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Construction productivity has been on the decline in the last decade. The results are presented on a survey of the Engineering News‐Record 400 largest contractors to obtain their views on where productivity improvements would most help and to compare the trends with a similar survey carried out in 1979. Data were collected on the general company characteristics of the responding contractors, and on the contractors' opinions on potential areas for productivity improvement in the office and in the field. Findings indicate that immediate research should concentrate on improving marketing practices, planning and scheduling, labor‐management relations, site supervision, industrialized building systems, equipment policy and engineering design; and that governmental regulations have lost the immediate urgency attached to them in 1979.It is also recommended that similar surveys be conducted every 3 to 4 years to identify new trends and to steer research in the appropriate direction.  相似文献   

Many researchers and project managers have attempted to improve project performance by applying new philosophies such as lean principle, just-in-time, pull scheduling, and last planner. However, very little research has been conducted on setting definite quantitative goals for performance improvement while considering the defect rate involved in the construction operations. This research explores practical solutions for construction performance improvement by applying the six sigma principle. This principle provides the metrics required to establish performance improvement goals and a methodology for measuring and evaluating improvement. The proposed approach is expected to achieve more reliable workflows by reducing process variability to fit in a desirable range—thereby improving the overall performance through the evaluation of the quality level in current construction operations. To verify the suggested methodology, two case studies have been presented and process simulation analyses are performed to observe the performance changes based on the six sigma principle. Critical total quality control, as the sigma level rises, is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the impacts of extended duration overtime on construction labor productivity. The results show a decrease in productivity as the number of hours worked per week increase and/or as project duration increases. The research focuses on labor intensive trades such as the electrical and mechanical trades. Overtime in this research is defined as the hours worked beyond the typical 40 h scheduled per week. The paper begins by presenting the effects of overtime and the need for an updated overtime productivity model. Data for the quantitative analysis was collected from 88 projects located across the United States by means of a questionnaire. Various statistical analysis techniques were performed to develop quantitative relationship curves, including multiple regression, P-value tests, and analysis of variance.  相似文献   

Over 40% of Indian construction projects are facing time overrun ranging from 1 to 252 months; the reasons for which are being studied by researchers to suggest possible remedial measures. This paper identifies 55 attributes responsible for impacting performance of the projects. These attributes were then presented to Indian construction professionals in the form of a questionnaire. Statistical analysis of responses on the attributes segregated them into distinct sets of success attributes and failure attributes. Factor analysis of sets of success attributes and failure attributes separately grouped them into six critical success factors and seven critical failure factors. In order to understand the extent of contribution these factors have on the outcome of a construction project, a second stage questionnaire survey was also undertaken. The analyses of responses of the second stage questionnaire led us to conclude that two success factors and one failure factor: commitment of project participants; owner’s competence; and conflict among project participants contribute significantly in enhancement of current performance level of the project. The extent of their contribution has, however, been observed to vary for a given level of project performance. The analyses results are expected to help project professionals to focus on a few factors and get the optimum results rather than giving attention to all the factors and not getting the proportionate results.  相似文献   

Large amounts of money are lost each year in the construction industry because of poor schedule and cost control. Few contractors specify and follow systematic schedule monitoring practices. Traditionally, the earned value method (EVM) is used to control and monitor schedule performance using the schedule and cost performance indices which compare the budgeted cost of work performed to what was originally scheduled or what is actually expended. This paper presents a statistical approach, namely Weibull analysis, to evaluate stochastically the schedule performance of construction or design projects. The approach can be used in conjunction with the EVM to enhance the evaluation and control of schedule performance. Weibull analysis is a common method for failure analysis and reliability engineering used in a wide range of applications. In this paper, the applicability of Weibull analysis for evaluating and comparing the reliability of the schedule performance of multiple projects is presented. The various steps in the analysis are discussed along with an example in which two projects are analyzed and compared. The authors conclude that Weibull analysis has several advantages and provides a relatively robust and effective method for construction managers to better control and monitor their projects.  相似文献   

