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A decrease in smooth muscle cells is observed in advanced atherosclerotic lesion. To understand this mechanism, we selected oxysterols as candidates for toxic lipid, and examined their cytotoxicity on human cultured vascular smooth muscle cells, together with the manner of cell death. In the presence of 7-ketocholesterol or 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol (50 mumol/L), the percentage of detached cells increased significantly with dose dependency, and an increase in detached cell number and DNA nick detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling study (TUNEL) preceded an increase in lactate dehydrogenase released into the medium. DNA extracted from smooth muscle cells incubated with 7-ketocholesterol or 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol showed a laddering pattern on agarose electrophoresis. In the presence of 7-ketocholesterol or 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol, fragmented DNA quantified by the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay was significantly increased. From these results, it is proposed that 7-ketocholesterol and 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol are toxic to smooth muscle cells, and that this cytotoxicity is mediated by apoptosis.  相似文献   

Contends that in this postpositivist era, developmental psychology, no less than other areas of psychology and the other social sciences, shows signs of becoming aware of its social, cultural, and historical contexts—signs of seeking to understand its particular place in social space and historical time. The authors attempt to stimulate scholarly debate that will deepen such understanding and enhance the analytical, self-critical quality of such historical awareness. Among the issues explored are the necessity and function of critical social history, the problematic notion of progressive development with regard to both ontogenesis and scientific knowledge itself, the fragmentation of the field of developmental psychology, and the relations between scientific theory and research and sociopolitical circumstances. (69 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that the p53 gene is a good target for molecular epidemiological studies. We previously reported an association between the presence of p53 mutations and lifetime cigarette consumption. Although over 675 p53 mutations have been reported in lung cancers in the literature thus far, very little is known about the nature of such changes in lung cancers in the absence of a smoking background. In the present study, we therefore analysed 69 non-small-cell lung cancer specimens from individuals without any history of active smoking and identified p53 mutations in 26% of the cases. Statistical analysis of the present cohort of non-smokers also showed absence of significant relationship between p53 mutations and age, sex, histological type or disease stage. Comparison of mutational spectra between the present results in non-smokers and previously reported mutations in smokers clearly demonstrated G:C to T:A transversions to be significantly less frequent in non-smokers than in smokers (OR 5.35, 95% CI 1.77-16.12). Interestingly, G:C to C:G and G:C to A:T mutations were also observed in tumours of non-smokers at similar frequencies to G:C to T:A mutations, suggesting that these mutations can occur relatively frequently in the absence of active smoking. This study is, to our knowledge, the largest so far analysing a well-defined cohort of non-smokers in a single laboratory.  相似文献   

States that codes of ethics are historical products of the professionalization process; the form and content of codes of ethics develop within the specific historical context of the professionalization process of the occupational group for which they are written. During the 1950s and 1960s, the Canadian Psychological Association's (CPA) decisions regarding adoption of a code of ethics were centered on 2 major professionalization needs; namely, to secure a market niche for "psychologists" as this was defined by CPA, and to sustain this image as the basis for continuing funding for related psychological research. Different historical factors resulted in the decision by CPA, in the 1970s, to produce a made-in-Canada code of ethics. These were (a) the need of CPA to produce a document of professional self-regulation that recognized problems faced by psychological practitioners employed within various organizational structures, and (b) organizational problems of the CPA related to disciplinary unity and achievement of a national leadership role. The results of this critical historical analysis confirm the importance of codes of professional ethics as strategies of professionalization as hypothesized by J. Louw in 1990. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cross-cultural research performs a vital role within the confirmation of psychological "truths." Its differentiations work simultaneously to establish their general applicability and the superiority of Anglo-U.S. ways of living and relating. Taking three examples of how "Japan" figures within English language psychological accounts (i.e., group/individual, shame/guilt societies, and attachment styles), I indicate how the apparent stability of these truths suppressed the violent history of their generation. Moreover, I suggest how resisting the assimilation of cultural specificity into a discourse of mere variation can challenge the hegemony of Anglo-U.S. psychology and reframe the vexed question of specificity versus universality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Little is known about the psychosocial functioning of persons who have recovered from dysthymic disorder. Such information might be useful in identifying trait markers for dysthymia, and for guiding continuation and maintenance treatment. We explored this issue using data from the Oregon Adolescent Depression Project, a large community-based study of the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in a high school population. Four groups of adolescents were identified: 38 with a past history of dysthymic disorder; 217 with a past history of major depressive disorder; 142 with a past history of non-affective disorders; and 1079 with no lifetime history of psychopathology. The groups were compared on an extensive battery of psychosocial variables. The most consistent and diagnostically specific finding was that adolescents with a past history of dysthymic disorder reported having a significantly lower level of social support from friends than each of the other three groups of adolescents. Adolescents with a past history of dysthymic disorder also reported significantly higher levels of depressive, internalizing and externalizing symptoms and daily hassles than adolescents with no lifetime history of psychopathology. In addition, they reported higher levels of depressive symptoms and self-consciousness, but fewer externalizing symptoms than adolescents with a past history of non-affective disorders. These data suggest that adolescents with dysthymic disorder continue to experience significant difficulties in psychosocial functioning even after recovery.  相似文献   

