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New strategies for sludge stabilization and mineralization need to be developed since the use of sludge in agriculture is debatable and sludge incineration cannot be a systematic solution. Minimization of sludge production should be preferred. In this work, the effect of ozone on activated sludge solubilization and mineralization during batch experiments is assessed by establishing carbon and ozone mass balances. After extended ozonation of the sludge, more than 90% of the particulate carbon is modified. Depending on the experimental conditions, from 15 to 50% is found in a soluble form and from 35% to 95% was mineralized. The VSS/SS ratio decreases from 86% to less than 50% illustrating the sludge mineralization. The initial rate of ozone consumption by the sludge is very high (estimated value: 30 mgO3/g VSS.min) and corresponds to high rates of carbon solubilization and mineralization. More than 50% of the carbon obtained after ozonation is found to be readily biodegradable using a short-term BOD procedure.  相似文献   

Properties of activated sludge during ozonation were analyzed. The structure and surface characteristics altered with the increase of ozone dosage. At low ozone dosage, the floc structure was completely dismantled. Floc fragments reformed through reflocculation at an ozone dosage greater than 0.20 g O3·g?1 mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS). Inactivation of microorganisms in the activated sludge mixture was caused by ozonation. Microbial growth decreased by up to 65% compared to the control. Simultaneously, 92.5% of nucleotide and 97.4% of protein in microbial cells of the sludge were released. Organic substance, nitrogen and phosphorus were released from the sludge during the ozonation process. The initial value of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) was 72 mg·L?1. When the ozone dosage was 0.12 g O3·g?1 MLSS, the value of SCOD rapidly reached 925 mg·L?1, increased by almost 12-fold. Simultaneously, 54.7% of MLSS was reduced. The composition of MLSS was changed, indicating that the inner water of cells and volatile organic substance decreased during the ozonation process.  相似文献   

Pre-ozonation is often uneconomical for typical wastewaters with varied mixtures of organic compounds as more biodegradables than non-biodegradables are oxidized, all requiring ozone. The concept developed in this paper is ozonation within an activated sludge system to oxidize recalcitrant substances to more degradable forms and byproducts and to immediately assimilate or biodegrade these within the biological system. The focus was on a novel method of combining ozonation and biological treatment in one integrated unit without adversely affecting the bacterial population responsible for the biological degradation. An azo dye, spiked into the wastewater feed was used to study removal of a recalcitrant compound in a biological system.  相似文献   

This article presents a laboratory study of the ozonation of diluted cherry stillage, a high-strength wastewater. Influence of variables, kinetics, and the effects of an ozonation stage coupled with the biological treatment by activated sludge are addressed. Single activated sludge processing was shown effective to remove biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) but polyphenols were reduced to a lesser extent. On the other hand, direct wastewater ozonation did not reduce COD and total organic carbon (TOC) appreciably, and foaming problems were experienced when a high gas flow rate was applied. However, polyphenols and UV254 absorbance decreased substantially by means of ozonation. To best achieve complete cherry stillage purification, two ways of coupling ozonation with activated sludge are proposed. Ozonation prior to activated sludge is advised for high-concentration wastewater to reduce polyphenol concentration, thus removing inhibiting effects. For wastewater with low polyphenol concentration the sequence activated sludge–ozonation–activated sludge is preferred to enhance the overall process performance in terms of oxidation efficiency and sludge settling.  相似文献   

The ultimate disposal of wastewater sludge has been, and continues to be, one of the most expensive problems faced by wastewater utilities in the United States. The objective of this research was to apply cell lysis and cryptic growth principles to activated sludge to study the applicability of ozonation to reduce the mass of secondary sludge. The study produced data and details for application of ozone to reduce secondary sludge production. The application of ozone reduced the mass of waste sludge by 30 to 50% depending on the ozonation rate and period.  相似文献   

