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对某切刀矩时工作后出现的裂纹失效进行了分析。着重讨论了在磨削加工中形变应力、热应力和组织应力对切刀成形后的影响,提示了切刀在磨削加工后产生应力集中从而导致失效,提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

闫君杰  马世辉 《材料保护》2019,52(1):137-139
某304不锈钢拉簧在疲劳试验过程中发生了断裂。通过宏观形貌分析、金相显微组织分析、化学成分分析及扫描电镜微观形貌分析等方法,对发生断裂的不锈钢拉簧进行了失效原因分析。结果表明:拉簧表面制造过程中产生的划伤是造成该不锈钢拉簧发生疲劳断裂的根本原因。  相似文献   

航空发动机不锈钢导管失效分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李权  傅国如  徐志刚  刘贵才 《材料工程》2003,(Z1):137-138,143
对航空发动机用不锈钢导管裂纹(断裂)故障进行了分析,确定了故障性质以及产生原因.通过失效分析,对航空发动机用不锈钢导管的使用维修和生产制造进行了思考.  相似文献   

双相不锈钢磷酸料浆循环泵叶轮的失效分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

通过宏观检验、扫描电镜观察以及X射线能谱分析等手段,对某304奥氏体不锈钢DN50波纹软管开裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:软管开裂是由于腐蚀疲劳所致,软管的管壁内、外表面在腐蚀介质和外界应力的综合作用下产生沿晶微裂纹和蜂窝状腐蚀形貌,并受到交变应力作用,因而发生双向多源疲劳开裂失效。  相似文献   

某临近海边小区的316不锈钢护栏安装完约两个月后即出现腐蚀失效。采用化学成分分析、金相检验、扫描电镜及能谱分析等方法对护栏腐蚀失效原因进行了分析。结果表明:护栏焊缝区与母材化学成分存在明显差异,使得两者之间存在较大的电极电位差,焊缝处存在一定的焊接残余应力。且安装位置临近海边,空气湿度大,该护栏在焊缝熔敷金属区域发生电化学腐蚀和应力腐蚀,在该两种腐蚀的综合作用下最终造成护栏腐蚀失效。  相似文献   

304和201牌号的不锈钢仅从外观难以识别,本文介绍一种化学分析方法快速识别304和201不锈钢。将二水氯化铜、β-丙氨酸、浓盐酸按不同配比配制成不同识别剂,通过比较识别效果,最终确认以上三种试剂最佳物质的量之比为3:2:4.8。通过对实际产品进行验证,确认此识别剂是有效的。  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱仪等手段对321不锈钢焊接波纹管表面腐蚀物的化学成分、焊缝区域的显微组织、腐蚀裂纹的形态特征等方面进行检验和分析。结果表明,波纹管局部电镀端内壁腐蚀导致漏气失效,即加工应力、焊接残余应力与含Cl^-或含Cl^-和溶解氧的腐蚀性介质的联合作用使波纹管局部电镀端产生了点蚀和应力腐蚀开裂;退火工艺设计的不合理和钎焊工艺控制不恰当使焊缝热影响区敏化而出现了晶间腐蚀。据此提出了降低和避免321不锈钢焊接波纹管因腐蚀而漏气的措施。  相似文献   

为了解铁路电气工程用棘轮补偿下锚销轴服役工件开裂失效的原因,采用金相显微观察、化学成分分析、扫描电镜和能谱分析及有限元模拟等手段,对开裂销轴金相组织、夹杂物以及内部裂纹进行了观察与表征。结合分析测试结果及其服役环境判断,其主要失效形式为腐蚀疲劳开裂,失效工件内部存在的冶金夹渣和非金属夹杂物是疲劳裂纹的萌生源。  相似文献   

采用光学和扫描电子显微镜及能谱仪等手段,对进口的铁素体不锈钢棒制造的空调四通换向阀中的封头失效进行了分析。认为棒材内部存在的大量沿轴向分布的硫化锰夹杂物导致封头开裂,从而使空调四通换向阀产生失效。  相似文献   

