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In this pair of papers (Part I and Part II in this issue), we investigate the issue of power control and subcarrier assignment in a sectorized two-cell downlink OFDMA system impaired by multicell interference. As recommended for WiMAX, we assume that the first part of the available bandwidth is likely to be reused by different base stations (and is thus subject to multicell interference) and that the second part of the bandwidth is shared in an orthogonal way between the different base stations (and is thus protected from multicell interference). Although the problem of multicell resource allocation is nonconvex in this scenario, we provide in Part I the general form of the global solution. In particular, the optimal resource allocation turns out to be “binary” in the sense that, except for at most one pivot-user in each cell, any user receives data either in the reused bandwidth or in the protected bandwidth, but not in both. The determination of the optimal resource allocation essentially reduces to the determination of the latter pivot-position.   相似文献   

Downlink Radio Resource Allocation for Multi-Cell OFDMA System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a radio resource control (RRC) scheme for OFDMA systems where dynamic resource allocation is realized at both a radio network controller (RNC) and base stations (BSs). The scheme is semi-distributed in the sense that the RRC decision is split between RNC and BSs. RNC makes decision on which channel is used by which BS at super-frame level and BSs then make decision on which user is assigned to which channel at frame-level. Two optimization problems for RNC and BSs are formulated and computationally efficient algorithms that perform the function of interference avoidance and traffic/channel adaptation are developed. Numerical analysis is performed under several cell configurations to show tradeoffs between sector interference suppression and dynamic interference avoidance. The results indicate that with reasonable signaling overhead, the protocol and the associated algorithms yield excellent performance for both real-time and non real-time services, even under fast fading  相似文献   

Optimal Resource Allocation for Two-Way Relay-Assisted OFDMA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the resource allocation problem for the relay-assisted orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA)-based multiuser system. A new transmission protocol, named hierarchical OFDMA, is proposed to support two-way communications between the base station (BS) and each mobile user (MU) with or without an assisting relay station (RS) in “relay” or “direct” mode, respectively. In particular, the recently discovered two-way relaying technology, based on the principle of network coding, is applied to MUs in relay mode with two possible relay-operations, namely, decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF). By applying convex optimization techniques, efficient algorithms are developed for optimal allocation of transmit resources such as power levels, bit rates, and OFDM subcarriers at the BS, RSs, and MUs. Simulation results show that substantial system throughput gains are achievable by the proposed two-way relaying and optimal resource allocation schemes over the traditional one-way relaying and fixed resource allocation schemes for relay-assisted OFDMA-based wireless networks.   相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to apply a simple superposition coding strategy for downlink of OFDMA systems. The novelty of this paper consists on allowing at most two users to share the same subchannel. The main idea is to consider the subchannels allocated to the users with the weakest link, and allow these subchannels to be shared by some potential users who can transmit some number of bits with only a small amount of power. To decrease the overhead of the proposed OFDMA system, we restrict to use a predetermined superposition encoding|decoding scheme. We address the problem of resource allocation, which consists on finding the optimal subchannel assignment in the OFDMA system. A low complexity algorithm, denoted Share Specific Subcarrier Allocation (SSSA) is then proposed. It offers a fairness allocation among users. This can be done by taking into account all user’s buffer states information. Simulation results confirm that the proposed technique outperforms the classical algorithms in terms of total throughput and dropping probability.  相似文献   

This article surveys different resource allocation algorithms developed for the downlink of multiuser OFDM wireless communication systems. Dynamic resource allocation algorithms are categorized into two major classes: margin adaptive (MA) and rate adaptive (RA). The objective of the first class is to minimize the total transmit power with the constraint on users? data rates whereas in the second class, the objective is to maximize the total throughput with the constraints on the total transmit power as well as users? data rates. The overall performance of the algorithms are evaluated in terms of spectral efficiency and fairness. Considering the trade-off between these two features of the system, some algorithms attempt to reach the highest possible spectral efficiency while maintaining acceptable fairness in the system. Furthermore, a large number of RA algorithms considers rate proportionality among the users and hence, are categorized as RA with constrained-fairness. Following the problem formulation in each category, the discussed algorithms are described along with their simplifying assumptions that attempt to keep the performance close to optimum but significantly reduce the complexity of the problem. It is noted that no matter which optimization method is used, in both classes, the overall performance is improved with the increase in the number of users, due to multiuser diversity. Some on-going research areas are briefly discussed throughout the article.  相似文献   

