufacturing practice (GMP)-based food hygiene requirements are coming under increasing challenge. As the risk assessment paradigm is increasing applied and as decision-making criteria for risk management become established, more emphasis will be placed on predictive microbiology as a means of generating exposure data and establishing critical limits for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans. In this respect, developing international guidelines for risk management arguably presents the greatest challenge in establishing and maintaining quantitative Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SP) measures for food in international trade, and for judging their equivalence. Where specific industry sectors and regulators do not have jurisdiction over the entire food chain, from production of raw materials through to consumption, it will be difficult to apply the risk assessment paradigm in the design of HACCP plans. Thus, it appears that default to food safety objectives for many segments of food production chains subject to application of HACCP plans is inevitable in the medium term.  相似文献   

共同积极应对挑战,促进全球钢材贸易健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了全球钢铁产业发展及转移历程、中国钢铁产业新常态及前景展望、钢材国际贸易、中国钢材进出口现状等相关问题;中国作为世界最大的钢材出口国,在满足国际用户需求的同时,也遭遇到一些国家的种种贸易保护措施,探讨了应如何客观公正地看待中国钢材出口,全方位分析如何应对一些国家针对中国钢材的贸易保护措施,以及未来中国钢材进出口应采取何种策略。  相似文献   

Hexacyanoferrates have been identified as highly effective radiocaesium binders which effectively reduce radiocaesium uptake and transfer to milk and meat. In Russia a hexacyanoferrate called ferrocyn has been produced for use as a countermeasure. In 1989-1992, experiments were undertaken in Russia to study the effectiveness of four different ferrocyn materials as 137Cs binders, their potential toxicity, effect on production rates of cow milk, effect on animal health and ease of implementation in routine agricultural practice. Four different ferrocyn delivery forms have been used: 98% pure powder, sustained release rumen boli (15% ferrocyn), salt licks (10% ferrocyn) and sawdust with 10% ferrocyn adsorbed (bifege). In initial experiments with different cows, sheep and pigs these four ferrocyn materials were effective in reducing radiocaesium transfer to animal products. Daily administration of ferrocyn powder at a rate of 3-5 g per cow reduced 137Cs transfer by up to 90% in milk. One single administration of three boli per cow (containing 30 g ferrocyn per boli) reduced 137Cs transfer by 50-75% for a period of 2 months. Salt licks containing 10% ferrocyn (0.22 kg ferrocyn per 2.2 kg briquette provided once) reduced transfer of 137Cs up to twofold for up to 10 days whilst bifege, given at a rate of 30-60 g day-1 (3-6 g day-1 ferrocyn), reduced 137Cs transfer by 90-95%. However, large-scale application of these ferrocyn materials on collective and private farms in agricultural trials in 1994 resulted in a lower effectiveness. Therefore, in 1996 a comparative assessment of the application of the four ferrocyn forms was made under carefully controlled conditions. The results fully validated the previous experimental data, and showed the importance of meeting recommended procedures for treatment, particularly when hexacyanoferrates are administered on a day-to-day basis.  相似文献   

通过对盘条与钢丝20项具体的国家标准与对应国际标准、国外先进标准的比对分析,提出了盘条与铜丝国际标准研制以及有效应对该领域技术性贸易措施的对策建议。  相似文献   

陆莹  雷波荣 《武钢技术》2009,47(2):49-52
从武钢国际贸易成本管理的现状出发,提出传统成本管理现阶段存在的主要问题,进而探讨分析如何通过一个电子商务系统进行武钢国际贸易的成本管理,为其成本管理的成功实现提供具体内容和实施方法。最后,确定构建这样一个武钢国际贸易成本管理电子商务系统的具体步骤。  相似文献   