Ozonation of a natural tannin (NT; CODo?=?1195 mg/L; TOCo?=?342 mg/L; BOD5,o?=?86 mg/L) and a synthetic tannin ST; CODo?=?465 mg/L; TOCo?=?55 mg/L; BOD5,o?=?6 mg/L) being frequently applied in the polyamide dyeing process was investigated. Synthetic wastewater samples containing these tannins individually were prepared and subjected to ozonation at varying ozone doses (625– 1250 mgO3/L wastewater), at pH?=?3.5 (the application pH of tannins) and pH?=?7.0 at an ozone dose of 1125 mgO3/L wastewater. The collective environmental parameters COD, TOC, BOD5, UV254 and UV280 (UV absorbance at 254 nm and 280 nm, representing aromatic and unsaturated moieties, respectively) were followed during ozonation. Changes in the biodegradability of the tannins were evaluated in terms of BOD5 measurements conducted before and after ozonation. In addition, activated sludge inhibition tests employing heterotrophic biomass were run to elucidate the inhibitory effect of raw and ozonated textile tannins towards activated sludge biomass. Partial oxidation (45% COD removal at an ozone dose of 750 mg O3/L wastewater and pH?=?3.5) of ST was sufficient to achieve elimination of its inhibitory effect towards heterotrophic biomass and acceptable biodegradability improvement, whereas the inhibitory effect and biodegradability of NT could not be reduced via ozonation under the same reaction conditions.  相似文献   

The treatment of a complex pharmaceutical effluent using a combination of ozonation and biological treatment is reported with the use of ozonation as a pre- and posttreatment. Pretreatment facilitated biodegradability index (BI = BOD/COD) enhancement of up to 0.44 along with COD and color reduction of up to 42% and 33%, respectively. Subsequent anaerobic biodegradation of effluent indicated negligible biogas generation; however, aerobic biodegradation of pretreated effluent resulted in COD reduction (73%) and color reduction (62%), which was also indicated by the biokinetic parameters. Further, ozonation as a posttreatment led to higher overall COD (87%) and color (93%) removal.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale sludge treatment plant was built to investigate the feasibility of ozonation processes for waste activated sludge treatment. Ozonation of wastewater sludge resulted in mass reduction by mineralization as well as by supernatant and filtrate recycle. Another advantage of sludge ozonation is a significant improvement of settleability and dewaterability. Experimental results showed that mass reduction of 70% and volume reduction of 85% compared with the control sludge was achieved through the sludge ozonation at a dose of 0.5?gO3/gDS. It is also interesting to note that the filterability deteriorates up to ozone dose of 0.2?gO3/gDS and then improves considerably at a higher ozone dose. The filterability could be improved by chemical conditioning even at a low ozone dose. The economic feasibility by cost analysis reveals that ozonation processes can be more economical than other alternative processes for sludge treatment and disposal at small-sized wastewater treatment plants.  相似文献   

The possibility of the integration of ozonation and biological processes as an economical way to treat biorecalcitrant organic compounds such as nitrobenzene and 2,4-dichlorophenol was investigated. In the pre-treatment step, stoichiometric coefficients and pseudo first-order kinetic constants were obtained. Biodegradability was monitored throughout the ozonation step, in order to evaluate the optimum ozone doses. The low TOC reduction after these ozone doses allowed much of the organic carbon to be removed in the biological stage. In the case of 2,4-dichlorophenol, the biodegradability improvement was checked in an aerobic bioreactor. By means of the combined ozonation-biological oxidation, up to 80% of the initial organic content was removed. Results presented in this study show the feasibility of using the combination of ozone and conventional biological treatments to treat wastewaters containing these pollutants.  相似文献   

An aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) at complete biomass retention was studied over a period of time under starvation conditions. Kinetic parameters were determined in a no‐feed batch test. The decay rate of activated sludge, kd = 0.05 d–1, was determined by tracking the decrease of MLSS. The ratio of MLVSS/MLSS was in the range 0.76–0.85. The pH values were between 7.02 and 8.23. As a function of different initial concentrations of MLSS, specific nitrification rates qN, decreased from 4.23 to 0.02 mg‐N/(g MLVSS d) and specific biodegradation rates qb increased from 0.23 to 1.90 mg‐COD/(g MLVSS d). From experimental data the kinetic constants for respiration, which followed Monod kinetics, were determined as qO2max = 9.8 mg‐O2/(g MLVSS h), Kx = 2.9 g/dm3. Additionally, a linear correlation between MLSS and mean floc size was found to exist during the biodegradation process.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to develop a systematic approach to quantify adsorption and biodegradation capacities on biological activated carbon (BAC). The role of absorption and biodegradation on BAC was studied using a continuous column. Several media, i.e., granular activated carbon (GAC), seeded glass bead and seeded GAC, and a target compound (p-hydroxybenzoic acid) were selected. Before breakthrough, the effluent of the GAC column contained a small amount of p-hydroxybenzoic acid that contributed the greatest amount of organic carbon to the effluent of the glass bead column, which suggests that adsorption should be the prevailing mechanism for removal the p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and biodegradation should be responsible for reducing the ozonation intermediates. Also, the bioactivity approach (biomass respiration potential, BRP) of BAC can not only reveal the importance of biodegradation mechanisms for the intermediates of ozonation, but also quantify the extent of the adsorption or biodegradation reaction occurring on BAC.  相似文献   