This paper investigates several new strategies for the allocation of radio resources (bandwidth and transmission power) using a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme with successive interference cancellation (SIC) in a cellular downlink system. In non-orthogonal access with SIC, the same subband is allocated to multiple users, which requires elaborate multiuser scheduling and subband assignment techniques, compared to orthogonal multiplexing. While taking into account various design issues, we propose and compare several optimum and suboptimum power allocation schemes. These are jointly implemented with multiple user scheduling strategies. Besides, a minimization of the total amount of used bandwidth is targeted. Also, to increase the total achieved system throughput, a hybrid orthogonal-non orthogonal scheme is introduced. This hybrid scheme enables a dynamic switching to orthogonal signaling whenever the non-orthogonal cohabitation in the power domain does not improve the achieved data rate per subband. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed strategies for resource allocation can improve both the spectral efficiency and the cell-edge user throughput, especially when compared to previous schemes employing either orthogonal signaling or NOMA with static inter-subband power allocation. They also prove to be robust in the context of crowded areas.  相似文献   

Using channel state information (CSI) in resource allocation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) wireless cellular systems has been recently considered to improve the overall throughput. This paper presents an analytical framework to compare the performance of two resource allocation schemes, using CSI-based and random sub-carrier selection, in terms of their user outage probability and throughput in relation to the system load in frequency-selective fading and interference-limited environments. Analytical and simulation results are in good agreement and indicate that a proper use of CSI can achieve substantially better performance in interference limited cellular systems as compared to the blind approach and thus show the benefits of multi-user diversity.  相似文献   

1Introduction Futurewirelessandmobilecommunicationsystems areexpectedtoofferhigherdatarates,tosupporta largenumberofsubscribersandtoensurethefulfillment ofQualityofService(QoS)requirements,giventhe limitedavailabilityoffrequencyspectrumandtimevary ingchan…  相似文献   

Scheduling spectrum access and allocating power and rate resources are tasks affecting critically the performance of wireless cognitive radio (CR) networks. The present contribution develops a primal-dual optimization framework to schedule any-to-any CR communications based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access and allocate power so as to maximize the weighted average sum-rate of all users. Fairness is ensured among CR communicators and possible hierarchies are respected by guaranteeing minimum rate requirements for primary users while allowing secondary users to access the spectrum opportunistically. The framework leads to an iterative channel-adaptive distributed algorithm whereby nodes rely only on local information exchanges with their neighbors to attain global optimality. Simulations confirm that the distributed online algorithm does not require knowledge of the underlying fading channel distribution and converges to the optimum almost surely from any initialization.
Georgios B. Giannakis (Corresponding author)Email:

Juan-Andrés Bazerque   (SM’06) received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Montevideo, Uruguay in 2003. Since August 2006 he has been working towards the Ph.D. degree as a research assistant with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. From 2000 to 2006 he was a teaching assistant with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and with the Department of Electrical Engineering (UdelaR). From 2003 to 2006 he was a member of the technical Staff at the Uruguayan telecommunications company Uniotel S.A. developing applications for Voice over IP. His general research interests span the areas of communications, signal processing and wireless networking with current emphases on distributed resource allocation for cognitive radios. G. B. Giannakis   (Fellow’97) received his Diploma in Electrical Engr. from the Ntl. Tech. Univ. of Athens, Greece, 1981. From 1982 to 1986 he was with the Univ. of Southern California (USC), where he received his MSc. in Electrical Engineering, 1983, MSc. in Mathematics, 1986, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engr., 1986. Since 1999 he has been a professor with the ECE Department at the Univ. of Minnesota, where he now holds an ADC Chair in Wireless Telecommunications. His general interests span the areas of communications, networking and statistical signal processing - subjects on which he has published more than 250 journal papers, 450 conference papers, two edited books and two research monographs. Current research focuses on complex-field and space-time coding, multicarrier, cooperative wireless communications, cognitive radios, cross-layer designs, mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks. G. B. Giannakis is the (co-) recipient of six paper awards from the IEEE Signal Processing (SP) and Communications Societies including the G. Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications. He also received Technical Achievement Awards from the SP Society (2000), from EURASIP (2005), a Young Faculty Teaching Award and the G. W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Research from the University of Minnesota. He has served the IEEE in a number of posts, and is currently a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE-SP Society.   相似文献   

