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在医疗行业的发展中,物联网技术的应用范围越来越广,物联网技术能够有效帮助医院的管理者理清智慧医疗的概念和基本内容,对传统医疗行业进行革新。文中介绍了物联网的概念和技术,重点阐述了物联网技术在院前和院内医疗系统中的应用方向及现状。通过对物联网技术在医疗领域的应用进行分析,指出了医疗物联网应用中存在的行业缺乏通用标准、数据...  相似文献   

孙祥玉  孙大伟 《福建电脑》2013,29(3):163-164
本文简单介绍了物联网技术的相关知识,以及物联网技术医院信息化管理中的应用范围。  相似文献   

利用物联网技术,智慧医疗旨在打造医院病护健康信息平台,可以实时监控病人身体健康情况,增强医务人员、医疗设备、病人三者之间的互动,实现医院医疗体系信息化.探讨Zigbee无线通信技术在物联网中的应用为,并构建了智慧医疗物联网中的具体应用,旨在为相关技术管理人员提供有价值的技术参考.  相似文献   

目前,我国逐步步入老龄化社会,医院医疗资源分布不均匀,这些问题严重制约着我国医疗卫生系统的健康发展。而物联网技术的兴起和发展,为解决这些问题提供了契机。笔者系统介绍了物联网技术的定义,重点论述物联网技术在卫生信息化领域的应用,同时对物联网技术在卫生信息化应用中存在的问题进行分析,展望物联网技术未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

针对WiFi技术在医院物联网中的应用,通过ARM+WiFi SoC的方式,设计基于WiFi技术的医院物联网传感终端,在小体积低成本的嵌入式系统上实现WiFi功能。在物理层开发WiFi芯片的驱动程序,在网络层和传输层移植嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈,并开发上层应用实现数据采集和Socket发送;结合医院物联网的具体应用,将所开发的WiFi体温采集终端投入到临床应用中,经验证,WiFi数据采集终端达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

随着物联网应用技术的发展,其已逐步与医学领域密切结合。结合体联网技术、远程医疗和医院管理三种应用类型,从医疗物联网架构、医疗物联网中的信号处理技术和医疗物联网应用领域三个方面综述了物联网技术应用于医学领域的当前研究进展,介绍并分析了应用原理和研究现状,讨论了物联网技术应用于医学领域中依然面临的问题和挑战。  相似文献   

陈磊  周敏  傅许彦 《微型机与应用》2013,32(14):56-58,64
物联网技术在医疗领域的应用一直备受国内外的广泛关注。而这一应用的前提是物联网网络在医院安全、完整的敷设。着重介绍了物联网网络工程在我院的规划设计及具体实施情况。  相似文献   

物联网是一种先进的技术,将物联网技术应用在医院中,可以提高医院的管理水平.医院是一种特殊的服务行业,其具有开放性,而且内部机构比较多,进出的病人与医护人员比较多,属于比较复杂的环境,应用物联网技术,可以改善医院的环境,可以对病人的身份进行自动识别,可以实现自动报警,也可以对医院进行安全监控,可以促进多功能医院的构建,可以实现免接触探视,可以避免交叉感染等问题的出现.  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展和日益成熟,社会的方方面面都发生了质的改变与创新,这种技术为人类服务,创造了巨大的价值。事物之间的联系性使得互联网技术并不只单单应用于计算机系统本身,而是和其他事物联系在一起,新生的物联网就是这样一个结合体和新技术。物联网技术在医院医疗系统的应用,旨在就是将网络和医院的系统连接在一起,方便医院的运行和操作。  相似文献   

随着医院对医学装备精细化管理需求的日益提高,物联网技术在医学装备管理中的应用潜力不断提升.将物联网技术全面应用于医学装备全生命周期管理中,有助于提高医院的医疗水平、服务质量和经济效益.本文通过分析目前医院医学装备管理中存在的问题,提出基于物联网技术的医学装备全生命周期管理系统设计,为医疗机构相关领域建设提供借鉴.  相似文献   

