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Quantities of attractive (exo-brevicomin and frontalin) and inhibitory (trans-verbenol, verbenone, and ipsdienol) pheromones were monitored in both sexes ofDendroctonus brevicomis during their colonization of a ponderosa pine. Verbenone was found in males in the greatest amounts at the time of landing, and it declined more rapidly than the other pheromones in either sex. The amounts of frontalin andexo-brevicomin in males and females, respectively, increased after initial boring within the host but began to decline after mating. The quantity oftrans-verbenol in both sexes (females had significantly more) declined more gradually thanexo-brevicomin, frontalin, and verbenone. Ipsdienol was found only in males during the initial stages of attack when encountering the resin. It is suggested that along with a general decline in all pheromonal components, a sufficient change in the ratio of the attractive pheromones to an inhibitory pheromone,trans-verbenol, may play a role in termination of aggregation.trans-Verbenol may also function along with verbenone and ipsdienol in limiting the density of attack and thus intraspecific competition. These inhibitory pheromones also appear to cause several competing species of bark beetle to avoid landing in areas infested withD. brevicomis, even when their own pheromone is present.Coleoptera:Scolytidae. These studies were supported in part by the Rockefeller Foundation, USDA Forest Service, Regional research project W-110, SEA/ USDA, and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency through a grant (NSF GB-34719/BMS 75-04223) to the University of California.  相似文献   

exo-Brevicomin (E), frontalin (F), and myrcene (M) were released at two rates 10-fold apart with verbenone at four rates 10-fold apart, and without verbenone in plots with one trap on a vertical cylinder at the pheromone source and one trap on each of four cylinders 5 m away. Catch of the western pine beetleDendroctonus brevicomis decreased with increasing levels of verbenone at both release rates of EFM, but not all differences in catch were statistically significant. Significantly more beetles were caught at the high rate of EFM than at the low rate, combining all rates of verbenone. The percent of total beetles caught at the center trap tended to decrease with increasing rates of verbenone, but the only statistically significant differences were at the low rate of EFM.Coleoptera: Scolytidae.  相似文献   

Dendroctonus brevicomis was attracted to a mixture of theIps paraconfusus pheromones, ipsenol,cis-verbenol, and ipsdienol at 10–9 g each/l but was not attracted to these pheromones at higher and lower release rates.I. paraconfusus was not attracted to theD. brevicomis pheromonesexo-brevicomin, frontalin, and myrcene at any release rate tested. Increased release rates of a mixture of the three pheromones ofI. paraconfusus inhibited the attraction ofD. brevicomis to its synthetic pheromones. A mixture of ipsenol + ipsdienol orcis-verbenol alone failed to cause inhibition indicating that at least two of theI. paraconfusus pheromones are required to inhibit the response ofD. brevicomis. The pheromones ofD. brevicomis did not inhibit the attraction ofI. paraconfusus to its pheromones; however, verbenone was a potent inhibitor.Coleoptera: Scolytidae. This paper is based in part upon a dissertation submitted by J.A.B. to the University of California, Berkeley, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in entomology, June 1978. These studies were supported by the Rockefeller Foundation; USDA Forest Service; Regional research project W-1 10, SEA/ USDA; and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency through a grant (NSF GB-34719/BMS 75-04223) to the University of California. The findings, opinions, and recommendations are not necessarily those of the University of California or the funding agencies.  相似文献   

Three parameters are described for estimating the natural occurrence of chemically defined insect pheromones: (1) the rate and duration of release by the insect, (2) the density of the pheromone-emitting insect population in both time and space, and (3) dispersal and degradation rates of the chemicals. Each of these parameters, except dispersal, was estimated for a population ofDendroctonus brevicomis LeC, and its three component attractive pheromones. A single generation of 610,000 beetles, believed to comprise the entire population in a 65-km2 forest, was estimated to have released 0.78, 3.7, and 370.5 g of frontalin,exo-brevicomin, and myrcene, respectively, within a 30-day period. Dendroctonus brevicomis Le Conte (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).Parts of this report were prepared for the U.S. Forest Service to accompany a future application to the Environmental Protection Agency for registration of these attractants for use in the suppression ofD. brevicomis populations. The research was supported by grants to the University of California (D.L. Wood) from the National Science Foundation/Environmental Protection Agency (NSF-6B-34718/BMS75-04223), Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Rockefeller Foundation. The findings, opinions, and recommendations are those of the authors and not necessarily those of these institutions.  相似文献   