The interference mitigation technique based on fractional frequency reuse (FFR) provides improved cell-edge performance with similar overall cell capacity as that of systems with the frequency reuse factor of one. Furthermore, frequency sub-band allocation by FFR has the benefit of allowing flexibility for the deployment of femto-cells through frequency partitioning. Determination of a proper frequency partitioning criterion between the cell-center and the cell-edge, and between the cells with femto-cells is an important issue. In addition, time resource partitioning introduces another degree of freedom to the design of time-frequency resource allocation. In this paper, we propose a novel time-frequency resource allocation mechanism using FFR for a macro-femto overlay cellular network. Feasible frequency sub-band and time resource is allocated to the cell-center and the cell-edge region in a cell by the proposed partitioning criterion and the time partitioning ratio. We provide a guideline for how to determine the partitioning criterion for the regions and how to design the amount of time resource. We derive the average capacity of macro-cells and femto-cells, and introduce a new harmonic mean metric to maximize the average capacity of the regions while achieving the fairness among users in a cell.  相似文献   

In this letter we propose a power allocation iteration which optimizes the weighted aggregate performance of a single-hop network. We show that the proposed iteration is a competitive alternative to conventional gradient iterations in terms of convergence and computational effort.  相似文献   

In vertically overlaid cellular systems, a temporary traffic concentration can occur in a hot‐spot area, and this adversely affects overall system capacity. In this paper, we develop an adaptive hot‐spot operating scheme (AHOS) to mitigate the negative effects from the nonuniform distribution of user location and the variation in the mixture of QoS requirements in orthogonal frequency division multiple access downlink systems. Here, the base station in a macrocell can control the operation of picocells within the cell, and turns them on or off according to the system overload estimation function. In order to determine whether the set of picocells is turned on or off, we define an AHOS gain index that describes the number of subcarriers saved to the macrocell by turning a specific picocell on. For initiating the picocell OFF procedure, we utilize the changes in traffic concentration and co‐channel interference to the neighboring cells. According to computer simulation, the AHOS has been proved to have maximize system throughput while maintaining a very low QoS outage probability under various system scenarios in both a single‐cell and multi‐cell environments.  相似文献   

This paper presents efficient dynamic resource allocation schemes with interference mitigation techniques for multimedia services in downlink orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing mobile cellular systems. Performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated in terms of user quality-of-service and system spectral efficiency. It is shown that the best subcarrier allocation scheme with interference mitigation and macrodiversity techniques gives significant performance gains in terms of system spectral efficiency. Furthermore, sharing the system bandwidth among real-time stream-type voice and bursty data services can support much larger system loads than having a hard division.  相似文献   

A cross-layer scheduling and resource allocation (SRA) strategy for an adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) based orthogonal frequency multiple access (OFDMA) system is proposed. The objective of this paper is to maximize the system throughput as a function of the bit error rate (BER) and the spectral efficiency based on the selected modulation and coding schemes (MCSs). The proposed strategy contains two main algorithms. Firstly, the scheduling algorithm that aims to maximize the average system throughput by arranging the users in distinct queues according to their priorities and selecting the best user of each queue individually in order to guarantee a fair user service amongst different priority levels. Secondly, the resource allocation algorithm that allocates the user, bit and power based on the channel conditions of the scheduling users and the transmission power constraints. The transmitter of the investigated AMC-OFDMA system at the assigned base station (BS) divides the transmitted OFDMA frame into sub-channels and assigns each sub-channel to a scheduled user. In this paper, we compare the performance of the proposed SRA with the conventional first in first out (FIFO) queuing based scheduling and resource allocation strategies used for an AMC-OFDMA system. The simulation results show that the investigated AMC-OFDMA system based on the proposed SRA strategy outperforms the conventional approaches.  相似文献   

1IntroductionWireless communications have rapidly evolved in therecent decades[1]. An architecture based on introducingcooperative relayingtechnologiesintothe cellular infras-tructure[2 ~5],seems a solution which addresses futuretoughened requirements with respect to particular datarate and range by alleviating some of the shortcomingsof today s cellular concept .Repeateris asi mple coopera-tive relaying scheme with low complexity[6 ~7], whichcan be the Non-Regenerative Relaying Station (NR…  相似文献   