物联网技术在医疗领域的研究进展*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从药品领域、远程监护、医疗信息化、医疗设备管理等多个方面详细讨论了物联网技术在医疗领域的应用现状,并在医疗物联网、物联网医学和健康物联网等概念的基础上,分析了目前物联网技术在医疗领域的研究现状。最后指出了医疗领域下物联网研究中有待解决的关键问题,包括面向医疗行业的物联网系统标准、电子病历的相关问题,以及病人数据安全和隐私保护问题等。  相似文献   

As a new revolution of the Internet, Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly gaining ground as a new research topic in many academic and industrial disciplines, especially in healthcare. Remarkably, due to the rapid proliferation of wearable devices and smartphone, the Internet of Things enabled technology is evolving healthcare from conventional hub based system to more personalised healthcare systems (PHS). However, empowering the utility of advanced IoT technology in PHS is still significantly challenging in the area considering many issues, like shortage of cost-effective and accurate smart medical sensors, unstandardised IoT system architectures, heterogeneity of connected wearable devices, multi-dimensionality of data generated and high demand for interoperability. In an effect to understand advance of IoT technologies in PHS, this paper will give a systematic review on advanced IoT enabled PHS. It will review the current research of IoT enabled PHS, and key enabling technologies, major IoT enabled applications and successful case studies in healthcare, and finally point out future research trends and challenges.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing demand of work that required high level of computing power in IoT or establishment of server in IoT environment due to development of computing power. Excessive diagnosis has recently been a significant issue in the field of medicine. Excessive diagnosis issue is expected to be significantly reduced if establishing the easily configurable IoT server, communication with medical devices, and communication among hospitals by transmitting medical results to users. With the advancement of hacking technology, many hackers are interested in medical information and medical infrastructure, and the Information Security Management System (ISMS) is expanding in Korea. A number of medical ISMS projects are discussed, based on ISO 27791 standards derived from ISO 27001 standards. Large hospitals in South Korea have a variety of platforms that misrepresent personal information, and various platforms deal with sensitive medical information, but small and medium-sized hospitals use platforms that are not considered legal considerations.In this paper, we intend to establish a legal information sharing platform, which is legally considered legally limited and is responsible for the safety of the medical information.In the IoT server with limited resources, light-weighted and user-friendly protocols are frequently utilized over those that derive traffic and consume much resource. Under these circumstances, this study is intended to suggest IoT network that medical devices are able to create ubiquitous environment for users by utilizing simple service discovery protocol as a protocol provided without imposing much burden on limited resources and highly secured extensible messaging and presence protocol.  相似文献   

物联网技术应用实践及其体系结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于君  王洋  张雪英 《自动化仪表》2012,33(3):42-45,49
物联网技术以其在众多领域的应用而受到了人们的广泛关注。在介绍物联网技术的基本概念及其发展现状的基础上,分别给出了物联网技术在医疗卫生事业、环境监控保护、农业和畜牧管理等领域的成功应用案例。最后通过总结应用方案,分析了物联网体系结构和相关技术,指出了电信运营商在物联网体系中的作用与价值。  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that refers to the deployment of Internet Protocol (IP) address sensors in health care systems to monitor patients’ health. It has the ability to access the Internet and collect data from sensors. Automated decisions are made after evaluating the information of illness people records. Patients’ health and well-being can be monitored through IoT medical devices. It is possible to trace the origins of biological, medical equipment and processes. Human reliability is a major concern in user activity and fitness trackers in day-to-day activities. The fundamental challenge is to measure the efficiency of the human system accurately. Aim to maintain tabs on the well-being of humans; this paper recommends the use of wireless body area networks (WBANs) and artificial neural networks (ANN) to create an IoT-based healthcare framework for hospital information systems (IoT-HF-HIS). Our evaluation system uses a server to estimate how much computing power is needed for modeling, and simulations of the framework have been done using data rate and latency requirements are implementing the energy-aware technology presented in this paper. The proposed framework implements several hospital information system case studies by building a time-saving simulation environment. As the world’s population ages, more and more people suffer from physical and emotional ailments. Using the recommended strategy regularly has been proven user-friendly, reliable, and cost-effective, with an overall performance of 95.2%.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着物联网的快速发展,其应用场景涵盖智慧家庭、智慧城市、智慧医疗、智慧工业以及智慧农业.相比于传统的以太网,物联网能够将各种传感设备与网络结合起来,实现人、电脑和物体的互联互通.形式多样的物联网协议是实现物联网设备互联互通的关键,物联网协议拥有不同的协议栈,这使得物联网协议往往能表现出不同的特性.目前应用较广...  相似文献   