Pre-ozonation is often used to enhance the biodegradability of recalcitrant compounds prior to biological treatment of wastewater. A usual shortcoming of such an approach is wasting ozone on other compounds that are already biodegradable. This research followed a groundbreaking approach of degrading a recalcitrant substance with ozone during biological treatment. Two parallel bench-top activated sludge processes were fed a synthetic wastewater containing typical biodegradable substances and also methylene blue at 5 mg/L. Ozone was applied continuously and directly into one of the activated sludge units at 17 mg/L based on inflow rate. The methylene blue was removed by 95%?in the ozonated process compared with just 40%?removal in the non-ozonated control. The removal in the activated sludge without ozonation was demonstrated to be mainly due to biosorption. The ozone oxidation reaction by-products were analyzed using GC-MS on volatile substances collected in the headspace above ozonated samples of methylene blue and most found to be biodegradable. These by-products are expected to be degraded and assimilated in the same process unit together with the other biodegradables in the feed stream by the activated sludge process. The reaction rate with organic substances depleted the dissolved ozone at such a rate that the inactivation of the treatment bacteria (and protozoa) was minimal, mostly affecting the filamentous bacteria. A concern that ozone, as a powerful disinfectant, could inhibit or kill the beneficial bacteria in the activated sludge process was proven to be incorrect.  相似文献   

Ozonation of p-nitrophenol adsorbed on activated carbon fiber (ACF) was conducted in a semiwet atmosphere, and its effect on the textural and chemical characteristics of ACF was examined. The decomposition kinetics of p-nitrophenol followed a pseudo–first-order reaction, and an increase in O3 input enhanced the removal of p-nitrophenol. Ozone slightly etched ACF and resulted in a decrease in the pore volume of ACF, but slightly different changes in pore diameter also occurred on virgin and spent ACF. An increase in the surface oxygen-containing groups (C=O, COOH, etc.) after ozonation might have influence on the adsorption capacity of ACF.  相似文献   

为提高以污泥制备的活性炭的吸附性能,采用化学活化方法将污泥、粉煤灰混合制备活性炭并研究其吸附性能。研究表明,在污泥、粉煤灰和ZnCl2质量比为10∶3∶4、活化温度为500℃、活化时间为80 min条件下,制备的活性炭吸附性能最佳,其比表面积为459.56 m2/g,总孔面积为0.32 mL/g,碘值为376.17 mg/g。以污泥和粉煤灰制备活性炭技术在废水治理领域具有良好的工业应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper reports a novel system of catalytic ozonation coupling with activated carbon adsorption for removing the organic compounds treating in the RO concentrate from coal gasification wastewater. The effect of ozone dosage, catalyst dosage, reaction time, influence pH, and temperature on organic compounds removal were examined for the processes. In the catalytic ozonation process, increasing solution pH, dosages ozone, and catalyst were statistically significant for improving the performance. In addition, the high salinity with chloride concentration of 15 g/L could reduce the catalyst specific surface area by 18%. Thus, high salinity showed negative influence on the catalytic effect in TOC removal. Regarding activated carbon adsorption process, modified activated carbon by NaOH revealed advantages in adsorbing organic compounds treating catalytic ozonation effluent. With the ozone dosage of 120 mg/L, catalyst dosage of 2.0 g/L, catalytic ozonation reaction time of 1 h, and modified activated carbon adsorption time of 1 h, the average TOC removal efficiencies were maintained at the stable level of 58% with the TOC concentration of 26 mg/L.  相似文献   

