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Driven by a concern about the negative side effects of ethnic concentration neighbourhoods, many European governments aim to create more ethnically and socio-economically mixed neighbourhoods. At the same time, housing policy aims to give tenants more choice in how and where they live. The objectives of these two policies might conflict as offering people choice has the potential to increase self-segregation, especially across ethnic groups. This paper studies the effect of choice-based letting on (self) segregation in housing association stock in England. We analyse whether households who let their property under choice-based letting end up in neighbourhoods with different levels of ethnic concentrations than households who are matched to a dwelling using the traditional allocation system. We focus on how the effect of choice-based letting differs for ethnic minority households and non-ethnic minority households. Using unique data on all lettings made in the housing association sector in England in 2006/2007 and an ordered logit regression model we show that ethnic minority households are more likely to let a property in an ethnic concentration neighbourhood than non-ethnic minority households. Ethnic minorities letting their property under choice-based letting are the most likely to accept a dwelling in an ethnic concentration neighbourhood.  相似文献   

Social and ethnic stratification has changed significantly in the former Soviet space since 1991. This research analyses the evolution of inherited ethnic differences in housing during two post-Soviet decades in Tartu, Estonia. The results suggest that ethnic inequalities in dwelling type as well as in housing size per person decreased between 1989 and 2008. More minorities now occupy single-family houses than at the end of the Soviet period. Access to modern facilities within dwelling units, however, is still higher among the minority population. We conclude that inherited ethnic differences in housing conditions were pronounced and, despite evidence of decreasing housing inequalities, subsequent changes have been too modest to overcome inherited patterns of housing segmentation from the Soviet period.  相似文献   

郭佳  咸歆磊  周飞 《山西建筑》2010,36(29):21-22
介绍了当前我国小城镇住宅建设现状,对目前我国小城镇住宅区规划与建设中存在的问题与不足进行了分析研究,根据我国的国情探讨了解决小城镇住宅规划与建设的思路和措施,以促进我国住宅建设的可持续发展。  相似文献   

丰燕  杨毅 《华中建筑》2012,(1):86-88
旅游开发作为民族村镇保护与发展的一种手段,受到越来越多的关注。在制定和编制民族村镇发展规划的过程中,旅游开发往往作为主导策略被放在主要位置加以阐述。似乎已形成民族村镇要发展必须要发展旅游的思维定式,传统民族村镇必须把旅游业作为支柱产业来发展的思路。该文提出民族村镇旅游开发应基于民族村镇自身特点,分析旅游开发与民族村镇发展的关系,指出民族村镇的旅游开发必须走和谐发展道路,并提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

This paper examines the housing experiences of immigrants to Canada through a survey of first-generation Portuguese homebuyers in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. The survey focused on the push/pull factors leading to their decision to live in the suburbs, their housing search strategies, and their use of services in Mississauga and in the initial area of Portuguese immigrant settlement in downtown Toronto. This study uses data from a questionnaire administered to 110 Portuguese homebuyers in 1990, shortly after their first move to suburban Mississauga; a sample of those respondents were re-interviewed in 2003. The evidence indicates that these immigrants were ‘pulled’ into relocating to Mississauga because of their desire to live in a single-family dwelling in a good neighbourhood. Their housing search relied extensively on ethnic sources of information, particularly Portuguese real estate agents. In general, this group of immigrants expressed satisfaction with their move. The Portuguese community in Mississauga is characterized by a form of voluntary segregation, which seems to be partly a result of their reliance on their own ethnic community for information, language barriers to participating in non-Portuguese activities, and a cultural preference for living near people of the same ethnic background. One consequence of this re-segregation process, by which Portuguese people recreate a Portuguese ‘homeland’ in the suburbs, has been the limitation of their social contacts with members of other ethnic communities that have also settled in suburban Mississauga.  相似文献   

以成都市城乡统筹综合配套改革试验区建设为契机,在总结成都市多年城乡统筹实践和"5.12"大地震小城镇灾后重建经验教训的基础上,结合成都市小城镇现状特征和发展实际,参照各级规范标准,制定一般镇规划建设技术导则,进一步规范成都市一般镇规划编制程序、重点、标准和成果,促进小城镇壮大产业、形成特色、完善配套,在就地转移农村劳动力和构建"新型城乡形态"等方面发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