从物联网在医疗行业中的应用现状着手,分析了现有的面向医疗行业物联网的概念,并从狭义和广义角度对其进行剖析。借鉴物联网的现有体系架构,针对面向医疗行业物联网的特点,分析了医疗物联网体系架构设计时应考虑的领域业务范畴和体系架构模型标准,并对面向医疗行业物联网的关键技术进行归纳,分析其在医疗领域应用的场合,最后指出未来智慧医疗的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着物联网(Internet of Things, IoT)技术的高速发展,各类智能设备数量激增,身份认证成为保障IoT安全的首要需求.区块链作为一种分布式账本技术,提供了去信任的协作环境和安全的数据管理平台,使用区块链技术驱动IoT认证成为学术界和工业界关注的热点.基于云计算和云边协同两种架构分析IoT身份认证机制设计的主要需求,总结区块链技术应用于IoT场景面临的挑战;梳理现有IoT身份认证机制的工作,并将其归结为基于密钥的认证、基于证书的认证和基于身份的认证;分析应用区块链技术的IoT认证工作,并根据认证对象和附加属性对相关文献进行归纳和总结.从形式化和非形式化两个方向总结基于区块链的IoT认证机制的安全性分析方法.最后展望了未来研究方向.  相似文献   

为了提高医疗数据的隐私性并有效对疾病进行预测,针对从物联网(IoT)设备收集的患者医疗数据,构建了面向医疗系统的隐私保护疾病预测系统框架,通过加密组合文本建立密钥提高了系统认证阶段的隐私性,加强系统和信息传输的安全性。利用基于对数循环值的椭圆曲线密码体制(LR-ECC)提高了数据传输阶段的安全性,从而授权的医护人员可以在医院侧安全地下载患者数据。运用基于象群遗传算法的的深度学习神经网络(EHGA-DLNN)分类技术在疾病预测系统(DPS)阶段实现了疾病数据的有效分类预测。实验结果表明,LR-ECC方法在加密时间和解密时间效率方面高于其他加密方法,并且能够达到98.87%的安全级别,EHGA-DLNN方法在疾病预测分类准确率达到98.35%。  相似文献   

Healthcare, the largest global industry, is undergoing significant transformations with the genesis of a new technology known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Many healthcare leaders are investing more money for transforming their services to harness the benefits provided by IoT, thereby paving the way for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), an extensive collection of medical sensors and associated infrastructure. IoMT has many benefits like providing remote healthcare by monitoring health vitals of patients at a distant place, providing healthcare services to elderly people, and monitoring a large group of people in a region or country for detection and prevention of epidemics. This paper provides a review of IoT in the healthcare domain by first describing the enabling technologies for delivering smart healthcare, followed by some of the key applications of IoT in healthcare. Next, a fog-based architecture consisting of three layers for IoT-based healthcare applications is proposed. Finally, we focus on some of the open challenges of IoT in healthcare, like fault tolerance, interoperability, latency, energy efficiency, and availability. Existing solutions for these challenges are also discussed.  相似文献   

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