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袁弘任 《人民长江》2002,33(Z1):50-53
The major faced problems at present in Yangtze river basin are: ① uneffective control in river water pollution threatens seriously the safety of drinking water; ② shrinkage of lake area and serious eutrophication; ③ soil-water losses degraded the ecological environment of the basin; ④ the impact of TGP and S-N water transfer project on water environment of the basin. In the light of above-mentioned problems, water resources utilization strategy must be adjusted and the sustainable social and economic development should be supported by sustainable water resources utilization, and it is necessary to take the following countermeasures: ① establishing overall flood control and disaster relief system; ② developing high water use efficiency agriculture; ③ taking "giving priority to water saving on the basis of pollution control" as urban water resources utilization strategy; ④ implementing comprehensive pollution control strategy with sources control as main point; ⑤ guaranteing water demand of the ecological environment; ⑥implementing the strategy of maintaining water resources supply and demand balance on the basis of water demand management; ⑦ studying countermeasures for the ecological and environmental impacts of trans-basin water transfer and western China devolopment. The key of realization of sustainable water resources utilization is to reform management and investment mechanism of water resources and water price policy. It is the only way to solve the water resources problems in Yangtze river basin as well as the whole China.  相似文献   

An analysis of water quality and quantity in Mexico is presented. The tasks of the National Water Commission, the nation's water authority, are described. Advances in the planning of the Capacity Building Project are presented in three aspects: human resource formation, strengthening of institutional and community participation, and the adoption of an adequate environmental policy. The projects listed were selected by specialists from universities, NGOs, public, social and private institutions, and international and financial organisms in five areas: urban and rural drinking water and sanitation systems; environmental impact and water quality; integral planning and management of hydraulic resources; and hydroagricultural development and hydrometeorology.  相似文献   

Residents of most rural communities in developing countries depend on surface water resources for their livelihoods. The development and management of this vital resource should as much as possible take into consideration local socio-economic priorities if sustainable development is to be achieved at local levels in these countries. Inland river dredging is a water resource management strategy usually aimed at improving water courses for navigation, land reclamation and or mitigate flood in the dredged catchment. Dredging operations like most development projects have impacts that are often localised, and benefits that could be local, regional or national. “Good dredging practices”, GDP, in industrialised countries have been aimed at balancing national/regional economic benefits, technical feasibility and environmental protection. These practices rely heavily on the quality, and quantity of available relevant base-line data. In most developing countries there is a dearth of baseline data, and often national/regional economic gains do not necessarily translate into local livelihood benefits. Hence, the basis of GDP should be extended to incorporate local livelihoods priorities, without ignoring the relevance of scientific data when it is available, the issue of technical feasibility, environmental sustainability and economic viability. This approach is relevant to the demand for equitable development in the developing world; could be used in conjunction with traditional eco-livelihoods knowledge in developing or determining appropriate approaches for sustainable surface water resources management, as well as reducing environmental conflicts between stakeholders.  相似文献   

In Mexico, 473 km 3 of water is renewed annually, of which 198.4 km 3 is abstracted by the productive sectors and for domestic purposes. Such figures, however, give a false sense of water abundance, because its spatial and temporal distribution is not homogeneous. In order to cope with this mismatch, numerous water-retaining structures have been constructed. Certainly, dams have been a key element to balance the spatial and the temporal variations in the water availability, and they have played a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Mexico. However, the benefits could be more if water management practices were more efficient, equitable and modern. This paper focuses specifically on dam development in Mexico, and it points out that, unquestionably, large dams have had direct, negative impacts. However, it should be noted that many of those negative impacts are the results of inefficient planning, inadequate expertise and improper management. Dams, like any other major infrastructures, have economic, environmental and social benefits and costs. Accordingly, the dams must be properly planned, built and managed with the best scientific and technical knowledge available. The real question for Mexico is not whether dams should be constructed or not, but rather how should the dams be planned and managed so that the economic, social and environmental benefits to the society as a whole can be maximized and the costs can be minimized.  相似文献   

东江水资源环境管理问题及矛盾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东江水资源环境管理问题,实质上是共同资源的利益分配问题,凸现了我国资源环境保护在经济转轨时期面临的环境管理方面的挑战。其矛盾具体表现在:①在有限自然资源和无限经济发展之间选择合理的经济发展模式;②在不同经济发展水平的地区实行流域统一管理的障碍;③"一国两制"下的流域管理体制和机制。探讨了高强度开发地区水资源开发利用特征、不同经济发展水平地区之间的流域协调管理、"一国两制"条件下跨界水资源保护等的现代水资源问题与管理的迫切性。  相似文献   

水利工程多是水利综合类工程。目前多数水利综合类工程实行水利工程管理单位财务会计制度。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,现行的水利工程管理单位财务会计制度已不适应国家财政三项制度改革和水管体制改革要求,需要进行财务管理制度创新,以促进水利综合类工程实现良性运行。  相似文献   