The current drive to promote high densities in the planning and construction of new communities should not be allowed to obscure the success of low-density new towns. Both Reston in Northern Virginia, and Milton Keynes, in the county of Buckinghamshire, England, planned during the 1960s, have become popular with their residents: they now live in new towns recognized for their overall low densities and suburban ethos. Yet the original planners of these towns had markedly ‘urban’ intentions in mind. They aimed for compact living clusters within a tamed countryside of parks and open spaces. Local employment parks would also obviate the need for large-scale commuting. These intentions, however, were not fully implemented. This was most clearly evident in relation to housing. The original planners had preferred a vision predominantly characterized by late-modern urban housing styles. However, popular tastes within the housing market led the subsequent managers of Reston and Milton Keynes to more fully embrace traditional-vernacular models of suburban domestic architecture. These styles complemented the wider countrified setting of the new towns. The following discussion demonstrates the gentle paradox that Reston and Milton Keynes, planned as alternatives to suburban sprawl, became rationalized and attractive suburban entities. The comparative approach within the article also proves the undoubted popularity of suburban living in both England and the USA.  相似文献   

谢元水 《山西建筑》2010,36(3):43-44
指出加强环境规划与保护是小城镇建设迅猛发展的迫切需要,分析了小城镇环境问题的现状,提出了小城镇环境规划的主要任务,阐述了小城镇环境保护管理措施,以促进小城镇的发展。  相似文献   

耿红  柳婕 《华中建筑》2014,(10):124-128
小城镇的建设发展是中国城镇化进程中的重要组成部分,也是优化中国城市空间布局的关键,更是缓解城市发展压力、扩大内需、打破城乡二元结构的重要方法。而小城镇住区现阶段却面临着地域特色不足,城镇文化流失的问题。同样作为与人们日常生活息息相关的居住环境,传统聚落是人类在生产劳动中利用自然、改造自然而创造出的生活环境。它是以生活环境可居性为导向,更能反映居住者的价值观和生活方式。该文通过对传统聚落的形成与特色的分析,探讨传统聚落与社会发展的协同进化的途径,并从中寻找到一条适合体现小城镇生活特色塑造的规划方式,将其运用到小城镇住区建设中,完善小城镇规划体系。  相似文献   

小城镇规划是城市规划近年来研究的重点.尤其城市边缘地区小城镇发展受城市影响,发展十分迅速,更是受到了规划界的关注。本文以小城镇本身经济,人民生活特点出发,研究小城镇空间布局的特点,以及对小城镇空间布局的影响因素。  相似文献   

The housing careers of minority ethnic groups is an under-researched topic. Filling this knowledge gap is important for several reasons. Increased knowledge within this field may help explain the disadvantaged position of minority ethnic groups in housing markets in cities on different continents. Policy strategies can be formulated when it is known whether minority ethnic groups have specific preferences or suffer from specific barriers in the housing market. In this introduction to this special issue on the housing careers of minority ethnic groups, attention is paid to the concept of housing career and the definition of minority ethnic groups in different countries. The focus of the main part of the paper is the identification of factors affecting the course of housing careers in general and those of minority ethnic groups in particular.  相似文献   

People from ethnic minority groups have a range of experiences of living in Britain, some of which are significantly different from those of white British people. Previous research and case studies suggest that the physical environment has a positive or negative role in perceptions of everyday life. It is argued that landscapes have a symbolic dimension, and aspects of landscapes can be recognized as familiar or alien, welcoming or excluding. A wide variety of case studies in Britain are used to discuss design and management practices that reflect a range of cultural experiences. The need for landscape architects and managers to be aware of how places may be interpreted in different ways by different ethnic minority groups, and to work towards inclusive design, is highlighted.  相似文献   