An expressway project is often divided into subprojects with different tendering packages, and carried out by several general contractors that apply different scheduling practices. Each schedule may contain hundreds of activities, each of which is associated with multiple pay items that determine its earned monetary value. With such huge amount of information, the reviewer can only check a sample piece of information, and the quality of review highly depends on the reviewer’s experience and devotion. Automated schedule review provides a solution to reduce such problems encountered in the industry. This paper presents a module-based schedule generation and review model, which includes a predefined set of network modules, network builder assistant computer system that helps schedulers manage and reuse the modules to build a new schedule, and another computer system network review assistant (NRA) that helps reviewers review schedules. The NRA uses generalized rule forms to represent the schedule critique knowledge collected from the industry. When potential errors are found, the NRA adopts case-based reasoning to suggest possible correction based on similar cases. The evaluation conducted by the practitioners using real projects indicates that NRA reduces review time, and provides more accurate review on finding activities and related pay items not conforming to standards, and reminding users of important but often omitted activities.  相似文献   

At any moment in time, a multitude of factors simultaneously impact construction productivity. Utilizing the knowledge of thousands of construction craft workers, the writers quantitatively analyzed the underlying structure of the factors affecting construction productivity and identified which factors the craft workers consider to be more relatively important as well. This research identified 83 factors affecting construction labor productivity through 18 focus groups with craft workers and their immediate supervisors on nine jobsites throughout the U.S. Next, a nationwide survey was administered to 1,996 craft workers to assess the impact of these factors on construction labor productivity. Principal factor analyses identified 10 latent factors to represent the underlying structure of 83 productivity factors. In addition, the relative importance of the factors’ impact on construction productivity was examined based on the crafts’ union status, trade, and position (craft worker versus foreman). The writers also compared their results to similar previous efforts, and more importantly, identified significant differences that may impact future productivity improvement strategies. This research will help industry and the research community better understand the factors affecting construction labor productivity and more effectively direct future efforts to improve its performance.  相似文献   

Quantifying and minimizing the risks associated with delays in the construction industry are the main challenges for all parties involved. Float loss impact in noncritical activities is one of the complicated delays to assess on a project’s duration and cost. This is due to the fact that the deterministic critical path method cannot cope with such delays unless they exceed the total float values. Further, stochastic analysis, which is used in this research to assess the impact of such delays, is perceived by many planners to be complicated and time consuming. This paper presents a method to control the risks associated with float loss in construction projects. The method uses a recently developed multiple simulation analysis technique that combines the results of cost range estimates and stochastic scheduling, using Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed method quantifies the float loss impact on project duration and cost. Least-squares nonlinear regression is used to convert the stochastic results into a polynomial function that quantifies the float loss impact by relating directly the float loss value to project duration and cost at a specified confidence level.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to quality control in the construction industry are inadequate and should be replaced with the Total Quality Control concept implemented through the Quality Control (Q.C.) Circle as developed in Japan and currently in wide use throughout the manufacturing industry. The term “total quality control” is defined, and four total quality control principles are set forth on the basis of this definition. The evolution of quality control is traced from the nineteenth century to today to explain the decline in quality standards and to illustrate the need for a new approach. Unique characteristics of the construction industry are described as they relate to the Q.C. circle concept. Implementation of this concept will result in higher quality, lower costs, and increased productivity in the construction industry.  相似文献   

Generally, a contractor has three options in accelerating a construction schedule: working longer hours, increasing the number of workers, or creating an additional shift of workers. There has been a significant amount of research conducted on scheduled overtime on construction labor productivity. However, little information has been found in the literature addressing the labor inefficiency associated with working a second shift. This paper has qualitative and quantitative components. The qualitative part details why and how shift work affects labor productivity, and then addresses the appropriate use of shift work. The quantitative component determines the relationship between the length of shift work and labor efficiency. The results of the research show that shift work has the potential to be both beneficial and detrimental to the productivity of construction labor. Small amounts of well-organized shift work can serve as a very effective response to schedule compression. The productivity loss, obtained from the quantification model developed through this study, ranges from ?11 to 17% depending on the amount of shift work used.  相似文献   

