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70m^2电除尘器气流分布模拟实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用相似原理,对电除尘器的气流分布进行模拟试验,找出适合该电除尘器气流均布要求的气流分布板型,为工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

电除尘器是烧结机头和燃煤锅炉烟气净化的主要设备,随着服役年限增加,除尘效率降低,难以满足日趋严格的环保排放要求。为了提高电除尘器的效率,研发出了移动极板电场和流场优化调整两项技术,将其应用于烧结机头电除尘器和燃煤锅炉电除尘器改造,取得了粉尘排放浓度降低40%~70%的显著效果,为已有电除尘器提效改造提供了范例。  相似文献   

林燕 《梅山科技》2006,(2):7-10
结合转炉煤气回收净化改造,简要介绍了湿式电除尘器的除尘原理;并对回收净化工艺进行描述。指出了湿式电除尘器及其辅助设施的工艺控制要求及安装使用中的注意事项,同时对使用效果和取得的效益进行分析。  相似文献   

孙建玲  朱汉云 《冶金动力》2004,(1):26-27,35
介绍了蜂窝式电除尘器的工作原理,详细阐述了外界工作电压、电晕电流与尘粒漂移速度的关系,分析了漂移速度及选用不同的沉淀极半径对除尘效率的影响,指出了对煤气含尘量的要求不同,选择电除尘器的规格也不同。  相似文献   

根据电除尘器的工作原理,对影响其运行效率的因素进行了分析,提出了电除尘器常见故障的处理方法以及日常维护与保养的有效措施,及时处理了故障,保证了电除尘器的正常运行,提高了电除尘器的工作效率。  相似文献   

介绍了湿式电除尘器的工作原理及该技术在国内外的应用与效果,指出随着国家对大气污染物排放控制要求的提高,常规的除尘器已无法满足对细微颗粒物污染的减排要求。湿式电除尘器具有治理多种烟气污染物的协同和深度污染的特点,对石膏液滴、酸雾、有毒重金属以及PM10,尤其是PM2.5细微颗粒物具有良好的脱除效果。  相似文献   

钢铁行业高湿烟尘湿式电除尘治理技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了钢铁行业高湿烟尘的特点及处理难度,烟尘治理系统及新型湿式电除尘器的结构和技术特点。工程应用结果表明,该烟气治理系统及湿式电除尘器能够满足高湿烟尘排放的环保要求。  相似文献   

为满足日益严格的环保要求,针对天钢联合特钢有限公司230 m2烧结机头电除尘器运行不稳定的问题,从电场、卸灰阀、阴阳极振打系统、阴阳极大小框架校正、阴阳极系统校正及漏风检查等方面对230 m2烧结机机头电除尘器进行改造。改造后电除尘器运行正常,能够满足国家排放标准。  相似文献   

肖宝林 《烧结球团》2002,27(2):44-46
对不同烧结工艺流程段,不同因素对电除尘器所产生的影响和对控制系统的要求进行了分析,对不完善的控制设备和方式的改进作了说明,介绍了一种利用Concept编程软件设计程序,采用烧结工艺现有的Quantum系列计算机对早期设计的电除尘器振打,卸灰实现自动控制。  相似文献   

转炉防爆型静电除尘器内部的扇形刮灰装置是电除尘器中非常重要的一部分,设备机构比较复杂、对维护和操作的人员的素质要求很高。电除尘器振打系统和排灰是否顺利,会影响到整个系统的正常运转。保证输灰系统的可靠性是工作的重点。  相似文献   