The catch of the western pine beetle,Dendroctonus brevicomis, at an attractive source of racemicexo-brevicomin, racemic frontalin, and myrcene was reduced by surrounding the source with a grid of 48 stations releasing all three compounds together, orexo-brevicomin alone or myrcene alone. Each compound was released at the rate of 2 mg/24 hr/station. The catch at an attractive bolt cut from a tree being colonized byD. brevicomis was not reduced byexo-brevicomin, but was reduced by the combination ofexo-brevicomin, frontalin, and myrcene in one of two tests. When a transect of traps was placed across a 0.81-hectare plot at six of the 48 stations releasing all three compounds, more beetles were caught at outer than at inner traps. More beetles were caught at unbaited traps on trees in a plot when the three compounds were released than when onlyexo-brevicomin or no compounds were released. A few trees were attacked byD. brevicomis in some of the plots. The antiattractant verbenone released from 48 stations at the rate of 4 mg/24 hr/station did not reduce the catch at an attractive tree bolt.Coleoptera: Scolytidae.These studies were supported by the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and in part by grants to the University of California from the U.S. National Science Foundation and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (NSF GB-34718/BMS 75-04223) and the Rockefeller Foundation. The findings, opinions, and recommendations are not necessarily those of the funding agencies. Mention of commercial enterprises or products is only for information.  相似文献   

Racemicezo-brevicomin, racemic frontalin, and myrcene were released at two proportions (51400 and 111), each at three levels (1 ×, 10 ×, and 100 ×) in a ponderosa pine forest in central California. The 51400 mix was based on an estimate of the relative amounts released from a ponderosa pine under attack by the western pine beetle,Dendroctonus brevicomis. MoreD. brevicomis were trapped at a source of the three compounds released at 51400 than were trapped at a source released at 111, at all three levels, but this difference was statistically significant only at the 1 × and 10 × levels. Sex ratio of trapped beetles and distribution of catch at the source of attractant and 5 m away apparently did not differ between relative release rates.Coleoptera: Scolytidae.Trade names are mentioned solely for information. No endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is implied.  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine logs infested withIps paraconfusus males inhibited the attraction ofDendroctonus brevicomis in the field to either attractive logs cut from a ponderosa pine tree under attack byD. brevicomis or to their synthetic pheromones,exo-brevicomin, frontalin, and myrcene. Logs cut from trees under attack byD. brevicomis inhibited the response ofI. paraconfusus to logs infested with maleI. paraconfusus.Exo-brevicomin, frontalin, and myrcene did not inhibit their response but verbenone did. Verbenone was found in maleD. brevicomis dissected from attractive logs under attack during the same time the response ofI. paraconfusus was inhibited by these logs.Trans-verbenol andexo-brevicomin were found in femaleD. brevicomis while verbenone,trans-verbenol, and frontalin were found in maleD. brevicomis in relatively large amounts near the beginning of the aggregation phase of host colonization. All of these compounds had decreased at a similar rate 5 days later. This gradual decrease inexo-brevicomin and frontalin probably caused the observed reduction in attraction. The ecological significance of these compounds in relation to termination of the aggregation phase ofD. brevicomis and reduction of interspecific competition is discussed.Coleoptera: Scolytidae. This paper is based in part upon a dissertation submitted by J.A.B. to the University of California, Berkeley, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD in entomology. These studies were supported in part by the Rockefeller Foundation; U.S. Forest Service; Regional research Project W-110, S.E.A./ U.S.D.A.; and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency through a grant (NSF GB-34719/BMS 75-04223) to the University of California.  相似文献   