孙黎  李俊江  范思琦 《黄金》2007,28(11):1-4
基于国际矿产资源经济贸易发展趋势和现存主要问题,文中重点从国际矿产资源经济评价和安全机制、应对策略、产业政策、协调与合作、管理立法等有关转型方面进行了论述,并将其诸方面转型视为一个系统,提出资源经济贸易管理系统的思想,该思想的核心是将国际资源经济贸易中所涉及到多个学科(经济学、矿床学和管理学等)和数个环节作为一个有机的整体进行系统性地运作,针对现存问题进行统一管理和研究,最大限度分享境外资源.  相似文献   

The author details the connection between disease outbreaks in salmonid fish and imports of salmonid eggs into Japan since the 1950s. The following diseases and species are involved: -infectious pancreatic necrosis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) -infectious haematopoietic necrosis in sockeye ( of 'kokanee') salmon (O. nerka) and masu salmon (O. masu) -cold water disease, erythrocyte inclusion body syndrome, and bacterial kidney disease (caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum) in coho salmon (O. kisutch), ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis), rainbow trout and masu salmon. The author also discusses the strategies aimed at controlling the risk of disease spread through international trade in salmonid fish and fish products in Japan. Essential in these strategies are the following actions: -exchange of information on controlling disease problems -studies to establish standard methods to identify or detect fish pathogens -fish health certification.  相似文献   

Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) is rapidly accumulating recognition as the most practical method for assessing the risks associated with microbial contamination of foodstuffs. These risk analyses are most commonly developed in commercial computer spreadsheet applications, combined with Monte Carlo simulation add-ins that enable probability distributions to be inserted into a spreadsheet. If a suitable model structure can be defined and all of the variables within that model reasonably quantified, a QRA will demonstrate the sensitivity of the severity of the risk to each stage in the risk-assessment model. It can therefore provide guidance for the selection of appropriate risk-reduction measures and a quantitative assessment of the benefits and costs of these proposed measures. However, very few reports explaining QRA models have been submitted for publication in this area. There is, therefore, little guidance available to those who intend to embark on a full microbial QRA. This paper looks at a number of modeling techniques that can help produce more realistic and accurate Monte Carlo simulation models. The use and limitations of several distributions important to microbial risk assessment are explained. Some simple techniques specific to Monte Carlo simulation modelling of microbial risks using spreadsheets are also offered which will help the analyst more realistically reflect the uncertain nature of the scenarios being modeled. simulation, food safety.  相似文献   

Image analysis to measure activity index of animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of the study was to present a method to quantify the behavioural response of animals to their micro-environment by using a camera system and a digitiser board. An algorithm was developed for analysing images and calculating activity, occupied zone and boundary of the animals. The developed method was tested on 3 different applications and animals. In the first application, the behavioural responses of broiler chickens to their thermal environment was measured. In the second application behavioural responses of pigs to their thermal environment were measured. In the third application, the response of water fleas to a chromium pollution was measured using the developed technique. Based on the experimental results, it can be concluded that the developed image analysis technique can be employed to quantify the behavioural responses of the tested animals to their micro-environment, in an easy and accurate way.  相似文献   

