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Environmental pollution arising from industrial implants and urban factors is constantly increasing, causing aesthetical and durability concerns to urban structures exposed to the atmosphere. This work is aimed at the study of a system which could take advantage of functionalized building materials in order to improve the quality of urban surfaces, and possibly of the environment itself: TiO2-containing photoactive materials represent an appealing way to create self-cleaning surfaces, thus limiting maintenance costs, and to promote the degradation of polluting agents. Several mortars containing anatase TiO2, added as suspension or as powder, were characterized: among the photocatalytic mortars, the use of a combined additive (both powder and suspension) improved the material response. The best photoefficiency was exhibited by a mortar containing TiO2 as surface covering; nevertheless, the adhesion problems shown by the surface layer open the way for future widening of investigations focused on the optimization of layer durability.  相似文献   

During slurry preparation, effects of certain phenomena on fluidity and hardening characteristics of cement-based grouts have been reported. Deterioration of fluidity and hardening will affect the slurry performance, quality of workmanship and result in subsequent structural defects. There has been little research conducted on the effects of mixing energy during slurry preparation which has focused on the reasons or mechanisms for changes in characteristic properties. This work describes and measures the effects of several mixing parameters on properties of grouting materials, such as fluidity, hardening characteristics, shrinkage, heat of hydration, ion elution and crystallographic structure using X-ray diffraction and SEM. The results indicate that long mixing processes cause deterioration in fluidity and setting properties. These observations can be explained by acceleration in hydration kinetics and changes in microstructures and subsequent changes in dispersion states due to different mixing durations.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic pulse velocity has been used for decades to detect localized damage and to estimate concrete properties. More recent applications aim at diffuse damage characterization, such as environmental and mechanical damage. In most applications the methodology to calculate pulse speed is a very important issue. This work, applying continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to construct time-frequency signal representations, calculates frequency-dependent velocity of longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic pulses using wavelet scales. The method is applied to a total of 14 specimens of 5 different mixes and frequency-dependent velocities are calculated using four wavelet families. The CWT capability to decompose the inquiring pulse spectrum and analyze phase velocities is discussed with regard to wavelet, pulse type, and mixture. Frequency-dependent velocity of longitudinal pulses at lower frequencies (from 100 kHz up to 250 kHz) was proven to be much more sensitive to mix proportions than transverse pulses.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates and compares the coalescence of polymer particles (continuous polymer films formation) in powdered polymer-modified mortars (PPMMs) and aqueous polymer-modified mortars (APMMs). Polymer-modified mortars (PMMs) using various redispersible polymer powders (powdered cement modifiers) and polymer dispersions (aqueous cement modifiers) were prepared by varying the polymer-cement ratio (P/C) and were tested for the characterization of polymer films using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) after curing for 28 days. It is concluded from the test results that mortar constituents of unmodified mortar (UMM) are loosely joined with each other due to the absence of polymer films, thus having a structure with comparatively lower mechanical and durability characteristics. By contrast, mortar constituents in PPMMs and APMMs are compactly joined with each other due to the presence of interweaving polymer films, thereby forming a monolithic structure with improved mechanical and durability characteristics. However, the results make obvious the poor coalescence of polymer particles or development of inferior quality polymers films in PPMMs as compared to that observed in APMMs. Moreover, PPMMs show less uniform distribution of polymer films as compared to that in APMMs. Different powdered cement modifiers have different film-forming capabilities. However, such difference is hardly recognized in aqueous cement modifiers. The polymer films in PPMMs and APMMs may acquire different structures. They may appear as mesh-like, thread-like, rugged, dense or fibrous with fine or rough surfaces. Development of coherent polymer films is not well pronounced at a P/C of 5% in PPMMs, whereas sometimes coherent polymer films are observed at a P/C of 5% in APMMs. At a P/C of 10% or more, fully developed, coherent polymer films are observed in both PPMMs and APMMs.  相似文献   

This study concerns the prediction of the elastic properties of a 3D mortar image, obtained by micro-tomography, using a combined image segmentation and numerical homogenization approach. The microstructure is obtained by segmentation of the 3D image into aggregates, voids and cement paste. Full-fields computations of the elastic response of mortar are undertaken using the Fast Fourier Transform method. Emphasis is made on highly-contrasted properties between aggregates and matrix, to anticipate needs for creep or damage computation. The representative volume element, i.e. the volume size necessary to compute the effective properties with a prescribed accuracy, is given. Overall, the volumes used in this work were sufficient to estimate the effective response of mortar with a precision of 5%, 6% and 10% for contrast ratios of 100, 1000 and 10,000, resp. Finally, a statistical and local characterization of the component of the stress field parallel to the applied loading is carried out.  相似文献   