The petroleum industry has changed significantly over the past decades. For example, in Brazil, oil extraction under very deep sea water is growing very quickly. As a consequence, materials and components used for such applications must have properties required to withstand adverse conditions and ensure satisfactory performance and reliability in service. Nonetheless, components that normally fulfill these standard requirements can fail under severe service conditions such as high pressure and temperatures and high concentrations of H2S and CO2. Among the factors that can cause the premature failure in metallic components are the use of inadequate materials, the presence of defects that appeared during the production, and errors of project, assembly, or maintenance. Failure analysis allows the identification of causes and thus contributes to improvements in the operation and performance of similar equipment. In this work, light optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze the microstructure and fracture surface of two centrifugal pump shafts that failed during use in a Brazilian petroleum refinery. The results showed that one shaft, made of duplex stainless steel, failed by fatigue fracture, and the other, made of 316 austenitic stainless steel, experienced a similar fracture, which was promoted by the presence of nonmetallic inclusion particles.  相似文献   

不锈钢着色工艺及彩色不锈钢的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李青 《功能材料》1994,25(5):458-464
概述了彩色不锈钢的着色原理、各种着色工艺、着色膜硬化处理工艺、着色处理过程的管理。讨论了彩色不锈钢板的性能及彩色不锈钢的应用。  相似文献   

Austenitic stainless steel pipelines are used as a conduit for gaseous nitrogen to ejector flow lines of propulsion engine test facility. Leakage was noticed near a welded T-joint of such a pipeline system that was in service for years. Detailed metallurgical investigations were carried out to understand the cause of failure. Synergistic effect of chloride ions, thermal stresses from welding, and the presence of sensitized grains of the material led to stress-corrosion cracking of the steel. This paper highlights details of investigation.  相似文献   

Wire ropes are used in vast range of applications and many of the applications are safety critical. In the mining industry wire ropes are extensively used for hoisting/haulage. Due to the hostile operating load conditions, many wire ropes degrade in service. Fatigue of wires in rope in combination with other detrimental factors is frequently responsible for rope deterioration and premature failure during operation. In this paper the causes of failure of a wire rope used for hoisting in an Indian mine are determined with only a minimum level of information provided by the customer. Samples of the failed rope were obtained and analyzed and potential remedial measures to prevent such degradation are discussed. Reprinted with permission from Proceedings of AIME 2006, held on January 20–21, 2006 organized by Jamia Milia Islamia (a central university) New Delhi-110025, pp. 122–132.  相似文献   

Martensitic stainless steel nuts were received for failure analysis. A few of these nuts cracked at the immediate stress loading while the others fractured after 2 years of service. These nuts were subjected to different metallurgical tests such as visual examination, optical microscopy, chemical analysis, hardness testing, and fractography. It was concluded that improper heat treatment weakened the structure and subsequently fractured on the application of load.  相似文献   

钛-钢异种金属的连接在航天航空以及化工领域得到了越来越广泛的应用,解决两种金属的连接问题,是其满足实际应用的关键。本文综述了钛-钢钎焊存在的问题并对钛-钢钎焊用钎料及钎焊方法作了简要的概述和分析,最后指出了有待深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

本文应用极值统计法对杭州华东制药公司的不锈钢热交换盘管的孔蚀最大深度与穿孔数进行预测,予测值与现场检测结果符合得很好!  相似文献   

本文研制了一种新型沉淀硬化型不锈钢并对其抗气蚀性能进行了研究。结果表明,微量硼的加入能明显改变其内部铁素体相的数量和分布,从而显著影响其抗气蚀性能。含硼量为0.002% 新型沉淀硬化型不锈钢经500℃时效处理后,具有与1Cr18Ni9Ti相近的抗气蚀性能。  相似文献   

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