李宜三 《黄金》2015,(2):7-11
随着中国黄金市场的开放,国内黄金价格与国际黄金价格接轨,曾经在计划经济体制下的黄金企业进入一个价格瞬息万变的市场经济环境;企业经营的不确定性增强,面临的市场风险也不断增多,尤其是具有金融属性和商品属性的黄金,在全球经济背景下,其价格波动风险是黄金企业面对的首要风险。该文通过揭示黄金企业面临的金价波动风险,提出了黄金企业交易风险控制管理的建议,以促进企业的可持续经营和健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper elaborates core and related technologies with the theme of the application of Baosteel mechanical and electronic products in metallurgical logistics management.It introduces the model of logistics management in iron and steel enterprise,especially focuses on the vital roles of Mechano - electronic Products in this model.Then it describes sensor detection device and marking & identification equipment, considered as the main methods of logistics tracking in production equipment layer.Consequently logistics tracking is also explained and promoted to logistics management level.We mainly present some technologies about the wireless data transmission and crane positioning system in this section.And some new prospective R&D study results and more comprehensive solutions for mechanical and electrical products from Baosight are also introduced.Finally the significances of metallurgical logistics management are summarized.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies have focused on the association between diet and breast cancer with conflicting results. Whereas a majority of case-control studies indicate a role for the intake of total fat and saturated fat, most prospective cohort studies either are negative or indicate very modest associations. Only a few authors have examined the role of meat intake in relation to breast cancer risk. The aim of this study was to examine the relation between risk of breast cancer and dietary intake of meat, animal products, fat, and protein. Between 1985 and 1991, we recruited 14,291 New York City women in a prospective cohort study of endogenous hormones, diet, and cancer in which they reported on their recent diet using a food frequency questionnaire self-administered at enrollment. From the cohort, 180 invasive breast cancer cases diagnosed before December 1990 and five times as many controls, individually matched by age, calendar time at enrollment, menopausal status, and, if premenopausal, phase of menstrual cycle, were included in a nested case-control study. There was an evident increase in the relative risk (RR) of breast cancer for increasing consumption of meat. Women in the upper quintile of meat consumption, as compared with the lowest quintile, had an energy-adjusted RR of 1.87 (95% confidence interval = 1.09-3.21). There was a modest RR increase in the upper quintile of total and saturated fat and no apparent association for other types of fat, protein, dairy products, poultry, or fish.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study considers a theory of risk as a means of coping with risk and uncertainty that have become a growing reality for animal agriculture. Microbial contaminations of food, waste management, animal products in the human diet, and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) incorporate different conceptions of risk and require different approaches to handling the uncertainty involved. A dichotomous schema is suggested to assist understanding risk that may be adapted to recognizing and handling risk. The polar aspects of the proposal are the probabilistic approach at one end and the contextual understanding at the other. Probabilist conceptions of risk presume that risk is determined by probability and consequence. Contextual conceptions presume that management, law, regulation, media, and public perceptions, as well as the severity of the consequence, will figure prominently in decision making in the face of uncertainty. Relative emphasis on probabilistic characteristics shapes distinct understandings of risk that can be plotted between the poles. We are proposing that these conceptualizations need not be issues only for debate but also for recognition of the probabilistic or contextual nature of the risk. Specific actions and policy may be constructed on the basis of the conceptualization. The bovine spongiform encephalopathy/new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease complex is examined philosophically and methodologically as a contextual challenge to animal agriculture and associated industries. As such, the TSE serve as a case study of effective application of risk theory to risks in animal agriculture.  相似文献   

Local environmental signals regulate the growth and development of both normal and malignant breast epithelium. Members of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) family likely influence both of these processes. The localization of IGF2 to stroma specifically surrounding malignant breast epithelium indicates that this growth factor may play a critical role in the genesis or maintenance of this transformed phenotype. Recent studies have sought to understand the mechanism by which IGF2 expressing fibroblasts are localized to the periphery of malignant breast cancer cells. In addition, the consequences of the expression of IGF-signaling components likely expand beyond their direct effects on mitogenesis. Indirect effects predominantly associated with the IGF2 receptor could also influence the invasive potential of breast tumor cells.  相似文献   

Four solvent-non-solvent pairs (ethyl-acetate-cyclohexane, dichloromethane-cyclohexane, acetone-cyclohexane and dichloromethane-n-hexane) with different solubility parameter differences were chosen to prepare ethylcellulose microcapsules containing theophylline by using non-solvent-addition phase separation method. The results showed that the surface morphology and release behaviour of microcapsules were greatly affected by different solvent-non-solvent pairs. The surface of the microcapsules prepared from the system of high solubility parameter difference was more smooth than those from the systems of low solubility parameter difference. The release rate of the drug from microcapsules decreased with increasing solubility parameter difference of the preparative system. The determination of the wall thickness and porosity of the microcapsules could reasonably explain the release characteristics. The porosity of the microcapsules decreased with the increase of solubility parameter difference of the preparative system, but the wall thickness of the microcapsules showed a corresponding increase. The release of the drug from various ethylcellulose microcapsules fitted first-order kinetics with biphasic release profiles.  相似文献   

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