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大城市住宅郊区化的空间对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
邹卓君 《规划师》2004,20(9):94-97
我国住宅郊区化进程中存在着空间布局无序、大型住区影响城市空间结构形态良性发展、空间联系不畅、土地资源浪费和生态环境破坏严重等问题。大城市住区必须与城市中心及绿色开敞空间有机组合,建立适应后工业化时代社会经济发展要求的多中心、多层次的城市住区“大结构”,主动引导城市居住功能的有机扩展,力求在住宅郊区化过程取得经济效益与社会效益、生态效益的统一。  相似文献   

赵琪  王蕾 《城市建筑》2007,(8):67-68
本文从分析西方发达国家城市郊区化和北京郊区化现象入手,指出郊区化的判断标准,并论述了北京城市中心区的划分标准和郊区化带来的问题。  相似文献   

中国城市的郊区化与公交导向开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国大城市的郊区化使得许多居民被安置在比他们以前居住地可达性更差的地方,而需要采用机动化方式出行。基于对最近才迁居到上海郊区三个街区的居民所进行的当前出行及回顾以前出行的调查数据,研究了迁居至外围地区对就业可达性、通勤方式选择和通勤时耗的影响。发现:迁居后,居民的就业可达性下降很快,与此相伴随的是机动化出行比例及通勤时间的大幅度提高。然而,也发现:迁居到郊区地铁站附近的居民就业可达性下降的较少,而且对于许多居民来说,如此迁居正鼓励居民出行方式从非机动车方式转向公共交通方式。我们得出结论认为:对于把快速郊区化的中国城市引导走向更持续的道路,可寄予公交为导向的开发模式以很高的期望。  相似文献   

住宅产业化进程中的居住隔离——以上海为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论述了现阶段我国居住隔离的社会经济背景,并以上海为例,从多层次的住宅供应体系、居住隔离的空间分布、居住隔离的外部表征三方面对其加以考察,重点描述居住隔离的空间特征。最后指出,在住宅产业化进程中,遏制居住隔离现象是我国城市住宅建设的当务之急。  相似文献   

张春英  洪杰 《华中建筑》2008,26(12):58-59
该文通过对郊区化概念的解读,指出对郊区化概念的引用应该深刻分析其产生的社会背景,采取审慎的态度。通过对比中西方郊区化的结果、范围,城市发展的阶段、主体,分析中国城市现在所处的发展状态与美国城市郊区化的差别,深入的透析中国城市是否进入郊区化阶段这一争论焦点。最后得出中国的城市化进入了西方城市所没有经历的阶段,并非西方的郊区化阶段。  相似文献   

Masterplanned Estates (MPEs) are increasingly attracting migrants settling in the urban growth areas of metropolitan Melbourne. Their lived experiences differ considerably to the way developers promote and construct communities in MPEs. Based on a case-study of Filipinos and Indians living in Wyndham, findings show that instead, residents are involved locally in multiple diverging ways. Their lived experiences are rather home-centred and related to communities associated with Filipino or Indian cultures. Therefore, the paper argues that a better apprehension of these planned social environments is needed to foster a cultural recognition that encapsulates diverse aspirations to create more socially inclusive places.  相似文献   

吴芳 《现代城市研究》2005,20(11):66-68
目前,随着城市化进程的加快,我国城市的居住 郊区化已成为不可逆转的事实,但我国的居住 郊区化具有与欧美发达国家不同的一些特征。 我国的居住郊区化异变是指居住在郊区的人口 已由最初的中高收入阶层变为中低收入阶层, 这种异变所带来的问题是很多的,如何缓解和 解决这些问题,推进我国的城市化进程是非常 值得研究的。  相似文献   

