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Acne is one of the most common diseases in dermatology. It is of considerable esthetic significance, which explains the mental stress in affected patients. Although acne almost always heals spontaneously in early adulthood, treatment measures can shorten the course, reduce the severity of the disease, and avoid complications such as scarring. Treatment has changed substantially in recent years. In accordance with pathogenic principles, effective treatment is possible. In most patients, a combination of drugs aimed at correcting abnormal keratinization and reducing the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes is sufficient to control the disease. For more severely affected patients with no response to this approach, therapy to suppress sebum production is indicated. Of all therapeutic modalities available, only oral isotretinoin alters the natural course of the disease. In acne inversa, surgical management should be undertaken as early as possible.  相似文献   

We provide an introduction to genetic linkage analysis. We discuss methods for the genetic analysis of common, complex disease such as diabetes, heart disease or hypertension. We describe the analysis of affected sibling pairs and discuss some of the challenges in applying these methods.  相似文献   

We conducted a 12-week, multicenter, randomized, double-masked, parallel-group study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of azelaic acid 20% cream and glycolic acid lotion compared with tretinoin 0.025% cream and a vehicle lotion to treat mild-to-moderate facial acne vulgaris. Patients treated with azelaic/glycolic acid experienced a significantly greater reduction in the number of papules, as well as a greater reduction in the number of inflammatory lesions, than those treated with tretinoin. Overall global improvement was approximately 25% in both groups. In the physician evaluations, treatment with azelaic/glycolic acid was found to cause significantly less dryness, scaling, and erythema than tretinoin. Patients also reported significantly less dryness, redness, and peeling with azelaic/glycolic acid. Significantly more patients in the azelaic/glycolic acid group than the tretinoin group reported that they felt attractive. The combination of azelaic acid and glycolic acid is a useful alternative to tretinoin, being at least as efficacious as the latter, while offering a superior tolerability and patient approval profile.  相似文献   

Skin and soft tissue infections (SSIs) are one of the many infectious diseases that can be treated by outpatient parenteral anti-infective therapy (OPAT). Determining whether a patient with SSIs is treated topically, orally, or parenterally depends on the severity of infection and host factors. The decision to hospitalize, initiate, or transition to OPAT with SSIs depends on the medical assessment and consideration of available resources for OPAT. Anti-infective selection depends on the clinical presentation, likely organisms, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and drug stability.  相似文献   

Observational studies suggest that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) reduces the risk of coronary artery disease by approximately 50%. This review focuses on possible mechanisms for this reduction in disease risk. HRT reverses many of the lipid and lipoprotein change associated with menopause, and the route of hormone delivery influences these changes. Oral HRT improves serum markers of clotting, although it may increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis. Endothelial function, particularly endothelium-dependent vasodilation, improves with estrogen. Central body fat appears to be reduced with oral HRT, possibly reducing the risk of coronary artery disease. Insulin sensitivity, which worsens after menopause, may be improved with HRT. Global systolic function, as measured by ejection fraction, may improve with oral HRT. Understanding how HRT regimens influence cardiovascular risk may allow physicians to make intelligent choices about HRT for particular patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper reports findings for dental caries and dental fluorosis in 8-10- and 13-16-year-old schoolchildren who were lifelong residents of communities having either naturally occurring low (Broken Bow and Holdrege, NE; < 0.3 ppm) or optimal (Kewanee, IL; 1 ppm) levels of fluoride in drinking water. METHODS: Findings are reported for participants who received both dental caries and dental fluorosis examinations (n = 495). The DMFS and TSIF indices, respectively, were used to assess dental caries and dental fluorosis. RESULTS: The mean DMFS score adjusted for age, sealant presence, and fluoride use was significantly lower in Kewanee (1.8) than was the adjusted mean caries score in either Holdrege (2.9) or Broken Bow (3.6). Adjusted mean DMFS scores in Broken Bow and Holdrege were not statistically different. The mean percent of fluorosed tooth surfaces per person, adjusted for age and use of dietary fluoride supplements, was similar in the three communities (approximately 15%); more than 80 percent of tooth surfaces in all participants were fluorosis-free. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from the present study suggest that water fluoridation still is beneficial and that dental sealants can play a significant role in preventing dental caries. In addition, findings from this survey appear to support the premise that the difference in dental fluorosis prevalence between fluoridated and nonfluoridated communities has narrowed considerably in recent years.  相似文献   

A missense mutation in the human alpha synuclein gene was recently identified in some cases of familial Parkinson's disease (FPD). We have developed an antibody that recognizes the C-terminal 12 amino acids of the human alpha synuclein protein and have demonstrated that alpha synuclein is an abundant component of the Lewy bodies found within the degenerating neurons of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The presence of alpha synuclein in Lewy bodies of sporadic PD patients suggests a central role for alpha synuclein in the pathogenesis of PD.  相似文献   

