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We study the transport capacity of the Gaussian multiple access channel (MAC), which consists of multiple transmitters and a single receiver, and the Gaussian broadcast channel (BC), which consists of a single transmitter and multiple receivers. The transport capacity is defined as the sum, over all transmitters (for the MAC) or receivers (for the BC), of the product of the data rate with a reward r(x) which is a function of the distance x that the data travels. In the case of the MAC, assuming that the sum of the transmit powers is upper bounded, we calculate in closed form the optimal power allocation among the transmitters, that maximizes the transport capacity, using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. We also derive asymptotic expressions for the optimal power allocation, that hold as the number of transmitters approaches infinity, using the most-rapid-approach method of the calculus of variations. In the case of the BC, we calculate in closed form the optimal allocation of the transmit power among the signals to the different receivers, both for a finite number of receivers and for the case of asymptotically many receivers, using our results for the MAC together with duality arguments. Our results can be used to gain intuition and develop good design principles in a variety of settings. For example, they apply to the uplink and downlink channel of cellular networks, and also to sensor networks which consist of multiple sensors that communicate with a single central station. Work was carried out while all authors were with the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (ftw.), and supported by K plus funding for the ftw. project I0 “Signal and Information Processing.” Parts of this work have appeared, in preliminary form, in [1,2,3], Gautam A. Gupta holds a joint B.S./M.S. degree in mathematics and computing at the Department of Mathematics of the Indian Institute of Technology at New Delhi. During the summer of 2003, he attended a summer course on Probability and Statistical Mechanics organized by the Scoula Normale Superiore, in Pisa, Italy. During the summers of 2004 and 2005 he worked at the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (ftw.) as a summer intern. During the spring of 2006, he was a visitor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, working toward his M. S. Thesis. Stavros Toumpis received the Diploma in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1997, the M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics from Stanford University, CA, in 1999 and 2002, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, also from Stanford, in 2003. From 1998 to 1999, he worked as a Research Assistant for the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team, providing operational support. From 2000 to 2003, he was a Member of the Wireless Systems Laboratory, at Stanford University. From 2003 to 2005, he was a Senior Researcher with the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (ftw.), in Vienna, Austria. Since 2005, he is a Lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Cyprus. His research is on wireless ad hoc networks, with emphasis on their capacity, the effects of mobility on their performance, medium access control, and information theoretic issues. Jossy Sayir received his Dipl. El.-Ing. degree from the ETH Zurich in 1991. From 1991 to 1993, he worked as a development engineer for Motorola Communications in Tel Aviv, Israel, contributing to the design of the first digital mobile radio system ever produced by Motorola. He returned to ETH from 1993 to 1999, getting his PhD in 1999 under the supervision of Prof. J.L. Massey. The title of his thesis is “On Coding by Probability Transformation.” Since 2000, he has been employed at the Telecommunications Research Center (ftw) in Vienna, Austria, as a senior researcher. His research interests include iterative decoding methods, joint source and channel coding, numerical capacity computation algorithms, Markov sources, and wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. Since July 2002, he manages part of the strategic research activities at Ftw and supervises a group of researchers. He has taught courses on Turbo and related codes at Vienna University of Technology and at the University of Aalborg, Denmark. He has served on the organization committees of several international conferences and workshops. Ralf R. Müller was born in Schwabach, Germany, 1970. He received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.Ing. degree with distinction from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 1996 and 1999, respectively. From 2000 to 2004, he was with Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (Vienna Telecommunications Research Center) in Vienna, Austria. Since 2005 he has been a full professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He held visiting appointments at Princeton University, U.S.A., Institute Eurecom, France, The University of Melbourne, Australia, and The National University of Singapore and was an adjunct professor at Vienna University of Technology. Dr. Müller received the Leonard G. Abraham Prize (jointly with Sergio S. Verdú) from the IEEE Communications Society and the Johann-Philipp-Reis Prize (jointly with Robert Fischer). He was also presented an award by the Vodafone Foundation for Mobile Communications and two more awards from the German Information Technology Society (ITG). Dr. Müller is currently serving as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.  相似文献   

