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对14 mm厚的焊接Q460C高强度结构钢材焊缝区及其热影响区进行不同低温下的三点弯断裂韧性的试验研究,以便获得其焊缝区及其热影响区的断裂韧性指标δm值,同时利用Boltzmann函数对结果进行了拟合分析,得到其韧脆转变温度及其随温度变化的规律,并对试件断口进行扫描电镜分析.结果表明,低温对Q460C结构钢的焊缝区和热影响区断裂韧性有明显的影响,随温度的降低,其断裂韧性也随之呈下降趋势;Q460C焊缝区韧脆转变温度约为-53.6℃,热影响区的约为-40.3℃;在温度低于-20℃时,Q460C焊缝区及热影响区的断口形貌已表现出明显的脆性特征. 相似文献
采用裂纹尖端张开位移(CTOD)实验方法对研究了不同热处理工艺对新型R5系泊链钢断裂韧性的影响,使用偏光显微镜、光学显微镜和扫描电镜等对CTOD试样裂纹扩展区组织及断口形貌进行分析,并用高低温材料试验机测试了R5系泊链钢低温-20℃下的力学性能。结果表明,回火温度对R5系泊链钢CTOD断裂韧性有显著影响。在570~600℃范围内回火,组织保留马氏体位向,碳化物呈片状及长条状不均匀分布在原奥氏体晶界、马氏体板条界及板条内部,应力作用下容易导致局部应力集中,裂纹扩展速率大,CTOD特征值接近零。随回火温度升高,在600~690℃范围内回火,碳化物逐渐聚集、球化并在基体中弥散均匀分布,应力作用下不易引起局部应力集中,并且在裂纹扩展时可使裂纹扩展方向发生偏转,裂纹扩展路径延长,裂纹扩展受到抑制,CTOD特征值随回火温度升高不断增大。经950℃淬火+630~660℃区间回火,R5系泊链钢同时具有高强度和良好的CTOD断裂韧性。 相似文献
The present study was carried out to assess the weldability properties of ASTM A 537 Cl. 1 pressure-vessel quality steel using the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process. Implant and elastic restraint cracking (ERC) tests were conducted under different welding conditions to determine the cold cracking susceptibility of the steel. The static fatigue limit values determined for the implant test indicate adequate resistance to cold cracking even with unbaked electrodes. The ERC test, however, established the necessity to rebake the electrodes before use. Lamellar tearing tests carried out using full-thickness plates under three welding conditions showed no incidence of lamellar tearing upon visual examination, ultrasonic inspection, and four-section macroexamination. Lamellar tearing tests were repeated using machined plates, such that the central segregated band located at the midthickness of the plate corresponded to the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the weld. Only in one (no rebake, heat input: 14.2 kj cm-1, weld restraint load: 42 kg mm-2) of the eight samples tested was lamellar tearing observed. This was probably accentuated due to the combined effects of the presence of localized pockets of a hard phase (bainite) and a high hydrogen level (unbaked electrodes) in the weld joint. Optimal welding conditions were formulated based on the above tests. The weld joint was subjected to extensive tests and found to exhibit excellent strength (tensile strength: 56.8 kg mm-2, or 557 MPa), and low temperature impact toughness (7.4 and 4.5 kg-m at-20 °C for weld metal, WM, and HAZ) properties. Crack tip opening displacement tests carried out for the WM and HAZ resulted in δm values 0.36 and 0.27 mm, respectively, which indicates adequate resistance to brittle fracture. 相似文献
Fracture behaviour and numerical study of resistance spot welded joints in high-strength steel sheet
Teruki Sadasue Satoshi Igi Koichi Taniguchi Rinsei Ikeda Kenji Oi 《Welding International》2016,30(8):602-613
Cross tension tests of resistance spot welded joints with varying nugget diameter were carried out using 980 MPa high strength steel sheet of 1.6 mm thickness. In proportion, as nugget diameter increased from 3√t to 5√t (where t is thickness), cross tension strength (CTS) increased while fracture morphology simultaneously transferred from interface fracture to full plug fracture. In cases of interface fracture, circumferential crack initiation due to separation of the corona bond arose at an early stage of loading. The crack opening process without propagation was recognized until just before fracture and then the crack propagated to the nugget immediately in a brittle manner around CTS. In full plug fracture, main ductile crack initiation from the notch-like part at the end of sheet separation occurred with the sub-crack initiated at an early stage. The ductile crack propagated toward the HAZ and base material to form full plug fracture. The mode I stress intensity factor was considered as a suitable fracture parameter because the circumferential crack behaved pre-crack for brittle fracture in the nugget region at the final stage. Based on the FE analysis, the mode I stress intensity factor was calculated as 116 MPa √m at CTS as fracture toughness for the nugget. With respect to full plug fracture, ductile crack initiation behaviour from the notch-like part was expressed by concentration of equivalent plastic strain. On the assumption that the ductile crack arose in critical value of equivalent plastic strain, the value was calculated as 0.34 by FE analysis. Reasonable interpretation for interface fracture and full plug fracture in the resistance spot welded joint was proposed due to first crack initiation by stress concentration, brittle fracture by using mode I stress intensity factor, and ductile crack initiation by using equivalent plastic strain. 相似文献
The corrosion fatigue crack growth behaviour of different low-alloy reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels and weld filler/heat-affected zone materials was systematically characterized under simulated boiling water reactor normal water and hydrogen water chemistry conditions by low-frequency fatigue tests with pre-cracked fracture mechanics specimens. The experiments were performed in oxygenated or hydrogenated high-purity or sulphate/chloride containing water at temperatures from 150 to 288 °C.In this paper, the observed synergistic effects of environmental, material and loading parameters on the environmental acceleration of fatigue crack growth in low-alloy RPV steels are discussed in the context of the Ford-Andresen model. Additionally, the adequacy and conservatism of the current “ASME XI reference fatigue crack growth curves” of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code are critically reviewed and assessed on the basis of the gathered experimental data base and this model. Based on the observed cracking behaviour and the Ford-Andresen model, a simple time-domain superposition model is suggested, which could reduce most of the undue conservatism and eliminate uncertainties of the existing codes and therefore serve as a basis for the development of improved reference fatigue crack growth curves. 相似文献