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王显泰  申华军  金智  陈延湖  刘新宇 《半导体学报》2009,30(2):025005-025005-4
A 6 GHz voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) optimized for power and noise performance was designed and characterized. This VCO was designed with the negative-resistance (Neg-R) method, utilizing an InGaP/GaAs hetero-junction bipolar transistor in the negative-resistance block. A proper output matching network and a high Q stripe line resonator were used to enhance output power and depress phase noise. Measured central frequency of the VCO was 6.008 GHz. The tuning range was more than 200 MHz. At the central frequency, an output power of 9.8 dBm and phase noise of -122.33 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset were achieved, the calculated RF to DC efficiency was about 14%, and the figure of merit was -179.2 dBc/Hz.  相似文献   

A 6 GHz voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) optimized for power and noise performance was designed and characterized. This VCO was designed with the negative-resistance (Neg-R) method, utilizing an InGaP/GaAs hetero-junction bipolar transistor in the negative-resistance block. A proper output matching network and a high Q stripe line resonator were used to enhance output power and depress phase noise. Measured central frequency of the VCO was 6.008 GHz. The tuning range was more than 200 MHz. At the central frequency, an output power of 9.8 dBm and phase noise of-122.33 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset were achieved, the calculated RF to DC efficiency was about 14%, and the figure of merit was -179.2 dBc/Hz.  相似文献   

A fully integrated K-band balanced voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is presented. The VCO is realized using a commercially available InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technology with an f/sub T/ of 60 GHz and an f/sub MAX/ of 110 GHz. To generate negative resistance at mm-wave frequencies, common base inductive feedback topology is used. The VCO provides an oscillation frequency from 21.90 GHz to 22.33 GHz. The frequency tuning range is about 430 MHz. The peak output power is -0.3 dBm. The phase noise is -108.2 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset at an operating frequency of 22.33 GHz. The chip area is 0.84/spl times/1.00 mm/sup 2/.  相似文献   

Low noise 5 GHz differential VCO using InGaP/GaAs HBT technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors present the first InGaP/GaAs HBT differential VCOs with low phase noise performance. One is a cross coupled differential VCO, and the other is a Colpitts differential VCO. To achieve a fully integrated VCO, collector-base junction capacitance of HBT transistor is used for the frequency tuning varactor. The measured output frequency ranges of VCOs are 290 MHz and 190 MHz, and the phase noises at an offset frequency of 1 MHz are -118 dBc/Hz and -117 dBc/Hz respectively. The each VCO core dissipates 13.2 mW from a 3.5 V supply, and the output power is about -0.2 dBm. Concerned with cross coupled VCO, it shows the figure of merit of -179 dBc/Hz, which is the best result among the reported compound semiconductor FET and HBT VCOs.  相似文献   

本文研究了一种采用GaAs HBT工艺实现的工作在Ka波段的压控振荡器。该振荡器采用共射级组态和对称式电容电感谐振腔结构以降低其相位噪声,采用π型反馈网络补偿180°相移。在片测试结果表明:偏离中心频率1 MHz处相位噪声为-96.47dBc/Hz,调谐范围为28.312到28.695GHz,在-6V电源电压下该振荡器直流功耗为18mA,振荡器芯片面积为0.7mm×0.7mm。  相似文献   

A 5.7 GHz interpolative VCO using InGaP/GaAs HBT technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 5.7 GHz monolithic interpolative voltage-controlled oscillator using InGaP/GaAs HBT technology is demonstrated for the first time. Frequency tuning is achieved by changing the open loop gain instead of the tank capacitor. The experimental result showed that a 500 MHz tuning range at 5.7 GHz was realized, which can meet the requirement of 5.7 GHz ISM band  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种采用InGaP/GaAs HBT工艺实现的全集成应用于Ku波段的压控振荡器(VCO)。该VCO采用Colpitts结构,以达到宽调谐范围,并且该VCO取得了较高的输出射频功率。测试结果表明:该VCO的振荡频率为12.82 GHz~14.97 GHz,调谐范围为15.47%,输出射频功率为0.31 dBm~6.46 dBm,在载频13.9 GHz处相位噪声为-94.9 dBc/Hz@1 MHz。在5 V单电源直流偏置下该VCO的功耗为52.75 mW,其芯片尺寸为0.81 mm×0.78 mm。最后,本文对VCO的品质因数FOM指标进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A 60-GHz push-push InGaP HBT VCO with dynamic frequency divider   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a 60-GHz push-push voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with dynamic frequency divider, which is implemented in an InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor technology. A common-base inductive feedback topology is used in the push-push VCO, which generates a pair of 30GHz differential outputs and a single-ended 60GHz push-push output. The 30GHz differential outputs are followed by the proposed dynamic frequency divider. The proposed dynamic frequency divider incorporates active loads with inductive peaking to achieve the higher bandwidth. The maximum operating frequency of the divider was found to be much higher than f/sub T//2 of transistor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating the extended bandwidth performance of the dynamic frequency divider with active loads and inductive peaking.  相似文献   