Iterative water-filling for Gaussian vector multiple-access channels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper proposes an efficient numerical algorithm to compute the optimal input distribution that maximizes the sum capacity of a Gaussian multiple-access channel with vector inputs and a vector output. The numerical algorithm has an iterative water-filling interpretation. The algorithm converges from any starting point, and it reaches within 1/2 nats per user per output dimension from the sum capacity after just one iteration. The characterization of sum capacity also allows an upper bound and a lower bound for the entire capacity region to be derived.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a numerical method for characterizing the rate region achievable with frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) for a Gaussian multiple-access channel with intersymbol interference. The frequency spectrum is divided into discrete frequency bins and the discrete bin-assignment problem is shown to have a convex relaxation, making it tractable to numerical optimization algorithms. A practical low-complexity algorithm for the two-user case is also proposed. The algorithm is based on the observation that the optimal frequency partition has a two-band structure when the two channels are identical or when the signal-to-noise ratio is high. The simulation result shows that the algorithm performs well in other cases as well. The FDMA-capacity algorithm is used to devise the optimal frequency-division duplex plan for very-high-speed digital subscriber lines  相似文献   

We characterize the sum capacity of the vector Gaussian broadcast channel by showing that the existing inner bound of Marton and the existing upper bound of Sato are tight for this channel. We exploit an intimate four-way connection between the vector broadcast channel, the corresponding point-to-point channel (where the receivers can cooperate), the multiple-access channel (MAC) (where the role of transmitters and receivers are reversed), and the corresponding point-to-point channel (where the transmitters can cooperate).  相似文献   

We consider a nonergodic multiple-access Gaussian block-fading channel where a fixed number of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) fading coefficients affect each codeword. Variable-rate coding with input power constraint enforced on a per-codeword basis is examined. A centralized power and rate allocation policy is determined as a function of the previous and present fading coefficients. The power control policy that optimizes the expected rates is obtained through dynamic programming and the average capacity region and the average capacity region per unit energy are characterized. Moreover, we study the slope of spectral efficiency curve versus E/sub b//N/sub 0/ (dB), and we quantify the penalty incurred by time-division multiple access (TDMA) over superposition coding in the low-power regime.  相似文献   

Sum capacity of Gaussian vector broadcast channels   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper characterizes the sum capacity of a class of potentially nondegraded Gaussian vector broadcast channels where a single transmitter with multiple transmit terminals sends independent information to multiple receivers. Coordination is allowed among the transmit terminals, but not among the receive terminals. The sum capacity is shown to be a saddle-point of a Gaussian mutual information game, where a signal player chooses a transmit covariance matrix to maximize the mutual information and a fictitious noise player chooses a noise correlation to minimize the mutual information. The sum capacity is achieved using a precoding strategy for Gaussian channels with additive side information noncausally known at the transmitter. The optimal precoding structure is shown to correspond to a decision-feedback equalizer that decomposes the broadcast channel into a series of single-user channels with interference pre-subtracted at the transmitter.  相似文献   

Consider a Gaussian multiple-access channel shared byKusers who transmit asynchronously independent data streams by modulating a set of assigned signal waveforms. The uncoded probability of error achievable by optimum multiuser detectors is investigated. It is shown that theK-user maximum-likelihood sequence detector consists of a bank of single-user matched filters followed by a Viterbi algorithm whose complexity per binary decision isO(2^{K}). The upper bound analysis of this detector follows an approach based on the decomposition of error sequences. The issues of convergence and tightness of the bounds are examined, and it is shown that the minimum multiuser error probability is equivalent in the Iow-noise region to that of a single-user system with reduced power. These results show that the proposed multiuser detectors afford important performance gains over conventional single-user systems, in which the signal constellation carries the entire burden of complexity required to achieve a given performance level.  相似文献   

