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兴邦之要,其枢在水。2011年中央一号文件首次聚焦水利.突出加快水利改革发展主题,强调“水是生命之源、生产之要、生态之基”,把水利摆上了事关人类生存、经济发展、社会进步的战略性地位,全面吹响了加快水利改革发展的新号角.为新形势下水利事业的跨越发展带来了新机遇。  相似文献   

To achieve the Millennium Development Goals, all partners (public, private, NGOs) must be engaged for improving and expanding the water supply and sanitation services. Yet, high transaction costs, unclear role allocation and lack of trust and commitment put Private Sector Participation (PSP) at risk. The initiative "Policy Principles and Implementation Guidelines for Private Sector Participation in Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation" contributes to equitable, effective, ecological and efficient PSP projects. Based on a multi stakeholder process, the Policy Principles are offering an open and transparent framework for the negotiation of valid, widely accepted and action-oriented solutions, while the Implementation Guidelines focus on success factors for building partnerships on the operational level.  相似文献   

解决农村饮水问题,是保障农民群众身体健康、促进农村经济发展、建设社会主义新农村的重要内容。作为水行政主管部门,应该把保障饮水安全作为首要任务,认清形势,研究对策,扎实工作,把以人为本真正落到实处,让人民群众喝上干净的水。下面谈三个问题。1我国农村饮水安全面临的形势党中央、国务院高度重视农村饮水工作,制定了一系列扶持政策,特别是胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理、回良玉副总理等领导同志多次对农村饮水解困工作做出批示和指示。国家发展和改革委员会(以下简称国家发展改革委)和水利部大幅度增加了对农村饮水解困工程的投入。2000~2…  相似文献   

领导干部是贯彻落实科学发展观的关键所在.领导干部有没有牢固树立科学发展的理念,是不是具有领导科学发展的能力,特别是在总揽全局的能力、开拓创新的能力、科学决策的能力、统筹协调的能力上如何,  相似文献   

陈雷 《中国水利》2007,(23):11-14
2007年11月22-24日.全国水利精神文明建设工作会议在西安市召开。水利部党组书记、部长陈雷到会作重要讲话.中央国家机关工委副书记邵旭军和中央文明办协调组副组长涂更新莅临会议并作重要讲话.陕西省副省长吴登昌到会致辞,水利部党组成员、副部长周英代表部精神文明建设指导委员会作工作报告。会议宣读了部党组《关于授予谢会贵、崔政权同志荣誉称号的决定》,  相似文献   

宗合 《中国水利》2007,(18):1-1,9
不久前,国务院办公厅下发了《关于进一步加强安全生产工作坚决遏制重特大事故的通知》,对国庆节和党的十七大期间的安全生产工作提出了明确要求。9月25日下午,水利部召开贯彻全国安全生产电视电话会议视频会议,传达贯彻全国安全生产电视电话会议精神,分析当前水利安全生产形势,部署国庆节、党的十七大期间及今冬明春的水利安全生产丁作。水利部部长陈雷主持会议并作重要讲话。  相似文献   

加快水利技术市场建设促进水利科技发展创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术市场是我国社会主义市场体系的一个重要组成部分,水利技术市场属于行业技术市场.文中就技术市场在社会主义市场体制中的地位、我国技术市场的法律法规体系,以及存在的主要问题与水利技术市场发展前景几个方面作了全面论述.在此基础上,提出了为加快水利技术市场发展要解决好的几个关键问题.  相似文献   

彭汛 《人民长江》2009,40(1):2-2
血吸虫病是严重危害人民身体健康和生命安全、阻碍疫区经济发展和社会进步的严重传染病.近年来,由于各种因素的影响,我国血吸虫病疫情明显回升,尚有云南、四川、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏7省110个县(市、区)血吸虫病流行状况未得到根本控制.血吸虫病防治工作直接关系到疫区农村广大群众的根本利益.  相似文献   

王岚  梅梅 《中国水利》2005,(19):62-63
科技成果登记统计是科技统计工作的重要组成部分.是科技成果管理工作的基础。近年来.为了贯彻落实中共中央、国务院《关于加强技术创新.发展高科技.实现产业化的决定》,增强财政科技投入效果的透明度.规范科技成果登记工作.保证及时、准确和完整地统计科技成果.为科技成果转化和宏观科技决策服务.科技部制定并颁布了《科技成果登记办法》,就科技成果登记的机构、满足条件及其他相关要求.做了新的规定。  相似文献   