The relationships between catch ofD. brevicomis LeC. at sources of the synergistic pheromone components,exo-brevicomin (E) and frontalin (F), and increasing distance of separation of sources were investigated in the forest. The two components were each released with the host monoterpene, myrcene (M), in trap pairs. The traps of each pair were spaced apart at various distances (0–16 m) in either horizontal or vertical lines that were perpendicular to the mean wind direction. Both sexes were most strongly attracted when the two components were released from the same source, and increasing distance of separation between components caused exponential decreases in trap catch for all trap configurations. Males were significantly more attracted to traps with E, M alone than to corresponding traps with F, M alone, while females exhibited a preference for F, M. The theoretical relationships and properties of two coalescing plumes of individual components and their intersecting active space are presented and discussed. It is proposed that confusion or communication disruption techniques for insect control may be more successful if components are released individually from many points rather than released similarly in blends. Dendroctonus brevicomis LeC. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).Supported in part by grants from U.S.A. and Sweden, NSF (INT-8503520), STU (84-3937), NFR, FRN, and SJFR.  相似文献   

After living ponderosa pines were baited with either female-infested bolts or synthetic pheromones,Dendroctonus brevicomis were caught on sticky screens throughout trapping periods of 15–46 days; however, large numbers of beetles were trapped during only a small portion (5–10 days) of these trapping periods. The most attractive portions of trees attacked contained 3–6 beetles dm2, in galleries ca. 2 cm long. Catch increased following addition of males to female-infested bolts, supporting the hypothesis that male-produced frontalin is an attractive pheromone of the western pine beetle. Catch at bolts removed from trees under attack was strongly dependent upon levels of boring activity. We found no evidence of interruption of the response to attractants during host colonization.Coleoptera: Scolytidae. Trade names and commercial enterprises or products are mentioned solely for information and do not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or University of California.  相似文献   

Antennal olfactory (electroantennogram) and laboratory and field behavioral tests were carried out on the response ofDendroctonus frontalis to its aggregation pheromone frontalin and analogs. The analogs were compounds modified by altering the position and methyl groups and/or by their deletion. Any modification to the frontalin structure significantly reduced both the antennal olfactory and behavioral response byD. frontalis. Beetle response, although significantly reduced, was elicited at the receptor level and in a laboratory bioassay by all analogs. However, only one analog (endo-5,7-dimethyl-Frontalin) elicited significant response from field populations of the beetle.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station paper TA-22507. The work was funded in part by McIntire-Stennis project 1525 and by an operating grant from the Alberta Forest Service through the Forest Development Research Trust Fund. The findings, opinions, and recommendations expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. All programs and information of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available without regard to race, ethnic origin, religion, sex, or age.  相似文献   

Each of the pheromone components of the Western pine beetle,Dendroctonus brevicomis LeC. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), exo-brevicomin (E) and frontalin (F), were released in the forest at various ratios 0.011, 0.11, or 11 to a constant dose of the opposite component (E or F) plus the host monoterpene myrcene (M), which were each released at 1.5 mg/day. The components were released by a new method that combines the principles of chemical diffusion through a tube with mole percentage dilution of the chemical. Both sexes ofD. brevicomis were attracted similarly at comparable ratios (and release rates) of E or F and showed similar logarithmic relationships (r 2=0.920.99). The bark beetle predator,Temnochila chlorodia (Mannerheim) (Coleoptera: Trogositidae) was apparently less sensitive to E thanD. brevicomis, being relatively less attracted to amounts of E equivalent to that released by 70 females, while none were attracted to that from seven females (while this rate still attracted significant numbers of conspecifics). The apparent insensitivity of bark beetles to extreme ratios between pheromone components in contrast to moths is discussed. The advantages of the diffusion-dilution method of releasing semiochemicals compared to previous methods of absorbents, wicks, capillary tubes, and semipermeable plastic membranes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Male mountain pine beetles,Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, produced ipsdienol [97.0% ± 0.3S-(+)] and myrcenol (90.3% ± 4.0E) when exposed to myrcene vapors. Females which were exposed to myrcene vapors did not produce any ipsdienol, but did produce low levels of myrcenol (98.0% ± 0.7E). Neither sex produced detectable levels of ipsdienol or myrcenol when fed for 24 hr on lodgepole pine,Pinus contorta var.latifolia Engelmann. The sex-specific conversion of myrcene to ipsdienol and myrcenol suggests that these compounds may have behavioral significance within the species. In addition, the S-(+)-ipsdienol produced by maleD. ponderosae probably functions as a repellent allomone againstIps pini (Say).Research supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grants A3881, A3785 and A0851, Strategic Grant G1039, and a Postgraduate Scholarship to D.W.A. Hunt.  相似文献   

