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Beneficial effects on human health by specific probiotic microorganisms such as prevention of gastrointestinal tract infections, immune stimulation, and balancing of the intestinal microflora have been established in numerous clinical trials. The successful probiotic strains, which are mainly members of Lactobacillus and more recently Bifidobacterium naturally found in the human intestinal tract, have been traditionally incorporated into fermented milk products but have excellent potential for further inclusion in functional foods and health-related products. While the health claims are generally accepted by both scientists and consumers, often the molecular mechanisms underlying the probiotic properties remain controversial. Further progress concerning the molecular basis of probiotic traits will give vital reinforcement to the probiotic concept and is a prerequisite for rational development into further applications. In this review, current research on the genetics of properties of the intestinal lactobacilli that may contribute to the activity and effectiveness of probiotics is described. The potential of molecular biology for future probiotic applications is addressed and a probiotic strain developed by modern biotechnology with advantages for specific consumers is presented.  相似文献   

金鑫 《餐饮世界》2008,(8):48-49
2006年5月22日,一名男子在北京蜀国演义酒楼食用凉拌螺肉后被诊断患上嗜酸细胞增多性脑膜炎(即广州管圆线虫病).随后100位曾在该酒楼黄寺和劲松两店食用凉拌螺肉的食客,患上了不同程度的广州管圆线虫病。面对突发事件,蜀国演义酒楼主动承担责任.与患者协商善后事宜。2008年3月,随着最后一个台湾食客通过法院判决获赔偿11.8万元,备受关注的“福寿螺案”宣告完结。据悉.在近两年的时间内,蜀国演义酒楼仅用于患者的赔款便达近1000万元.企业由此造成的损失高达2300多万元。  相似文献   

“民以食为天”,食品是人类生活中的最基本的必需品,每天只要打开电视,翻开报纸,就可以看到大量的各式各样的食品广告,不论是在商场、超市还是街旁的商亭,食品都成为不可缺少的部分,然而,最近的一个时期,食品质量出现的问题频频出现在媒体的各种报道中.一些不法商贩收购餐馆废弃的“地淘油”,提炼之后制作油炸食品卖给消费者,大量一次性餐盒被回收后,随便洗洗又重复给用餐者使用.  相似文献   

<正> 在欧洲许多国家,食品的安全已由相关的法规所控制、监察,以对食品作出更严格的保证。据悉,美国一项新的海产类食物法规要求所有海产类食物的进口商及加工业者,于1997年开始必须根据HACCP系统进行食品安全控制。 食品的生产制造,从原材料的处理到加工,以至于成品的制成,其工艺流程的每一个步骤必须要遵循生产工艺的要求操作;而要确保食品的生产符合安全的标准,便须对食品进行检测验证,以保障消费者及制造商本身的利益。  相似文献   

Technology options for new nutritional concepts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent advances in the food and nutrition sciences support the concept that the diet has a significant role in the modulation of various functions in the body. The diet and/or its components may contribute to an improved state of well-being, a reduction of risks related to certain diseases and even an improvement in the quality of life. These new concepts have led to the introduction of a new category of health-promoting foodstuffs, i.e. functional foods.
The concern about health embraces a number of driving issues, needs and opportunities which may be approached by designing specific diets from various food raw materials. These tailor-made products provide physiological benefits that are targeted at particular consumer groups.
The functionality of functional foods is based on bioactive components, which may be contained naturally in the product but usually require formulation by appropriate technologies in order to optimise the desired beneficial properties. To this end, it is often necessary to develop and apply novel technologies, e.g. membrane separation, high hydrostatic pressure and supercritical fluid extraction techniques. Also the minimal processing concept could be employed in this context.
This review discusses the current technological options available and the future challenges faced in the area. Particular attention is paid to the exploitation of bovine colostrum and milk-derived bioactive compounds for the development of functional foods.  相似文献   

2015年4月24日,十二届全国人大常务委员会第十四次会议审议通过了新修订的《食品安全法》,新法将于2015年10月1日起施行。新法被各界称为"史上最严的食品安全法"。新法中"食品进出口"仍是独立的一章,相对于2009年版《食品安全法》,在进口食品安全管理方面主要有以下变化:明确了进口食品的监管主体,调整了进口食品的口岸检验监管方式,强化了进口食品企业的主体责任,明确了进口食品原产国体系评估制度。本文详细分析了上述变化对进口食品安全管理的影响,并就下一步完善相关配套法规、规章和规范性文件提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Yeasts are predominant in the ancient and complex process of winemaking. In spontaneous fermentations, there is a progressive growth pattern of indigenous yeasts, with the final stages invariably being dominated by the alcohol-tolerant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This species is universally known as the 'wine yeast' and is widely preferred for initiating wine fermentations. The primary role of wine yeast is to catalyze the rapid, complete and efficient conversion of grape sugars to ethanol, carbon dioxide and other minor, but important, metabolites without the development of off-flavours. However, due to the demanding nature of modern winemaking practices and sophisticated wine markets, there is an ever-growing quest for specialized wine yeast strains possessing a wide range of optimized, improved or novel oenological properties. This review highlights the wealth of untapped indigenous yeasts with oenological potential, the complexity of wine yeasts' genetic features and the genetic techniques often used in strain development. The current status of genetically improved wine yeasts and potential targets for further strain development are outlined. In light of the limited knowledge of industrial wine yeasts' complex genomes and the daunting challenges to comply with strict statutory regulations and consumer demands regarding the future use of genetically modified strains, this review cautions against unrealistic expectations over the short term. However, the staggering potential advantages of improved wine yeasts to both the winemaker and consumer in the third millennium are pointed out.  相似文献   

