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The paper aims at measuring the general state intervention in rental housing market in Germany from 1913 through 2015. Four policy classes are considered: Incentives for social housing, tenant protection, housing rationing, and rent controls. Based on a legislation analysis, for each class an index measuring the degree of regulation is constructed. The indices reflect dramatic increases in regulations during and after the World Wars. The 2010s are characterized by a surge in all classes of regulations related to the growing housing scarcity in large cities due to interregional migration leading to a geographical mismatch between housing supply and demand.  相似文献   

This contribution explores the relationship between housing policy, which is the responsibility of national governments, and competition policy, including the decision on the legitimacy of state support, which is the responsibility of the European Commission (EC). The paper paints a general picture of EU policy on competition and state support and describes the Dutch social housing system. Attention then turns to the recent intervention by the European Commission in the governance of Dutch social housing and it is asked whether the factors that prompted the intervention exist in other EU member states as well. The analysis shows that this is indeed the case. It is concluded that the intervention of the EC in the Netherlands could become a precedent for other European countries, particularly for those countries that opt against a residualised social rented sector and for a competitive role of social housing providers on the housing market.  相似文献   

Current housing finance systems are mostly a poor reflection of the government's policy priorities. This paper explains how the current Dutch housing finance system works, and analyses its weaknesses against the backdrop of a well-functioning housing market and national policy goals. It specifically looks at recent proposals and some building blocks for future housing finance reform in the Netherlands. The paper ends with conclusions on the potential relevance of the analysis for other European countries.  相似文献   

土地供给政策在中央及各城市的房地产调控政策文件中频繁出现,表明了其在住房市场调控中的重要作用。本文就各土地供给政策工具将如何影响商品住房市场进行研究,希望对土地供给政策的制定提供参考。文章主要通过供求均衡模型分析各土地供给政策对住房市场的作用。并得出如下结论:各土地供给政策通过影响土地市场各环节和住房市场供给弹性对商品住房市场产生影响,其影响渠道较为复杂,但主要土地供给政策工具通过各种渠道影响住房市场的方向是可以判断的。土地供应数量通过住房供给数量、土地价格水平及住房供给预期三种渠道影响住房市场,且同时从三种渠道对房价产生负向作用;我国2002~2004年进行的土地出让方式改革则通过住房供给数量、土地价格水平和住房供给价格弹性影响住房市场,且三种渠道都会助推房价的上涨。  相似文献   

The article traces the evolution of the research interests of Dieleman, an academic who combined the development of analytical models with explorations of the policy implications of the changing structure of housing markets. During his long career as a professor of geography, he championed international cooperation in research and played a major role in disseminating the results of Dutch academic studies to an international audience. His own work was concentrated on the analysis of residential mobility. But much of that work also revealed his interest in applying scholarly insights to policy issues. Throughout his career he showed a deep commitment to improving the functioning of the social rented sector in the Dutch housing market. After reviewing some of Dieleman’s major contributions to the understanding of the housing market, the article follows in his footsteps by analyzing the current use of social rented housing. In this way, this article provides an update on his field of interest based on recent survey data that underlines the validity of his insights.  相似文献   

住房开发中同样要强调功能经济思想,这对我国住宅产业健康发展有着重要的意义。目前我国住房开发存在着功能过剩、功能与成本严重不匹配和不计全寿命期成本等背离功能经济的现象。文章中指出住房开发中必须导入功能经济思想。导入的途径包括住房产品设计、企业转变经营哲学及政府政策引导与监管等。  相似文献   

采取历史研究和比较研究的方法,对欧美国家为保障中低收入群体住房权利实行多年的公共住房制度的异同进行了比较:战后欧美均不约而同实行相当程度的公共住房制度,不同之处是欧洲国家对住房市场的干预较为直接、全面和深入,而美国则采用税收、信贷的形式间接影响房地产市场,实践证明均行之有效。对我国现阶段住区规划与政策的启示是:住房是关系民生的大事,政府不应完全放任市场调节;我国应建立具自己的公共住房制度,改变目前过于依赖市场解决住房供应现状;土地供应模式和开发商为主体的住房生产模式必须改变;采取包括政府直接投资、鼓励社会  相似文献   