LDPC codes for fading Gaussian broadcast channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, we study coding over a class of two-user broadcast channels (BCs) with additive white Gaussian noise and multiplicative fading known at the receivers only. Joint decoding of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is analyzed. The message update rule at the mapping node linking the users' codes is derived and is found to exhibit an interesting soft interference cancellation property. High performance codes are found using the differential evolution optimization technique and extrinsic information transfer analysis adapted to our multiuser setting. The optimized codes have rates very close to the boundary of the achievable region for binary constrained input for both faded and unfaded channels. Simulation results for moderate block lengths show that our codes operate within less than 1 dB of their respective threshold.  相似文献   

Several models of wide-band broadcast communication scenarios are studied with an emphasis on conditions under which, as the bandwidth tends to infinity, time sharing is asymptotically optimal. The models include the Gaussian channel, the Poisson channel, the "very noisy" channel, and the average-power limited fading channel. Only stochastically degraded scenarios are studied.  相似文献   

针对脏纸编码方法很难直接计算广播信道和容量域边界值问题,提出了一种计算多接入信道和容量的迭代注水算法以及获取最大和容量的次优传输策略,利用广播信道与多接入信道的对偶性,将该和容量结果和传输策略通过简单的映射关系转换成广播信道和容量的边界值和优化传输策略。数值结果表明所提的迭代算法简单有效,给出的传输策略可以有效逼近广播信道理论和容量边界,在MIMO下行链路中可得到应用。  相似文献   

In this letter, a multiuser space-time trellis coding (MU-STTC) scheme is proposed for MIMO vector Gaussian broadcast channels (VGBC). For the system with two transmit antennas and two users with one receive antenna each, the proposed scheme decomposes the system into two subsystems, each of which is equivalent to a system with two transmit and one receive antenna with known interference. A novel precoding scheme is developed to eliminate such interference. The proposed scheme enables to incorporate space time trellis coding and adaptive weighting into the system to provide a significant coding and weighting gain. Simulation results confirm its good performance.  相似文献   

We derive the capacity region for a broadcast channel with intersymbol interference (ISI) and colored Gaussian noise under an input power constraint. The region is obtained by first defining a similar channel model, the circular broadcast channel, which can be decomposed into a set of parallel degraded broadcast channels. The capacity region for parallel degraded broadcast channels is known. We then show that the capacity region of the original broadcast channel equals that of the circular broadcast channel in the limit of infinite block length, and we obtain an explicit formula for the resulting capacity region. The coding strategy used to achieve each point on the convex hull of the capacity region uses superposition coding on some or all of the parallel channels and dedicated transmission on the others. The optimal power allocation for any point in the capacity region is obtained via a multilevel water-filling. We derive this optimal power allocation and the resulting capacity region for several broadcast channel models  相似文献   

The motivation of this paper is to find the class of channels that provides the best sum capacity of a MIMO Gaussian broadcast channel with both transmit power and channel energy constraints when N/sub t//spl ges/KN/sub r/, where N/sub t/, N/sub r/, and K denote the number of transmit antennas, the number of receive antennas, and the number of users in the system, respectively. The best sum capacity is achieved when the user channels are mutually orthogonal to each other. For each individual user, equal energy is distributed to all non-zero spatial eigenmodes. Further, we optimize the number of non-zero eigenmodes for all users and the optimal power distribution among users. Although, we only study the case of N/sub t//spl ges/KN/sub r/ in this paper, we conjecture that similar results still hold for N/sub t/相似文献   

We consider a multiuser multiple-input multiple- output (MIMO) Gaussian broadcast channel (BC), where the transmitter and receivers have multiple antennas. Since the MIMO BC is in general a nondegraded BC, its capacity region remains an unsolved problem. We establish a duality between what is termed the "dirty paper" achievable region (the Caire-Shamai (see Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory, Washington, DC, June 2001, p.322) achievable region) for the MIMO BC and the capacity region of the MIMO multiple-access channel (MAC), which is easy to compute. Using this duality, we greatly reduce the computational complexity required for obtaining the dirty paper achievable region for the MIMO BC. We also show that the dirty paper achievable region achieves the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO BC by establishing that the maximum sum rate of this region equals an upper bound on the sum rate of the MIMO BC.  相似文献   

