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A simple upconversion scheme utilizing 40-fs pulses is shown to permit high-contrast imaging of objects obscured by a highly scattering medium when no ballistic component is evident in the scattered light and imaging is performed with any portion of the scattered light pulse. We present a time-gated, inherently low-pass spatially filtered imaging method that minimizes signal-averaging requirements and greatly facilitates imaging under severe scattering (turbid) conditions.  相似文献   

Naulleau P  Leith E  Chen H  Hoover B  Lopez J 《Applied optics》1997,36(17):3889-3894
A previously described ensemble-averaged imaging method [Opt. Lett. 21, 1691 (1996)] is extended by its combination with holographically implemented time-gated imaging. This combined method is shown to extend the effectiveness of the ensemble-averaged method by permitting imaging through thicker diffusers. Experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

Shih MP 《Applied optics》1999,38(5):743-750
Absorbers were imaged through a highly scattering material by application of spectral holography. A broad-spectrum source forms the spectral hologram of light transmitted by a diffuser, and computer processing reconstructs a series of images of the diffuser as it would have appeared with scattered light that traveled different path lengths. One of these reconstructed images is certain to be an image formed with first-arriving light and is therefore an image of the diffuser as seen with the least-scattered light. Experimental results present an image of an absorber hidden by a diffuser in which the gating was done by computer.  相似文献   


It is shown how the integrated intensity, discussed previously elsewhere, can be used to investigate in a simple way, the process of confocal imaging though a weakly scattering medium. The effect of annular pupils and half-plane apertures are investigated.  相似文献   

Lin PC  Sun PC  Zhu L  Fainman Y 《Applied optics》1998,37(28):6764-6770
A chromatic confocal microscope constructed with a white-light source in combination with a diffractive lens provides wavelength-to-depth coding for profile measurements of a three-dimensional sample. We acquired depth-section images nonmechanically and in parallel by incorporating a slit-scan confocal technique into the system. A system using a 100x objective obtained a depth resolution of 0.023 mum comparable with surface profilometers that operate using conventional confocal microscopy. Experimental measurements of a four-phase-level diffractive element and of a machined, metal bearing are presented.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for viewing through turbid or obstructing media. The medium is illuminated with a modulated cw laser and the amplitude and phase of the transmitted (or reflected) signal is measured. This process takes place for a set of wavelengths in a certain wide band. In this way we acquire the Fourier transform of the temporal output. With this information we can reconstruct the temporal shape of the transmitted signal by computing the inverse transform. The proposed method benefits from the advantages of the first-light technique: high resolution, simple algorithms, insensitivity to boundary condition, etc., without suffering from its main deficiencies: complex and expensive equipment.  相似文献   

The method of Fourier optics is applied to the problem of time-gated imaging through scattering media. Tb adapt the problem to this treatment, appropriate alterations are made: The continuous medium is replaced by a cascade of thin scatterers, and a spatial filtering process is substituted for the conventional gating processes. Closed-form solutions are derived.  相似文献   

Morgan SP  Khong MP  Somekh MG 《Applied optics》1997,36(7):1560-1565
The imaging resolution in turbid media is severely degraded by light scattering. Resolution can be improved if the unscattered or weakly scattered light is extracted. Here the state of polarization of the emerging light is used to discriminate photon path length, with the more weakly scattered photons maintaining their original polarization state. It is experimentally demonstrated that over a wide range of scatterer concentrations there exist three distinct imaging regimes. It is also shown that within the intermediate regime one of two distinct imaging techniques is appropriate, depending on the particle size.  相似文献   

Polarized light-pulse transport through scattering media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The propagation of a polarized pulse in random media is investigated using the discrete-ordinates method to solve the transient vector radiative transfer. The angular analysis of the transient polarized features of scattering fluxes makes it possible to investigate subtle details of the polarization flip encountered for circularly polarized waves. We found that, depending on the geometry, the state of polarization, and the angle of detection, the degree of polarization decays at either a slower or faster rate when the beam is impinging at an angle far from the normal incidence. At normal incidence, our results confirm that, for large particles, the circular polarization maintains a greater degree of polarization.  相似文献   