人才保障房政策对大城市城镇化进程有重要作用。以南京市为例,将大数据(POI等)与小数据(问卷和访谈)结合,利用GIS空间分析和SPSS统计方法,总结已建(在建)人才保障房的居住空间特征和新就业人才居住需求偏好,并探析人才保障房住区和需求偏好的适配与错位;最后透过问题反思讨论人才保障房的发展。主要结论为:(1)人才保障房围绕产业园区布局,选址考虑职住平衡,却远离城市中心;周边配套设施缺乏,而内部配套又不足;住区社会空间流动性高,住户场所感低。(2)在既已形成的功能格局和基于土地财政的经济理性下,当前人才保障房居住空间难以满足人才需求。  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the processes of commodification of land and housing in Taiwan during the era of rapid economic development since the Second World War. On paper, Taiwan has a quite extraordinarily socialistic philosophy of landownership, based on the teachings of Sun Yat-sen and his doctrine of equalization of land rights. However, there is a very large discrepancy between policy and practice and as a consequence urban development and housing delivery are intensely commodified sectors of the Taiwanese economy. The beneficiaries of urban development have primarily been the middle class and powerful development factions. The specific economic and political institutions, related primarily to its precarious relationship with Mainland China, have shaped the perplexed trajectory of commodification of land and housing in Taiwan.  相似文献   


This study asks how a social mix policy that mixes public housing with private housing in the same housing complex is associated with residential satisfaction among public housing residents in Korea. We also ask if mixture types between public and private housing make a difference in the residential satisfaction of public housing residents. By analyzing the 2011 Korea Housing Survey for Public Housing Residents, we find that living in the independent type that includes only public housing and the random-mix type that randomly mixes public housing with private housing in the same building is positively related to residential satisfaction among public housing residents. The empirical analysis also shows that the levels of social conflict among residents are the lowest in the random-mix type.  相似文献   

本文对日本高龄者住宅居住设施的类型和高龄者的居住现状进行了考察,并列举了高龄者租赁住宅的三个实例,归纳出日本高龄者住宅的特点和发展动向,以期获得对中国老年人可持续居住环境构筑的有益启示.  相似文献   

社区是社会治理的基石,构筑共建共治共享的社会治理模式是新时代对社区规划的顶层设计指引,也是国外社区规划的魅力所在。国内的社区规划长期聚焦于对物质空间的刻画,但随着政府和公众对居住环境品质关注度的提升,社区规划正逐步转型,但转型程度尚有待探索。以广州市早期及新建成的保障房社区为例,从居住环境品质的角度对规划实施成效及公众参与的影响程度进行比较评价。结果显示,保障房社区规划的制度设计与技术标准均有提升,规划编制与实施也更多地吸纳公众的意见。为社区规划的转型与社区共同缔造提供参考。  相似文献   

张万录  陆伟  徐洋 《规划师》2011,27(Z1):124-128
同一阶层的聚集及不同阶层间的隔离,引发了居住隔离的现象,从而对社会的和谐发展埋下隐患.从最初为解决低收入阶层的住房问题,到目前为满足高收入阶层的居住需求,大连市郊区出现了差距显著的住区,居住隔离问题日益严重.研究通过对凌水街道地区的居住社区及其居民职业结构、收入水平等分析得出其隔离指数,在此基础上提出组合各类住区用地,...  相似文献   

城市空间人口密度模型研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自Clark(1951)提出城市空间传统密度模型后,城市空间人口密度分布研究进入了一个繁盛阶段。McDonald(1989)对70年代至80年代后半期城市人口密度分布研究成果进行了整理。本论文在此基础上,着重对反映城市化(尤其是其中的郊区化)进程中日趋复杂的现代城市空间结构变化的人口密度模型进行归纳整理。作为综述论文虽与McDonald(1989)会有部分重复,但论文范围扩展到90年代以后的相关研究成果。  相似文献   

Policies of tenure mix, by removing concentrations of social housing or through the application of inclusionary zoning-type powers to new developments, are being pursued throughout Australia and in the USA, the UK and New Zealand. Implementing this tenure mix policy agenda requires significant intervention into urban areas that currently have concentrations of social housing, through programmes of regeneration or renewal. Despite this policy agenda, research on the benefits of tenure mix has produced inconclusive evidence, both in Australia and internationally. The paper reports on research undertaken in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, which tests a method of evaluating tenure mix policy. The exploratory method uses dwelling price data as a proxy for measuring amenity or ‘neighbourhood quality’ changes from tenure mix interventions.  相似文献   