On the achievable throughput of a multiantenna Gaussian broadcast channel   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A Gaussian broadcast channel (GBC) with r single-antenna receivers and t antennas at the transmitter is considered. Both transmitter and receivers have perfect knowledge of the channel. Despite its apparent simplicity, this model is, in general, a nondegraded broadcast channel (BC), for which the capacity region is not fully known. For the two-user case, we find a special case of Marton's (1979) region that achieves optimal sum-rate (throughput). In brief, the transmitter decomposes the channel into two interference channels, where interference is caused by the other user signal. Users are successively encoded, such that encoding of the second user is based on the noncausal knowledge of the interference caused by the first user. The crosstalk parameters are optimized such that the overall throughput is maximum and, surprisingly, this is shown to be optimal over all possible strategies (not only with respect to Marton's achievable region). For the case of r>2 users, we find a somewhat simpler choice of Marton's region based on ordering and successively encoding the users. For each user i in the given ordering, the interference caused by users j>i is eliminated by zero forcing at the transmitter, while interference caused by users j相似文献   

Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in multiple-access channels   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In a point-to-point wireless fading channel, multiple transmit and receive antennas can be used to improve the reliability of reception (diversity gain) or increase the rate of communication for a fixed reliability level (multiplexing gain). In a multiple-access situation, multiple receive antennas can also be used to spatially separate signals from different users (multiple-access gain). Recent work has characterized the fundamental tradeoff between diversity and multiplexing gains in the point-to-point scenario. In this paper, we extend the results to a multiple-access fading channel. Our results characterize the fundamental tradeoff between the three types of gain and provide insights on the capabilities of multiple antennas in a network context.  相似文献   

A rate-splitting approach to the Gaussian multiple-access channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is shown that any point in the capacity region of a Gaussian multiple-access channel is achievable by single-user coding without requiring synchronization among users, provided that each user “splits” data and signal into two parts. Based on this result, a new multiple-access technique called rate-splitting multiple accessing (RSMA) is proposed. RSMA is a code-division multiple-access scheme for the M-user Gaussian multiple-access channel for which the effort of finding the codes for the M users, of encoding, and of decoding is that of at most 2M-1 independent point-to-point Gaussian channels. The effects of bursty sources, multipath fading, and inter-cell interference are discussed and directions for further research are indicated  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the fundamental capacity limit of the cognitive broadcast channels with opportunistic scheduling, where cognitive users (CUs) can share the same spectrum with the primary user (PU) as long as the interference introduced to the PU is kept at an acceptable level. In this context, we analyze the capacity gains offered by this opportunistic spectrum sharing in Rayleigh fading environment. Specifically, we analyze the outage and effective capacity of the selected CU, and derive closed‐form expressions for these capacity metrics. We also obtain closed‐form expressions for the asymptotic performance as the bandwidth approaches infinity. Numerical results are provided to corroborate our theoretical analysis and quantify the effects of the system parameters. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A general model is presented for synchronous protocols that resolve conflicts among message transmissions to a multiple-access broadcast channel. An information-theoretic method is used now to show that if only finitely many types of conflicts can be distinguished by the protocol, utilization of the channel at rates approaching capacity is impossible. A random-coding argument is used to show that if the number of conflicting transmissions can be determined (which requires distinguishing infinitely many types of conflicts) then utilization of the channel at rates arbitrarily close to capacity can be achieved.  相似文献   

A method based on recursive computation of the expected number of attempts and successes during the collision resolution phase of an access control algorithm is introduced for the design of near-optimum control strategies for multiple access collision channels with ternary and binary feedback. With this approach it is possible to circumvent the extremely difficult and still unsolved problem of finding the access control algorithm which achieves the highest throughput by settling for a near-optimum solution. The key to the design of the algorithms is to approximate the originally infinite-dimensional optimization problem by a one-dimensional optimization problem. In the ternary feedback case, the proposed algorithm achieves a throughput virtually identical to the highest throughput reported. Several forms of binary feedback are considered, and algorithms are introduced that achieve the highest throughput reported  相似文献   

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