Alerts APA researchers and readers that the article "Does violence beget violence? A critical examination of the literature" by C. S. Widom (Psychological Bulletin, 1989, Vol 106(1), Jul, 3–28) has been amplified and reprinted in a book chapter: Widom, C. S. (1989). The intergenerational transmission of violence. In N. A. Weinger & M. E. Wolfgang (Eds.), Pathways to criminal violence. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Through an oversight, cross-reference between the two publications and information in the copyright for this article were omitted from the Sage book. The copyright is held by the American Psychological Association. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in PA, Vol 76:36811.) Critically examines the "violence breeds violence" hypothesis broadly defined. Organized into 7 sections, the literature review includes (a) the abuse breeds abuse hypothesis; (b) reports of small numbers of violent/homicidal offenders; (c) studies examining the relationship of abuse and neglect to delinquency; (d) to violent behavior, and (e) to aggressive behavior in infants and young children; (f) abuse, withdrawal, and self-destructive behavior; and (g) studies of the impact of witnessing or observing violent behavior… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated predictors for smoking abstinence at 12-week follow-up among 85 smokers with a past history of alcohol dependence enrolled in a smoking cessation trial. Length of alcohol abstinence at time of enrollment and longest previous period of smoking abstinence were significantly associated with smoking status at follow-up. Multiple logistic regression with these variables entered as predictors suggested that longest previous period of smoking abstinence partially mediated the relationship between length of alcohol abstinence at enrollment and smoking status at follow-up. Additional research is warranted to identify predictors of nicotine abstinence and smoking relapse in this population and to understand the factors that mediate the relationship between length of alcohol abstinence at enrollment and smoking outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A case-control study was performed to determine the role of rural factors including occupation and previous malaria exposure in the development of classic Kaposi's sarcoma (CKS) in a high incidence area of Europe. The occurrence of CKS association with other malignancies was also examined. The results showed that the risk of having CKS was significantly increased in subjects farming cereals, while a previous history of malaria did not influence the risk of developing CKS. A near-significant increase in associated tumours was found.  相似文献   

Drug use, abuse, and addiction are common behavioral manifestations of impulsiveness. A useful and popular laboratory analogue of impulsiveness is temporal discounting. Temporal discounting refers to the reduction in the present, subjective value of outcomes that are temporally distant in the future. The extensive literature on temporal discounting indicates hyperbolic discounting, the magnitude effect, and the sign effect. It is possible that the same principles may apply to other dimensions of psychological distance, including past temporal distance. The purpose of the present study was to examine the possibility that outcomes in the past are discounted hyperbolically and at a similar rate to outcomes in the future. The magnitude and sign effects were also examined in past discounting. Indifference points of college students were determined from a paper-and-pencil questionnaire of future and past discounting. The results demonstrate that humans discount temporally distant past outcomes similarly to future outcomes. Discounting of the future and past are qualitatively and quantitatively similar; discounting of past outcomes is orderly, hyperbolic, and consistent with most empirical observations from studies of future discounting, including the magnitude and sign effects. The present study indicates that the discounting of past outcomes is a quantifiable phenomenon, and the results are similar to observations from the established future-discounting literature. Past discounting may be of use in the study of drug-dependent and other impulsive populations. Implications of a relationship between future and past discounting are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Publication records were determined for 17 research topics in learning, memory, and perception. Topics varied in the initial and median years of publications, longevity, and size and shape of the distributions of publications. A total of 237 research scholars indicated their knowledge, perceptions, and evaluations of the issues. Familiarity with a problem depended on its age and when one was trained: Earlier PhDs were more familiar with older issues, and later PhDs with more recent issues. Topics perceived as the demonstration of a phenomenon were judged as less important, and those perceived as the investigation of a cognitive process as more important. Problems viewed as resolved were accorded more significance, and those abandoned because of paradigm shifts or intractability as less significance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Of 125 patients who had no detectable cortical activity (DCA) on the electroencephalograph (EEG) immediately upon resuscitation from circulatory arrest of primary cardiovascular aetiology, 88 remained unconscious; these patients had their EEG and neurological status serially investigated until they died. Immediately upon re-establishment of circulation all cerebral functions could be absent; the brain death (irreversible loss of functions) was then signified by the appearance of poikilothermia, diabetes insipidus and reflex extension of the upper limb. Most often, some cranial nerve reflexes were present; the EEG configurations and related neurological signs then appeared in a sequence which resembled orderly postischaemic recovery: A phase without DCA was at first characterized by an exclusive presence of cranial nerve reflexes and then by the appearance of decerebrate posturing this phase was followed by another phase of intermittent cortical activity (ICA) with decorticate and stereotypic motor responses and a phase of continuous cortical activity (CCA) accompanied by stereotypic reactivity. These phases were most often incomplete due to failure of recovery of some cranial nerve reflexes or were abnormal due to the appearance of intermittent spikes and sharp waves. Progressive recovery could stagnate at any step and the cerebral functions be lost abruptly or gradually in reverse order of recovery. The decay was invariably due to cardiovascular or pulmonary complications. Brain autopsy revealed extensive neuronal loss and intravital autolytic changes in patients who had fulfilled clinical criteria of brain death for more than 72 h, but the histopathology showed no relationship to other clinical findings during the postischaemic course.  相似文献   

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