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A genetic locus suppressing DNA underreplication in intercalary heterochromatin (IH) and pericentric heterochromatin (PH) of the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster salivary glands, has been described. Found in the In(1)scV2 strain, the mutation, designated as Su(UR)ES, was located on chromosome 3L at position 34. 8 and cytologically mapped to region 68A3-B4. A cytological phenotype was observed in the salivary gland chromosomes of larvae homozygous and hemizygous for Su(UR)ES: (i) in the IH regions, that normally are incompletely polytenized and so they often break to form "weak points," underreplication is suppressed, breaks and ectopic contacts disappear; (ii) the degree of polytenization in PH grows higher. That is why the regions in chromosome arm basements, normally beta-heterochromatic, acquire a distinct banding pattern, i. e., become euchromatic by morphological criteria; (iii) an additional bulk of polytenized material arises between the arms of chromosome 3 to form a fragment with a typical banding pattern. Chromosome 2 PH reveals additional alpha-heterochromatin. Su(UR)ES does not affect the viability, fertility, or morphological characters of the imago, and has semidominant expression in the heterozygote and distinct maternal effect. The results obtained provide evidence that the processes leading to DNA underreplication in IH and PH are affected by the same genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling factor (SCF) was first identified in silkworm as a protein that generates negative supercoils in DNA in conjunction with eukaryotic topoisomerase II. To analyze the in vivo role of the factor, we cloned a cDNA encoding Drosophila melanogaster SCF. Northern analysis revealed 1.6- and 1.8-kb mRNAs throughout development. The longer mRNA contains an open reading frame that shares homology with mouse reticulocalbin whereas the shorter one encodes a truncated version lacking the N-terminal signal peptide-like sequence. An antibody against SCF detected a 45-kDa protein in the cytoplasmic fraction and a 30-kDa protein in the nuclear fraction of embryonic extracts. Immunoprecipitation suggests that the 30-kDa protein interacts with topoisomerase II in the nucleus, and hence that it is a functional form of SCF. Immunostaining of blastoderm embryos showed that SCF is present in nuclei during interphase but is excluded from mitotic chromosomes. In larvae, the antibody stained the nuclei of several tissues including a posterior part of the salivary gland. This latter staining was associated with natural or ecdysteroid-induced puffs on polytene chromosomes. Upon heat treatment of larvae, the staining on the endogenous puffs disappeared, and strong staining appeared on heat shock puffs. These results implicate SCF in gene expression.  相似文献   

Hybridization of tRNAs of Drosophila melanogaster to polytene chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Highly purified tRNAs from Drosophila melanogaster were iodinated with 125I and hybridized to squashes of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila silivary glands followed by autoradiography to localize binding sites. Most tRNAs hybridize strongly to more than one site and weakly to one or more additional sites. The major sites for various tRNAs are the following: tRNA2Arg, 42A, 84F1,2; tRNA2Asp, 29DE; tRNA3Gly, 22BC, 35BC, 57BC, tRNA2Lys, 42A, 42E; tRNA5Lys, 84AB, 87B; tRNA2Met, 48B5-7, 72F1-2, 83F-84A; tRNA3Met, 46A1-2, 61D1-2, 70F1-2; tRNA4Ser, 12DE, 23E; tRNA7Ser, 12DE, 23E; tRNA3aVal, 64D; tRNA3bVal, 84d3-4, 92b1-9; tRNA4Val, 56D3-7, 70BC.  相似文献   

We investigated the fate of dicentric chromosomes in the mitotic divisions of Drosophila melanogaster. We constructed chromosomes that were not required for viability and that carried P elements with inverted repeats of the target sites (FRTs) for the FLP site-specific recombinase. FLP-mediated unequal sister-chromatid exchange between inverted FRTs produced dicentric chromosomes at a high rate. The fate of the dicentric chromosome was evaluated in the mitotic cells of the male germline. We found that dicentric chromosomes break in mitosis, and the broken fragments can be transmitted. Some of these chromosome fragments exhibit dominant semilethality. Nonlethal fragments were broken at many sites along the chromosome, but the semilethal fragments were all broken near the original site of sister-chromatid fusion, and retained P element sequences near their termini. We discuss the implications of the recovery and behavior of broken chromosomes for checkpoints that detect double-strand break damage and the functions of telomeres in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The effect of platelet factor 4 (PF4) on myoblast cultures with or without basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) or other growth factors was investigated in the present in vitro experiments, with reference to bFGF binding to myoblast membrane fraction. When PF4 was added to the culture medium 1 day after myoblast cultivation, the nuclei of both myoblasts and myotubes were markedly reduced in number in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the inhibitory effect of PF4 on myoblast development was not observed when PF4 was added to the culture medium 3, 7, or 14 days after myoblast cultivation. In contrast, bFGF significantly increased the numbers of myoblast and myotube nuclei. When bFGF and PF4 were simultaneously added to the culture medium, PF4 abolished the facilitatory effects of bFGF on myogenesis. The real-time biospecific interaction analysis (BLA) core system showed that the myoblast membrane fraction at 1 day after cultivation contains bFGF-binding elements which are blocked by PF4 in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, [126I]-bFGF binding experiments indicated the existence of both high and low affinity binding sites on myoblast membranes, although the high affinity binding sites decreased in number and the dissociation constant increased in value as the culture period was prolonged. Among the six other growth factors examined, acidic fibroblast growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor-BB stimulated myogenesis, and their effects were blocked by PF4 treatment. These findings suggest that: 1) PF4 inhibits myoblast proliferation and myotube formation only for a limited initial period of cultivation, possibly because of the time-dependent down-regulation of high affinity bFGF receptors: and 2) PF4 may be used as a tool to investigate the function of endogenous heparin-binding growth factors upregulated transiently at a certain developmental stage or in case of tissue damage and repair, even though it is not monospecific to bFGF.  相似文献   