经济适用房是保障性住房中的一种产品,保障性住房建设是一项十分有意义的民生工程。来自住房城乡建设部的资料显示,“十一五”期间,中央累计安排保障性安居工程专项补助资金高迭千亿元。一系列涉及金融、土地等方面的扶持政策相继出台,为保障性住房建设可持续发展提供动力。该文在对武汉市等中部城市保障性住房建设现状研究的基础上,对经济适用房建设与发展进行综合评述,研讨我国中部城市经济适用房建设和保障体系经验与启示,探讨我国大中城市经济适用房建设的管理体制与运行机制。  相似文献   

Governments all over the world try to influence in one way or another the residential mobility of their citizens. This article takes the vantage point of why Belgians do not want to change residence a lot and how they actually succeed in doing this. We claim that the framework of a housing pathways approach helps to get to grips with the historically built-up archive of normalizing discourses and practices related to housing and diverse other domains of life. Our in-depth interviews with 67 residents reveal that normalizing discourses and practices on becoming and remaining a stable home-owner mainly support the two pillars of Belgian housing policy (home ownership and commuting) even when these practices and discourses further endorse ecological and accessibility problems. Policies that successfully want to change the relocation practices of people do have to take this archive seriously.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse whether or not differentiated rents reflect differences in neighbourhood quality in housing of similar quality and age in two target cities in Sweden. The system for rent setting in Sweden is partly based on a process of negotiation in which the annual change in actual rents is an outcome of negotiations between the local branch of the Swedish Union of Tenants and local municipal housing companies. One possible outcome of these negotiations could be change to the rental structure in the different neighbourhoods within the municipality. By allowing differences in negotiated rent outcomes in different neighbourhoods, a better relationship of rent level to tenant perception of neighbourhood quality can be achieved. It is the understanding of the authors that in a number of local-housing-market rent negotiations over the last decade, the parties involved have agreed on the need for and have consciously aimed towards making such adjustments. In this paper, regression analysis has been used to analyse data about rent levels for residential units from two cities in Sweden, namely Gothenburg and Luleå. It can be concluded that differentiated rents are indeed present, hence the existing rent-setting system in Sweden can be used to improve the relationship between rental structure and neighbourhood quality.  相似文献   

Air-change rate is an important parameter influencing residential air quality. This article critically assesses the state of knowledge regarding residential air-change rates, emphasizing periods of normal occupancy. Cumulatively, about 40 prior studies have measured air-change rates in approximately 10,000 homes using tracer gases, including metabolic CO2. The central tendency of the air-change rates determined in these studies is reasonably described as lognormal with a geometric mean of 0.5 h−1 and a geometric standard deviation of 2.0. However, the geometric means of individual studies vary, mainly within the range 0.2–1 h−1. Air-change rates also vary with time in residences. Factors influencing the air-change rate include weather (indoor–outdoor temperature difference and wind speed), the leakiness of the building envelope, and, when present, operation of mechanical ventilation systems. Occupancy-associated factors are also important, including window opening, induced exhaust from flued combustion, and use of heating and cooling systems. Empirical and methodological challenges remain to be effectively addressed. These include clarifying the time variation of air-change rates in residences during occupancy and understanding the influence of time-varying air-change rates on tracer-gas measurement techniques. Important opportunities are available to improve understanding of air-change rates and interzonal flows as factors affecting the source-to-exposure relationships for indoor air pollutants.  相似文献   

This research examines issues facing resident owners purchasing and living in condominiums in a major Australian tourist destination. The authors argue that the trend towards urban consolidation presents challenges for purchasers who buy ‘off the plan’ with the intention of self-occupation of apartments. Using a qualitative approach involving in-depth interviews of residents, the study identifies four main areas of concern for resident owners. Issues such as residential use, zoning, dispute resolution and the role of the caretaker are discussed. The study concludes that action is needed in order to reform body corporate legislation and to encourage local authorities to discharge responsibilities not just for planning but also for land use.  相似文献   

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