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中国全聚德(集团)股份有限公司与北京红星股份有限公司共同推出的“全聚德·红星珍品二锅头酒”46°、52°和全聚德特制二锅头酒56°三款白酒近日面市。实现了真正意义上的“登万里长城、吃全聚德烤鸭、品红星二锅头”的京味饮食文化特色。  相似文献   

中和时把波美度调到30°Be,与波美度20°Be的中和液作比较,分别脱色、过滤、除铁,最后比较味精液的透光、色泽和铁含量.得出高浓度中和液脱色除铁效果明显,不但不会影响生产,同时也不会影响味精液的质量,一定程度上能提高生产效率,同时也能达到节能降耗的目的.  相似文献   

1 晋中市基本情况 1.1 地理地貌 晋中市位于山西省中部,总面积16404平方公里,地理座标为东径111°25′-114°05′,北纬36°40′-38°06′,海拔最高2180米。管辖2区、1市、9县(榆次区、开发区、介休市、太谷县、祁县、平遥县、晋中市、寿阳县、昔阳县、左权县、和顺县、榆社县)。共118个乡镇、2722个行政村,2749个村民委员会、14个街道办事处,2007年全市总人口310.9260万人,农民纯收入4185元。  相似文献   

吐鲁番辖区位于东经87°16′~91°55′,北纬41°18′~43°40′,属温带极干旱气候区,日照时间长,气温高,昼夜温差大。按地形地貌、土壤水系等自然条件,全区可分为吐鲁番、鄯善、托克逊3大种植区,现葡萄种植面积3万hm^2,占全区总耕地面积的60%左右,是典型的葡萄密集型种植区域。全区生态环境优越,是种植葡萄最佳的生长区,葡萄作物布局以制干葡萄种植为主,鲜食葡萄种植为辅,少量的酿酒葡萄栽培。鲜食葡萄有露地栽培和设施栽培两种方式,设施栽培一年两熟为主。  相似文献   

利用生物滤塔替代填料塔吹脱处理高氨氮的味精废水,在不增加动力消耗的前提下,脱氨的同时还可生物降解有机物。在水温为27oC、气温28℃、水力负荷2m^3/(m^2·h)、气液比3000、pH值9.5的条件下,氨氮去除率为80%,并当COD负荷小于1.6/(m^2·h)时,COD的去除率可达80%以上。  相似文献   

曹家录 《中国宝石》2009,(4):210-211
白蝶贝(学名“大珠母贝”)与黑蝶贝(学名“珠母贝”)是培育珍贵的大型优质南洋珍珠和黑珍珠的优良热带海洋贝种,在世界上其分部范围主要于东经108°-163°,北纬21°-南纬15°之间,适温范围为20℃-35℃。海南岛及其周边海域恰好处于白蝶贝与黑蝶贝的分部范围区域内,并且其海岸线全长1754km,年平均气温为21℃-26℃,  相似文献   

温岭市地处浙江省东南沿海温黄平原,28°12′45″~28°32′02″N.121°09′50″~121°44′00″E。属亚热带季风气候区,气候温和湿润,年平均气温17.3℃,年平均降雨量1659.4cm,无霜期约251d,年相对湿度81%。温岭市从20世纪80年代开始引种葡萄,由于当地梅雨期间雨水多,夏季台风频繁,导致品质变劣并大幅度减产。  相似文献   

1区域概况 北林区地处黑龙江省腹地,小兴安岭余脉与松嫩平原衔接的呼兰河中游平原上,东经126°25′~127°23′,北纬46°19′~47°09′之间。南距省城哈尔滨市120公里,是北至口岸城市黑河、东至林区伊春、西到油城大庆的农制产品供应集散地,是国家重要的商品粮基地。土地平面呈靴弯形,面积2743平方公里,地貌类型属丘陵台地河漫滩类型,其中低矮丘陵占33%,漫川漫岗占42%,低洼地占25%。北林区地形的总趋势是东高西低,北高南低,海拔高度在132~234米之间,从东北向西南逐步倾斜。  相似文献   

研究了直接大红对木浆染色的效果。结果表明,直接大红4BS对木浆染色的最佳条件为:打浆度49°SR,温度50°C,pH值6.0,接触时间45min。  相似文献   

北林区地处黑龙江省腹地,小兴安岭余脉与松嫩平原衔接的呼兰河中游平原上,东经126°25′~127°23′,北纬46°19′~47°09′之间。南距省城哈尔滨市120公里,是北至口岸城市黑河、东至林区伊春、西到油城大庆的农制产品供应集散地,是国家重要的商品粮基地。土地平面呈靴弯形,面积2743平方公里,地貌类型属丘陵台地河漫滩类型,其中低矮丘陵占33%,漫川漫岗占42%,低洼地占25%。北林区地形的总趋势是东高西低,北高南低,海拔高度在132~234米之间,从东北向西南逐步倾斜,坡降大约在1/1000~2/2000。  相似文献   

The combined effects of salt, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and pH on cold storage survival and subsequent acid tolerance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 were determined. Cold storage survival was evaluated in tryptic soy broth (TSB) with combinations of pH (7.2, 5.0, or 4.0), MSG (0, 0.5, 1%) and salt (0, 2, 4%). Survival through 21 d at 5°C and acid tolerance in simulated gastric fluid were evaluated weekly. In separate experiments, strains were tested individually for the effect of growth in the presence of MSG on subsequent acid resistance and for the ability of MSG to impact growth under acid conditions. The impact of salt on cold storage survival was greater at pH 4.0 and 7.0 compared to pH 5.0. MSG did not enhance cold storage survival. The presence of MSG alone enhanced acid tolerance following cold storage at pH 5.0 and 7.2 compared to control cells. At pH 4.0, MSG alone enhanced acid tolerance compared to control cells following 21 days cold storage. Overnight growth in TSB containing MSG did not affect subsequent acid tolerance in acidified TSB (pH 2.0). The presence of MSG in TSB (37°C) did not enable growth at lower pH.  相似文献   