Booming housing markets in the UK have once again brought into sharper focus the issues of housing affordability, housing need and ‘affordable housing’ solutions. This paper reviews issues in the measurement of problems of affordability, particularly access to homeownership, and reports on modelled estimates for England at regional and local levels. These models provide a method for comparing pressures in different areas, but also for measuring market change over time and its relationship with the economy. They are also useful for identifying and assessing the scope for ‘intermediate’ forms of provision between conventional homeownership and social renting. Measures of recent and prospective needs for additional affordable housing provision, derived from this analysis of affordability, are presented and assessed. These findings are linked to a broader contemporary policy debate about housing and planning policy in England.  相似文献   


Despite the neglect in research and policy for rental housing, there is a developing awareness of the problems of the private rental sector and the need for policy intervention. The paper suggests that the development of policies must proceed with caution; there are many areas where our knowledge of the problems and processes of the private rental market are insufficient for policy development.  相似文献   

“商改租”政策的提出不仅有利于扩大租赁住房供给来源,也为我国商办市场去库存提供了一个解决思路。但目前“商改租”的实践效果并不理想,针对企业积极性不高的问题,在相关文献研究和案例分析的基础上,从法律与政策、市场、企业和存量商办房自身4个方面,系统归纳出影响企业参与意愿的26个因素。运用系统工程方法,建立了影响因素间的6级多层递阶解释结构模型,明确各因素之间的相互影响关系和作用路径,找出了影响企业参与意愿的10个根源性因素。并针对法律与政策、政府激励措施、商办与住房租赁市场需求、改造市场经验、存量状况与满足转化条件程度等根源性影响因素,提出“商改租”工作推进政策建议。  相似文献   

经济适用房政策存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出经济适用房政策的目标主要是为了扩大住房供给,调节房地产投资结构和扩大市场有效需求,通过对经济适用房政策存在问题的分析,对如何完善经济适用房政策,解决中低收入群体的住房问题提出了界定购房对象、政策补贴等建议.  相似文献   

为了解政府对住房市场宏观调控采取政策的执行效果,采用定性分析的方法对住房市场宏观调控中的金融、房贷和土地政策进行分析。在梳理总结各类政策的基础上,分析政策出台规律、政策实施效果以及造成市场现状的根源及深层次原因。结合政策特点和问题根源,提出相应的政策建议改善住房市场调控现状,建立住房市场宏观调控的长效机制。  相似文献   

借鉴日本公营住宅经验建立我国低收入家庭住房租金模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廉租住房是我国继经济适用住房之后,政府推出的又一种政策性住房。其目的是为解决住房困难的低收入家庭居住问题。但从实际的运行情况看,尚存在诸多政策设计方面的问题。尤其在租金的制定方面过于简单,没有充分考虑如何运用经济手段调节廉租住房需求和相应的退出机制。本文在对日本公营住宅运作方法分析的基础上,提出我国在制定面向低收入家庭的住房租金时,应根据家庭收入对低收入家庭进一步细分,针对不同收入水平的低收入家庭采用不同的每平方米租金,并根据住房面积的变化采用递进式每平方米租金原则,同时给出面向低收入家庭的住房租金计算模型。随着家庭收入的增长,廉租住房租金逐渐提高,乃至接近甚至超过市场租金,通过经济手段使经济条件好转的家庭退出廉租住房系统。  相似文献   

By 1998, 91 percent of all housing units in Hungary were occupied by owners –an extremely high percentage by international standards. Today's Hungarian housing politicians, whose anti-rental convictions stem from the experience of the previous regime, tend to disregard arguments about the consequences of this bias: the negative impact on mobility, the creation of a rigid housing market (lack of adaptability to the housing market), hardships in addressing social problems, conflicts between generations (obligations borne by elder generations) as well as the `compulsory' purchase of housing by younger generations and the drain of subsidies. There is extensive evidence that current Hungarian regulations are hostile to rental housing. With subsidies channeled to the ownership sector (housing construction benefits, interest subsidies, local subsidies, employer subsidies) as well as tax relief (purchase of privately owned housing, savings-linked subsidies, imputed rents), it is more expensive for households to rent than to buy or build housing. This leads to a distorted economic structure and a distorted use of society's resources. A housing policy based on modern economic theory pursues neutral subsidy and tax policies concerning ownership. Thus, from an economic point of view, there is no reason to prefer owner-occupied housing to rental housing. This paper explains why the private and public rental sectors are so small. But at a deeper level, the question is why private rented housing exists at all. The paper also explores related questions: who tend to rent out their units, why, for how long and how much; and who tend to rent these units, why do they rent them, and at what prices? The key policy issue is to define the basic impediments to the sector's expansion. On this basis, a new housing policy program can be formulated.  相似文献   