电除尘技术研究中的几个问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重分析了静电收尘理论、静电收尘非稳态过程、电除尘器工作电压的确定及极板涂装技术等的研究现状,存在的问题,提出了进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Responds to R. A. McConnell's (see record 1969-16553-001) concern that psychologists are uninterested in ESP from a physicist's point of view. A causal explanation in terms of physical interactions is needed to interest scientists in ESP, since explaining ESP requires the assumption of a new kind of force. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study we have investigated the effect of novel tissue kallikreins on the plasma protein exudation induced by porcine pancreatic kallikrein (PPK) in the rabbit skin in vivo. The tissue kallikrein inhibitors here described were synthesized based on analogues of peptide substrates for tissue kallikreins. The intradermal injection of PPK and rabbit urinary kallikrein, but not of rabbit plasma kallikrein, significantly increased the microvascular permeability leading to local oedema formation in the rabbit skin. At the dose of 3-200 nmol/site, the intradermal co-administration of the tissue kallikrein inhibitors Bz-F-F-S-R-EDDnp (Ki = 0.1 microM; ESP5), PAC-F-S-R-EDDnp (Ki = 0.7 microM; ESP6), Bz-F-F-A-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 7.8 microM; ESP8), PAC-F-F-R-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 0.3 microM; ESP9) and Bz-F-F-S-R-NH2 (Ki = 0.3 microM; ESP11) dose-dependently inhibited the plasma protein exudation induced by PPK. The most potent compound was ESP6 (IC25 = 7.8 nmol/site) followed by ESP5 (IC25 = 14.2 nmol/site), ESP8 (IC25 = 25 nmol/site), ESP9 (IC25 = 30 nmol/site) and ESP11 (IC25 = 50.4 nmol/site). The compounds Bz-F-F-R-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 0.5 microM; ESP1), Bz-F-F-pNa (Ki = 0.4 microM; ESP3), Bz-F(NH2)-F-R-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 1.1 microM; ESP7) and Bz-F-F-S-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 4.6 microM; ESP10) had no significant effect on the PPK-induced plasma protein exudation in doses up to 200 nmol/site. ESP6 also inhibited the PPK-induced plasma protein exudation when administered systemically. This compound may constitute a useful tool to further investigate both the physiological and pathological role of tissue kallikreins.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that the reason it may be impossible to devise a "repeatable" ESP experiment--one that gives results favorable to ESP in at least a majority of repetitions done by qualified skeptical experimenters--is that variables of personality and of attitude toward ESP in experimenters as well as in subjects affect results and that some experimenters are doomed to failure. On occasion, the necessity of this criterion of repeatability has been blandly denied, although it has been a fundamental requirement of proof in all experimental science. Both flying saucers and ESP may exist, but few trained experimentalists will accept them as proved until they have met all criteria of controlled experimentation, including repeatability of the observations. To obtain this proof the experimenter must accept the responsibility of specifying the conditions under which consistent observations may be made. Since there is no universal negative, an hypothesis of the nature of ESP cannot, be disproved, and the burden of proof rests squarely on the positive claimants. As a major step in furnishing the necessary repeatability for experimental proof of ESP, the author challenges the parapsychologists to settle upon one experimental design--any one that offers adequate control--and to obtain adequate repetitions of it with positive results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

简要介绍了青钢烧结公司二烧车间105m2烧结机头原电除尘系统的运行问题,分析了影响电除尘运行参数的因素与原因及对系统参数的选择,阐述了系统改造方案:调整除尘器内部板线间距和除尘器结构,并更换了更智能化的电气控制系统,强化了设备对含尘气体的处理能力。改造后的电除尘系统连续运行了近半年,效果显著,为烧结机头电除尘系统的进一步优化提供了经验。  相似文献   

静电除尘器作为厂矿企业中最常见的尾气除尘环保设备,已得到普遍应用,虽然针对其工作原理详细阐述的书籍资料已十分丰富,但是对于其应用中典型故障处理方面的资料却很少。文章介绍了针对静电除尘器在实际应用中发生的两例典型电气故障的分析及处理方法。  相似文献   

贵溪冶炼厂硫酸二系统净化工序的电除雾器全部采用国产设备,降低生产成本的同时,国产设备也存在着一定的问题,简单介绍了电除雾器主要元件的工作原理,从材质、电路等方面采取了适当的技改措施,圆满地解决了电除雾器运行中存在的问题。  相似文献   

介绍了静电除尘器大修及技术改造的一些做法。通过改变除尘器本体的阴、阳极极配形式,降低烟气流速,采用三相高压电源供电和气力输灰工艺等技术措施,提高了烧结静电除尘器的效率。  相似文献   

设计了电渣转铸的活动熔池和固定结晶器。利用电渣转铸的提升设备和电磁型钢液面的微机检测系统,详细地研究了电渣转铸工艺过程,并讨论了活动熔池的结构、引锭板的起始位置以及分电流对电渣转铸工艺的影响。  相似文献   

Responds to R. A. McConnell's (see record 1969-16553-001) concern that psychologists are uninterested in ESP. The problem lies in the possible implications of the label ESP. It is suggested that a better label would be neosensory perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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