Region 20 of the polytene X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was studied in salivary glands (SG) and pseudonurse cells (PNC) of otu mutants. In SG chromosomes the morphology of the region strongly depends on two modifiers of position effect variegation: temperature and amount of heterochromatin. It is banded in XYY males at 25 degrees C and beta-heterochromatic in X0 males at 14 degrees C, i.e. it shows dynamic transitions. In PNC chromosomes region 20 is not heterochromatic, but demonstrates a clear banding pattern. Some molecular markers of mitotic heterochromatin were localized by means of in situ hybridization on PNC chromosomes: DNA of the gene su(f) in section 20C, the nucleolar organizer and 359-bp satellite in 20F. The 359-bp satellite, which has been considered to be specific for heterochromatin of the mitotic X chromosome, was found at two additional sites on chromosome 3L, proximally to 80C. The right arm of the X chromosome in SG chromosomes was localized in the inversion In(ILR)pn2b: the telomeric HeT-A DNA and AAGAG satellite from the right arm are polytenized, having been relocated from heterochromatin to euchromatin.  相似文献   

Interaction of heterochromatic regions was studied during interphase and mitosis. The interphasic heterochromatin unites, producing 1-8 H-chromocentres. A lack of synapsis between heterochromatic regions in prophase is shown to be a result of hypotonic treatment. It is mentioned that adhesion of sister chromatids was used for heterochromatin localization. The results are discussed in connection with the supposed interaction between heterochromatin and membrane.  相似文献   

Sex determination in Drosophila is controlled by a cascade of regulatory genes. Here we describe hermaphrodite (her), a new component of this regulatory cascade with pleiotropic zygotic and maternal functions. Zygotically, her+ function is required for female sexual differentiation: when zygotic her+ function is lacking, females are transformed to intersexes. Zygotic her+ function may also play a role in male sexual differentiation. Maternally, her+ function is needed to ensure the viability of female progeny: a partial loss of her+ function preferentially kills daughters. In addition, her has both zygotic and maternal functions required for viability in both sexes. Temperature sensitivity prevails for all known her alleles and for all of the her phenotypes described above, suggesting that her may participate in an intrinsically temperature-sensitive process. This analysis of four her alleles also indicates that the zygotic and maternal components of of her function are differentially mutable. We have localized her cytologically to 36A3-36A11.  相似文献   

Thrombin is known to reduce the K+ content of human platelets, but the subcellular origin of the lost K+ is not known. The effect of aggregating agents on K+ release was studied in platelets labeled in plasma by preincubation with 42KCI. Platelets were separated from plasma by gel filtration through Sepharose 2B equilibrated with K+ -free Tyrode's buffer. Platelet K+ was 116nEq/10(8) platelets, of which 23% was found to be extracellular immediately after gel filtration. K+ influx was 65 nEq/10(8) platelets/hr at pH 7.5 and was more rapid at pH 7.9. About 70% of cell K+ exchanged with plasma in 4 hr with first-order kinetics, while a minor fraction of about 30% exchanged with a slower time course. This slowly exchanging fraction of platelet K+ was thought to arise from heterogeneity in the platelet population. Epinephrine and ADP aggregated gel-filtered platelets and released serotonin, but with loss of only 5%-10% of cell K+ and no beta-glucuronidase. In contrast, thrombin released up to 30% of platelet K+, whether aggregation occurred or was prevented by not stirring the cells. The specific activity of K+ released by all aggregating agents was identical to the specific activity of total platelet K+. Thrombin (0.01-0.2 NIH U/ml) released serotonin and also beta-glucuronidase (an enzyme of the alpha-granule), and there was a linear relation between release of K+ and this enzyme (r = 0.88). No lysis of platelets occurred, since lactic dehydrogenase was not detected. Pretreatment of platelets with aspirin in vitro inhibited thrombin-induced release of serotonin but had no effect on the loss of K+ or beta-glucuronidase. In contrast, the ingestion of aspirin by mouth inhibited the release of serotonin, beta-glucuronidase, and K+ by thrombin. The data suggested that the K+ loss induced by thrombin was primarily derived from release of alpha-granules and that these organelles contained about 20% of the total platelet K+ in a freely exchangeable and nonsequestered state.  相似文献   