As knowledge and capacity development (KCD) is increasingly acknowledged as crucial for development, the need to evaluate its impact increases, too. However, evaluating KCD in practice remains a challenge. This article aims to synthesize the current wisdom on the topic of KCD evaluation in the water sector. We discuss two leading approaches to KCD (positivist and complex adaptive systems) and their associated evaluation paradigms, the major methodological challenges facing KCD evaluation, and progress made in that respect. The article provides insights for KCD practitioners and policy makers in the water sector that can help them improve their KCD evaluation practice.  相似文献   

As water resources are used for an array of societal purposes, a core set of institutions manages them through a water sector with connections to other societal sectors such as food, energy and health. A framework of the sector and its connectors is presented to develop definitions and order-of-magnitude estimates of expenditures for infrastructure, equipment and service delivery mechanisms. Examples are provided for the US to represent higher-income countries and for the general case of lower-income countries. Understanding water’s business aspects can identify opportunities to improve water efficiency and lower water footprints across the global range of contextual situations.  相似文献   

The paper provides a comprehensive perspective of the critical aspects to be taken into account when planning the long-term management of water meters in a utility. In order to facilitate their quick understanding and practical implementation, they have been structured into nine steps. Ranging from an initial audit up to the final periodic meter replacement planning, these steps cover three aspects of the problem - field work, laboratory work and management tasks; and each one is developed in detail paying attention to the particular data needed and noting the practical outcome it will yield.  相似文献   

Raya Nour 《国际水》2013,38(7):908-925

The study analyzes the regulation reform process of the Palestinian urban water sector. It introduces the holistic reform agenda and examines the water supply sector’s performance and regulation challenges. The study also evaluates the perception of water service providers regarding the regulation reforms. Collected evidence indicates a dominant interpretation of the regulation concept based on rules and legislation, coupled with a neglect of aspects like monitoring, economic regulation and managerial accountability. The lack of awareness of the benefits of these aspects for service providers can increase resistance to reform and reduce willingness to participate in implementing comprehensive sector regulation.  相似文献   

中国工程院<中国可持续发展水资源战略研究>(2001年)的结论提出:水资源可持续利用战略的核心是提高用水效率,建成节水防污型社会.提高用水效率不仅是水资源本身的问题,而是一场涉及生产力和生产关系的革命.我在这里想强调,提高用水效率、建设节水型社会,首先需要水利工作自身开展一场革命.  相似文献   

Gujarat is one of India's economic powerhouses, but its geographical conditions mean that most of the state's districts face water deficits. In 2002, emergency arrangements to meet water shortages were replaced with a longer-term strategy: the construction and management of the State-Wide Water Supply Grid. This scheme moves towards connecting 47 million people to safe, potable water supplies. It has also positioned Gujarat as a pioneer in India in terms of moving towards water security and conservation, a policy choice that has boosted economic growth and made important strides towards human development.  相似文献   

实施水利人才战略 促进水利事业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、实施人才战略是党中央又一新的重大决策 党的十五届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》,把“大力开发人才资源,加快发展教育事业”作为“必须着重研究和解决的战略性、宏观性和政策性问题”之一提了出来。为实现我国现代化建设三步走的伟大目标,党中央先后提出了实施“科教兴国  相似文献   

文中首先简要阐述了地理信息系统的基本概念、构成、功能,并概括地回顾了其发展历程。然后重点针对地理信息系统在我国水利行业中的应用进行了综合分析和评述,包括对它在洪水监测评估、防洪规划、水情会商、流域水文模型、地下水模拟模型、水资源综合评价、水资源管理、水利工程施工与管理、水土保持与河流信息管理等多个领域的应用情况、特点和效果等做了介绍、分析和讨论。最后,分析了目前地理信息系统在水利行业的应用中所存在或面临的主要问题,并对地理信息系统在水利行业的应用前景做了分析与展望。  相似文献   

张岚  韩涛 《中国水利》2007,(18):31-32
从当前水利统计的现状及数据质量存在的问题入手,阐述了对统计数据的全程质量控制的有关问题,包括体制建设、指标体系与标准建设、信息化系统保障等。一项统计数据的产生并不是孤立的,因此,应将统计数据的全程质量控制当作一项系统工程,只有这样,才能有效地提高数据质量和统计效率。  相似文献   

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