住房供需结构错位是当前我国许多城市住房市场面临的主要问题,而针对该问题的分析、研究和调控决策都必须以对住房供需结构,特别是住房需求结构的准确把握为基础。对目前国内常用的两大类住房需求结构度量方法进行了归纳总结,并结合2006年成都市住房套型面积需求结构的研究实例,重点讨论了两类方法应用过程中可能出现的问题及解决途径,最后对其应用和改进思路提出建议。  相似文献   

大城市住房保障政策的效用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,中国的大城市及特大城市正面临着巨大的保障性住房供给压力,促使各级政府不断地在住房保障政策上进行尝试与革新。然而,并非所有的政策都行之有效。基于这样的现实问题,本文以福利经济学的视角,分析并评价了在不同供给模式以及区位条件组合下,住房保障政策的市场供需绩效及利益分配绩效。提出只有将保障性住房政策纳入一个空间资源配置政策体系中,才有可能实现住房保障政策的效应最大化。  相似文献   

This paper discusses market inspired changes to the delivery of public housing in Queensland, Australia during the late 1990s. These policy changes were implemented in an organisational environment dominated by managerialism. The theory and method of critical discourse analysis is used to examine how managerial subject positions were assimilated and/or creatively resisted by different actors within the public housing policy community. These themes are discussed using interview data with a range of policy actors, including policy managers, front-line housing staff and public housing tenants. The analysis suggests that policy actors who openly challenged the emerging policy and organisational direction were marginalised in changing power relations.  相似文献   


To date most prognoses of older adults in the housing market have been based on average housing preferences and average housing market behaviour of all persons in a certain age cohort. Due to socialcultural and social-economic dynamics, the relationship between age and housing is expected to change for successive cohorts. This study sets out to improve housing preferences estimates by recognizing the growing differentiation among older adults. This heterogeneity is analysed by differentiating older adults on their lifestyles (operationalized as values), using latent class analysis as a clustering technique. These analyses result in older adults being classified into five segments on the basis of their viewpoints, motivations and attitude. Next, for each lifestyle segment a separate discrete choice model is estimated, offering insight in the relative importance that these segments give to various housing attributes. The findings demonstrate advantages over a traditional, single model approach and can be helpful in formulating contemporary housing policy.  相似文献   

This contribution deals with the impact of the credit crunch on the Dutch housing market and the policy responses of the Dutch government so far. Reinhart and Rogoff have presented an overview of credit crises after WW II: what are the general characteristics and impacts? Also in the Netherlands, banking problems were imported from the US. The open economy of the Netherlands appeared to be very vulnerable to the worldwide credit crunch. Also in this country the real economy worsened. Housing construction fell sharply, while prices of residential properties fell more gradually. After giving an overview of the Dutch government’s current policies to stimulate housing construction and renovation, we consider whether the Dutch economy is following the general pattern sketched by Reinhart and Rogoff. If so, we could expect a continuation of the crisis on the housing and construction market for another 4 years.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stagnation of the Dutch housing production in the late 1990s and identifies possibilities for raising production in the near future. Dutch housing production is placed in a theoretical and historical context. Special attention is devoted to the relationship between housing production, price developments, the economic cycle and urbanization policy. These form the basis for an explanation of the stagnation of Dutch housing production. In addition, it identifies a number of obstructive and disruptive influences in play. Because these are partly steered by government policy, the government needs to re-think its role in the housing (construction) market.  相似文献   

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