Hearing is one of the last sensory modalities to be subjected to genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster. We describe a behavioral assay for auditory function involving courtship among groups of males triggered by the pulse component of the courtship song. In a mutagenesis screen for mutations that disrupt the auditory response, we have recovered 15 mutations that either reduce or abolish this response. Mutant audiograms indicate that seven mutants reduced the amplitude of the response at all intensities. Another seven abolished the response altogether. The other mutant, 5L3, responded only at high sound intensities, indicating that the threshold was shifted in this mutant. Six mutants were characterized in greater detail. 5L3 had a general courtship defect; courtship of females by 5L3 males also was affected strongly. 5P1 males courted females normally but had reduced success at copulation. 5P1 and 5N18 showed a significant decrement in olfactory response, indicating that the defects in these mutations are not specific to the auditory pathway. Two other mutants, 5M8 and 5N30, produced amotile sperm although in 5N30 this phenotype was genetically separable from the auditory phenotype. Finally, a new adult circling behavior phenotype, the pirouette phenotype, associated with massive neurodegeneration in the brain, was discovered in two mutants, 5G10 and 5N18. This study provides the basis for a genetic and molecular dissection of auditory mechanosensation and auditory behavior.  相似文献   

Transposase-mediated mobilization of the element Minos has been studied in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. Excision and transposition of a nonautonomous Minos transposon in the presence of a Minos transposase gene was detected with a dominant eye color marker carried by the transposon. Frequencies of excision in somatic tissues and in the germ line were higher in flies heterozygous for the transposon than in homozygotes or hemizygotes. Transposition of a X chromosome-linked insertion of Minos into new autosomal sites occurred in 1-12% of males expressing transposase, suggesting that this system is usable for gene tagging and enhancer trapping in Drosophila. Sequence analysis of PCR-amplified donor sites after excision showed precise restoration of the original target sequence in approximately 75% of events in heterozygotes and the presence of footprints or partially deleted elements in the remaining events. Most footprints consisted of the four terminal bases of the transposon, flanked by the TA target duplication. Sequencing of a chromosomal donor site that was directly cloned after excision showed a characteristic two-base mismatch heteroduplex in the center of the 6-bp footprint. Circular extrachromosomal forms of the transposon, presumably representing excised Minos elements, could be detected only in the presence of transposase. A model for chromatid repair after Minos excision is discussed in which staggered cuts are first produced at the ends of the inverted repeats, the broken chromatid ends are joined, and the resulting heteroduplex is subsequently repaired. The model also suggests a simple mechanism for the production of the target site duplication and for regeneration of the transposon ends during reintegration.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic variation in behavioral response to the odorant, benzaldehyde, was assessed among a sample of 43 X and 35 third chromosomes extracted from a natural population and substituted into a common inbred background. Significant genetic variation among chromosome lines was detected. Heritability estimates for olfactory response, however, were low, as is typical for traits under natural selection. Furthermore, the loci affecting naturally occurring variation in olfactory response to benzaldehyde were not the same in males and females, since the genetic correlation between the sexes was low and not significantly different from zero for the chromosome 3 lines. Competitive fitness, viability and fertility of the chromosome 3 lines were estimated using the balancer equilibrium technique. Genetic correlations between fitness and odor-guided behavior were not significantly different from zero, suggesting the number of loci causing variation in olfactory response is small relative to the number of loci causing variation in fitness. Since different genes affect variation in olfactory response in males and females, genetic variation for olfactory response could be maintained by genotype x sex environment interaction. This unusual genetic architecture implies that divergent evolutionary trajectories for olfactory behavior may occur in males and females.  相似文献   

Recombination-defective meiotic mutants and mutagen-sensitive mutants of D. melanogaster have been examined for their effects on meiotic chromosome behavior, sensitivity to killing by mutagens, somatic chromosome integrity, and DNA repair processes. Several loci have been identified that specify functions that are necessary for both meiotic recombination and DNA repair processes, whereas mutants at combination and DNA repair processes, whereas mutants at other loci appear to be defective in only one pathway of DNA processing.  相似文献   

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