Several kinds of sprayable mortars are commonly used as passive fire protection of building structures. Several authors have reported the effect of different kinds of aggregates (e.g. vermiculite, fly ashes) in the thermal behaviour of fire-protecting mortars. In this study, the use of magnesium by-products as aggregates in fire-protecting mortars has been evaluated. These by-products were obtained during the calcination process of natural magnesite. Endothermic decompositions of the different aggregates have been determined and analysed by means of thermal techniques. Mortars with different mixtures of these by-products have been prepared. Mechanical properties and temperature behaviour tests have been performed to evaluate the suitability of these substances as aggregates in fire-protecting mortars. During the endothermic decomposition of the studied aggregates the advance of temperature inside the mortar is delayed. Mortar with a mixture of 50% of both magnesium by-products shows a good agreement between mechanical properties and temperature behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper aims to characterize spray-dried DWTP sludge and evaluate its possible use as an addition for the cement industry. It describes the physical, chemical and micro-structural characterization of the sludge as well as the effect of its addition to Portland cements on the hydration, water demand, setting and mechanical strength of standardized mortars.Spray drying DWTP sludge generates a readily handled powdery material whose particle size is similar to those of Portland cement. The atomized sludge contains 12-14% organic matter (mainly fatty acids), while its main mineral constituents are muscovite, quartz, calcite, dolomite and seraphinite (or clinoclor). Its amorphous material content is 35%.The mortars were made with type CEM I Portland cement mixed with 10 to 30% atomized sludge exhibited lower mechanical strength than the control cement and a decline in slump. Setting was also altered in the blended cements with respect to the control.  相似文献   

The impact of polymer modification on the physical properties of cementitious mortars is investigated using a multimethod approach. Special emphasis is put on the identification and quantification of different polymer components within the cementitious matrix. With respect to thin-bed applications, particularly tile adhesives, the spatial distributions of latex, cellulose ether (CE), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and cement hydration products can be quantified. It is shown that capillary forces and evaporation induce water fluxes in the interconnected part of the pore system, which transport CE, PVA, and cement ions to the mortar interfaces. In contrast, the distribution of latex remains homogeneous. In combination with results from qualitative experiments, the quantitative findings allow reconstruction of the evolution from fresh to hardened mortar, including polymer film formation, cement hydration, and water migration. The resulting microstructure and the failure modes can be correlated with the final adhesive strength of the tile adhesive. The results demonstrate that skinning prior to tile inlaying can strongly reduce wetting properties of the fresh mortar and lower final adhesive strength.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out in order to solidify in cement some aqueous streams resulting from nuclear decommissioning processes and characterized by a high salinity (300 g/L), as well as important concentrations of nitrate (150-210 g/L) and phosphate ions (0-50 g/L). Special attention was paid to the influence of these compounds on the dimensional variations under wet curing of simulated solidified waste forms. The length changes of mortars containing nitrate salts only (KNO3, NaNO3) were shown to be governed by a concentration effect which involved osmosis: the higher their concentration in the mixing solution, the higher the swelling. The expansion of mortars containing high amounts of phosphates (≥ 30 g/L in the mixing solution) was preceded by a shrinkage which increased with the phosphate concentration, and which could be suppressed by seeding the cement used with hydroxyapatite crystals. This transitory shrinkage was attributed to the conversion into hydroxyapatite of a precursor readily precipitated in the cement paste after mixing.  相似文献   

Technological properties such as flow value, setting times, compressive strength and early age dimensional stability as linear shrinkage and expansion have been studied for two types of self-leveling underlayments (SLU) in which the kind of calcium sulfates was varied. The influence on hydration kinetics has been measured by isothermal heat flow calorimetry. The results obtained for the technological properties change significantly when different kinds of calcium sulfates are used. The basic trend for the results changes when the composition changes from a calcium aluminate cement system to a Portland cement system. Additionally, there was an interesting relationship to final dimensional stability and shape of heat evolution curve. Moreover the time to reach plateau of dimensional stability was related to the development of compressive strength. In the meanwhile, using hemihydrate in Portland cement systems caused low compressive strength and significant expansion. On the other hand, in the results of XRD measurements, the first genesis of Ettringite corresponded to the first shrinkage of SLU. Interesting results related with technological properties and hydration kinetics or the results of XRD other than these above results were obtained.  相似文献   

