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Summary This paper deals with the three-dimensional stationary thermoelastic behaviour of cross-ply laminated cylindrial shells and panels having simply supported edges. The analysis is based on a very rapidly converging successive approximation approach which has already been applied, successfully, in connection with three-dimensional static and dynamic analyses of orthotropic homogeneous and crossply laminated cylinders and cylindrical panels. Here, an extension of that approach is used that takes into consideration the implications of the heat conduction equation. The mathematical formulation is suitable for the study of thermoelastic behaviour of shells and panels subjected to any type of stationary thermal conditions on their lateral boundaries. This is achieved by suitably expanding the lateral surface boundary conditions in the form of appropriate Fourier-series. For simplicity, however, all numerial results presented and discussed throughout paper are dealing with a single harmonic of such Fourier-series expansions. 相似文献
A. A. Khdeir J. N. Reddy D. Frederick 《International Journal of Impact Engineering》1990,9(4):475-484
Transient response of simply-supported circular cylindrical shells is investigated using a higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT). The theory is a modification of the Sanders' shell theory and accounts for parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strains through thickness of the shell and tangential stress-free boundary conditions on the bounding surfaces of the shell. The results obtained using the classical shell theory (CST) and the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) are compared with those obtained using the higher-order theory. The state-space approach is used to develop the analytical solutions to the equations of motion of the three theories. 相似文献
Stress analysis of axisymmetric shear deformable cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shells 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A.M. Zenkour 《Journal of Engineering Mathematics》2001,40(4):315-332
A generalized mixed theory for bending analysis of axisymmetric shear deformable laminated circular cylindrical shells is presented. The classical, first-order and higher-order shell theories have been used in the analysis. The Maupertuis–Lagrange (M–L) mixed variational formula is utilized to formulate the governing equations of circular cylindrical shells laminated by orthotropic layers. Analytical solutions are presented for symmetric and antisymmetric laminated circular cylindrical shells under sinusoidal loads and subjected to arbitrary boundary conditions. Numerical results of the higher-order theory for deflections and stresses of cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shells are compared with those obtained by means of the classical and first-order shell theories. The effects, due to shear deformation, lamination schemes, loadings ratio, boundary conditions and orthotropy ratio on the deflections and stresses are investigated. 相似文献
粘弹性复合材料层合板壳的动力稳定性分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
分析面内周期激励下粘弹性层合平板以及轴向周期荷载作用下粘弹性层合圆柱壳的动力稳定性。设粘弹性复合材料服从Boltzmann积分型本构关系,其松弛模量由Prony—Dirichlet级数表示,基于薄板与薄壳理论,分别得到对称正交铺设层合板与层合圆柱壳的微分-积分型动力学方程,并应用谐波平衡法直接求解,忽略积分运算所产生的衰减项,导出确定动力不稳定区域边界的特征方程。分析结果表明,主要动力不稳定区域的缩小与材料的粘性参数以及结构横向振动的基频密切相关。 相似文献
Dynamic response of cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shells with various boundary conditions
A. A. Khdeir 《Acta Mechanica》1995,112(1-4):117-134
Summary Closed-form solutions of the dynamic response of cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shells are developed for arbitrary boundary conditions and under arbitrary loadings. The equations of motion of the classical, first-order and third-order theories are converted into a single-order system of equations by using state variables. To solve for the dynamic response, the biorthogonality conditions of principle modes of the original and adjoint eigenfunctions are used to decouple the state space equation. The study reveals that the disagreement between shear deformation theories in much less than the disagreement between them and the classical theory. 相似文献
The problem of edge cracks in an infinite strip of laminated cross-ply materials is considered. Using a singular integral equation formulation and the Gauss-Chebyshev collocation technique, the stress intensity around the cracks is determined as a function of crack length-to-ply thickness ratio and lamina thickness ratio. In addition, the interlaminar shear and maximum cleavage stress in the uncracked layer are determined.
