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A simple apparatus was designed to collect ammonia gas coming out from waste stabilization ponds (WSP). The apparatus has a capture chamber and an absorption system, which were optimized under laboratory conditions prior to being used to assess ammonia volatilization rates in a pilot-scale maturation pond during summer 2005. Under laboratory conditions (water temperature = 17.1 degrees C and pH = 10.1), the average ammonia volatilization rate was 2,517 g NH3-N/ha d and the apparatus absorbed 79% of volatilized ammonia. On site, the mean ammonia volatilization rate was 15 g N/ha d, which corresponds to 3% of the total nitrogen removed (531 g N/ha d) in the maturation pond studied. A net nitrogen mass balance showed that ammonia volatilization was not the most important mechanism involved in either total nitrogen or ammonia removal. Nitrogen fractions (suspended organic nitrogen, soluble organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) from the M1 influent and effluent showed that ammonia is removed by biological (mainly algal) uptake and total nitrogen removal by sedimentation of dead algal biomass.  相似文献   

Polishing ponds are units conceived for the post-treatment of the effluents from anaerobic reactors, are designed as maturation ponds, and aim at a further removal of organic matter and a high removal of pathogenic organisms. The paper investigates the performance of four very shallow (H = 0.40 m) polishing ponds in series, with very low detention times (1.4-2.5 days in each pond), treating anaerobic effluent from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The system was able to achieve excellent results in terms of BOD and E. coli removal, and good results in terms of ammonia removal, allowing compliance with European standards for urban wastewater and WHO guidelines for unrestricted irrigation. The paper presents the values of BOD and E. coli removal coefficients, which were much higher than those found in conventional pond systems. No statistically significant difference was found in the effluent E. coli concentrations from a pond with low depth and low detention time, and another pond in parallel, with double the depth and approximately double the detention time. The results endorse the applicability of the system composed by UASB reactors followed by very shallow ponds in series, with low detention times.  相似文献   

An upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB)-submerged aerated biofilter (SAB) system that treats effluents from a jeans factory was evaluated. The 210-day operational period was divided into three phases (PI, PII and PIII), each with a different hydraulic retention time (HRT in h) and organic loading rate (OLR in kg COD/m3.d). In PI, the best performance was achieved using the UASB (HRT 24, OLR 1.3) with COD and color removal efficiencies of 59 and 64%, respectively; the corresponding values were 77 and 86% for the final effluent. In PII, the efficiencies were 50 and 55% using the UASB (HRT 16, OLR 1.2), respectively, and 69 and 81% for the final system effluent, respectively. In PIII, the UASB (HRT 12 and ORL 3.2) showed the poorest performance; the efficiencies decreased to 48 and 50%, respectively. The same phenomenon occurred in the system with corresponding efficiencies decreasing to 69 and 61%. Throughout the experiment, the system removal efficiencies were between 57 and 88% for nitrogen and between 14 and 63% for sulfate. The final effluent showed relatively non-toxicity or moderate toxicity using Daphnia magna as an indicator. Therefore, the overall results showed that the use of a sequential anaerobic-aerobic system is promising for treatment of textile industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

UASB reactors followed by polishing ponds comprise simple and economic wastewater treatment systems, capable of reaching very high removal efficiencies of pathogenic organisms, leading to the potential use of the effluent for unrestricted irrigation. However, for other types of reuse (urban and industrial), ponds are limited in the sense of producing effluents with high suspended solids (algae) concentrations. The work investigates a system with coarse rock filters for polishing the pond effluent. The overall performance of the system is analyzed, together with the potential for different types of reuse. The excellent results obtained (mean effluent concentrations: BOD: 27 mg/L; SS: 26 mg/L; E. coli: 450 MPN/100 mL) indicate the possibility of unrestricted use of the effluent for agriculture and restricted urban and industrial uses, according to WHO and USEPA.  相似文献   

Reetha (Sapindus trifoliata) seed extract and Chitosan were used as additives in the sludge bed of a UASB reactor treating low strength wastewater to enhance granulation. Five parallel laboratory scale UASB reactors were operated for 250 days with synthetic wastewater feed containing COD in the range of 600-800 mg/L. The reactors were seeded with spent sludge from a full-scale 5MLD UASB treatment plant at Jajmau, Kanpur, India. The seed sludge contained little or no granules. Different additives in the five reactors were as follows: control with no additive, cationic part of Reetha extract as additive, anionic part of Reetha extract as additive, bulk Reetha extract as additive and Chitosan as additive. The granulation rapidly increased in all the reactors beyond the 90th day of operation. The mean granule sizes as well as the fraction of granular sludge (particle size > or = 100 microm) were more in the presence of some of the additives compared to the control reactor. Chitosan significantly enhanced granulation followed by the cationic and anionic fractions of the Reetha extract. The bulk Reetha extract did not show enhancement of granulation. The ESEM/EDAX results showed that the bigger granules (3-4 mm) had porous structure and appeared as conglomerates of smaller granules.  相似文献   