周雄  冯穗力 《信号处理》2014,30(11):1257-1262
针对异频组网的双层分级蜂窝网,提出了一种基于纳什谈判解法的最优频谱分配与定价策略,该策略能激励家庭基站采用开放用户组模式,最大化频谱效益。通过Stackelberg博弈建模,分析了频谱定价与用户需求的关系。通过纳什谈判解法,获得了最佳的频谱分配与定价策略,按需地为宏基站与家庭基站分配了带宽资源,定量地分析了家庭基站所提高的频谱效益。仿真结果表明,该策略相比非合作博弈方法,可有效提高运营商以及家庭基站拥有者所能获得的频谱效益,部署家庭基站将提高蜂窝网络的总效益。   相似文献   


A cognitive femtocell is a new small cell based on a smart home base station to solve the spectrum-scarcity problem. Recently, dedicated resource allocation for cognitive femtocell to mitigate co-channel interference is extensively researched. However, the cognitive femtocell may suffer from the lack of frequency resource for its users due to high data traffic load of the macrocell. We propose a novel resource allocation and power control mechanism using spatial frequency reuse and spectrum sensing, which enables femto users in the cognitive femtocell to obtain more feasible resource. We analyze and evaluate the performance gain of the proposed scheme. Although data traffic load of the macrocell increases, the capacity of the cognitive femtocell can be maintained appropriately by the proposed resource allocation and power control scheme and it is shown that the performance is improved compared to that of the conventional scheme.


The IEEE 802.16e world interoperability for microwave access (WiMax) system plays an important role in the future wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN). Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), adopted in the IEEE 802.16 e WiMax system, has many advantages in the physical layer, but also poses many challenges for radio resource allocation. One of interesting radio resource allocation issue in the OFDMA system is to partition the overall radio resource (bandwidth and time duration) into two portions: one for random access and the other for connection-oriented access. In the IEEE 802.16 e WiMax system, a truncated binary backoff algorithm is adopted to resolve the contention in random access, while the time-division OFDMA is used for the connection-oriented access. The main contribution of this paper is to design an analytical approach to determine the optimal amount of reserved radio resource in both time and frequency domains for random access, with the objective of maximizing the overall efficiency of radio resource while satisfying the delay requirements for supporting real-time services. Furthermore, an analytical model for calculating the access latency and the efficiency of the reserved radio resources is developed.  相似文献   

A Gaussian orthogonal relay model is investigated, where the source transmits to the relay and destination in channel 1, and the relay transmits to the destination in channel 2, with channels 1 and 2 being orthogonalized in the time–frequency plane in order to satisfy practical constraints. The total available channel resource (time and bandwidth) is split into the two orthogonal channels, and the resource allocation to the two channels is considered to be a design parameter that needs to be optimized. The main focus of the analysis is on the case where the source-to-relay link is better than the source-to-destination link, which is the usual scenario encountered in practice. A lower bound on the capacity (achievable rate) is derived, and optimized over the parameter$theta$, which represents the fraction of the resource assigned to channel 1. It is shown that the lower bound achieves the max-flow min-cut upper bound at the optimizing$theta$, the common value thus being the capacity of the channel at the optimizing$theta$. Furthermore, it is shown that when the relay-to-destination signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is less than a certain threshold, the capacity at the optimizing$theta$is also the maximum capacity of the channel over all possible resource allocation parameters$theta$. Finally, the achievable rates for optimal and equal resource allocations are compared, and it is shown that optimizing the resource allocation yields significant performance gains.  相似文献   

The analytical MOSFET intrinsic delay introduced in Part I of this paper is used to examine the tradeoffs between key device elements required in order for the performance scaling trend to continue in future high-performance CMOS generations. A scaling scenario based on contacted source/drain gate pitch is presented and used to examine the prospects of MOSFET performance in the future nodes. It is shown that, from 32-nm node onwards, MOSFET performance will counterscale, mainly due to increase in the parasitic gate capacitance as a result of proximity of the gate and source/drain electrodes. As a case study, the dependence of the transistor performance on various device parameters at the 32-nm node is analyzed. Reducing the fringing capacitance is shown to be the most effective approach to meet the required transistor delay.  相似文献   

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