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直流恒力电磁铁特性 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
电磁铁成本低、结构简单、结实坚固,在某些应用场合,为了改善其控制特性,希望采用恒力(或准恒力)特性的电磁铁.为了设计制作这种电磁铁,须解决两个基本问题:采用什么结构方案;主要尺寸应满足什么条件.针对上述两个问题,提出两种圆柱形直流电磁铁结构一盆形极面和锥形极面结构,在简化的等值磁路方法和分析磁路总磁导的基础上,导出产生恒力特性时电磁铁各主要尺寸之间的解析关系,分析各主要参数对力特性的综合影响.解析分析的结论可为进一步电磁场数值方法精确计算和试验研究提供初步的优选设计方案.解析计算结果与采用ANSOFT有限元电磁场软件计算的结果进行对比,证实所提出的方法和结论是正确的,对于恒力特性直流电磁铁的研发和设计是一种简便、适用的方法. 相似文献
水下电磁铁是水下操纵电动执行元件。受水下供电电源的限制,一般选用直流电磁铁。普通直流电磁铁的起始吸力小,吸力特性曲线较陡,不能满足水下操纵要求。为此,通过对直流电磁铁吸力特性的研究,对电磁铁铁心结构进行改进,设计出了准恒吸力直流电磁铁。为了防止水和泥沙等进入内腔,利用液压油压缩比小、能够润滑的特点,在腔内装满液压油,达到了防水、耐压、耐淤泥等效果。经过近4年的小浪底水库现场试用,这种耐淤泥水下电磁铁未发生过任何故障现象,说明该方案具有很高的可靠性。文章介绍了耐淤泥水下电磁铁的组成结构、吸力特性及其防水防沙密封措施。 相似文献
本文根据超音频快速热传导的特点,对新型恒压变量径向柱塞泵进行了热处理,结果表明,用快速热传导技术可对薄壁小工件的内孔进行局部淬火。 相似文献
戴月红 《机械制造与自动化》2011,40(5):130-133,166
从高速开关数字阀中的电磁技术理论出发,研究了高速开关数字阀中的软磁合金材料的选用原则,计算了电磁铁设计的尺寸,给出了整个电磁铁的设计结构和电磁铁部分装配元件清单. 相似文献
李克勤 《机械工业高教研究》2011,(5):54-57
“和谐管理”是人本的、道德的、柔性的、民主的管理。运用“和谐管理”理念对大学生实施教育和管理是创建和谐高校、构建和谐社会的必然选择。大学生“和谐管理”必须实现从注重“物本管理”到注重“人本管理”、从注重“他律管理”到注重“自律管理”、从注重“刚性管理”到注重“柔性管理”、从注重“科层管理”到注重“民主管理”的四大转变。 相似文献
正The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area. In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000 copies per issue attracts and forms a large number of readership and writers from science and research institute,design department and manufacturing department in heavy industrial field. Being an influential magazine in our country,the magazine has been honored many times by the jurisdiction bureau. The magzine is included in CSSCI,CSTPCD,CAJED,CJN,CAJ,Chinainfo,source journal of CNKI,source journal of CSA. 相似文献
正The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area. In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000copies per issue attracts and forms a 相似文献
<正>The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area. In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000copies per issue attracts and forms a large number of readership and writers from science and research institute,design department and manufacturing department in heavy industrial field.Being an influential magazine in our country,the magazine has been honored many times by the jurisdiction bureau. 相似文献
<正>The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area.In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000copies per issue attracts and forms a large number of readership and writers from science and research institute, 相似文献
<正>The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area.In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000copies per issue attracts and forms a large number of readership and writers from science and research institute,design department and manufacturing department in heavy industrial field. 相似文献
<正>The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area.In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000copies per issue attracts and forms a large number of readership and writers from science and research institute,design department and manufacturing department in heavy industrial field. 相似文献
<正>The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area. In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000copies per issue attracts and forms a large number of readership and writers from science and research institute, 相似文献
介绍了一种全自动钢带式证卡层合机,该层合机可以实现装盒、上料、下料全过程的自动化作业,并且机械结构简单、操作维护方便、体积小、重量轻、制造成本低、功率消耗少,便于在制卡行业应用和推广。 相似文献
正The magazine Machinery Design and Manufacture,which started its initial publication and issue both at home and abroad in 1963,is a kind of periodical science magazine in mechanical industrial area. In decades,the magazine which is published over 20,000copies per issue attracts and forms a large number of readership and writers 相似文献