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吴建兵  王民 《人民黄河》2006,28(5):48-49
数字化渠系平台建设与精准灌溉管理决策需要大量灌区数据,基于GPRS的灌区数据传输系统以嵌入式PC模块为核心,采用客户端/服务器模式,将测点的GPS数据和键盘输入的其他仪器的观测值通过无线GPRS发送到因特网的FTP服务器上,可以灵活、方便、可靠、实时地进行灌区数据的远程传输。该系统硬件包括可移动客户端和FTP服务器,软件由数据接收模块、数据处理模块、数据发送模块三部分组成。  相似文献   

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the performance of irrigated agriculture decreased drastically in Ukraine, due to problems related to the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy. Before formulating recommendations on required actions to modify this problematic situation, insight is needed about (i) whether irrigated agriculture is profitable under a market economy; (ii) to what extent the irrigation costs can be recovered from the farmers; and (iii) where irrigation costs can be reduced. Therefore, an economic performance assessment of irrigated agriculture is performed for the North Crimea Canal (NCC) irrigation system in Crimea, Ukraine on the basis of a number of indicators. A spatial analysis is required, because in the remote parts of NCC water has to be lifted several times before it reaches the field and costs of water delivery consequently vary. Analysing irrigation performance in a spatial environment is an extension of existing work. The analysis shows that (i) irrigated agriculture is profitable under a market economy although costs vary considerably (due to water lifting and irrigation technology used); (ii) the irrigation costs can be recovered by farmers; and (iii) can be reduced substantially at distribution and farm level.  相似文献   

基于作物不同生长期灌水对产量的影响,研究了小浪底水库的调度方案。根据水库的开发任务,提出把作物的产值模型和水库调度结合起来,将作物的净产值作为模型的目标函数,并据此分析了水库的灌溉效益。  相似文献   

This paper suggests definitions of three elem ents essential to successful irrigation- w ater rights, infrastructure capable of delivering the service im plied in the w ater right, and assigned operational responsibilities. D epending on w hether the basic elem ents are properly m atched, system s are defined as 'functional' or 'dysfunctional'. The im portance of interactions among these factors is illustrated through field exam ples. It is argued that perform ance analysis of dysfunctional system s is problem atic, and functionality may be a prerequisite to significant im provem ents in perform ance. The definition of water rights, particularly as undocumented and unregulated usage develops, is likely to present the most difficult challenge to achieving functionality.  相似文献   

Thailand has embarked on river basin–focused policies to improve technical infrastructure for and participation in water management. The Bang Phluang Irrigation Scheme in Thailand's eastern region was started in 1971 to provide irrigation water, to control floods and to prevent salt-water intrusion. Farmers have increased the number of rice harvests and introduced fish and shrimp cultures. Agricultural intensification, however, has led to competition for water and to conflicts among farmers. The paper analyzes, within the context of policy and institutional change, the effects of agricultural intensification on water use, water management, conflicts, and conflict resolution.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the extent to which Water Users Associations (WUAs) contribute to increased levels of farmer water control. Drawing extensively on field data collected in command areas rehabilitated by the Egyptian Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP), the author documents key features of the WUA formation process and changes in farmer water control resulting from the main and micro-system improvements. WUA organizational strength is found to play a decisive role in securing farmer water control in situations when main system water supply is unstable. It is argued that the impact of WUA organizational strength on water control is likely to increase further when the farming system has developed a highly diversified and moisture sensitive cropping pattern.  相似文献   


Information plays a crucial role in the management of resources. Tools such as Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support System (DSS), and Expert System (ES) are used for efficient utilisation of the resources. This article focuses on the development and application of MIS in irrigation system performance. It describes the development of a MIS for a case of an irrigation system in South India. The MIS has been developed using the concept of management information system and irrigation system performance. This study also makes a comparison of the system performance with and without MIS and demonstrates that MIS helps in improving the performance.  相似文献   

A Planning Model for the Fuerte-Carrizo Irrigation System, Mexico   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A methodology is presented for planning the operation of the Fuerte-Carrizo irrigation system in northwest Mexico. The system has two storage dams, two irrigation districts, and water transfer capabilities between both dams. The methodology uses a combination of linear programming (LP) and simulation. The LP model maximizes the net return of the farmers, subject to restrictions of the system, availability of water and land, and water transfer relationships. The simulation model is programmed as a microcomputer interactive package simulating the performance of the system. The methodology has proven to be a useful tool to assist those responsible for the operation of the irrigation system.  相似文献   