The number of western pine beetles,Dendroctonus brevicomis, trapped at the center of three 90 × 90-m plots was reduced during a 16-hr period after surrounding an attractive source ofexo-brevicomin, frontalin, and myrcene with 16, 48, or 168 sources of the same attractant. Compounds were released from the center of the plot at 1 mg/16 hr/compound, and from the surrounding sources at 4–280 mg/16 hr/compound. About half of these amounts was released between 1530 hr and 1930 hr, the period of peak beetle flight. No treatment differences were apparent in reduction of catch within the range of release rates and spacings tested. When compounds were released continuously from 168 stations for 17 days, catch at the center of a plot was generally lower than catch before or after this period, but fluctuated daily. More beetles were caught on traps hung on ponderosa pines within a plot and the number of these traps catching beetles was greater when compounds were released from all stations than from only the center station. Beetles caught on traps were attracted into the plots from the surrounding forest, but appeared to be dispersed within the plot when compounds were released from many stations.D. brevicomis attacked at least 91 trees in the plots, of which 25 were killed during two summers.Coleoptera: Scolytidae.Trade names are mentioned solely for information. No endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is implied.  相似文献   

In bioassays conducted with walking beetles in the laboratory (S)–(+)–, (R)-(–)-, and (±)-ipsdienol were attractive alone, but reduced the attraction of both sexes of the mountain pine beetle,Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, to extracts of female frass. Field trapping studies indicated that attraction ofD. ponderosae to a stimulus composed of myrcene +trans-verbenol +exo-brevicomin was significantly reduced with the addition of (±)- and sometimes (S)-(±)-ipsdienol. Thus, (S)-(+)-ipsdienol produced by males of this species may act as an antiaggregation pheromone. (S)-(+)-Ips-dienol is thought to function as a repellent allomone against the pine engraver,Ips pini (Say), in regions whereI. pini utilizes (R)-(–)-ipsdienol as an aggregation pheromone. However, in southwestern British ColumbiaI. pini was attracted to the (±)-ipsdienol used in field bioassays ofD. ponderosae, a finding consistent with the production of both enantiomers byI. pini in this region. When presented with the ternary semiochemical bait forD. ponderosae, (±)-ipsdienol was not attractive toI. pini. Thus, the activity of (S)-(+)-ipsdienol as a repellent allomone againstI. pini seems to be replaced in southwestern British Columbia by the inhibitory effects of myrcene,trans-verbenol,exo-brevicomin, or some combination thereof.Research supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grant A3881, Strategic Grant G1039, a Postgraduate Scholarship to D.W.A. Hunt, and the Science Council of British Columbia Grant 1 (RC-10)  相似文献   

Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from male and female black turpentine beetles,Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier), exposed to bark beetle pheromones and host terpenes. The dose-response curves indicated similarities in the receptor mechanisms for both sexes for each compound. Antennal sensitivity was greatest toendo-brevicomin, which correlates with the importance of the compound in the behavior of the beetles. At above-threshold concentrations, EAGs were greatest toendo-brevicomin and frontalin, suggesting a large population of antennal receptors for these compounds. A large population of receptors would be expected for compounds that play such a significant role in this beetle's behavior. Beetles were also shown to have receptors that respond to theIps pheromones, ipsenol, and ipsdienol.Research done in part while in the Department of Entomology, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES), Texas A&M University, and supported in part through McIntire-Stennis project 1525, USDA-CR Grant 85-CRCR-1-1856, and NATO Collaborative Research Grant 86-0710. All programs of the Agricultural Experiment Station are available without regard to race, ethnic origin, sex, or age. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of race, sex, handicap, age, veteran status, national origin, religion or political affiliation.  相似文献   