Although viral warts are common, their exact frequency in the community is often underestimated and not well recorded. A random sample of 2491 students from schools throughout the State of Victoria, Australia were examined by dermatologists and dermatology registrars to record the prevalence of common, plantar and plane warts. The overall prevalence of warts adjusted for the age and sex of Victorian school children was 22% (95% confidence interval (CI) 20.1-20.7) varying from 12% (95% CI 9.4-15.7) in 4-6 year olds to 24% (95% CI 18.3-30.4) in 16-18 year olds. Common warts were the most frequent (16%) compared with plantar warts (6%) and plane warts (2%). There was no difference in the overall frequency of warts between males and females and there was no difference in frequency between those who had eczema and those who did not. Almost 40% of those found to have warts on examination had indicated on the survey questionnaire that they did not have any of these lesions. Of those who knew that they had warts, only 38% had used any treatment for them. These data, the first community-based prevalence data on warts ever published from Australia, confirm that warts are indeed common. They suggest the need for education programmes in schools on the nature of these lesions and the treatment available.  相似文献   

Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in humans. Therapeutic modalities for skin cancer are local destruction, radiotherapy and surgery. External radiation therapy leads to good results, however, generally 5-6 wk of treatment is needed to deliver optimal radiation dose to tumors. In this study, a beta-emitting radionuclide, 166Ho, impregnated in a specially designed patch, was used on superficial skin cancers and Bowen's disease for local irradiation. METHODS: Ten mice with chemically induced skin tumors were studied. Five-millimeter size patches containing 22.2-72.15 MBq (0.6-1.95 mCi) 166Ho were applied to the tumor surface for 1-2 hr. In a human trial, patients with squamous-cell carcinoma (n = 3), basal cell carcinoma (n = 1) and Bowen's disease (n = 1) were treated with patches containing 273.8-999 MBq (7.4-27 mCi) of 166Ho for 30 min to 1 hr. Pathologic examination was performed 4-7 wk after treatment in an animal model. Skin biopsy was performed 8 wk post-treatment in four patients. RESULTS: Tumor destruction was seen 1 wk post-treatment, however, radiation dermatitis or ulceration developed at the site of radionuclide application. Those reactions healed gradually with fibrosis or epithelialization, which was confirmed pathologically. No significant adverse reaction to radiation except subcutaneous fibrosis was found. CONCLUSION: Superficial skin tumors could be successfully treated by topical application of beta-emitting radionuclides.  相似文献   

The association of multiple cutaneous cancers and long-term use of hydroxyurea is now being recognized. In this article, we describe the development of multiple skin tumors in two patients who were receiving hydroxyurea therapy. These cases illustrate the late onset of subsequent skin cancers despite discontinuation of therapy. As hydroxyurea continues to have a prominent role in the treatment of myeloproliferative diseases, clinicians must be aware of the increased risk of multiple skin cancers and use preventive and skin cancer screening practices in patients with these diseases.  相似文献   

Many mycobacteria, including M tuberculosis, M leprae, and several atypical organisms, produce skin disease. Chemotherapy is necessary for most infections. Surgery may be helpful for some atypical infections.  相似文献   

Aging and photoaging cause distinct changes in skin cells and extracellular matrix. Changes in hairless mouse skin as a function of age and chronic UVB exposure were investigated by fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. Fluorescence excitation spectra were measured in vivo, on heat-separated epidermis and dermis, and on extracts of mouse skin to characterize the absorption spectra of the emitting chromophores. Fluorescence excitation spectra obtained in vivo on 6 wk old mouse skin had maxima at 295, 340, and 360 nm; the 295 nm band was the dominant band. Using heat separated tissue, the 295 nm band predominantly originated in the epidermis and the bands at 340 and 360 nm originated in the dermis. The 295 nm band was assigned to tryptophan fluorescence, the 340 nm band to pepsin digestable collagen cross-links fluorescence and the 360 nm band to collagenase digestable collagen cross-links fluorescence. Fluorescence excitation maxima remained unchanged in chronologically aged mice (34-38 wk old), whereas the 295 nm band decreased in intensity with age and the 340 nm band increased in intensity with age. In contrast, fluorescence excitation spectra of chronically UVB exposed mice showed a large increase in the 295 nm band compared with age-matched controls and the bands at 340 and 350 nm were no longer distinct. Two new bands appeared in the chronically exposed mice at 270 nm and at 305 nm. These reproducible changes in skin autofluorescence suggest that aging causes predictable alterations in both epidermal and dermal fluorescence, whereas chronic UV exposure induces the appearance of new fluorphores.  相似文献   

The author deals with problems arising from the attempt to determine the biological age of man, as a result of asynchronous ageing. Selected findings, including the author's are presented to prove that differentiation and a critical approach are required in collecting and interpreting what is known as ageing data which serve to find the biological age by way of cross-sectional studies.  相似文献   

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