Structural and operational management methods are used to meet water demands in watersheds around the world. Most river systems are affected by reservoirs, dams, or other engineering structures, and decisions regarding their construction and operation are made in advance of knowing what water demands will be. Numerical models are used to predict future water needs and evaluate the effectiveness of water management strategies. It is important to consider a variety of management methods and future environmental conditions to ensure future demands can be met. In this work, a coupled surface water operations and hydrologic model of the Lower Republican River Basin in portions of Nebraska and Kansas, USA is used to evaluate the ability of several water management strategies, including structural and operational, to meet future demands of a water-stressed agricultural basin under a variety of future climate scenarios. Simulations indicate recent administrative and operational changes to the distribution of water between Nebraska and Kansas have significantly decreased water shortages for irrigation districts in Kansas and will continue to do so. Simulations also indicate that structural alternative of reservoir expansion is most effective at minimizing shortages to demands under a repeat of historical climate conditions. However, an operational alternative of increasing water supplies for Kansas' exclusive use, such as those historically purchased under the Warren Act (US Code 43 Section 523–524), is most effective at minimizing shortages to demands under a hotter and drier climate, demonstrating how optimal water management strategies can vary significantly depending upon climate scenario.  相似文献   

Alternative delivery scheduling approaches were tried to overcome the problem of low efficiency in eastern Indian irrigation projects. The features of the existing delivery schedules in the Left Bank Feeder Canal (LBFC) system of Kangsabati irrigation project, located in the state of West Bengal, India, have been studied. Four simulation scenarios were considered in the study. These are (1) actual canal scheduling with original transplanting date (S1), (2) Integrated Reservoir-based Canal Irrigation Model (IRCIM) scheduling for usual transplanting date (S2), (3) IRCIM scheduling for 5 days advanced transplanting date (S3), and (4) IRCIM scheduling for 5 days lagged transplanting date (S4). An attempt was made to develop a year-independent alternative delivery schedule based on the analysis of 11 years simulation results with all the above scenarios. For maximum number of simulation years, model performance was better for paddy transplanted on July 24, three irrigations from the reservoir between transplanting and harvesting, and restricting the release to minimum rule curve (MRC), i.e., maintaining the stage on any day above the minimum stage actually found in 16 years period. Hence, it was proposed as the year-independent alternative delivery schedule. This alternative delivery schedule saved 18.36% irrigation water over actual schedules, but increased the crop evapotranspiration by 0.61%. The proposed alternative delivery schedule also considered both the expected dry spells as well as critical growth periods of the crop during the simulation period. Thus, it was recommended to adopt the alternative delivery schedule instead of existing delivery schedule in the future years for the LBFC system of Kangsabati irrigation project.  相似文献   

漳河灌区农民用水户协会绩效评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对漳河灌区55个农民用水户协会及其范围内201户和10个村、组,19个非农民用水户协会范围内的村组及其范围内49户用水户.40个与农民用水户协会相关的管理单位的调查,对漳河灌区农民用水户协会的绩效进行了评价.总的来说农民用水户协会的建立取得了许多明显的成效,但也存在一些问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

随着上中游引黄水量增加,进入黄河下游的过境水量逐渐减少,使得黄河下游引黄灌区水资源供需矛盾日趋尖锐,一般年份用水高峰委节和枯水年份供水量严重不足。从灌区作物水分生产函数,缺水敏感指数方面,确定出不同作物的关键灌水时间,然后制定出灌区在限额供水情况下的灌溉制度,对缓解下游灌区水资源供需矛盾有积极作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes irrigation-poverty linkages, and determines how and to what extent irrigation contributes to poverty alleviation, and whether there are any spatial patterns in poverty in irrigation systems. It also identifies conditions under which irrigation has greater anti-poverty impacts. The analysis is based on primary data collected during the 2000--2001 agricultural year, from four selected irrigation systems and rainfed areas in Java. The results indicate that irrigation has significant poverty reducing impacts. Poverty varies across irrigation systems and across locations within the systems. In general, crop productivity is relatively higher and poverty is lower in middle parts of the systems compared to head and tail parts. Further, locational differences in poverty are more pronounced in larger systems where locational inequities in water distribution and productivity differences are also high. Crop productivity, the size of landholdings and location of households are important determinants of poverty, in addition to demographic factors such as family size. The smaller the systems with well managed infrastructure, relatively equitable water distribution and diversified cropping patterns supported with market infrastructure, the greater the poverty reducing impacts of irrigation. Overall, the study findings suggest that improving the performance of irrigation systems by enhancing land and water productivity, diversifying cropping patterns and improving water distribution across locations would help reduce poverty in presently low productivity-high poverty parts of the systems.  相似文献   