Post-treatment of an UASB reactor effluent, fed with domestic sewage, was conducted using two-stage flotation and UV disinfection. Results were compared to those obtained in a parallel stabilisation pond. The first flotation stage employed 5 - 7.5 mg L(-1) cationic flocculant to separate off more than 99% of the suspended solids. Then, phosphate ions were completely recovered using carrier flotation with 5-25 mg L(-1) of Fe (FeCl3) at pH 6.3-7.0. This staged flotation led to high recoveries of water and allowed us to separate organic matter and phosphate bearing sludge. The water still contained about 1 x 10(2) NMP/100 mL total coliforms, which were removed using UV radiation to below detection levels. Final water turbidity was < 1.0 NTU, COD < 20 mg L(-1) O2 and 71 mNm(-1), the liquid/air interfacial tension. This flotation-UV flowsheet was found to be more efficient than the treatment in the stabilisation pond and appears to have some potential for water reuse. Results were discussed in terms of the biological, chemical and physicochemical mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

A primary maturation pond (M1) was spiked with labelled ammonium chloride (15NH4Cl) to track ammonium transformations associated with algal uptake and subsequent sedimentation. Conventional sampling based on grab samples collected from M1 influent, water column and effluent, and processed for unfiltered and filtered TKN, ammonium, nitrite and nitrate, found low total nitrogen removal (8%) and high ammonium nitrogen removal (90%). Stable isotope analysis of 15N from suspended organic and ammonium nitrogen fractions in M1 effluent revealed that labelled ammonium was mainly found in the organic fraction (69% of the 15N recovered), rather than the inorganic fraction (5%). Algal uptake was the predominant pathway for ammonia removal, even though conditions were favourable for ammonia volatilization (8.9 < pH <10.1 units, 15.2 < temperature <18.8 degrees C). Total nitrogen was removed by ammonia volatilization at 15 g N/ha d (3%), organic nitrogen sedimentation at 105 g N/ha d (20%), and in-pond accumulation due to algal uptake at 377 g N/ha d (71%). Algal uptake of ammonium and subsequent sedimentation and retention in the benthic sludge, after partial ammonification of the algal organic nitrogen, is thus likely to be the dominant mechanism for permanent nitrogen removal in maturation ponds during warm summer months in England.  相似文献   

An Imhoff tank was reconstructed into a 250 m3 UASB reactor in order to treat a malting plant wastewater. The UASB was inoculated with sludge from an anaerobic lagoon used for slaughterhouse wastewater treatment. After two months of operation the reactor achieved full load with an HRT of 17 h, a COD removal higher than 80% and a biogas production of 300 m3/day (77% average methane content), with an organic loading rate of 3.6 kgCOD/m3.d (0.24 kgCOD/kgVSS.d). A yield coefficient of 0.09 gVSS/gCODrem was found from a mass balance. The fat present in the inoculated sludge (48 mg/gSSV) did not affect the start up performance. Sludge from the inoculum with high content of fat (270 mg/gSSV), was separated by flotation in the first week of operation. The COD removal efficiency was scarcely influenced by the reactor operation temperature (17-25 degrees C).  相似文献   

The microbial community of a mesophilic lab-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating vitamin C biosynthesis wastewater at gradually elevated organic loading rates (OLRs) was characterized using 16S rDNA-based polymerase chain reaction-DGGE (denatured gradient gel electrophoresis) analysis. The DGGE fingerprints suggested that the elevated OLRs did not cause any significant changes in the microbial community. The predominant bacterial bands were affiliated with the Firmicutes (Clostridiales, four bands), Proteobacteria (Deltaproteobacteria, six bands), Bacteroidetes, and Synergistetes, respectively. All the archaeal bands were very similar to already known methanogenic species: Methanobacterium formicicum (two bands), Methanomethylovorans hollandica (one band) and Methanosaeta concilli (two bands), which belonged to the divisions Methanobacteria and Methanomicrobia, respectively.  相似文献   