Hebden JC  Tziraki M  Delpy DT 《Applied optics》1997,36(16):3802-3810
An independent assessment is described of a dual-wavelength imaging technique, known as the temporally extrapolated absorbance method (TEAM), proposed by Yamada et al. [Opt. Eng. 32, 634-641 (1993)]. The technique involves recording the temporal distribution of light transmitted across a scattering medium at two carefully chosen wavelengths at which the scattering properties of the medium are assumed to be identical. The objective is to image internal structure that absorbs more strongly at one wavelength than it does at the other. A simple theoretical treatment of TEAM is presented that employs a perturbation model of photon transport. This indicates that despite the lack of a secure theoretical basis, the technique may provide a potentially effective ad hoc method of generating images of highly scattering media. The method was also evaluated experimentally by using, for the first time to our knowledge, a single object and two wavelengths. A single-projection, two-dimensional image was obtained of a solid phantom with optical properties representative of breast tissue. The results exhibited good agreement with the theoretical model, and a small embedded feature that absorbs 3.5 times as strongly as the surrounding medium at one wavelength was revealed successfully.  相似文献   

A phantom based on a polyurethane system that replicates the optical properties of tissue for use in near-infrared imaging is described. The absorption properties of tissue are simulated by a dye that absorbs in the near infrared, and the scattering properties are simulated by TiO2 particles. The scattering and absorption coefficients of the plastic were measured with a new technique based on time-resolved transmission through two slabs of materials that have different thicknesses. An image of a representative phantom was obtained from time-gated transmission.  相似文献   

The dual-color laser phenomena in two-dimensional (2D) scattering gain media was investigated by simultaneously solving Maxwell's equations and rate equations of electronic population. The results indicate that dual-color laser emission from a dye solution with scattering nanoparticles is affected by the number of density scatterers in the dye solution and the dye concentration. Increasing the concentration of the dye increases the spectral intensity of the dimers, and increasing the pump energy produces major radiative and non-radiative energy transfers from monomers to dimers. If the pump energy is at a very low level, regardless of the dye concentration, the spectra are broadened. Simultaneous laser emissions at desired wavelengths in scattering gain media can be achieved by using a dye mixture.  相似文献   

The fundamental difference between time-resolved and coherence-gated imaging modalities in scattering media is analyzed in terms of their optical transfer functions. The effectiveness of coherence gating for multiple-scattering rejection is shown by imaging a 100-mum-thick razor blade hidden in the scattering phantoms (i.e., Intralipid suspensions) with different scattering coefficients. We found that the imaging contrast is limited by multiple scattering and speckle effects in high-scattering media, and the measured effective penetration depth of optical coherence tomography is approximately equal to six mean free paths under the experimental conditions of a numerical aperture of less than 0.1 and a scattering anisotropy of approximately 0.8.  相似文献   

Sheppard CJ 《Applied optics》2000,39(34):6366-6368
The effect on confocal imaging of spherical aberration caused by a weak refractive-index mismatch is discussed. Aberration balancing that uses a change in the objective's tube length is studied. It is found that the range of depths that can be imaged satisfactorily by a high-numerical-aperture objective with compensation is an order of magnitude greater than that without compensation. The aberration balancing tends to break down for extremely high numerical apertures.  相似文献   

Blanca CM  Saloma C 《Applied optics》2001,40(16):2722-2729
We study the performance of two-color excitation (2CE) fluorescence microscopy [Opt. Lett. 24, 1505 (1999)] in turbid media of different densities and anisotropy. Excitation is achieved with two confocal excitation beams of wavelengths lambda(1) and lambda(2), which are separated by an angular displacement theta, where lambda(1) not equal lambda(2), 1/lambda(e) = 1/lambda(1) + 1/lambda(2), and lambda(e) is the single-photon excitation wavelength of the sample. 2CE fluorescence is generated only in regions of the sample where the two excitation beams overlap. The 2CE fluorescence intensity is proportional to the product of the two excitation intensities and could be detected with a large-area photodetector. The requirement of spatiotemporal simultaneity for the two excitation beams makes 2CE fluorescence imaging a promising tool for observing microscopic objects in a highly scattering medium. Optical scattering asymmetrically broadens the excitation point-spread function and toward the side of the focusing lens that leads to the contrast deterioration of the fluorescence image in single- or two-photon (lambda(1) = lambda(2)) excitation. Image degradation is caused by the decrease in the excitation energy density at the geometrical focus and by the increase in background fluorescence from the out-of-focus planes. In a beam configuration with theta not equal 0, 2CE fluorescence imaging is robust against the deleterious effects of scattering on the excitation-beam distribution. Scattering only decreases the available energy density at the geometrical focus and does not increase the background noise. For both isotropic and anisotropic scattering media the performance of 2CE imaging is studied with a Monte Carlo simulation for theta = 0, pi/2, and pi, and at different h/d(s) values where h is the scattering depth and d(s) is the mean-free path of the scattering medium.  相似文献   

