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研究动车组虚拟维修培训系统,针对提高人员维修和培训水平,为了缩短大型复杂产品动车组维修的培训周期,节约训练经费,传统虚拟维修训练系统实时绘制大型模型能力弱,表达维修对象信息不直观等的问题,为解决上述问题,提出进一步用仿真技术,开发了动车组维修训练仿真系统,构建了维修训练仿真系统的框架、层次信息模型,基于OpenSceneGraph三维引擎,采用了产品装配树的建立、大型模型渲染优化、交互信息显示和拆装仿真等关键技术,并组成系统进行仿真.仿真结果表明系统设计的可行性,能够满足大型复杂产品虚拟维修应用的要求.  相似文献   

针对传统锅炉培训方法存在一定的危险性或局限性等缺陷,采用锅炉模拟样机与仿真系统相结合的方法,模拟真实锅炉的运行状况.结合力控组态软件与C/S网络结构,构建了集演示、练习、考核和数据库于一体的工业锅炉培训考核仿真系统.实践表明,该系统提高了司炉人员的操作技能水平,促进了锅炉系统的安全可靠运行.  相似文献   

针对远程火箭炮维修教学和训练的实际困难,提出开发一套基于虚拟现实技术的火箭炮维修培训系统。系统采用B/S结构,运用VRMLPad和第三方建模工具联合构建虚拟场景并对其进行优化,综合运用虚拟现实技术、脚本编程技术和数据库技术实现了原理演示、分解结合、维修训练和维修考核等系统功能。  相似文献   

维修资源是维修保障系统的重要组成部分,如何科学合理地预测各种维修资源的需求是摆在我们面前的一项紧迫而严峻的任务.文章从装备维修保障的实际需求出发,在对维修保障系统运行过程分析的基础上,用UML建立了仿真流程图.根据软件需求分析,在功能模块和数据库设计的基础上,利用VB语言和Access数据库开发了维修资源需求仿真系统.最后还进行了案例应用,验证了该仿真系统能实现维修资源需求的快速和准确预测,为维修保障的科学决策提供了依据.  相似文献   

航空装备维修对产品维修技术开发和维修操作技能要求高,人员能力培养成本高、周期长、难度大.本文基于PostEngineer开发某惯性平台维修培训仿真系统,经实际应用与统计分析,该平台覆盖产品组件的原理学习和实操训练,与传统教学手段相比,学员对产品维修知识点掌握全面,培训周期短,为用户提供了直观、逼真的维修训练环境.  相似文献   

程序流程图演示系统通过演示程序流程图和程序动态执行过程的对应关系来改善编程语言学习的效率,该系统使用XML作为数据存储的格式,在开发中采用MVC的设计模式。  相似文献   

胡敏  何祖威 《计算机仿真》2004,21(3):137-139
基于ActiveX开发了DCS仿真组态软件,利用该组态软件可以为DCS仿真培训系统方便快捷地建立流程画面。所建的流程图信息自动和模型进行连接,并实现动态信息的实时显示和设备的操作等。作为开放的软件系统,大大加快了基于DCS的培训仿真机的开发。  相似文献   

以35MW水力发电机组为仿真对象,建立了对象的全工况的数学模型和仿真模型,并基于该仿真模型采用微机网络和仪表盘台相结合的紧凑模式,开发完成了面向运行人员的培训仿真系统.该系统能对运行人员进行包括机组启停、正常运行和事故处理等运行方面的培训.由于采用紧凑型的系统设计方式,使得不但系统能够保持实际对象的风格,同时也便于扩展,大大降低了系统的成本.该系统已经投入实际运行,其运行的结果证明了系统的可靠性和实用性.  相似文献   

机务培训是提高机务从业人员知识水平和维修技能的重要手段,是保证飞机维修质量的基础.虚拟现实技术(VR)应用于飞机机务培训,能使受训者通过虚拟仿真得到操作真实设备的训练效果,与传统机务培训相比,训练效果好.以机务培训为研究对象,首先分析了虚拟机务培训系统需求,然后阐述了系统开发总体方案、关键技术、实现方法.最终建立了虚拟机务培训系统,很好地解决了传统飞机机务培训中的不足.  相似文献   