介绍了一种由商用InGaP/GaAs异质结双极晶体管工艺制成、基于负阻原理的单片压控振荡器,此电路定位于5GHz频段下的无线应用.在实际使用中,除了旁路和去耦电容外,无需外接其他外部元件.测试得到的输出频率范围超过300MHz,为4.17~4.56GHz,与仿真结果非常吻合;相位噪声为-112dBc/Hz@1MHz;在3.3V电源电压下,其核心部分的直流功耗为15.5mW,输出功率为0~2dBm.为了与其他振荡器比较,还通过计算得到了相位噪声优值,约为-173.2dBc/Hz.同时,还讨论了负阻振荡器的原理和设计方法.  相似文献   

介绍了一种由商用InGaP/GaAs异质结双极晶体管工艺制成、基于负阻原理的单片压控振荡器,此电路定位于5GHz频段下的无线应用.在实际使用中,除了旁路和去耦电容外,无需外接其他外部元件.测试得到的输出频率范围超过300MHz,为4.17~4.56GHz,与仿真结果非常吻合;相位噪声为-112dBc/Hz@1MHz;在3.3V电源电压下,其核心部分的直流功耗为15.5mW,输出功率为0~2dBm.为了与其他振荡器比较,还通过计算得到了相位噪声优值,约为-173.2dBc/Hz.同时,还讨论了负阻振荡器的原理和设计方法.  相似文献   

A 2.4/3.5/4.9/5.2/5.7-GHz concurrent multiband low noise amplifier using InGaP/GaAs HBT technology is demonstrated for the first time. Multiband input matching is achieved by newly developed capacitive feedback instead of traditional inductive feedback technique. The experimental results showed that input return loss of -12, -16, -14, -13, and -12 dB, voltage gain of 29, 27, 24, 23.6, and 22.5 dB and noise figure of 2.89, 2.76, 2.95, 2.98, and 3.1 dB were obtained at 2.4/3.5/4.9/5.2/5.7 GHz, respectively.  相似文献   

Excellent long term reliability InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) are demonstrated. There were no device failures (T=10000 h) in a sample lot of ten devices (L=6.4 μm ×20 μm) under moderate current densities and high-temperature testing (Jc=25 kA/cm 2, Vce=2.0 V, Junction Temp =264°C). The dc current gain for large area devices (L=75 μm ×75 μm) at 1 kA/cm2 at a base sheet resistance of 240 ohms/sq (4×10 19 cm-3@700 Å) was over 100. The dc current gain before reliability testing (L=6.4 μm ×10 μm) at 0.8 kA/cm2 was 62. The dc current gain (0.8 kA/cm2) decreased to 57 after 10000 h of reliability testing. The devices showed an fT=61 GHz and fmax=103 GHz. The reliability results are the highest ever achieved for InGaP/GaAs HBT and these results indicate the great potential of InGaP/GaAs HBT for numerous low- and high-frequency microwave circuit applications. The reliability improvements are probably due to the initial low base current at low current densities which result from the low surface recombination of InGaP and the high valence band discontinuity between InGaP and GaAs  相似文献   

