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Linear stability analysis has been carried out to predict the onset of double-diffusive convection in superposed fluid and porous layers using a one-equation model. The eigenvalue problem is solved numerically by a finite difference scheme. Results have been obtained for the thermal convection and salt-finger cases. Comparing with the results obtained for the same problems by Chen and Chen [F. Chen, C.F. Chen, J. Heat Transfer 110 (1988) 403–409] using a two-equation model, we find that these two methods give the same general characteristics of the marginal stability curves, however, there are differences in the critical conditions and the flow streamlines at onset. Carefully conducted experiments are needed to determine which model gives the more realistic results. 相似文献
S.C. Hirata B. Goyeau D. Gobin M. Chandesris D. Jamet 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2009,52(1-2):533-536
Stability analyses of thermal and/or solutal natural convection in a configuration composed by a fluid layer overlying a homogeneous porous medium have been performed using different modeling approaches, especially for the treatment of the interfacial region. Comparisons between the one-domain approach and the two-domain formulation have shown important discrepancies of the marginal stability curves. This note shows that, according to Kataoka [I. Kataoka, Local instant formulation of two-phase flow, Int. J. Multiphase Flow 12(5) (1986) 745–758.], the differentiation of the macroscopic properties of the porous layer at the interface (porosity, permeability, thermal effective diffusivity) must be considered in the meaning of distributions. In that case, the one- and the two-domain approaches are shown to be equivalent and very good agreement is indeed found when comparing the results obtained with both approaches. 相似文献
Critical Rayleigh number of natural convection in high porosity anisotropic horizontal porous layers
Yasuaki Shiina Makoto Hishida 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2010,53(7-8):1507-1513
The critical Rayleigh number RaC at the onset of natural convection was studied by linear stability analysis for high porosity anisotropic horizontal porous layers of uniformly arraying vertical thin circular wires stretched across a hot and a cold surface. Navier–Stokes equations including flow resistance by the wires were solved since Darcy’s law cannot be applied due to high porosity. Ratio of permeability in the horizontal direction to the vertical direction is constant to be 0.5 but ratio of effective thermal diffusivity ξ is changed dependent on wire materials. The critical Rayleigh number RaC for the case of ξ = 1 obtained by the analysis agreed well with the experiment. 相似文献
Coupled thermocapillary convection on Marangoni convection in liquid layers with curved free surface
This paper numerically studied the coupled Marangoni convection and thermocapillary convection in a finite liquid layer (Pr = 11.6) in the microgravity conditions. The multi-cellular flow structure and the marginal instability boundary of the coupled convection are predicted. Oscillatory coupled convection is also reported in concave liquid layers of volume ratio between 0.80 and 0.85. 相似文献
The effect of feedback control on the onset of steady and oscillatory surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) convection in a rotating horizontal fluid layer with a flat free upper surface and heated from below is considered theoretically using linear stability theory. The role of the controller gain parameter on the Ta–Pr parameter space, dividing stability domains into which either steady or oscillatory convection is preferred, is determined. 相似文献
《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2007,50(15-16):3035-3046
This paper studies the combined radiation and natural convection in an open vertical cylinder. The cylinder is heated through its sidewall at a constant heat flux and cooled at the top surface via radiation. The high order finite difference method is used to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer inside the cylinder and the internal radiation is solved using discontinuous finite element method. The two numerical methods are coupled through an iterative process. Based on the numerical simulations, a linear stability analysis is carried out to investigate how the internal radiation changes the stability of the flow. 相似文献
The effect of a feedback control strategy on the onset of oscillatory convection in an infinite horizontal layer of fluid with temperature-dependent viscosity is investigated theoretically using linear stability analysis. It is shown that small viscosity variations stabilizes the fluid layer. Large controller gains, large viscosity variations, and high surface tension, however, promote the onset of overstability leading to oscillatory motions. 相似文献
D. Andrew S. Rees Gamze Genç 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2011,54(13-14):3081-3089
In this paper we investigate the onset of convection in a horizontally partitioned porous layer which is heated from below. Identical sublayers are separated by thin impermeable barriers. A linear stability analysis is performed, and dispersion relations are obtained directly and explicitly for two- and three-layer configurations. A systematic numerical procedure is devised to compute the dispersion relation for an arbitrary number of sublayers, but from this it is possible to guess the correct analytical form of the dispersion relation for general cases.Neutral stability curves are found to organise themselves into natural groups of N members when there are N sublayers. When the disturbance wavenumber, k, is large, each member of any group lies within an O(k?1) distance of all other members, but within an O(1) distance of other groups. When the number of sublayers is large, the system tends towards one with a critical Darcy–Rayleigh number of 12 and a critical wavenumber of zero; this is the well-known property of a single porous layer with constant heat flux boundary conditions. An asymptotic analysis is performed in order explore these two apparently disparate configurations. Finally, another asymptotic analysis is used to determine the critical Rayleigh number and its associated wavenumber when the number of sublayers is large. 相似文献