Globalized competition and customer needs forced construction companies to measure their performance beyond the financial measures such as profitability, turnover, etc. As qualitative determinants were added to measurement systems, their investigation and evaluation became a major area of research. In this study, the impact of “resources and capabilities,” “strategic decisions,” “project management competencies,” and “strength of relationships with other parties” on “company performance” was investigated. A questionnaire survey was administered to 73 Turkish contractors and the results of the survey were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings indicate that, as expected, resources and capabilities and strategic decisions have an important and direct impact on company performance, whereas project management competencies and strength of relationships with other parties impact company performance only indirectly, through their impact on companies’ resources and capabilities and strategic decisions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a regression model that relates job site productivity to process improvement initiatives (PIIs) executed both before and during construction. Applied during early project stages, this model helps industry practitioners to predict the expected value of labor productivity based on certain inputs related to preconstruction planning and construction execution. The model demonstrates the strong relationship of project performance to a variety of PIIs including design completeness, definition of a project vision statement, testing oversight, and project manager experience and dedication. The correlational research methodology targeted 75 projects representing approximately $274.53 million in civil construction. The data collection effort considered 45 PIIs (independent variables) using quantitative and qualitative measures. The modeling technique involved the use of multiple linear regression, a method that exploits available data from multiple, independent sources to focus on specific outcomes. The model was developed directly from contractor specific information and subjected to rigorous statistical analysis. The model provides project managers as front line industry practitioners with a deliberate yet practical approach to project management and productivity enhancement. The modeling results include verification analysis and a discussion of the model’s usefulness and limitations.  相似文献   

There are many types of construction changes and each type can have an effect on labor productivity. To a certain extent though the specific type of change is not as important as the mere presence of the change and, as analyzed in this paper, the timing of that change. The research reported in this paper reaffirms that project change is disruptive and detrimental to labor productivity. Data from 162 construction projects were statistically analyzed and a series of three curves are presented in this paper, representing the impact that change has on the labor productivity for early, normal, and late timing situations. The projects are a representative sample of the industry, involving a wide range of sizes, different delivery systems, and industry sectors. Late change is more disruptive of project productivity than early change, all other things being equal. The implications and benefits of this research are clear: if changes are necessary, they should be recognized and incorporated as early as possible. Practitioners can use these data and curves for either forward pricing or retrospective pricing of changes. Other researchers can use these findings to test their own findings and to explore timing issues in further detail.  相似文献   

Microtunneling projects have special process characteristics. The production time of microtunneling projects is needed for project estimating and scheduling. The production time has three basic components: (1) preparation times for pipe segments; (2) preparation times; and (3) delay times. Real project data were collected from 35 projects to predict the time needed for pipe segment preparation. A probabilistic distribution technique was used to predict the preparation times for pipe segments. Various numbers of probabilistic distributions were tested against the data. A log-logistic distribution was selected to represent the preparation time’s probability for a pipe in microtunneling projects. Preparation times for high, medium, and low performance contractors were predicted. By enhancing the estimation process of the microtunneling projects, contractors can use this paper in predicting the preparation time for pipe segments, which represents the crew (or crew’s) productivity.  相似文献   