水利水电工程重大变更环境影响管理有关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对水利水电工程变更的原因、重大变更及其环境影响管理等内容进行系统梳理,比较水利、水电工程中重大变更内容,提出根据水利水电工程变更的环境影响需要,应尽快制定水利水电工程重大变更环境影响管理的具体技术指标,建立重大变更环境管理制度,完善水利水电工程环境保护管理制度。  相似文献   

重大调水工程的水资源调度管理涉及范围广、部门多,管理非常复杂。在梳理国内外部分大中型调水工程概况的基础上,总结了国内外重大调水工程水资源调度的管理模式、成功经验和存在的问题。借鉴目前重大调水工程的成功经验,针对我国重大调水工程现阶段管理存在的主要问题,提出了相关建议和对策,可为加强我国调水工程水资源调度管理和落实最严格水资源管理制度提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

水工程环境影响后评价探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述国内外水工程环境影响后评价开展情况及相关研究状况,分析目前我国及相关部委对水工程建设项目开展环境影响后评价的法律依据与要求,探讨水工程环境影响后评价的主要内容。提出为健全、完善水工程环境保护技术标准,需制定水工程环境影响后评价相关技术标准,从而进一步为完善水工程全过程环境管理提供依据。  相似文献   

陈红卫 《人民长江》2012,43(10):53-57
针对我国现行水资源费征收办法中存在某些内容比较笼统、原则论述不详、缺乏可操作性的问题,依据相关法律及实际情况,分析了水资源费征收执行中的影响因素。主要内容包括水资源费征收范围拓展、中央直属和跨省水利工程的水资源费征收标准、实施差别水资源费、涉农用水的水资源费免征、地源热泵与从水库取用水的水资源费征收、取用矿泉水和地热水缴纳水资源费、水资源费纳税、联动征收与奖惩等问题。根据分析结果,提出了完善水资源费征收的相关措施,为不断丰富完善水资源有偿使用制度、实行最严格的水资源管理提供参考。  相似文献   

发达国家水源地保护模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在面对全球淡水资源紧缺的情况下,各个国家都在采取不同的保护措施保护水源地,发达国家在水源保护方面具有一定的优势,而中国作为发展中大国,水源保护责无旁贷,需要学习和借鉴发达国家的先进做法,保护人类赖以生存的水资源。通过对俄、美、日及欧洲一些发达国家水源保护模式的研究,分析了构建绿色水源所要具备的因素以及方法措施。研究表明,完善的法律保障是水源保护的前提,利用经济手段调控是水资源保护的必要条件,应建立美化的景观水源工程,运用高科技净化剂净化某些水体,保护水源,创建和谐统一的"河流文化"。该研究为我国今后建设纯净、无污染的水源提供了借鉴依据。  相似文献   

通过对国内外重大水利水电工程生态与环境保护实践的调研分析,提出应加强流域综合规划和规划环评,加强生态调度,建立环境友好的水利水电工程技术体系;加强河流生态保护目标研究,尽快建立水生态监测体系和生态补偿机制,并建议设立生态补偿专项基金,为各项工作提供资金保障。  相似文献   

Moid U. Ahmad 《国际水》2013,38(3):126-129

Capacity building is foremost a global concept and a strategic element in the sustainable development of the water sector. This is a long-term continuing process that needs to permeate all activities in the sector. In developing countries, experience shows that institutional weakness and malfunctions are a major cause of ineffective and unsustainable water services. Urgent attention needs to be given to build institutional capacity at all levels. Pressure for improved local delivery of water services suggests that development of institutional capacity should be more demand-responsive. The need to better manage overall water resources coherently and to facilitate allocation of water among all users requires an expansion of national integrated planning. The critical institutional challenge is the development of policies, rules, organizations and management skills which address both needs simultaneously without constraining the major aims of each. It must be recognized that each country and region has its specific characteristics and requirements with respect to its water resources situation and its institutional framework. Therefore, operational strategies for water sector capacity building must be tailor-made. Such strategies should be long term, having the main objectives of improving the quality of decision making, and sector efficiency of managerial performance in the planning and implementation of water sector programmes and projects. This paper covers the capacity building issue for water resources development and management. The institutional and human resources issues as well as building marginal capabilities in developing countries receive particular emphasis.  相似文献   

One of the major banes of water resources development projects in Nigeria is lack of effective monitoring and evaluation. This apparent neglect has resulted in the inability to complete projects within the stipulated period, escalation of costs, poor design and construction works, and inevitably poor performance. This article reports the result of a diagnostic survey of the Bakolori Irrigation Project (BIP), one of the most controversial schemes in Nigeria. It is suggested that project monitoring and evaluation should be made compulsory on all irrigation projects in Nigeria, if they are to make any meaningful beneficial impact on the rural development process.  相似文献   