PVA-gel beads were used as a biocarrier for treatment of corn steep liquor wastewater containing high levels of volatile fatty acids (VFA), where retention of biomass could be either solely in the porous microstructure of the gel or by granule formation using a gel bead as a nucleus. With stable COD removal efficiencies of 90% or greater, continuous treatment was demonstrated over a four month period, with organic loading rates being increased stepwise from 2.5 to 22.5 kg COD/m3 d. In addition, VFA in the effluent were, with few exceptions maintained close to zero. Gas production increased over the course of the study and reached a level of 0.38 m3/kg COD consisting of 65% methane with the remainder being mostly carbon dioxide. Biomass granules containing methane producing bacteria progressively formed around the PVA-gel beads during the study. In contrast, very few small natural granules developed apart from PVA-gel nuclei indicating that PVA gel may serve well as a seeding material to enhance granulation when natural occurrence is lacking.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the electrochemical oxidation process as a post-treatment for the effluents of a bench-scale UASB reactor treating simulated wastewater from an unbleached pulp plant. The oxidation process was performed using a single compartment cell with two plates as electrodes. The anode was made of Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2 and the cathode of stainless steel. The following variables were evaluated: current density (75, 150 and 225 mA cm(-2)) and recirculation flow rate in the electrochemical cell (0.22, 0.45 and 0.90 L h(-1)). The increase in current density from 75 to 225 mA cm(-2) did not increased the color removal efficiency for the tested flow rates, 0.22, 0.45 and 0.90 L h(-1), however the energy consumption increased significantly. The results indicated the technical feasibility of the electrochemical treatment as post-treatment for UASB reactors treating wastewaters from pulp and paper plants.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from exploratory experiments to test the technical feasibility of electrolytic treatment and coagulation followed by flocculation and sedimentation as post-treatment for the effluent of an UASB reactor treating simulated wastewater from an unbleached Kraft pulp mill. The electrolytic treatment provided up to 67% removal of the remaining COD and 98% of color removal. To achieve these efficiencies the energy consumption ranged from 14 Wh x l(-1) to 20 Wh x l(-1). The coagulation-flocculation treatment followed by settling required 350-400 mg x l(-1) of aluminium sulfate. The addition of a high molecular weight cationic polymer enhanced both COD and color removal. Both post-treatment processes are technically feasible.  相似文献   

焦化废水含有酚类、氰化物、氨氮等有毒有害污染物,属于高浓度难降解有机工业废水之一.以某焦化厂的蒸氨处理工程为例,根据现场调试过程中总结的调试方案及运行结果,阐述了蒸氨塔处理高浓度剩余氨水的功效、蒸氨塔系统的设备选型以及蒸氨系统的操作方法和操作条件;总结了蒸氨塔在使用过程中可能出现的问题及解决措施.  相似文献   

Anaerobic technologies have proved successful in the treatment of various high strength wastewaters with perceptible advantages over aerobic systems. The applicability of anaerobic processes to treat low strength wastewaters has been increasing with the evolution of high-rate reactors capable of achieving high sludge retention time (SRT) when operating at low HRT. However, the performance of these systems can be affected by high variations in flow and wastewater composition. This paper reports on the comparative study carried out with two such high rate reactors systems to evaluate their performances when used for the treatment of low strength wastewaters at high hydraulic rates. One of the two systems is the most commonly used upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor in which all reactions occur within a single vessel. The other is the granular bed baffled reactor (GRABBR) that encourages different stages of anaerobic digestion in separate vessels longitudinally across the reactor. The reactors, with equal capacity of 10 litres, were subjected to increasing organic loading rates (OLRs) and hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of up to 60 kg COD m(-3) d(-1) and 1 h respectively. Results show that the GRABBR has greater processes stability at relatively low HRTs, whilst the UASB seems to be better equipped to cope with organic overloads or shockloads. The study also shows that the GRABBR enables the harvesting of biogas with greater energetic value and hence greater re-use potential than the UASB. Biogas of up to 86% methane content is obtainable with GRABBR treating low strength wastewaters.  相似文献   

土壤氨挥发研究及氮素转化运移数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据氨挥发机理建立了氨挥发子模型,与氮素运移转化模型Nitrogen-2D进行耦合,改进并完善了Nitrogen-2D模型的氮素转化过程。运用改进的模型模拟再生水灌溉冬小麦生长季中土壤水分、铵态氮和硝态氮的运移和转化过程。模拟结果与未经改进的模型模拟结果及实测值进行了对比。结果表明改进的模型模拟值与实测值的均方根差比未经改进模型的大幅度减小,铵态氮模拟精度有较大程度地提高。将改进的模型模拟铵态氮挥发速率和氨挥发累积量,得出模拟时段氨挥发过程。经比较分析,模拟结果正确、合理,可用于农田氮素损失预测和污染分析。  相似文献   

A wastewater containing a mixture of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, acetic anhydride, methyl, ethyl and isopropyl acetate, acrylic acid, butyl and methyl acrylate, o, m and p-xylene and styrene was fed to an UASB reactor. Isopropanol addition diminished the removal efficiency to 60% and required a long adaptation time for its total mineralization. When acrylic acid was added to the mixture, the removal dropped to 83% and recovered after 40 days. As for the rest of the substrates, p-m-o-xylene addition had no effect on reactor performance, although in batch assays it showed low mineralization. Also the effect of volumetric organic load on removal efficiency was followed up. After diminishing the HRT to 4 and 3 h yielding 4.8 and 6.5 gCOD L(-1) d(-1), removal efficiencies decreased to 79 and 74% respectively.  相似文献   