We exploit recent advances in active high-resolution imaging through scattering media with ballistic photons. We derive the fundamental limits on the accuracy of the estimated parameters of a mathematical model that describes such an imaging scenario and compare the performance of ballistic and conventional imaging systems. This model is later used to derive optimal single-pixel statistical tests for detecting objects hidden in turbid media. To improve the detection rate of the aforementioned single-pixel detectors, we develop a multiscale algorithm based on the generalized likelihood ratio test framework. Moreover, considering the effect of diffraction, we derive a lower bound on the achievable spatial resolution of the proposed imaging systems. Furthermore, we present the first experimental ballistic scanner that directly takes advantage of novel adaptive sampling and reconstruction techniques.  相似文献   

Tyo JS  Rowe MP  Pugh EN  Engheta N 《Applied optics》1996,35(11):1855-1870
Polarization-difference imaging (PDI) was recently presented by us as a method of imaging through scattering media [Opt. Lett. 20, 608 (1995)]. Here, PDI is compared with conventional, polarizationblind imaging systems under a variety of conditions not previously studied. Through visual and numerical comparison of polarization-difference and polarization-sum images of metallic targets suspended in scattering media, target features initially visible in both types of images are shown to disappear in polarization-sum images as the scatterer concentration is increased, whereas these features remain visible in polarization-difference images. Target features producing an observed degree of linear polarization of less than 1% are visible in polarization-difference images. The ability of PDI to suppress partially polarized background variations selectively is demonstrated, and discrimination of target features on the basis of polarization information is discussed. Our results show that, when compared with conventional imaging, PDI yields a factor of 2-3 increase in the distance at which certain target features can be detected.  相似文献   

Ying J  Liu F  Alfano RR 《Applied optics》2000,39(4):509-514
The intensity of two-photon excited fluorescence (TPF) generated by ultrashort laser pulses was measured as a function of the depth of a focal point inside highly scattering media. The purpose was to investigate the spatial location of TPF in a scattering medium. Owing to the scattering, the intensity of the incident beam as well as the generated TPF signal was attenuated exponentially as the focal point was scanned into the medium. As the scattering strength of the medium was increased, the TPF was not confined to the focal region and had a wider distribution. These observations show that the scattering will result in the degradation of the ability of optical depth sectioning of nonlinear optical scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

An analytical expression has been obtained that describes the time variation of time-resolved signals transmitted through or reflected by a homogeneous scattering slab as measured with a detection system having a square-impulse response. This expression can be used to improve the match between theoretical and experimental time-resolved signals measured with a system having a finite response time. It can also be used to assess the effect of a finite detection response time on the time-domain characterization of a turbid medium. The expression can be adapted to detection systems that are not time invariant.  相似文献   

P Zhu  K Wang 《Applied optics》2012,51(21):4971-4975
By analyzing the spectral domain's phase information, one can use spectrally resolved white-light interferometry (SRWLI) to obtain the profile with a single frame of an interferogram. We present here a two-dimensional (2D) SRWLI method that can be applied to measure narrow rectangle areas. A frequency comb is produced by using a Fabry-Perot (F-P) etalon to filter the broadband source. With the filtered frequency comb illumination, the interference patterns under adjacent wavelengths would be separated by a little distance, which enables us to obtain a 2D profile with a small width. The experimental details of measurement on a step sample are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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