This work deals with the biodegradability and toxicity of three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) (diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen) treated by ozonation. The results show that the total removal of 200 mg L?1 of diclofenac and 100 mg L?1 of naproxen is possible using an ozone dose of 0.20 and 0.04 g L?1, respectively. For 200 mg L?1 of ibuprofen, 90% removal is achieved using an ozone dose of 2.3 g L?1. The BOD5/COD ratio, the Zahn-Wallens test and EC50 toxicity test (Microtox) are chosen as biological and toxicity indicators of NSAID intermediates. The evolution of BOD5/COD ratio during 1 hour of treatment is evaluated and the results show that ozonation improves the biodegradability for the three NSAID treated solution. The Zahn-Wellens test for diclofenac and ibuprofen solutions shows that biological mineralization, after 28 days, is higher for diclofenac than for ibuprofen solution. According to the Microtox test, the treatment with ozone removes the toxicity of the naproxen solution. Taking into account the results obtained with the biocompatibility tests it could be assumed that ozonation is an adequate treatment for removal NSAID in aquatic medium, and the ozonated effluents could be post-treated in a biological wastewater facility.  相似文献   

On the basis of our studies it can be demonstrated that toxic or difficultly degraded substances can be converted, by means of ozonolysis, to biologically active groups of substances. An excess of ozone of 3–6 g 03/g DOC is however necessary. Hater works generally employ doses of 1–2 g O3/ g DOC. This may be the reason for the observed destruction of biological activities in carbon filters since at low doses the dissolved substances may be only partially oxidised or poorly degradable intermediate products are formed. From this point of view the ozonolysis of some model compounds was performed. The reaction of aniline, bezene–sulfonicacid, 4–chloro–o–cresol , 2–nitro–p–cresol and humicacid with ozone show that after low ozone doses (1 g 03/g DOC) the products formed are not biodegradable as in the case of aniline (BOD5/COD=0,05) or that the intermediate products are hardly easier to degrade than the initial substances. B0D5/C0D values of 0,05 – 0,25 were found.The reactions of ozone with the model compounds and the properties of the oxidation products are described.  相似文献   

This research was based on the hypothesis that waste activated sludge (WAS) from municipal wastewater treatment plants can be reduced by ozonation of excess biosolids to induce cell lysis and by promoting utilization of intracellular products released by ozonation of biosolids in the aeration basins. In this research, mathematical modeling studies were performed in order to define process design and major components of ozonation. The main purpose of the model simulations was to evaluate the effect of operational parameters of the ozonation system (such as dosage and duration of ozonation) and to determine the amount of solids to be ozonated in order to achieve desired mass reductions in WAS. This modeling study focused on identification of design parameters and their suggested range of operation. The model presented in this study does not intend to detail and analyze the impact of the scientific variables in the ozonation mechanism, nor does it try to model the biosolids destruction mechanisms when ozonation is applied. The computer model simulations indicated that zero biosolids yield conditions can be achieved if more biosolids than was grown on the influent wastewater was processed through the ozonation system. The simulations suggested that zero biosolids yield conditions can be observed if 2.4 times as much biosolids as was grown on the influent wastewater was processed through the ozonation column, with a daily R of about 0.08 mg O3/mg TSS-day. Furthermore, zero biosolids yield conditions can also be observed if only the amount of waste biosolids grown on the influent wastewater was processed through the ozonation column with a higher average daily R of 0.2 mg O3/mg TSS-day.  相似文献   

The excess sludge produced during biological treatment of wastewater can be reduced by treating this sludge with ozone in a specific reactor and recycling it to the biological facility. This increases the biodegradability of the inert fractions of the sludge without deteriorating the activity of the microorganisms. Ozone reacts only within the film zone near the gas/liquid interface: it is assumed that the size of the microflocs of active microorganisms is greater than the effective thickness of the film, thus protecting them from ozone. This coupled treatment produces treated water having satisfactory characteristics and a residual excess sludge that has an extremely high settling capability.  相似文献   

负荷、泥龄是活性污泥法处理城市污水设计、运行中的重要参数.给出了有机负荷的动力学表达形式(称之为动力学负荷),并对有机负荷和泥龄的关系,有机负荷和泥龄对水质、污泥沉降性能影响进行了理论探讨.  相似文献   

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