Résumé On considère le problème des fissures de bord dans une bande infinite en matériau contreplaqué. On détermine l'intensité des contraintes au voisinage de ces fissures en fonction des rapports de leur longueur à l'épaisseur de contreplaqué, d'une part, et á l'épaisseur des lamelles d'autre part, en utilisant une formulation d'intégrale singulière et la technique de collocation de Gauss-Chebyshev. En outre, on détermine dans la couche non fissurée la contrainte de cisaillement intercouches et la contrainte maximum de clivage.相似文献
In this study, the instability of delaminated cross-ply thin laminated cylindrical shells and panels when subjected to supersonic flow parallel to its length edge is investigated. The delamination is parallel to the shell reference and it extends along the entire length of the cylindrical shell. The Love’s shell theory and Von-Karman–Donnell type of kinematic relations along with first-order potential theory have been employed to construct the aeroelastic equations of motion. The effects of several parameters such as length to radius ratio, delamination position, size and thickness on the critical values are discussed in the details. The results indicate that the presence of delamination reduced the overall stiffness of the structure and thereby decreases the flutter critical boundaries. 相似文献
A. A. Khdeir 《Acta Mechanica》2001,149(1-4):201-213
Summary Thermal buckling of thick, moderately thick and thin cross-ply laminated beams subjected to uniform temperature distribution are analyzed. Exact analytical solutions of refined beam theories are developed to obtain the critical buckling temperature of cross-ply beams with various boundary conditions. The state space concept in conjunction with Jordan canonical form will be used to solve exactly the governing equations of the thermal buckling problems. The effects of length to thickness ratio, modulus ratio, thermal expansion coefficients ratio, various boundary conditions and number of layers on the critical buckling temperature are investigated. 相似文献
Dr. A. A. Khdeir 《Acta Mechanica》2001,151(3-4):135-147
Summary An exact analytical solution of the dynamic response of cross-ply laminated shallow shells subject to rapid heating is presented. The classical theory (based on Love-Kirchhoff assumption), involving three coupled partial differential equations, is used. The solution is applicable to shells whose parallel edges are simply supported and the remaining ones are clamped. A generalized modal approach is used to obtain the solution. The equations of motion are converted into a single-order system of equations by using state variables. The biorthogonality conditions of principal modes of the original and adjoint eigenfunctions are used to decouple the state space equation. Histories of deflection of graphite-reinforced aluminum shell panels are presented through numerical examples. 相似文献
Mehdi Bohlooly 《Advanced Composite Materials》2017,26(5):407-426
A thermomechanical buckling analysis is presented for simply supported rectangular symmetric cross-ply laminated composite plates that are integrated with surface-mounted piezoelectric actuators and are subjected to the combined action of in-plane compressive edge loads, two types of thermal loads, and constant applied actuator voltage. The formulation of equations is based on the classical laminated plate theory and the von-Karman non-linear kinematic relations. The analysis uses an exact method to obtain closed-form solutions for the buckling load. The effects of applied actuator voltage, thermal and mechanical loads, plate geometry, and lay-up configuration of the laminated plates are investigated. The novelty of the present work is to obtain closed-form solutions for electro-thermomechanical buckling of hybrid composite plates, and to cover non-uniform temperature distribution loading. The results for various states are verified with known data in the literature. 相似文献
H. Abramovich
A. Livshits
《Composite Structures》1993,25(1-4):371-379The dynamic behavior of cross-ply non-symmetric composite beams, having uniform piezoelectric layers is analysed. A first-order Timoshenko type analysis is applied to obtain the equations of motion, which include shear deformation, rotary inertia, bending-stretching coupling terms and induced axial strains caused by the piezoelectric material. Using the principle of virtual work, the coupled equations of motion and the relevant boundary conditions are obtained. For a laminated beam having uniform piezoelectric layers the induced strains appear only in the boundary conditions yielding time dependent ones. Therefore, a special procedure involving orthogonality of the coupled Timoshenko type natural vibrational modes of the beam is applied to help understanding of the dynamic behavior of the non-symmetric laminated beam and to investigate the influence of the induced strains (by the piezoelectric layers) on the dynamic behavior while keeping an ‘open-loop’ control. Typical types of laminates and piezoelectric materials are used to calculate natural frequencies and mode shapes. Numerical results for various parameters of laminated beams are presented to stress the better applicability and suitability of the present approach to the analysis of dynamic behavior of laminated composite beams with piezoelectric layers. 相似文献
In this study the influence of eccentric circular cutouts on the prebuckling and postbuckling stiffness, and effective widths of compression loaded laminated composite plates are presented. The effective-widths concept is derived based on nonlinear finite element analysis for the plates with and without cutout. Several behavioral trends are described that initially appear to be nonintuitive. The results demonstrate a complex interaction between cutout size and the degree of plate orthotropy that affects the axial stiffness and effective width of plate subjected to compression loads. Also these investigations show that the cutout dimension have a more considerable effect on prebuckling stiffness compare to postbuckling one. It will show that the stiffness ratio of the postbuckling over prebuckling is increased by cutout size. Considering the effective-width ratios concept provide a simple means for incorporating the postbuckling strength and stiffness of plate subcomponents into the design of stiffened structures. 相似文献
