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BACKGROUND: Previously, we demonstrated that ketorolac, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID), prevented postoperative small bowel ileus in a rodent model. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of salsalate, an NSAID without antiplatelet effect, on postoperative ileus alone or in combination with morphine. METHODS: Forty-eight rats underwent placement of duodenal catheters and were then randomly assigned to one of eight groups (n = 6). Four groups had standardized laparotomy following drug administration, whereas 4 groups underwent the same treatment without laparotomy: control and morphine animals received 0.1 mL alcohol via the catheter, whereas salsalate and salsalate-plus-morphine animals received salsalate (15 mg/kg) dissolved in 0.1 mL alcohol. The animals also received 0.5 mg/kg morphine (morphine and salsalate plus morphine) or the same volume of saline (control and salsalate) subcutaneously. Transit was measured following the injection of a nonabsorbed marker via the duodenal catheter and is defined as the geometric center (GC) of distribution. An additional 20 rats had serosal electrodes placed on the jejunum, and were assigned to one of four treatment groups (control, salsalate, morphine, and salsalate plus morphine; n = 5 each group). Myoelectric activity was recorded until the reappearance of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC) following laparotomy. RESULTS: Laparotomy and morphine independently reduced small bowel transit (P = 0.0006 and 0.006, respectively, by three-way analysis of variance [ANOVA]; GC 4.3 +/- 0.2 control versus 2.2 +/- 0.3 laparotomy versus 3.6 +/- 0.4 morphine), but morphine did not further worsen postoperative transit (GC 2.4 +/- 0.4; P = 0.42). Although salsalate did not alter baseline transit, pretreatment improved postoperative transit (P = 0.0002; GC 3.6 +/- 0.4). This effect was lost with the addition of morphine (GC 2.7 +/- 0.2; P = 0.21). The MMCs returned earlier after laparotomy in salsalate-pretreated rats (63 +/- 18 minutes salsalate versus 160 +/- 12 minutes laparotomy; P < 0.01, one-way ANOVA). However, this effect was also lost in animals receiving morphine (106 +/- 16 min; P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Salsalate improves postoperative small bowel motility in a rodent model; however, this effect is masked by morphine.  相似文献   

The authors present an account on the use of an intraluminal intestinal stent to treat early postoperative ileus. They demonstrate on a case-history the possibility to combine the tube inserted via jejunostomy and with laparostomy. In the discussion they deal also with the historical development of intubation of the small intestine and support of controlled adhesion formation.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the efficacy of cisapride in reducing ileus persisting to the tenth postoperative day after neonatal abdominal surgery. METHODS: A prospective, randomised, double blind trial comparing rectal cisapride (1.4-2.3 mg/kg/day) with placebo over seven days was undertaken in 33 neonates. RESULTS: Seven of 12 (58%) patients receiving placebo and eight of 11 (73%) receiving cisapride achieved a first sustained feed during treatment. Of those receiving cisapride, the first sustained feed occurred at 2.3 days (SEM 0.6) compared with 4.7 days (SEM 0.8) with placebo. By the seventh day the mean daily net enteral balance was 69 (SEM 18) ml/kg in the cisapride subgroup and 17 (SEM 8) ml/kg for those receiving placebo. Stool was passed on 6.3 (SEM 0.4) treatment days in the cisapride subgroup compared with 4.1 (SEM 1.0) treatment days in the placebo subgroup. CONCLUSION: Cisapride is effective in neonates with a prolonged ileus after abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic tree of a gene family of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits was constructed using 84 nucleotide sequences of receptor subunits from 18 different species in order to elucidate the evolutionary origin of receptor subunits. The tree constructed showed that the common ancestor of all subunits may have appeared first in the nervous system. Moreover, we suggest that the alpha 1 subunits in the muscle system originated from the common ancestor of alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha 4, alpha 5, alpha 6, and beta 3 in the nervous system, whereas the beta 1, gamma, delta, and epsilon subunits in the muscle system shared a common ancestor with the beta 2 and beta 4 subunits in the nervous system. Using the ratio (f) of the number of nonsynonymous substitutions to that of synonymous substitutions, we predicted the functional importance of subunits. We found that the alpha 1 and alpha 7 subunits had the lowest f values in the muscle and nervous systems, respectively, indicating that very strong functional constraints work on these subunits. This is consistent with the fact that the alpha 1 subunit has sites binding to the ligand, and the alpha 7-containing receptor regulates the release of the transmitter. Moreover, the window analysis of the f values showed that strong functional constraints work on the so-called M2 region in all five types of muscle subunits. Thus, the window analysis of the f values is useful for evaluating the degree of functional constraints in not only the entire gene region, but also the within-gene subregion.  相似文献   