Hardening of cement mortars modified with small amounts of water-soluble polymers implies both cement hydration and polymer film formation. In this paper, the effect of the presence of water-soluble polymers on the cement hydration reactions is investigated by means of isothermal calorimetry, thermal analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy and SEM investigation. In spite of an initial retardation of the hydration reactions, a higher degree of hydration is found after 90 days for 1% PVAA, MC and HEC modified mortars, due to a better dispersion of the cement particles in the mixing water. MC also affects the morphology of the Ca(OH)2 crystals. Polymer bridges are detected between the layered crystals, gluing the layers together and strengthening the microstructure. Additionally, the internal cohesion of all bulk polymer modified cement pastes is improved. In the presence of the polymers, a more cohesive microstructure with a smaller amount of microcracks is created.  相似文献   

The restoration and maintenance of old renders is one of the key aspects of correct rehabilitation practice. The ideal course of action is to replace the damaged material by a material with compatible characteristics. This work aims to analyze the effect of the maturation process on hardened state characteristics of hydrated powder lime mortars. The rheological characterization shows an air lime mortar thickening behaviour with the length of the test. The different mixes were subjected to a maturation process consisting on keeping them in the fresh state, covered with water, isolated from CO2, during seven days. The specimens and applications were prepared both with the non-matured and the matured mortars. Maturation seems to influence the hardened state characteristics causing a decrease in the capillary values, and an increase on the mechanical strength, which are more evident for mortars with higher binder contents.  相似文献   

Mortars with different content of hydraulic lime and aggregates of a siliceous and carbonaceous nature differing in grain size, were designed for waterproofing historic masonry. The repair mortars design was taken into consideration the physico-chemical properties of the original ones. The water repellency of the designed mortars was enhanced through impregnation with an oligomeric organo-siloxane provided optimum water vapour permeability; this is due to the siloxane coating the capillaries without blocking the pores, as indicated from the slightly modified pore size distribution. The grain size of aggregates and the binder content influence the performance of mortars. Mortars with coarse aggregates develop high mechanical strength; nevertheless, micropores interconnected with macropores are responsible for the low salt-decay resistance. Increase of the binding content enhances the mechanical resistance but decreases the resistance to sulphate solutions, as a consequence of the small capillaries not allowing for salt crystallization. The mortar with the best performance consists of medium aggregates and a binder to aggregate ratio equal to 0.33; pores around 0.2 μm of radius enable salts to crystallize without provoking damage from crystallization pressure. The selected mortar, after fourteen months of application to the masonry, shows neither microcracks nor efflorescence formation.  相似文献   

The compressive strengths and structures of composites of aluminosilicate geopolymer with the synthetic cement minerals C3S, β-C2S, C3A and commercial OPC were investigated. All the composites showed lower strengths than the geopolymer and OPC paste alone. X-ray diffraction, 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR and SEM/EDS observations indicate that hydration of the cement minerals and OPC is hindered in the presence of geopolymer, even though sufficient water was present in the mix for hydration to occur. In the absence of SEM evidence for the formation of an impervious layer around the cement mineral grains, the poor strength development is suggested to be due to the retarded development of C-S-H because of the preferential removal from the system of available Si because geopolymer formation is more rapid than the hydration of the cement minerals. This possibility is supported by experiments in which the rate of geopolymer formation is retarded by the substitution of potassium for sodium, by the reduction of the alkali content of the geopolymer paste or by the addition of borate. In all these cases the strength of the OPC-geopolymer composite was increased, particularly by the combination of the borate additive with the potassium geopolymer, producing an OPC-geopolymer composite stronger than hydrated OPC paste alone.  相似文献   

A fast and accurate method of assessing the quality of casein superplasticizer is presented. The method is based on analysis of the content of α-, β- and κ-casein proteins contained in whole casein by ion exchange fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). The chromatographic profiles of six commercial casein samples were determined, revealing that the amount of κ-casein present in the biopolymer is the main assessment criteria for the quality of casein. For high dispersing effectiveness, the content of κ-casein needs to be high. The reason is that at pH ~ 12, a high content of κ-casein results in submicelles possessing smaller size (diameter ~ 10 nm), as was proven by dynamic light scattering measurement (DLS). These smaller submicelles are supposed to adsorb on cement in higher amount than large submicelles. Using this FPLC method, the dispersing performance of any casein sample can be determined very quickly without physical testing of mortar.  相似文献   

