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角点条件是时域有限差分法(FDTD)的重要组成部分。提出了一种新的角点条件,其基本原理是:角点场值和角点附近其他节点场值存在一定的关系,利用线性插值可以找到这种关系,进而可以用角点附近其他节点场值计算角点场值。给出了二维和三维情形时的角点场值计算公式。这种角点条件的优点是公式简单,而且易于程序实现。数值实验表明这种角点条件的吸收效果和常用的Mur角点条件的吸收效果非常接近。  相似文献   

本文基于 Z-变换域上导出的一种新的有效的吸收边界条件和 FDTD法对三维微波无源集成结构进行了全波分析。与 Mur吸收边界条件、色散吸收边界条件等相比 ,这种新的吸收边界条件更精确有效。相应的软件可应用于复杂三维微波集成结构等效网络参数的精确快速提取。  相似文献   

赵长青 《信息技术》2014,(4):42-43,47
从线性插值思想出发研究波动方程时域有限差分法(WE-FDTD)中二维二阶近似吸收边界条件差分格式下矩形网格空间角点的场量计算方法。提出确定线性插值点位置的原则和线性插值点场量的迭代方法,考虑衰减因素进而计算角点的场量。  相似文献   

从线性插值思想出发研究波动方程时域有限差分法(WE—FDTD)中二维二阶近似吸收边界条件差分格式下矩形网格空间角点的场量计算方法。提出确定线性插值点位置的原则和线性插值点场量的迭代方法,考虑衰减因素进而计算角点的场量。  相似文献   

本文给出了一种高精度的稳定的色散边界条件(DBC),可应用于传输线的时域有限差分法(FDTD)的分析之中。我们用一个新的二阶差分式代替了边界条件中的微分算子。与P。Y。Zhao等人(1994)提出的色散边界条件相比,本文中的边界条件具有相同的绝对稳定特性,但具有更好的吸收性能。  相似文献   

关于FDTD中驻波-行波边界条件的再讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
驻波-行波边界条件(STWBC)是一种新近提出的概念清晰、实现简便的吸收边界条件。本文对STWBC的误差来源和适用范围作了进一步研究,说明STWBC的思想是正确、新颖的,其难点在于如何减小差分实现时产生的误差。同时,分别针对一维和二维情况,从理论上分析了原一阶STWBC迭代式的误差来源,并提出了二阶STWBC迭代式。  相似文献   

时域有限差分法是近几年来发展很快的一种求解电磁问题的数值方法。这种方法适应性强,所用计算机存储单元少,已在许多领域得到大量应用。介绍了时域有限差分法的基本原理和在光电子学中的一些应用。  相似文献   

高文军  吕善伟 《电子学报》2002,30(6):900-902
介绍一种基于交替方向隐式(ADI)技术的时域有限差分法(FDTD).该方法是非条件稳定的,时间步长不再受到Courant稳定条件的限制,而是由数值色散误差来确定.与传统的FDTD相比,ADI-FDTD增大了时间步长,从而缩短了总的计算时间,特别是当空间网格远小于波长时,优点更加突出.首次把完全匹配层(PML)边界条件应用到ADI-FDTD计算中,采用幂指数形式的时间步进算法,推导了相应的迭代公式.进行了实例计算,并与传统FDTD的结果对比,验证了ADI-FDTD的有效性与优越性.  相似文献   

根据无耗介质中电磁波电场与磁场值在任一时空点上的定值阻抗比,得出了一种新型FDTD吸收边界条件——定值阻抗吸收边界,并将其与二阶Mur吸收边界进行了比较,结果表明是一种简明而有效的边界吸收方法。  相似文献   

The existence of evanescent waves and waves near cutoff frequencies limits the accuracy of the fields computed in waveguides using the finite-difference time-domain method, and prompted several researchers to design complicated boundary conditions, including combinations of perfectly matched layers and Higdon's higher order absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs). Instead, we employ a terminating structure in which the lateral walls are made absorbing in addition to the longitudinal walls. The undesirable lateral waves at the normal boundary interface are slowed down and effectively attenuated in the lateral walls, while the propagating waves are absorbed in the longitudinal walls. Numerical calculations for pulse excitation of a rectangular waveguide, using the simple Mur's first-order ABC, demonstrate the usefulness of the method  相似文献   