Pain control is an important postoperative consideration with any surgical procedure. Technological and procedural improvements have contributed to the reduction in both the degree of surgical difficulty and the postsurgical complications associated with intricate surgeries. As a result, certain surgeries have potential for being performed on an outpatient basis, dependent upon appropriate pain-management regimens and the degree of potential for postoperative complications. Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a common procedure. Because of the reduction in invasiveness that arthroscopy provides, outpatient surgery is now routinely employed for ACL patients. The arguments against ACL outpatient surgery have included the reluctance to use ambulatory, indwelling, intravenous pain-pump delivery systems for opioid pain medication. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a ketorolac tromethamine used for the management of the postoperative pain produced as a result of outpatient ACL reconstruction. When the ketorolac pain management regimen is compared in this setting with meperidine or morphine, pain control is as good as, or in some cases better than, either of the opioid drugs. Additionally, the adverse side effects associated with opioid drugs are significantly reduced at a substantially lower direct cost to the patient.  相似文献   

The phagocytic and bactericidal activities to Salmonella pullorum (strain 9-25) or Salmonella senftenberg (strain 99D) were examined in chicken splenic phagocytes from 0-day-old to 2-month-old chickens. The phagocytic activity against S pullorum increased in splenic phagocytes from chickens older than 7 days, but significant changes in activity against S senftenberg were not observed during the experimental period. The bactericidal activity of splenic phagocytes against S senftenberg was higher than that of phagocytes against S pullorum during the same period. Increase of the bactericidal activity against S pullorum was observed with increasing age, but the activity of the splenic phagocytes from 0-day-old chickens against S senftenberg was similar to that of the phagocytes from 2-month-old chickens. Although delayed hypersensitivity was confirmed by delayed wattle reaction in 2-month-old chickens sensitized with living S pullorum, the sensitization did not markedly affect phagocytic and bactericidal activities.  相似文献   

Gallstone ileus is a rare disorder, which, because it is often misdiagnosed preoperatively, may become life-threatening. The classic triad of Rigler (aerobilia, small bowel ileus and a calcified, dystopic stone) is visualized on abdominal plain films in only 14-35% of cases. Further work-up includes ultrasound, upper gastrointestinal series with water soluble contrast medium and computed tomography (CT). CT is especially reliable in demonstrating all three criteria.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, location, and duration of pneumoperitoneum in postoperative patients and to compare the sensitivities of CT and left lateral decubitus radiography in the detection of postoperative pneumoperitoneum. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty-seven CT scans and 27 abdominal radiographs with the patient in the left lateral decubitus position were obtained prospectively in 17 patients after uncomplicated abdominal surgery. Fifteen patients were examined 3 days after surgery and 12 were examined 6 days after surgery. The studies were evaluated in a blinded fashion for the presence, location, and volume of free air. The presence of air on the radiographs and the presence and quantity of air on the CT scans were correlated with each subject's surgical procedure, age, sex, and body habitus. RESULTS: Pneumoperitoneum was seen on 13 (87%) of 15 CT scans and eight (53%) of 15 radiographs obtained 3 days after surgery and on six (50%) of 12 CT scans and one (8%) of 12 radiographs obtained 6 days after surgery. The calculated volume of free air seen on the CT scans ranged from 0.3 to 5.8 ml. Sixty-two percent of collections by volume were located in the midline/parahepatic space, 22% in the pelvis, and 16% in the mesentery. Radiographs showed pneumoperitoneum in only nine (47%) of 19 examinations in which the corresponding CT scans showed free air. Findings on radiographs were false-negative in seven (87%) of eight obese patients in whom pneumoperitoneum was detected on CT scans. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of pneumoperitoneum in the postoperative period based on CT findings is greater than that previously reported. Small amounts of pneumoperitoneum frequently collect along the anterior abdominal wall in two preferential spaces, the pararectus and midrectus recesses. The results of this study show that CT is significantly more sensitive than plain radiography for detecting small amounts of free intraperitoneal air in postoperative patients. Radiography is particularly insensitive for imaging obese and heavy patients.  相似文献   