The concentration of total nitrogen(TN) is reported to vary between 20 and 35 mg/L in domestic wastewater. In raw wastewater, ammonia nitrogen eNHt4-NT is the main nitrogen form, accounting for 70%e82% of the TN concentration. Organic nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen eNOà2-NT,and nitrate nitrogen eNOà3-NT are present as well. For years, due to the lack of regulatory limits on nitrogen concentration in surface waters,nitrogen from secondary effluent has posed a significant threat to the health of aquatic ecosystems. Researchers have made substantial efforts to reduce the nitrogen concentration in secondary effluent. As a kind of advanced wastewater treatment technology, the subsurface infiltration(SI)system has been widely used, owing to its advantages, which include low operation cost, easy maintenance, and low energy consumption. This review discusses the fate of various forms of nitrogen in SI treatment, including organic nitrogen, NHt4-N, NOà2-N, and NOà3-N. Major biological processes involved in nitrogen removal and the main factors influencing its transformation are suggested. Finally, it is shown that ammonification followed by nitrification-denitrification plays a major role in nitrogen removal. Further research needs to focus on the emission characteristics of gaseous nitrogen(generated from the nitrification, denitrification, and completely autotrophic nitrogen-removal over nitrite(CANON) processes) with respect to their greenhouse effects.  相似文献   

This paper aimed at measuring the concentration of methane dissolved in effluents from different UASB reactors (pilot-, demo- and full-scale) treating domestic wastewater, in order to calculate the degree of saturation of such greenhouse gas and evaluate the losses of energetic potential in such systems. The results showed that methane saturation degrees, calculated according to Henry's law, varied from ~1.4 to 1.7 in the different reactors, indicating that methane was oversaturated in the liquid phase. The overall results indicated that the losses of dissolved methane in the anaerobic effluents were considerably high, varying from 36 to 41% of total methane generated in the reactor. These results show that there is considerable uncontrolled loss of methane in anaerobic wastewater treatment plants, implying the need of research on technologies aimed at recovering such energetic greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

In this study, continuous operation of a pilot-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor for sewage treatment was conducted for 630 days to investigate the physical and microbial characteristics of the retained sludge. The UASB reactor with a working volume of 20.2 m(3) was operated at ambient temperature (16-29 °C) and seeded with digested sludge. After 180 days of operation, when the sewage temperature had dropped to 20 °C or lower, the removal efficiency of both total suspended solids (TSS) and total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) deteriorated due to washout of retained sludge. At low temperature, the cellulose concentration of the UASB sludge increased owing to the rate limitation of the hydrolytic reaction of suspended solids in the sewage. However, after an improvement in sludge retention (settleability and concentration) in the UASB reactor, the process performance stabilized and gave sufficient results (68% of TSS removal, 75% of total BOD removal) at an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 9.7 h. The methanogenic activity of the retained sludge significantly increased after day 246 due to the accumulation of Methanosaeta and Methanobacterium following the improvement in sludge retention in the UASB reactor. Acid-forming bacteria from phylum Bacteroidetes were detected at high frequency; thus, these bacteria may have an important role in suspended solids degradation.  相似文献   

The biological elimination of polymeric resins compounds (PRC) such as acrylic acid and their esters, vinyl acetate and styrene under methanogenic and oxygen-limited methanogenesis conditions was evaluated. Two UASB reactors (A and B) were used and the removal of the organic matter was studied in four stages. Reactor A was used as methanogenic control during the study. Initially both reactors were operated under methanogenic conditions. From the second stage reactor B was fed with 0.6 and 1 mg/L.d of oxygen (O2). Reactor A had diminution in chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency from 75+/-4% to 37+/-5%, by the increase of PRC loading rate from 750 to 1125 mg COD/L.d. In this reactor there was no styrene elimination. In reactor B the COD removal efficiency was between 73+/-5% and 80+/-2%, even with the addition of O2 and increase of the PRC loading rate, owing to oxygen being used in the partial oxidation of these compounds. In this reactor the yields were modified from 0.56 to 0.40 for CH4 and from 0.31 to 0.60 for CO2. The O2 in low concentrations increased 40.7% the consumption rates of acrylic acid, methyl acrylate and vinyl acetate, allowing styrene consumption with a rate of 0.103 g/L.d. Batch cultures demonstrated that under methanogenic and oxygen-limited methanogenesis conditions, the glucose was not used as an electron acceptor in the elimination of PRC.  相似文献   

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