Environmental degradation is continuing in developing countries and in Eastern Europe. The change in approach with regard to water management and environmental protection which has occurred in developed countries, did not alter our actions. Most of the present scientific effort and technical developments are still offshoots of the technology designed by, and applicable in rich, developed countries. In order to achieve sustainability of the environment in developing countries and Eastern Europe, new, radical, economically efficient and environmentally sound technology, providing a solution to widespread pollution problems, must be developed. The transfer of modern ideas and approaches to environmental problems of today may be more important than the traditional transfer ofknowledge and technology as it is understood and conducted today. Performing pilot projects when the transfer of approaches is the major goal, is perhaps the most important action to which financial means should be allocated, instead of to the construction of facilities designed according to the previously governing technical paradigm. The paper advocates and gives examples of actions based on an ecological approach, which emerges from understanding the cyclicity of material and energy flows in nature.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Poor irrigation management is a common issue of irrigated agriculture. Assessment of irrigation system performance is essential to improve the irrigation system, which...  相似文献   

构建一套科学的评估指标体系有助于全面评价节水灌溉项目取得的绩效,并能及时发现项目推行、实施中的问题,从而为项目决策提供科学依据。结合甘肃高效节水灌溉项目现状,提出了由项目规划与实施、政策制定与效果、工程质量与效益、项目运行管理与可持续性等4个方面23个指标构建甘肃高效节水灌溉项目绩效评估指标体系,并通过对已实施高效节水灌溉技术的甘肃石羊河流域进行实地调查,结合层次分析法建立模型进行实例分析。  相似文献   

孙健 《中国水利》2007,(15):47-49
洪金灌区管理决策支持系统(IMDSS)主要包括信息系统、模拟系统、决策分析系统等。整个系统分为软件与硬件控制两大部分,软件部分包括灌区信息管理、地理信息查询、配水方案优化决策、水情查询分析和灌区设计辅助计算五个部分;硬件部分包括自动监测、视频监控和语音查询四个部分。该系统的开发与运用为灌区优化调度灌溉用水提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The adoption of measures leading to higher efficiencies in the use of both water and energy in water distribution networks is strongly demanded. The methodology proposed combines a multi-objective approach and a financial analysis to determine de optimal design of pressurized irrigation networks which entails the minimization of both the investment cost and operational cost under three operating scenarios that incorporate energy saving strategies: 1- all hydrants operate simultaneously; 2- hydrants are grouped into sectors and irrigation turns are established; 3- the on-demand operation of the network is assumed. This methodology has been applied in a real irrigation network located in Southern Spain showing that the lowest overall design cost (investment and operational costs) is achieved in scenario 2. The comparison of the selected solutions in the three proposed scenarios with the current network design considering the total fulfillment of irrigation requirements showed that operational cost savings between 65% and 76% could be achieved.  相似文献   

灌区灌溉用水管理决策支持系统总体设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析灌溉用水管理主要内容和决策流程以及确定的系统开发原则基础上,提出了具有系统结构合理、软件设计先进、实用性强、扩充性能好、适应实时决策要求的灌溉用水管理决策支持系统总体设计方案以数据库和知识库作为信息基础,以模型库作为管理决策的重要支撑手段,针对以上三库相互之间在概念和结构上存在交叉,在运行中存在数据流交换的特点,建立总控系统。通过多组件之间的接口集成整个决策支持系统,实现信息查询、灌水预报、水量分配等功能。该系统界面友好、直观,操作灵活、方便。  相似文献   

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