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介绍了用窄缝高真空平面玻璃作普通工太阳灶的透明盖板,对箱式太阳灶的集热性能进行了实验研究的结果,并与用普通双层玻璃作盖板的箱式太阳灶进行了对比,发现用平面真空玻璃作盖板能够显著改善箱式太阳灶的性能。  相似文献   

窄缝高真空平面玻璃作为太阳能集热器盖板的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窄缝高真空平面玻璃是一种带高真空夹层的平板玻璃,它是将两块普通平板玻璃之间的狭缝抽高真空而成,由于它具有良好的透光,隔热和隔音特性,因而有广阔的应用前景,通过对采用窄缝高真空平面玻璃作盖板的太阳能焦热器的集热性能进行实验测试,介绍了在空晒和有负载条件下焦热板的温升速率与太阳辐射强度的关系,对真空平面玻璃两面温差及其保温性能也作了测试,并与用普通双层玻璃作盖板的情况作了比较。  相似文献   

真空玻璃盖板热管平板式太阳能热水器的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了研究成功的采用真空玻璃盖板的热管平板式太阳能热水器,测试了其性能,并与全玻璃真空管太阳能热水器和蜂窝热管太阳能热水器进行了比较。实测得到,真空玻璃盖板热管平板式热水器的日平均效率比后两分别大13.3%和6.5%,平均热损系数比后两分别小52.5%和21.5%。真空玻璃盖板平板式太阳能热水器性能优越,有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

提出一种真空玻璃盖板平板式PV/T集热器,建立了真空玻璃和单层玻璃盖板PV/T集热器的传热模型,并分别搭建了两种PV/T热水系统的实验平台进行模型的实验验证。预测结果与实验测量结果的均方根偏差(RMSD)在0.71% ~ 11.17%之间。利用数学模型模拟了真空玻璃与单层玻璃盖板PV/T集热器在合肥冬季的热、电性能,并比较了两者性能的差异。模拟结果表明真空玻璃盖板PV/T集热器的顶部热损失平均为22 W,而单层玻璃盖板PV/T集热器热损失平均为107 W。使用真空玻璃盖板能显著减少PV/T集热器的顶部热损失。真空玻璃盖板PV/T集热器相对单层玻璃盖板PV/T集热器的全天热效率提高了5.68%,二者分别为41.76%和36.08%,全天电效率分别为11.76%和12.79%,相差1.03%。  相似文献   

高效平板太阳能集热器盖板的热工性能实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对目前平板太阳能集热器高温下集热效率低的缺点,研究通过改善透明盖板性能来提高集热效率的方法。在实验基础上,综合各种因素,通过对比实验方法比较了中空玻璃(DG)、充氩气中空玻璃(ADG)、Low-E中空玻璃(LDG)和Low-E充氩气中空玻璃(LADG)作为盖板对太阳能集热参数和效率的影响,并研究了上述4种盖板对太阳辐射的透射率和保温性能的不同影响。  相似文献   

为了提高钢化真空玻璃的隔热能力,减少建筑能耗,研究支撑物各参数对钢化真空玻璃传热的影响。针对支撑物各参数对钢化真空玻璃传热能力的影响,研究支撑物各参数对钢化真空玻璃的传热机理,得到支撑物的布放间距和排列方式对玻璃的传热影响较大,通过有限元仿真软件建立钢化真空玻璃的传热模型,数值模拟分析钢化真空玻璃中心区域的最大热通量。结果表明:支撑物的布放间距越大,钢化真空玻璃的隔热能力越强;采用正方形排布时,玻璃的隔热效果较好。该分析方法在实际生产过程中,对于钢化真空玻璃支撑物参数的优选提供了理论依据,能够进一步提高钢化真空玻璃的保温隔热性能。  相似文献   

针对单层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器、双层玻璃盖板平板型太阳集热器进行了热性能对比实验。结果显示:在28.7℃和41.4℃这2种工质进口温度下,单层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的瞬时效率比双层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的高,而在54.2℃和66.9℃这2种工质进口温度下,双层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的瞬时效率比单层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的高。单层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的瞬时效率截距比双层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的大;双层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的热损系数比单层玻璃盖板平板型太阳能集热器的小。  相似文献   

宋彩功 《太阳能》2007,(3):63-66
全玻璃真空太阳集热管(以下简称真空集热管)是当前我国太阳能热利用领域产量最大、使用最广、节能效果最突出的核心基础元件,其质量好坏直接关系到太阳能热水器和热水系统的性能。目前,国内生产真空集热管的厂家与品牌众多,技术水平参差不齐,价格高低悬殊。在宣传上,口径也很不一致,有些提法甚至是错误的,可能产生误导,我们必须以国家标准为依据。  相似文献   