针对我国水资源价值理论不健全、水资源定价体系不完善的问题,本文对价值的内涵进行辨析,并从政治经济学的角度分析了价值的经济特性,以经典价值论界定了水资源的全属性价值。评价水资源价值首先要基于特定的社会历史阶段,明确评价的主体和客体,从不同的角度来评价,水资源全属性价值包括使用价值、产权价值、劳动价值、补偿价值,水资源各种价值属性最终反映为市场价值,并通过价格来反映。由于水资源的公益性特性,经济社会用水价格通过政府定价实现,应当包括水资源费、生产成本和环境补偿费,用影子价格作为综合定价的基础。在水资源管理过程中,将水资源费作为水价调控的手段,利用价格杠杆和必要的行政手段实现水资源在生活、生产、生态中的合理分配。  相似文献   

Optimal Water Resources Management: Case of Lower Litani River, Lebanon   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The pressures of human population and patterns of development frequently jeopardize the integrity of river systems worldwide. An integrated approach to water resources management is essential, particularly in developing countries. This study presents the results of the water resources optimization conducted for the Lower Litani River Basin in Lebanon. The overall aim of the project is to develop, test, and critically evaluate an innovative approach to water resources management in the Mediterranean region. The method explores the ways in which multiple environmental, economic, and social benefits can be achieved through integrated management of water resources. The Water Resources Model was utilized to assess the efficiency of the baseline model scenario and for the optimization process of the different scenarios of the Litani Lower Basin. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis was applied in order to derive the objectives and constraints. Results revealed that the potential retained scenarios aim at decreasing water consumption and demand, losses, and return flow. These scenarios mainly include the shift to drip irrigation, awareness campaigns, and losses control in domestic supply pipes. Other retained scenarios having a higher shortfall rely on the use of the Channel concrete lining to decrease losses and return flow, in addition to the awareness campaigns in both domestic and irrigation sectors, and less consumptive/more efficient irrigation methods such as sprinkler and drip irrigation at variable application percentages. Hence, most of the interventions or measures proposed are generally not costly and can be implemented.  相似文献   

水利规划环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴已开展的规划环境影响评价研究成果与实践经验,从介入时间、评价范围和时段、评价方法、措施和实现目标等方面比较分析了水利规划环境影响评价与水利项目环境影响评价的区别和联系,提出了水利规划环境影响评价的评价程序和评价内容,并针对水利规划及其环境影响特点探索了水利规划环境影响评价方法与步骤,建立了水利规划环境影响评价指标体系,对提高水利规划的科学性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

水资源监控管理系统为实行最严格的水资源管理制度提供数据支撑,通过对青海水资源管理特点、水资源监控体系的现状分析,结合水资源监控能力建设项目的实施,提出从监测体系、网络环境、资源整合、运维体系等方面建设完善监控管理系统,保障监控目标的实现。  相似文献   

Many river restoration projects are focusing on restoring environmental flow regimes to improve ecosystem health in rivers that have been developed for water supply, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, and other purposes. In efforts to prevent future ecological damage, water supply planners in some parts of the world are beginning to address the water needs of river ecosystems proactively by reserving some portion of river flows for ecosystem support. These restorative and protective actions require development of scientifically credible estimates of environmental flow needs. This paper describes an adaptive, inter‐disciplinary, science‐based process for developing environmental flow recommendations. It has been designed for use in a variety of water management activities, including flow restoration projects, and can be tailored according to available time and resources for determining environmental flow needs. The five‐step process includes: (1) an orientation meeting; (2) a literature review and summary of existing knowledge about flow‐dependent biota and ecological processes of concern; (3) a workshop to develop ecological objectives and initial flow recommendations, and identify key information gaps; (4) implementation of the flow recommendations on a trial basis to test hypotheses and reduce uncertainties; and (5) monitoring system response and conducting further research as warranted. A range of recommended flows are developed for the low flows in each month, high flow pulses throughout the year, and floods with targeted inter‐annual frequencies. We describe an application of this process to the Savannah River, in which the resultant flow recommendations were incorporated into a comprehensive river basin planning process conducted by the Corps of Engineers, and used to initiate the adaptive management of Thurmond Dam. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the main, the assessment of environmental impact of dams is not undertaken in feasibility surveys of dam-related projects in the Tropics, as it should. Consquently, post-implementation investigations (mostly by research students) continue to reveal undersirable effects. The lack of appropriate data on which to base predictions in proposed projects, or to assess environmental impacts in ongoing ones, is a major problem. It is argued that continuous monitoring of existing projects can help to fill this data gap. Such monitoring should cover the entire basin affected, taking into account environmental variables of the upstream, reservoir, and downstream systems. This paper considers the downstream system. Variables of importance include: soil erosion and sediment yield; channel morphometry; discharge and runoff pattern and volume; and changes in vegetation cover, water chemistry and water quality. Field measurements and observations, laboratory analyses, and statistical inferences are required to yield acceptable results. Such results are expected to enhance a better understanding (through impact assessment) and management of existing projects, on the one hand, and to aid wise predictions (at the feasibility stage) of environmental effects of new projects, on the other.  相似文献   

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