The literature has identified housing as a fundamental unmet need for people living with HIV; yet there has been little qualitative evidence exploring housing and HIV, particularly from a Canadian context. This paper focuses on our qualitative analyses of the housing experiences of 48 HIV-positive people living in Ontario. Findings from our interviews illustrate healthy housing as a dynamic interconnection between health, housing and other social factors that are influential to the health and well-being of people with HIV. Four salient themes have emerged from our qualitative findings: the interplay between healthy housing and economic security; the relationship between HIV, health and housing precariousness; the interconnection between housing, HIV, safety, stigma, social isolation and social exclusion; and the meaning of healthy housing for people living with HIV. These findings re-emphasize the importance of housing policies that consider housing as more than just a roof over one’s head, but also as something that supports the physical, mental, emotional and social well-being of people living with HIV.  相似文献   

People from ethnic minority groups have a range of experiences of living in Britain, some of which are significantly different from those of white British people. Previous research and case studies suggest that the physical environment has a positive or negative role in perceptions of everyday life. It is argued that landscapes have a symbolic dimension, and aspects of landscapes can be recognized as familiar or alien, welcoming or excluding. A wide variety of case studies in Britain are used to discuss design and management practices that reflect a range of cultural experiences. The need for landscape architects and managers to be aware of how places may be interpreted in different ways by different ethnic minority groups, and to work towards inclusive design, is highlighted.  相似文献   

川渝山地小城镇地处山地地区.川渝山地人民在长期的生活、生产实践中“自下而上”自发地创造了高度复合,多维的.集约的,城镇、建筑、地景三位一体的山地特色城镇形态。通过探寻川渝山地小城镇传统形态特点,力图为规划建设21世纪的富有山地地方特色的川渝山地小城镇形态提供史鉴。  相似文献   

创建具有先进居住文化的小城镇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王云霞  吴峰 《山西建筑》2008,34(13):45-47
探讨了先进居住文化理念的内涵及基本特征,在对小城镇的居住文化建设问题进行分析归纳的基础上,提出了建设具有先进居住文化的小城镇,保持可持续发展的关键策略,以促进小城镇的发展,从而使人民的生活更上一个台阶。  相似文献   

徽州古村宅坦人工水系——"无溪出活龙"营建探微   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺为才 《华中建筑》2006,24(12):197-199,202
水系是城镇规划的核心内容,而规划责在创新,有法而无定式,我们可以从本土优秀的营造遗产中发掘成功的经验并获取灵感,传承民族更化,再现我国城镇的风貌和生机活力.地处皖南缺水山区的徽州古村宅坦,巧构了“无溪出活龙”的百塘人工水系,并通过此举不断完善村居环境,彰显文化特色.其规划方略、营造技艺以及善于积聚人更等创新经验堪为当代借鉴。  相似文献   

随着中国旅游的发展,民族旅游成为西部旅游的一朵奇葩。本文以香格里拉乡规划为例,剖析了民族地区旅游小城镇规划面临的难点问题。论文引入可持续旅游、真实性、旅游影响、主客关系等旅游学理论进行交叉研究,探索民族地区旅游小城镇的规划策略和规划措施。  相似文献   


In light of housing affordability concerns, we examine older people’s experiences of renting within a context of enduring home-ownership norms and aspirations. Adapting Clapham’s housing pathways framework, we ask: How is rental tenure experienced by older people who have encountered precarity in their housing history? Drawing on interviews with 13 older tenants, we observe the uneasy relationship between tenure insecurity and housing quality, and tensions between choice and luck in experiences of renting in later life. Three pathways related to renting in older age were apparent: life-long renting; loss of homeownership through adversity; and deliberate decisions to transition to renting. We note that challenges encountered in current and previous housing situations lead to diverse narratives of precarity in later life. These precarious experiences can be exacerbated by intersecting uncertainties associated with health, financial and personal circumstances. Older tenants’ housing pathways and experiences illuminate ways in which precarity can disrupt opportunities for ageing well and ageing in place.  相似文献   

该文探索灾后重建和民族地区双重背景下的城镇中心城市设计;在调查、提炼并借鉴民族地区传统聚落及城镇中心空间模式的基础上,进行指导新建项目的设计方法与模式的系统总结,使设计能够满足灾后群众的心理要求、使用要求,适应当前时代特点和生活方式。  相似文献   

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