The onset of stationary Marangoni instabilities in a horizontal fluid layer with free surface deformation and heated from below with a uniform heat flux is considered theoretically using linear stability theory. The explicit solution is obtained and the influences of temperature-dependent viscosity, surface deformability, gravity waves and heat transfer mechanism at the free surface on the stability thresholds are investigated. Small stabilizing effect is observed in fluids with a small viscosity variation while large viscosity variation strongly destabilizes the fluid layer. The stability thresholds are critically dependent on viscosity variation, surface deformation and heat transfer mechanism. 相似文献
Joaquín Zueco P. Eguía L.M. López-Ochoa J. Collazo D. Patiño 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2009,36(3):203-209
The present work is concerned with the unsteady free convection flow of an incompressible electrically conducting micropolar fluid, bounded by two parallel infinite porous vertical plates submitted to an external magnetic field and the thermal boundary condition of forced convection. The governing equations are solved using a numerical technique based on the electrical analogy, where only previous spatial discretization is necessary to obtain a stable and convergent solution with very low computational times. To solve the system of algebraic equations with time as continuous function, an electric circuit simulator is used. This method permits the direct visualization of the local and/or integrated transport variables (temperatures and velocities) at any point or section of the medium. Numerical results for temperature, velocity and microrotation are illustrated graphically. 相似文献
《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2006,33(10):1179-1189
A numerical study of non-Darcy natural convection in a porous enclosure saturated with a power-law fluid is presented. Hydrodynamic and heat transfer results are reported for the configuration in which the enclosure is heated from a side-wall while the horizontal walls are insulated. The flow in the porous medium is modeled using the modified Brinkman–Forchheimer-extended Darcy model for power-law fluids, which accounts for both inertia and boundary effects. The results indicate that when the power law index is decreased, the circulation within the enclosure increases leading to a higher Nusselt number and these effects are enhanced as the Darcy number is increased. Consequently as the power law index decreases, the onset of the transitions from Darcy regime to Darcy–Forchheimer–Brinkman regime to asymptotic convection (boundary layer) regime shift to higher corresponding values of the Darcy number. An increase in Rayleigh number produces similar effects as a decrease in power law index. 相似文献
Experimental study of natural convection in fluid-superposed porous layers heated locally from below
Aniruddha Bagchi Francis A. Kulacki 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2012,55(4):1149-1153
An experimental study of natural convection in fluid-superposed porous layers heated locally from below is reported. Measurements are made in a rectangular chamber with 3 mm DIA glass beads as the porous layer and distilled water as the saturating fluid. The effects of the heater-to-cavity length ratio and the porous layer-to-cavity height ratio on the overall heat transfer coefficients are reported. Average heat transfer coefficients over the heated surface increase with a decrease in porous layer-to-cavity height ratio, but no clear effect of heater-to-cavity length ratio is seen. Temperature profiles in the domain reveal a plume like flow with a single pair of circulating cells and evidence of convective motion inside the porous layer. 相似文献
IutnductionThe convection in porous media has been stUdied fora half centUryl']. In recent years the nonlinear Propanesof the convection are emphatically sindiedp-7]. They areimPOrtant parts of nonlinear conhnuous media meChhocs,and this stUdy is of oportant theoretical sense as well aswide-ranging aPPlication Prospect such as thedevelopment of geothermal technique and heaVy Oilindustry. But up tO date the effect of the non-Newtonianfluid and the non-Darcy flow on the nonlinear behavior… 相似文献
J.H. Merkin 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》1978,21(12):1499-1504
The effects of uniform lateral mass flux on the free convection boundary layer on a vertical wall in a saturated porous medium are considered. A series valid near the leading edge is derived and this is extended by a numerical solution of the full equations. Asymptotic expansions, valid at large distances along the plate, are derived in both the cases of withdrawal and injection of fluid. In the former case the boundary layer has constant thickness, while in the latter case there is a region of constant temperature next to the wall made up of fluid that has been injected through the wall, with an outer region where thermal diffusion is important. 相似文献
The double diffusive convection in a horizontal fluid saturated anisotropic porous layer, which is heated and salted from below, is studied analytically. The generalized Darcy model is employed for the momentum equation. The critical Rayleigh number, wavenumber for stationary and oscillatory modes and frequency of oscillations are obtained analytically using linear theory. The effect of anisotropy parameters, solute Rayleigh number, Lewis number and Prandtl number on the stationary, oscillatory and finite amplitude convection is shown graphically. The transient behavior of the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers is studied, by solving numerically a fifth order Lorenz type system using Runge–Kutta method. Some of the convection systems previously reported in the literature are shown to be special cases of the system presented in this study. 相似文献