AbstractThe buckling of generally laminated conical shells having thickness variations under axial compression is investigated. This problem usually arises in the filament wound conical shells where the thickness changes through the length of the cone. The thickness may be assumed to change linearly through the length of the cone. The fundamental relations for a conical shell with variable thickness applying thin-walled shallow shell theory of Donnell-type and theorem of minimum potential energy have been derived. Nonlinear terms of Donnell equations are linearized by the use of adjacent-equilibrium criterion. Governing equations are solved using power series method. This procedure enables us to investigate all combinations of classical boundary conditions. The results are verified in comparison with Galerkin method and the available results in the literature. Effects of thickness function coefficient, semi-vertex angle, lamination sequence, length to diameter ratio, and initial thickness of the cone on the buckling load are investigated. It is observed that these parameters have considerable effects on the critical buckling load of a conical shell. 相似文献
In this study Lamb waves propagating in a laminated composite plate with stepped thickness variance are characterized through experiments. Understanding the characteristics of Lamb waves is very important for developing a structural health monitoring system, as the number, size, and location of transducers should be determined at the structural design stage. Thin piezoelectric (PZT) transducers bonded to the surface were used for the generation and reception of Lamb waves. The influences of stepped thickness variance were investigated with measurement of group velocities and frequency analyses of the received signals. In addition, a mode analysis was conducted by a mutual transmitting–receiving method making use of the difference between the signals received from a pair of PZTs consisting of transmitter and receiver. 相似文献
A. A. KhdeirJ. N. Reddy 《International Journal of Engineering Science》1994,32(12):1971-1980
Analytical solutions of refined beam theories are developed to study the free vibration behavior of cross-ply rectangular beams with arbitrary boundary conditions in conjunction with the state space approach. The study concludes that the disagreement between different shear deformation theories is much less than the disagreement between any of them and Euler-Bernoulli theory. 相似文献
The buckling analysis of cross-ply laminated conical shell panels with simply supported boundary conditions at all edges and subjected to axial compression is studied. The conical shell panel is a very interesting problem as it can be considered as the general case for conical shells when the subtended angle is set to 2π and also cylindrical panels and shells when the semi-vertex angle is equal to zero. Equations were derived using classical shell theory of Donnell type and solved using generalized differential quadrature method. The results are compared and validated with the known results in the literature. The effects of subtended angle, semi-vertex angle, length, thickness and radius of the panel on the buckling load and mode are investigated. 相似文献
Asymmetric free vibrations of annular cross-ply circular plates are studied using spline function approximation. The governing equations are formulated including the effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia. Assumptions are made to study the cross-ply layered plates. A system of coupled differential equations are obtained in terms of displacement functions and rotational functions. These functions are approximated using Bickley- type spline functions of suitable order. Then the system is converted into the eigenvalue problem by applying the point collocation technique and suitable boundary conditions. Parametric studies have been made to investigate the effect of transverse shear deformation and rotary inertia on frequency parameter with respect to the circumferential node number, radii ratio and thickness to radius ratio for both symmetric and anti-symmetric cross-ply plates using various types of material properties. 相似文献
In this study, the non-linear buckling behavior of cross-ply laminated orthotropic truncated conical shells under axial load has been investigated. The basic relations of the cross-ply laminated orthotropic truncated conical shells are derived using the von Karman–Donnell-type of kinematic non-linearity. Then modified Donnell type non-linear stability and compatibility equations are obtained and are solved. Finally, the influences of the number and ordering of layers and the variations of the conical shell characteristics on the non-linear axial buckling load are investigated. Comparison with available results is satisfactorily good. 相似文献
The static thermo-elastic response of symmetric and anti-symmetric cross-ply laminated plates has been investigated by the use of a unified shear deformation plate theory. The present plate theory enables the trial and testing of different through-the-thickness transverse shear-deformation distributions and, among them, strain distributions that do not involve the undesirable implications of the transverse shear correction factors. The validity of the present theory is demonstrated by comparison with solutions available in the literature. A wide variety of results is presented for the static response of simply supported rectangular plates under non-uniform sinusoidal mechanical and/or thermal loadings. The influence of material anisotropy, aspect ratio, side-to-thickness ratio, thermal expansion coefficients ratio and stacking sequence on the thermally induced response is studied. 相似文献