A Review of the Alleged Health Hazards of Monosodium Glutamate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an umami substance widely used as flavor enhancer. Although it is generally recognized as being safe by food safety regulatory agencies, several studies have questioned its long‐term safety. The purpose of this review was to survey the available literature on preclinical studies and clinical trials regarding the alleged adverse effects of MSG. Here, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the reported possible risks that may potentially arise following chronic exposure. Preclinical studies have associated MSG administration with cardiotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, low‐grade inflammation, metabolic disarray, and premalignant alterations, along with behavioral changes. However, in reviewing the available literature, we detected several methodological flaws, which led us to conclude that these studies have limited relevance for extrapolation to dietary human intake of MSG risk exposure. Clinical trials have focused mainly on MSG effects on food intake and energy expenditure. Besides its well‐known impact on food palatability, MSG enhances salivary secretion and interferes with carbohydrate metabolism, while the impact on satiety and post‐meal recovery of hunger varied in relation to meal composition. Reports on MSG hypersensitivity or links of its use to increased pain sensitivity and atopic dermatitis were found to have little supporting evidence. Many of the reported negative health effects of MSG have little relevance for chronic human exposure and are poorly informative as they are based on excessive dosing that does not meet with levels normally consumed in food products. We conclude that further clinical and epidemiological studies are needed, with an appropriate design, accounting for both added and naturally occurring dietary MSG.  相似文献   

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) taken per os has been found to stimulate gastric secretion provoked by pentagastrin. MSG gave rise to a marked elevation of endogenic gastrin levels both in experimental animals and atrophic gastritis patients. Thirty-six patients with secretory gastric insufficiency received MSG as an additive to their food during combined therapy of their disease. The preparation proved to be well-tolerated, good stimulant of gastric secretion, efficient in digestion improvement. MSG is recommended as an adjuvant in combined therapy of atrophic gastritis.  相似文献   

This report of the proceedings of a workshop on monosodium glutamate (MSG) represents the output of an exchange of scientific information, discussed and debated, by a group of experts representing a variety of disciplines. Experts in the areas of food science, potential adverse reactions to foods, pharmacology, neuroscience, biochemistry, nutrition, pediatrics, and anatomy reviewed the current scientific literature relative to the safe use of MSG in foods. These proceedings supplement the extensive literature compiled by various prestigious international expert committees since the flavor‐enhancing properties of MSG were identified around the turn of the century.  相似文献   

通过试验研究,解决了味精生产行业的中心环节——浓缩结晶锅的液位高度问题。对于设计者而言,可增加结晶锅32%的有效容积,可将结晶锅内液面提高至最高限度———圆柱筒体最上沿,对于一个30m3的结晶锅可节省制作材料费12万元;对于生产者来说,可将现有结晶锅进行增容改造,可增加有效容积32%,一个容积为30m3的结晶锅单锅可增产味精3.36吨,增产率为28%左右。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to assess the susceptibility of a population of proven reactors to a standard 5g dose of MSG given as part of a lunch-type snack. The study was also designed to test the response to naturally occurring L-glutamic acid in amounts comparable with the test dose of MSG. Results show the latency of symptom onset to be consistently longer when MSG is administered in juice accompanied by a snack. Response rate to snacks containing 5g MSG is significantly lower for high protein, high natural L-glutamic acid and high carbohydrate snacks than for the high-fat snack or MSG administered without a snack. The high-fat snack (also low in bulk) afforded no protection.  相似文献   

γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) can be produced from 12% (w/v) monosodium glutamate (MSG) by the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus sakei B2-16, which was isolated from kimchi. This production of GABA has the highest conversion yield from MSG. In passive avoidance tests, GABA improved the long-term but not short-term memory recovery of mice administered scopolamine; 46.69 mg/mL GABA significantly improved the memory from 132 sec to 48 sec. The addition of 667 mg/mL of fermentation broth containing 46.69 mg/mL of GABA enhanced memory recovery up to 85% compared to the control group, but lower doses only enhanced memory 20%. These results imply that a high-dose intake may be necessary for the desired efficacy of GABA. GABA-mediated neurological effects were also confirmed by the growth of PC12 nerve cells, which demonstrated an increase in both growth and neurite differentiation with a ~45% increase in the number of neurites per cell and a 65% increase in neurite outgrowth compared to the control group (no treatment). Most of these results were of greater magnitude than those reported for other plant resources. This is the first report of GABA obtained from MSG fermentation enhancing recognition functions using both in vivo and in vitro experiments, even though there were several reports on producing mass amounts of GABA from MSG fermentation. The findings could expand the use of GABA for many purposes as a natural and functional substance obtained from fermentation processes.  相似文献   

糖蜜淀粉发酵味精处理废母液生产硫酸铵工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
味精发酵液经冷冻等电点法提取谷氨酸后排放的母液具有COD高、BOD高、硫酸根含量高以及pH值低的特点,每生产1t味精,大约要排出5t提取谷氨酸后的母液。通过浓缩,采用连续结晶方法,严格控制pH、真空、密度、液位、温度,通过两级调控、两级结晶而制造出高产量高质量的硫酸铵肥料,含氮量≥19%(干基计),回收率达到50%~5...  相似文献   

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