Lime-based mortars containing pozzolanic additions of metakaolin, sepiolite and white Portland cement are studied in order to determine their performance as historic masonry conservation mortars. Hydration products on metakaolin-lime blended mortars include stable and metastable phases. The presence of such products has been studied by means of DTA and XRD analysis, concluding that the selection between them is mainly related with the water-lime ratio. Sepiolite addition to metakaolin-lime mortars has shown to inhibit C4AH13 formation. Therefore, the influence of phase distribution on the mechanical resistance is considered. Finally, compounds production on blended lime-white Portland cement was compared to natural hydraulic lime ones, and as a result, no remarkable differences appeared, apart from traces of possible cement Portland addition to the latter, usually not mentioned in the nominal composition supplied by the manufacturers of lime binders.  相似文献   

The Spiral Notch Torsion Test (SNTT) determines the intrinsic fracture toughness (KIC) of structural materials by applying pure torsion to cylindrical specimens having a notch line that spirals around the specimen at a 45° pitch. KIC values are obtained with the aid of a three-dimensional finite-element computer code, TOR3D-KIC. The SNTT method is suitable for testing a wide variety of materials used extensively in pressure vessel and piping structural components and weldments, as well as ceramic and graphite materials. One important characteristic of SNTT is that neither a fatigue precrack nor a deep notch is required for evaluation of brittle materials, significantly reducing the sample size requirement. Results are reported for a Portland cement-based mortar demonstrating applicability of the SNTT method to cementitious materials. The estimated KIC of the tested mortar samples with compressive strength of 34.45 MPa was found to be 0.360 ± 0.017 MPa √m.  相似文献   

It is well known from experiments that the uniaxial compressive strength of cementitious materials depends linearly on the degree of hydration, once a critical hydration degree has been surpassed. It is less known about the microstructural material characteristics which drive this dependence, nor about the nature of the hydration degree–strength relationship before the aforementioned critical hydration degree is reached. In order to elucidate the latter issues, we here present a micromechanical explanation for the hydration degree–strength relationships of cement pastes and mortars covering a large range of compositions: Therefore, we envision, at a scale of fifteen to twenty microns, a hydrate foam (comprising spherical water and air phases, as well as needle-shaped hydrate phases oriented isotropically in all space directions), which, at a higher scale of several hundred microns, acts as a contiguous matrix in which cement grains are embedded as spherical clinker inclusions. Mortar is represented as a contiguous cement paste matrix with spherical sand grain inclusions. Failure of the most unfavorably stressed hydrate phase is associated with overall (quasi-brittle) failure of cement paste or mortar. After careful experimental validation, our modeling approach strongly suggests that it is the mixture- and hydration degree-dependent load transfer of overall, material sample-related, uniaxial compressive stress states down to deviatoric stress peaks within the hydrate phases triggering local failure, which determines the first nonlinear, and then linear dependence of quasi-brittle strength of cementitious materials on the degree of hydration.  相似文献   

Cement-based grout plays a significant role in the design and performance of nuclear waste repositories: used correctly, it can enhance their safety. However, the high water-to-binder ratios, which are required to meet the desired workability and injection ability at early age, lead to high porosity that may affect the durability of this material and undermine its long-term geochemical performance.In this paper, a new methodology is presented in order to help the process of mix design which best meets the compromise between these two conflicting requirements. It involves the combined use of the computer programs CEMHYD3D for the generation of digital-image-based microstructures and CrunchFlow, for the reactive transport calculations affecting the materials so simulated. This approach is exemplified with two grout types, namely, the so-called Standard mix 5/5, used in the upper parts of the structure, and the “low-pH” P308B, to be injected at higher depths.The results of the digital reconstruction of the mineralogical composition of the hardened paste are entirely logical, as the microstructures display high degrees of hydration, large porosities and low or nil contents of aluminium compounds.Diffusion of solutes in the pore solution was considered to be the dominant transport process. A single scenario was studied for both mix designs and their performances were compared. The reactive transport model adequately reproduces the process of decalcification of the C-S-H and the precipitation of calcite, which is corroborated by empirical observations. It was found that the evolution of the deterioration process is sensitive to the chemical composition of groundwater, its effects being more severe when grout is set under continuous exposure to poorly mineralized groundwater. Results obtained appear to indicate that a correct conceptualization of the problem was accomplished and support the assumption that, in absence of more reliable empirical data, it might constitute a useful tool to estimate the durability of cement-based structures.  相似文献   

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