刘军  孙玲玲 《微波学报》2006,22(3):40-44
对VB IC B JT模型用于Ⅲ-V族化合物HBT器件建模的可行性进行了讨论和借鉴,结合UCSD HBT模型优点,提出一个新的可精确用于单异质结InGaP/GaAsHBT模型,并用于该类器件建模。测量和模型仿真I-V特性及多偏置条件下多频率点S参数对比结果表明,DC~20GHz频率范围内,新模型可对单、多指InGaP/GaAs HBT器件交流小信号特性进行精确表征。运用所建模型准确的预见了一宽带放大器性能。  相似文献   

A low phase noise silicon 18-GHz push-push VCO   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The design and measurement of a push-push voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) at 18.66-18.3 GHz are presented in this paper. The circuit includes two packaged silicon transistors (Siemens BFP 540F) and a microstrip resonator tuned by two GaAs varactor diodes (M/A-COM ML46580). A 360-MHz tuning range is obtained with an output power of 0-3.1 dBm. The fundamental rejection is around 17 dB for a wide range of collector bias current. The phase noise is below -103 dBc/Hz at 100-kHz offset and below -122 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz for the entire tuning bandwidth.  相似文献   

采用发射极基极金属自对准工艺,成功研制出了InGaP/GaAs功率HBT.发射极尺寸为(3μm×15μm)×16的功率器件的截止频率和最高振荡频率分别为55GHz和35GHz.在片load-pull测试表明:当工作频率为1GHz时,器件工作在AB类,该功率管最大输出功率为23.5dBm,最大功率附加效率达60%,P1dB的输出功率为21dBm,对应增益为16dB,工作电压为3.5V.  相似文献   

在对In Ga P/ Ga As HBT特性的研究中发现,发射极长边与主对准边垂直([0 1 1 ]方向)和平行([0 1 1 ]方向)放置时,其直流电流增益和截止频率是不同的.[0 1 1 ]方向的直流电流增益远远大于[0 1 1 ]方向,而它的截止频率则略小于[0 1 1 ]方向.文献中认为电流增益的不同是压电效应产生的,但这种观点并不能很好地解释截止频率的晶向依赖性.文中用压电效应和两个互相垂直方向上发射区侧向腐蚀形状的不同很好地解释了所有实验结果  相似文献   

在对InGaP/GaAs HBT特性的研究中发现,发射极长边与主对准边垂直([011]方向)和平行([01 1]方向)放置时,其直流电流增益和截止频率是不同的.[011]方向的直流电流增益远远大于[01 1]方向,而它的截止频率则略小于[01 1]方向.文献中认为电流增益的不同是压电效应产生的,但这种观点并不能很好地解释截止频率的晶向依赖性.文中用压电效应和两个互相垂直方向上发射区侧向腐蚀形状的不同很好地解释了所有实验结果.  相似文献   

采用发射极-基极金属自对准工艺,成功研制出了InGaP/GaAs功率HBT.发射极尺寸为(3μm×15μm)×16的功率器件的截止频率和最高振荡频率分别为55GHz和35GHz.在片load-pull测试表明:当工作频率为1GHz时,器件工作在AB类,该功率管最大输出功率为23.5dBm,最大功率附加效率达60%,P1dB的输出功率为21dBm,对应增益为16dB,工作电压为3.5V.  相似文献   

A 5-GHz low phase noise differential colpitts CMOS VCO   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A low noise 5-GHz differential Colpitts CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is proposed in this letter. The Colpitts VCO core adopts only PMOS in a 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology to achieve a better phase noise performance since PMOS has lower 1/f noise than NMOS. The VCO operates from 4.61 to 5 GHz with 8.3% tuning range. The measured phase noise at 1-MHz offset is -120.42 dBc/Hz at 5 GHz and -120.99 dBc/Hz at 4.61 GHz. The power consumption of the VCO core is only 3 mW. To the authors' knowledge, this differential Colpitts CMOS VCO achieves the best figure of merit (FOM) of 189.6 dB at 5-GHz band.  相似文献   

A voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) based on double cross-coupled multivibrator structure with a center frequency of 4.3 GHz and a tuning range of 2 GHz has been designed and implemented in standard 0.35 μm BiCMOS technology. The measured phase noise is 113 dBc/Hz at 600-kHz offset frequency from the carrier. The VCO draws 14.6 mA from the 2.5-V supply  相似文献   

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