In this research, variation is defined as the time difference between what was planned and what actually happened in terms of task starting times and duration. Variation in construction tasks is important as it can impact productivity performance. Construction projects consist of a large number of interdependent tasks. When the starting time and/or duration of one task varies, it can affect other downstream tasks and result in disruptions to the schedule and/or decreased productivity. The construction process is complex and involves numerous people with different levels of responsibility, which makes identifying the root causes of the variation difficult. A nationwide survey was administered to workers, foremen, and project managers to identify the most prevalent causes and magnitude of both starting time and task duration variation. Fifty individual causes of variation were divided into eight categories: prerequisite work, detailed design/working method, labor force, tools and equipment, material and components, work/job site conditions, management/supervision/information flow, and weather or external conditions. This research examined the similarities and differences in perceptions between craft workers, foremen, and project managers in terms of starting time and task duration variation. The top eight causes of starting time variation and top nine causes of task duration variation were identified. The research also quantitatively analyzed the underlying structure of the causes of variation using factor analysis. This was done by grouping the 50 individual causes into nine orthogonal factors that represent the underlying structure of the affecting causes. The findings will help construction project managers and field managers focus on the root causes of variation during planning in order to develop effective strategies to reduce variation and improve project productivity performance.  相似文献   

This paper details the impacts of overmanning on labor productivity for labor-intensive trades, namely mechanical and sheet metal contractors. Overmanning, as used in the following research, is defined as an increase of the peak number of workers of the same trade over the actual average manpower used throughout the project. The paper begins by reviewing literature on the effects of overmanning on labor productivity. Via a survey to various contractors, data were collected from 54 mechanical and sheet metal projects located across the United States. Various statistical analysis techniques are then performed to determine quantitative relationship between overmanning and labor productivity. These techniques include the stepwise method, T-test, P-value tests, analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The results indicate a 0–41% loss of productivity depending on the level of overmanning and the peak project manpower. Cross-validation is performed to validate the final model. Finally, a case study is provided to demonstrate the application of the model.  相似文献   

The paper presents the various phases in a comprehensive On Site Performance Improvement Program (OSPIP) of a medium size construction project which includes: problem identification; data collection; data analysis and planning the change content; planning the change process; and measuring and evaluating the results. Methods, techniques, and means to put the various program phases into practice are examined, and the problems likely to be encountered are discussed. An OSPIP case study of a medium size construction project is described in detail. It deals with production rate, safety, and manpower turnover problems, improvement plans to overcome them, and how implementation was realized in each of the problem areas. The paper suggests that OSPIP in medium size projects is not only economically feasible and worthwhile, but highly recommendable.  相似文献   

Labor has a significant influence on construction productivity. The level of productivity is a result of the driving, induced, and restraining forces acting upon workers. These forces act positively and negatively with regard to productivity improvement. A framework for analyzing fhe influence of each of these forces on four major labor related determinants of construction productivity is presented. Approaches to productivity improvement are analyzed in terms of reducing the negative forces and strengthening the positive forces.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to develop a method to assist in the determination of the lower and upper activity duration values for schedule risk analysis by program evaluation and review technique analysis or Monte Carlo simulation. A belief network was the modeling environment used for this purpose, and the resulting model was named Evaluating Risk in Construction–Schedule Model. The development of the belief network model consisted of four steps. First, construction schedule risks were identified through a literature review, an expert review, and a group review by a team of experts. Second, cause effect relationships among these risks were identified through an expert survey. This led to the development of the structure of belief network model. Third, probabilities for various combinations of parents for each risk variable were obtained through an expert interview survey and incorporated into the model. Finally, sensitivity analysis was performed. The model was tested using 17 case studies with very good results.  相似文献   

The study of labor productivity in the construction industry is gaining increasing attention as the industry faces multiple problems related to its workforce. This paper presents the results of a survey instrument applied to determine the relative level of relevance of construction labor productivity drivers and opportunities. Owners, general contractors, electrical contractors, mechanical contractors, consultants, and others participated in this survey. Management skills and manpower issues were identified as the two areas with the greatest potential to affect productivity according to survey respondents. Surprisingly, external factors, which are often cited as a major cause for reduced productivity in the construction industry, were considered to be one of the least relevant productivity drivers. These results suggest that respondents consider the improvement of labor productivity within their reach and control rather than determined by external conditions.  相似文献   

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