面向人素分析的虚拟维修系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高产品的维修性是当前产品开发的主要性能指标之一.在产品的维修性设计中,通过虚拟维修仿真过程的人素分析,可以有效地提高产品的维修性.据此,提出了一个面向人素分析的虚拟维修系统的结构框架,并基于虚拟人软件平台--Jack进行了系统实现.该系统可以在维修仿真过程中,控制虚拟人对虚拟样机进行维修操作,并进行在线分析和给出维修性的设计建议.以某型设备为例,对系统进行了实例验证.最后提出了进一步研究的工作.  相似文献   

The traditional maintenance training method with a physical model of the product is costly and inconvenient. Computer‐aided instruction (CAI) technology along with multimedia can provide much help in the training but provides limited interaction between the user and the system. In this article, a 3D model‐based product structure browsing system for maintenance training, CAMT, is developed for complex products adopting desktop virtual reality technology. To improve training performance, the interaction between the trainee and the CAMT system is enhanced by adaptive change of the zoom level, mouse sensitivity, and rotation origin. Details about the implementation of adaptive interaction are discussed. Experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of this adaptive interaction. Seventy participants were arranged randomly into two groups assigned to perform product structure learning tasks using software with or without adaptive interaction functions. Statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences between the groups in task time, operation convenience, and learning satisfaction. Most participants preferred to use the system with adaptive interaction. It may be concluded that using adaptive interaction with maintenance training systems can significantly improve the usability of the systems and the efficiency of interactive learning. Although adaptive interaction has obvious advantages, our experiment also suggested that it is not a good idea to provide only the adaptive interaction mode. It is better to set adaptive interaction as the default mode but also to provide the possibility for a user to switch to a mode without adaptive interaction because a static view scope is also helpful to learn the 3D structure of a complex product. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

针对传统的缉毒犬培训过程中训练周期长,训练开销花费大等特点造成的缉毒犬资源供需不平衡,训导员训导过程中面临健康安全隐患和重复机械劳动等问题,提出采用超宽带模块定位缉毒犬的物理位置,基于移动目标定位跟踪算法设计开发了缉毒犬训练监督辅助系统;以基于树莓派控制的智能车为移动载体,添加摄像头拍摄缉毒犬的行踪同时将视频实时回传终端;在设计过程中,考虑超宽带模块定位精度、智能车与缉毒犬相对距离等方面对结果的影响,经实验测试实现摄像机及时准确跟踪录像缉毒犬功能,在保障定位准确度的同时提高了跟踪效率。  相似文献   

传统的控制系统应用于医院安防时运维成本过高,抗干扰能力差。为了解决此问题,基于Ad Hoc网络研究了一种新的医院智能安防控制系统,对系统的硬件和软件进行设计,主要设计了主控模块、图像采集处理模块、报警模块、GPRS模块;软件部分分为系统初始化、图像传输、系统报警及实施控制四步。与传统系统进行实验对比,由实验结果可知,所设计的系统运维成本低,抗干扰能力强,具有很好的控制能力。  相似文献   

为了降低集装箱装卸桥操作与维护的培训成本,提出集装箱装卸桥仿真系统的设计方法.考虑到实用性,设计的电气控制系统采用两类不同的驱动系统,即起升与大车共用1套交流变频调速驱动系统,小车与臂架俯仰共用1套直流调压调速驱动系统.为了提高控制系统的先进性,在90-30 PLC的控制模块中增加网络通讯模块,可以实现网络通讯.该系统已投入使用,实践表明可以很好地帮助学员提高驾驶仿真训练以及分析与排除电气设备故障的能力.  相似文献   

针对传统半实物仿真的动力装置训练模拟器的开发维护成本高和难度大等缺点,开发了基于普通微机平台的纯软件实现的训练仿真系统.该系统建立在普通以太网环境之上,采用VB.NET作为开发环境,利用其SOCKET命名空间的相关类实现各个客户机之间的同步.针对控制面板及其仪表等的计算机模拟问题,采用了购买专业基于.NET环境的仪表控件的方法,在此技术上结合图形处理软件达到了逼真的效果.另外,该系统采取了相应措施解决了如何减少系统资源占用及实现可靠传输等问题.经使用表明,该系统运行可靠且具有良好训练效果.  相似文献   