DendroctonusBrevicomis andIps paraconfusus are sympatric bark beetle species colonizingPinus ponderosa in western North America. Interspecific and intraspecific competition for resources is, in part, mediated through semiochemicals. The response ofD. brevicomis to its attractant pheromone was significantly reduced by simultaneous release of either verbenone or racemic ipsdienol. Trap catch was significantly further reduced by including both inhibitors with the attractant pheromones. However, although the response ofIps paraconfusus was significantly inhibited with the addition of either verbenone or racemic ipsdienol, both compounds together did not result in a significant further reduction in trap catch. There was a trend for greater reduction in response ofD. brevicomis to attractant pheromones with increased release rates of either 69% (+)-/31% (–)-verbenone or 84% (–)-/16% (+)-verbenone. Response of associates to attractants and inhibitor combinations was also determined.  相似文献   

Verbenone andtrans-verbenol were investigated as candidate interruptants for use as tree protectants. Verbenone andtrans-verbenol, pheromones released byDendroctonus brevicomis during host colonization, reduced the trap catch ofD. brevicomis near sources of the attractant composed ofexo-brevicomm, frontalin, and myrcene. Catch reduction at some trap positions was greater at a high release rate than at a low release rate oftrans-verbenol alone and of the combination of verbenone plustrans-verbenol. Verbenone also reduced catches at traps baited with attractive bolts from trees under attack byD. brevicomis. Attempts to use verbenone to protect living trees fromD. brevicomis attack were inconclusive.Coleoptera: Scolytidae.This research was supported in part by the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and in part by grants from the National Science Foundation/Environmental Protection Agency (grant NSF-6B-34718/BMS75-04223), and in part by grants from the Rockefeller Foundation to the University of California. Mention of a proprietary or commercial product does not constitute recommendation or endorsement of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may may be suitable.  相似文献   

Frontalin andexo-brevicomin were identified by GC-MS in air drawn over maleDendroclonus ponderosae Hopk. (MPB) from Oregon that had joined females for 1–2 days in the bark of lodgepole and ponderosa pine logs. Unfed males releasedexo- andendo-brevicomin but not frontalin. These three compounds were not detected in either unfed or fed females. Arrestment of males bytrans-verbenol and terpenes in an olfactory walkway was reduced by the addition of racemic frontalin; production of attractant chirps also diminished. Racemic frontalin also strongly reduced the aggregation of MPB in lodgepole and ponderosa pine stands to sticky traps baited with the aggregation pheromonetrans-verbenol and host terpenes; however, the function of the natural enantiomer of frontalin in MPB is unknown.Research supported by NSF Grant PCN 79-21708. O.S.U. Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 6219.  相似文献   

In the first trap design, a rotating windvane was connected to a 30 × 30 × 30-cm square box sticky trap enclosing a synthetic pheromone source (exo-brevicomin, frontalin, and myrcene) at the windvane's rotation axis. A second design used the windvane attached to two tubular (19-cmdiam. × 30-cm) sticky traps each suspended 120 cm from the same pheromone source and opposingly aligned downwind and upwind of the windvane. Significantly more beetles of each sex ofDendroctonus brevicomis LeC. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) were caught on the downwind side compared to the upwind side of the square-box design. Even larger differences in catch, four times more males and 3.4 times more females, were found on the downwind tubular trap compared to the upwind one. The windvane trap design provides rigorous evidence that insects, especially bark beetles, orient upwind to pheromone sources (from at least 1.2 m downwind until reaching the source).Dendroctonus brevicomis LeC. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).Supported in part by grants from USA and Sweden, NSF(INT-8503520), STU (84-3937), NFR, FRN, and SJFR.  相似文献   

exo-brevicomin, a multifunctional pheromone of the mountain pine beetle,Dendroctonus ponderosae, was tested at release rates of 0.5 and 2.5 mg/day alone and in combination with the antiaggregation pheromone verbenone against unbaited controls. Significantly more lodgepole pinePinus contorta var.latifolia trees were attacked, and at higher densities, with both release rates ofexo-brevicomin than with all other treatments. Verbenone significantly reduced the response of mountain pine beetles toexo-brevicomin. Verbenone alone did not reduce the number of trees attacked by mountain pine beetle or the attack density when compared to the unbaited controls.  相似文献   

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