一种机载光电测量设备过顶跟踪技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王锋  高亚飞  李清军 《现代电子技术》2012,35(17):144-145,149
针对传统跟踪方式存在过顶跟踪盲区问题,论述了一种基于三轴稳定平台的过顶跟踪技术,它融合运用地平式和双轴式两种跟踪方式,实现对过顶盲区的目标进行有效的跟踪。试验表明,该跟踪方法高效实用,跟踪精度可满足使用技术要求。  相似文献   

一种新条件下的三次样条插值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘为  高尚 《信息技术》2011,(8):23-24,28
在分析了基本样条函数插值基础上,对传统的三次样条函数作了推广。研究了任意一个插值点一阶导数和二阶导数的边界条件的样条函数解法。最后通过实例,说明了该计算方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new delay-dependent asymptotic stability condition for delayed Hopfield neural networks is given in terms of a linear matrix inequality, which is less conservative than existing ones in the literature. This condition guarantees the existence of a unique equilibrium point and its global asymptotic stability of a given delayed Hopfield neural network. Examples are provided to show the reduced conservatism of the proposed condition.  相似文献   

Vertex orderings have been successfully applied to problems in netlist clustering and for system partitioning and layout. We present a vertex ordering construction that encompasses most reasonable graph traversals. Two parameters-an attraction function and a window-provide the means for achieving various graph traversals and addressing particular clustering requirements. We then use dynamic programming to optimality split the vertex ordering into a multiway clustering. Our approach outperforms several clustering methods in the literature in terms of three distinct clustering objectives. The ordering construction, by itself, also outperforms existing graph ordering constructions for this application. Tuning our approach to “meta-objectives”, particularly clustering for two-phase Fiduccia-Mattheyses bipartitioning, remains an open area of research  相似文献   

A new formulation of electromagnetic wave scattering by convex, two-dimensional conducting bodies is reported. This formulation, called the on-surface radiation condition (OSRC) approach, is based upon an expansion of the radiation condition applied directly on the surface of a scatterer. Past approaches involved applying a radiation condition at some distance from the scatterer in order to achieve a nearly reflection-free truncation of a finite-difference time-domain lattice. However, it is now shown that application of a suitable radiation condition directly on the surface of a convex conducting scatterer can lead to substantial simplification of the frequency-domain integral equation for the scattered field, which is reduced to just a line integral. For the transverse magnetic (TM) case, the integrand is known explicitly. For the transverse electric (TE) case, the integrand can be easily constructed by solving an ordinary differential equation around the scatterer surface contour. Examples are provided which show that OSRC yields computed near and far fields which approach the exact results for canonical shapes such as the circular cylinder, square cylinder, and strip. Electrical sizes for the examples areka = 5andka = 10. The new OSRC formulation of scattering may present a useful alternative to present integral equation and uniform high-frequency approaches for convex cylinders larger thanka = 1. Structures with edges or corners can also be analyzed, although more work is needed to incorporate the physics of singular currents at these discontinuities. Convex dielectric structures can also be treated using OSRC. These will be the subject of a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

单克隆抗体偶联光敏药物介导的光动力靶向治疗肿瘤是继手术、放疗和化疗而来的肿瘤治疗方法。本文综述了抗体导向光敏药物的研究进展,并提出构建靶向光敏药物的新设想。  相似文献   

Earlier minimum blocking conditions (MBC's) for paraboloidal reflector antennas formulated by Hannan and Gillitzer did not take into acount the significant blocking contribution of the shadow of the legs supporting the feed or subreflector. A numerical-integration study to determine conditions under which the combined blocking shadow of the subreflector and its supports are minimized is described. Two types of MBC's are found: one which is based on the sidelobe level-more important in radioastronomy (polarization measurements)-and a second type which is related to the aperture efficiency (directivity)-more important for spectroscopy and telecommunications. Both MBC's are compared and it is shown that they are only slightly different from each other.  相似文献   

Removal operations play a crucial role in most algorithms which transform digital figures into stick-like ones. In this note, digital points that are candidates to deletion are examined and a necessary and sufficient condition for their removal is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose exact transmission-line matrix (TLM) boundary conditions for closed homogeneous waveguides. This approach is based on applying mode matching at the absorbing boundaries to the time-domain TLM algorithm. The absorbing condition in the time domain is achieved by the convolution of the modal characteristic impedances following inverse Fourier transform. The method is demonstrated for thick inductive irises in rectangular waveguide, showing excellent wide-band match of the fundamental mode, as well as of higher order modes excited by the discontinuity.  相似文献   

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