传统的电路故障自动检修系统大多针对固定类型的故障进行检测,而且系统运行时的计算复杂、对硬件资源占用过高,影响了检修系统的实际使用效果。针对以上问题,设计了基于FPGA的全桥软开关电路故障自动检修系统。在传统系统的硬件部分基础上,设计FPGA控制模块和信号生成、采集模块。系统检修信号进行分频处理后,利用处理后的信号和专家系统实现对电路故障的自动检修。通过与传统系统的对比实验,验证了基于FPGA的检修系统对电路故障的覆盖率高于91%,吞吐量约为传统系统的2.55倍,能够有效降低对硬件资源的占用,具有实际使用价值。  相似文献   

Product costs need to be identified early, i.e., during the design stage, where they can be controlled best. This implies the need to estimate the product's cost without full knowledge of the manufacturing process plans. In this paper, a feature-based cost estimation using a back-propagation neural network is proposed and a prototype system has been developed for estimating the costs of packaging products based on design information only. All the cost-related features of a product design were extracted and quantified according to their cost effects. The correlation between these cost-related features and the final cost of the product was established by training a back-propagation neural network using historical cost data. The extraction of cost-related features and the construction, training and validation of the neural network are described. The performance of the trained neural network based on a set of testing samples is also given.  相似文献   

传统电力企业管理系统存在时效性较差,安全性不足,故障解决效率不高,可靠性有待提升等问题.为改进这些不足,设计一款基于云计算架构的电力企业管理系统,主要结构包括电力参数分析模块、办公软件管理模块、输电能力计算模块、服务管理模块、电费收缴管理模块、资产管理模块等内容,将其用于电力企业管理当中以弥补传统系统设计中的不足,增强...  相似文献   

The assemble-to-order (ATO) strategy is one of the most popular operations management approaches to achieve mass customized products while maintaining lower costs. In the ATO system, manufacturers keep inventory at the component and module level, and postpone product differentiation until the final stage of production. However, most research on modularity assumes that modules are already known in advance. In fact, in the ATO system, the determination of which components should be pre-assembled as modules mainly depends on the types and volumes of products ordered by customers. That is, module composition and volume should be derived dynamically from the product database based on updated customer orders. To bridge this gap, a two-stage cost-based module mining method for the assemble-to-order strategy is proposed. The first stage determines which sets of components can be formed (pre-assembled) as modules based on a list of customer orders. In the second stage, a cost-based selection approach is developed to evaluate the total cost of each module implementation project generated from the set of feasible modules. The module implementation project with the lowest cost is thus found and suggested to production managers.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the work done to improve on a sophisticated Underwater Robotic Vehicle (URV) inspection and repair system for submerged structures. It is undertaken as part of a research programme grant to pursue research and development of technologies and systems for the advancement of knowledge and for possible commercial exploitation relevant to the oil and gas industry. In particular, the paper focuses on the development of a unified pilot training and controls system that incorporates an advance man–machine interface for improving operator dexterity. Few formalised training procedures exist for URV pilots. In spite of the high cost, most URV pilots receive their training on-the-job. Training simulators can be viewed as a viable solution to this problem. Some attention has been made to address this problem. Notably are efforts by Imetrix URV-Mentor system, which focuses on VE simulation and on-line tutoring. Simulators, however, represents additional costs and in some ways lacks the realism of working on the real system. In the R 2 C the researchers proposed a novel simulator configuration. We have developed a dual-purpose topside control system configuration that can be used for training as well as for on-line operation of an actual URV. In the simulator configuration, the physical URV is replaced by a simulator module, which accepts actual commands from the control system and responds with a simulated URV status, using a dynamic model of the URV. The simulator module behaves much like the actual URV accepting commands and responds with status information. The advantage of such a system is perceived to be lower system cost as well as a more realistic testing and simulation of the relevant processes.  相似文献   

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