食品安全与道德规范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“民以食为天,食以安为先”。食品的安全不仅关系到人的生存和身体健康,而且关系到民族的素质与兴衰,在国际贸易交往中还直接影响到一个国家的声誉。近些年来,世人非常关注食品安全。2002年国家科技部联合卫生部、质检总局和农业部为建立符合我国国情的食品安全科技支撑创新体系,研究开发我国食品安全中的关键检测、控制和监测技术,组织专家在原有攻关项目基础上,对“食品安全关键技术”进行可行性报告沦证,并设立“食品安全关键技术”重大专项课题。2004年3月,食品安全又成为“两会”代表、委员们关注的热点问题之一,代表们提出食品安全关…  相似文献   

The dairy industry is under pressure to improve product security, implement efficient risk management and rapid response capabilities, and manage quality 'from trough to table' to achieve full, verifiable traceability. In order to invest proactively in the future of the industry, individual processors must reassess their handling of quality and traceability data for strategic and competitive success, make appropriate physical configuration and operational adjustments, and deploy readily available technological tools to meet legislative and consumer demands, enhance product quality and increase operational efficiency and profits.  相似文献   

Induction of labour at the start of the new millennium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Around 20% of all deliveries are preceded by labour induction, a proportion that has not varied dramatically over recent years. Fetal death was the only indication for labour induction centuries ago, while this is now a very rare indication, with prolonged pregnancy and maternal hypertensive disorders being the major indications for the last 50-60 years. Techniques for inducing labour have also changed from dietary delicacies and verbal threats giving way to physical stimulation mainly achieved by cervical stretching and amniotomy and more recently to sophisticated pharmacological manipulation using oxytocin and prostaglandins, based on our expanding knowledge of the physiological processes involved in spontaneous parturition. Relaxin, antiprogestins, nitric oxide as well as complementary medicines have also been explored in recent years. Successful induction is, however, still not guaranteed and there has been increasing emphasis during the past decade on exploring strategies for identifying the probability of success. Measurement of fetal fibronectin in cervical mucus, maternal serum nitrite/nitrate concentrations, ultrasound delineation of cervical form and electrical impedance measurements across the cervix are all being investigated. Safety, success, and patient satisfaction continue to be the major objectives with economic evaluations now becoming a significant factor in the search for the ideal induction method.  相似文献   

Cotton is the most significant natural fibre and has been a preferred choice of the textile industry and consumers since the industrial revolution began. The share of man-made fibres, both regenerated and synthetic fibres, has grown considerably in recent times but cotton production has also been on the rise and accounts for about half of the fibres used for apparel and textile goods. To cotton’s advantage, the premium attached to the presence of cotton fibre and the general positive consumer perception is well established, however, compared to commodity man-made fibres and high performance fibres, cotton has limitations in terms of its mechanical properties but can help to overcome moisture management issues that arise with performance apparel during active wear.

This issue of Textile Progress aims to:

  1. Report on advances in cotton cultivation and processing as well as improvements to conventional cotton cultivation and ginning. The processing of cotton in the textile industry from fibre to finished fabric, cotton and its blends, and their applications in technical textiles are also covered.

  2. Explore the economic impact of cotton in different parts of the world including an overview of global cotton trade.

  3. Examine the environmental perception of cotton fibre and efforts in organic and genetically-modified (GM) cotton production. The topic of naturally-coloured cotton, post-consumer waste is covered and the environmental impacts of cotton cultivation and processing are discussed. Hazardous effects of cultivation, such as the extensive use of pesticides, insecticides and irrigation with fresh water, and consequences of the use of GM cotton and cotton fibres in general on the climate are summarised and the effects of cotton processing on workers are addressed. The potential hazards during cotton cultivation, processing and use are also included.

  4. Examine how the properties of cotton textiles can be enhanced, for example, by improving wrinkle recovery and reducing the flammability of cotton fibre.


This article discusses food systems in general, their development over the past 120 years, and realities and problems faced by a world population of over 6 billion people. Various food and feed problems are mentioned, and the concept of "traceability" is discussed in the context of the broader and more useful approach of using "good practices" at all levels of the food chain.  相似文献   

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