Cisapride and domperidone were both effective in restoring electrical and mechanical activity, coordination between gastric and small intestinal activity cycles and the stomach to anus transit time in three ponies in which post operative ileus was induced experimentally. Cisapride (0.1 mg/kg bodyweight intramuscularly) for three to eight doses prevented idiopathic post operative ileus in 22 clinical cases requiring colic surgery. The only side effects after cisapride were increased bowel sounds and slight, transient sounds of discomfort. No adverse side effects were seen in 16 cases following anastomosis or enterotomy. Cisapride appears safe and effective in the prophylaxis of equine post operative ileus.  相似文献   

The course of the psychiatric in-patient treatment received by 34 young people aged 15-24 years before their deaths from suicide was studied retrospectively on the basis of medical records. The quality of the care that they were given was appraised in terms of continuity, an important aspect of the care of young individuals during a period of dynamic development. There were two suicides among patients in child psychiatric care and 32 suicides among those in adult psychiatric care. Continuity of child psychiatric care was satisfactory, while the striking discontinuity in adult psychiatric care, in terms of contacts with doctors, therapists and other staff, with from 3 to 30 different doctors being involved during the period of care, may have been a factor contributing to the suicidal outcome in these cases. In total, 20 of the 34 young people had reported previously known suicide attempts, and notes concerning suicidal communication were mentioned in all but three of the records, while in only three of the records had any form of suicide-risk assessment been noted at the last care session before the suicide. Information about the suicidal process was thus available for most of these records but, as a rule, suicidal analyses were nevertheless lacking.  相似文献   

Used 2 methods of item selection against an external criterion to build 2 short tests for selecting programing and computer-maintenance students. The methods were (a) sequential accretion of items so that at each iteration the item selected was the one leading to the largest increase in the correlation between the test and the criterion, and (b) accretion of items in order of their declining item point biserial correlations with the criterion. The items were given to development and cross-validation samples consisting of 99 computer-maintenance and 315 programing students. There was no significant difference in the validity of tests built using either method. Both methods produced tests with cross-valid coefficients higher than the validity of the item pool and both were reasonably resistant to shrinkage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Meconium ileus is in most cases difficult to diagnose preoperatively; however, aganglionosis should be excluded in every case (rectal double-suction biopsy, manometry). In cases of uncomplicated meconium ileus (no perforation, no further intestinal obstructions) lysis of the meconium by a Gastrografin enema is tried first. In case of no relief, an intraoperative puncture of the bowel and Gastrografin instillation is performed. If there is no relief a small bowel resection is performed and a Bishop-Koop anastomosis or a chimney anastomosis established. A distinction must be made between meconium ileus, meconium disease, meconium plug syndrome, and curd obstruction. Results show a survival rate of 80%.  相似文献   

We report a case of severe hyperphosphatemia following repeated use of phosphate-containing enemas in a patient with small and large bowel ileus, who died from acute renal and cardiovascular failure. Refractory hypocalcemia presumably resulted from precipitation of calcium-phosphate. Hypocalcemia may induce alterations which seriously compromise the clinical course.  相似文献   

The authors report 6 cases of gallstone ileus due to cholecystoduodenal fistula. In 4 patients a simple enterolithotomy was performed, while in one case the enterolithotomy was associated to cholecystectomy and duodenal suture; in the last patient it was associated to cholecystectomy and gastric resection. Only one death was registered among the cases treated with enterolithotomy. The authors believe that the severity of the pathology, generally combined with other important diseases, needs an eclectic treatment depending on the patient status.  相似文献   

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