The performance of a heat-pipe solar collector was investigated experimentally using refrigerants R11 as the working fluid. The unit is fabricated locally and its performance is evaluated under Beirut Solar conditions. The heat transfer from the heat pipes to the hot-water storage tank took place through a circular end condenser section of the heat-pipe integrated within the collector frame. Tests of single heat pipes showed that the thermal performance of the heat pipe were dependent on its tilt angle, condenser section length and configuration, and type of internal wick used. A circular condenser end of the heat-pipe performed better than a straight condenser due to increased surface area for heat transfer. The R11-charged solar collector with integrated condenser for secondary cooling of water had an efficiency in early operation hours that reached values higher than 60% for the forced circulation mode. The instantaneous system efficiencies varied from 60 to 20%, which are in the range of conventional water solar collectors. System response was fast and sensitive to the incident solar radiation. The thermosyphonic mode of the system operation generated build up of stored energy in the condenser, resulting in oscillating-type flow thus reducing system efficiency below values obtained with forced circulation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study includes design and experimental analysis of a solar domestic water heating system. Water heating systems with glazed and unglazed collectors were constructed and tested at Dhaka, Bangladesh, at a latitude of 23.7 °N. Collector thermal efficiency and capability of raising water temperature were considered as performance evaluation measures. A typical day analysis showed that collector efficiency varied with time and touched its peak at around 12:00 h. During testing, the efficiency of the glazed collector increased by about 70.3% when compared with the unglazed collector. Average collector efficiency over the whole test period was also estimated to be 57.3% and 33.7% for glazed and unglazed collectors, respectively. Maximum water temperatures measured at daytime user outlets were, respectively, 82.4 °C and 65.5 °C for domestic water heating systems with glazed and unglazed collectors and approximated to be 49 °C and 32 °C higher than the ambient temperature. The glazed collector eventually offered significantly higher performances over the unglazed collector in improving system performance.  相似文献   

A 450 ft ‘site-built’ air collector was completed in February 1981 in Boston, Massachusetss. The collector uses the Airco/Guardian ‘Passive Solar Glass’ with a selective surface coating on the inner lite of the collector's double glazing. This paper discusses the issues and theory that led to the building of the collector and estimates performance for the system. Preliminary data taken in late winter indicates that the system will perform seasonally as predicted.  相似文献   

Sun radiation is the heat energy source for solar still. That should be utilized maximum for increasing the evaporative rate at the top surface of the brine. The pyramid shape solar still (PSSS) can receive solar input radiation from all four directions. In this research, the top layer of conventional pyramid shape solar still (CPSSS) is covered with air‐packed cover and analysed the effect in the modified still after air packed in between the two glasses, finally, that result is compared with the CPSSS. The air inside the two glasses will be receiving maximum radiation and retain in it. It can be used as top side insulation and which can ensure the maximum insulation for heat energy inside the PSSS. The CPSSS and air‐packed pyramid shape solar still (APPSSS) were fabricated and experimented. The experiments were conducted at an ambient condition of the Chennai, Tamil Nadu (12.9416°N, 80.2362°E). The CPSSS gives good yield at evening when an increase in wind velocity. The APPSSS gives a lower performance as compared to the CPSSS due to the air‐packed cover.  相似文献   

设计一种使用简化CPC(非追踪式复合抛物线聚光板)集热板和新型开放式热管组合的全真空玻璃集热管中温太阳能空气集热装置。每个集热单元包括一个简化CPC集热板,一根全真空玻璃集热管,在玻璃集热管内安装一个铜管和外部的一个蒸汽包连接构成一个开放式热管结构。蒸汽包内安装螺旋换热管加热通过换热管的流动空气工质。分别使用水和CuO纳米流体作为热管工质,以空气作为集热工质,对热管式中温空气集热器的传热特性进行了实验研究。分析了不同工作压力、不同工质及纳米流体质量分数对热管集热传热特性的影响,详细比较了热管水工质和纳米流体工质在集热传热性能上的优劣。试验结果表明:本系统只使用2根玻璃集热管构成集热器,空气最大出口温度在夏天可达到200℃,在冬天可接近160℃,系统平均集热效率达到0.4以上,整个系统表现了良好的中温集热特性。以纳米流体为工质的热管热阻比以水为工质时平均降低了20%左右  相似文献   

设计了一种能时时跟踪光线,保持最优集热效率的太阳能集热器自动寻光系统。集热管与保温水箱为分体式结构,89C55WD单片机通过温度和水位传感器控制电磁阀开闭保证系统高效运行。运用STC89C52单片机通过光敏电阻光强比较法和定时法确认光线角度,控制电动推杆调节集热器支架方位实现寻光,并对固定倾角、调整倾角和文章所设计集热器接收的太阳辐射量进行模拟对比及分析。  相似文献   

集热器是太阳能热风发电系统的重要组成部分.文章建立了集热器的热物理模型,分析了集热器各部分的传热过程和集热器效率的计算方法.介绍了集热器热损失的求解方法,即利用热阻法求解和根据经验公式求解.  相似文献   

分析了影响太阳能吸收式空调系统集热面积的因素;得出系统集热面积单耗的日逐时值;根据太阳能吸收式空调系统特点,提出了一种确定集热器集热面积的新方法,并以2级吸收式太阳能空调系统为例进行了详细阐述.分析结果表明,为减少集热面积,优化系统,须对太阳能空调系统增设蓄热装置.太阳能吸收式空调运行在8:00~18:00时,系统所需的最小集热面积单耗为1.085 m2/m2,其对应的蓄热器的容积单耗为0.036 3m3/m2,且随着太阳能空调运行时间的缩短,最小集热面积单耗减小,蓄热器容积单耗增加.  相似文献   

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