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Universal Access in the Information Society - Equal access to all software and digital content should be a reality in the Digital Era. This argument is something defended both by existing...  相似文献   

Constructing a knowledge-based system requires the identification of the conceptual primitives and problem-solving strategy that will permit capturing the expertise in an adapted way. This article presents an approach to support the elaboration of such a conceptual model by data abstraction. Our work is motivated by the objective of constructing models that correspond to how experts solve problems, which is required for some applications, as, for example, presenting problem solving in an educational system. We argue that such an objective cannot be tackled by refining a predefined model. We propose to use a prototype reifying the model as a means for its study. We present methodological guides, and an operationalization language that allows the putting into practice of the approach we propose. Examples from different applications illustrate the presentation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Inspired by the operation of human social organisation, this paper presents a new architecture—a pyramid-committee—for developing society-oriented intelligence, whose structure imitates the organisation of human society in its decision making. The system takes a pyramid-like hierarchical structure with links in the pyramid forming a semi-lattice, which relate not only to nodes in the same layer, but also to others in different layers. The output of the system is a result of the negotiation and balancing of different interests. For such a system to function, the main difficulties concern the complicated relationships between different factors or agents. Focussing on the airport environment audit, we discuss the development of a model framework and the role of neural networks.  相似文献   

To successfully compete in today’s volatile business environments, enterprises need to consolidate, flexibly adapt, and extend their information systems (IS) with new functionality. Component-based development approaches can help solving these challenges as they support the structuring of IS landscapes into business components with a loosely coupled business functionality. However, the structuring process continues to pose research challenges and is not adequately supported yet. Current approaches to support the structuring process typically rely on procedures that cannot be customized to the designer’s situational preferences. Furthermore, they do not allow the designer to identify and reflect emerging conflicts during the structuring. In this paper, we therefore propose a new method that introduces a rational, reflective procedure to systematically derive an optimized structuring according to situational preferences. Using a design science approach, we show (i) how the derivation of business components can be formulated as a customizable multi-criteria decision making problem and (ii) how conceptual models can be used to derive business components with an optimized functional scope. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed method, we describe its application in a complex case that was taken from a German DAX-30 automobile manufacturer.  相似文献   

A knowledge based, decision support tool for the conceptual design of bridges is described. The system incorporates a restructured version of a knowledge base (KB) for conceptual bridge design. The restructuring results in a KB which can be readily altered and extended by system users who are not expert knowledge engineers. This is achieved by using a novel form of KB in which the knowledge is fragmented into separate concepts associated with design solutions. The system also includes a new style of user interface which provides a critiquing style of interaction with the KB only interacting with the user when it detects a possible error or a more suitable design solution. The new system has been developed using object oriented programming techniques which result in a structured and robust style of KB.  相似文献   

提出一种面向虚拟采办全寿命周期、全系统、全方位决策的智能决策支持系统SBA—IDSS概念框架.作为真实世界采办最终需求的抽象描述,它属于与实现无关的规范性模型体系,由它定义应用领域、用户概念和环境特征.同时它是数字世界中拟实现的初始工程模型,包括与实现无关的设计可行性模型、规划模型及功能顶层分解.该框架支持系统的自组织、自适应智能行为,预期可按需组成模型与仿真、文件、知识、通信及数据驱动的各类实用决策支持系统.该框架通过一项SBA实例的验证,得到可用性的正面评价.  相似文献   

This article presents a multi-stage model for bilateral negotiation support. It continues from the work of Lim and Benbasat [L.H. Lim, I. Benbasat, A theoretical perspective of negotiation support systems, Journal of Management Information Systems 19(3) (1992) 27-44], in which a two-dimensional approach to negotiation support is advocated. Based on that approach, the current work identifies generic types of DSS and communication tools necessary to support the requirements and strategic analyses. An actual system built based on this conceptualisation, is then described.  相似文献   

Our aim in the SUAVE (SAVANT and University of Adelaide VHDL Extensions) Project is to improve support for high-level modeling and reuse in VHDL. A number of previous proposals also address these goals. SUAVE extends the language with object-orientation and genericity features and generalizes some existing features. Extending VHDL in this way has the side effect of improving its expressiveness at all abstraction levels. We adapted most of the added features from Ada-95, largely for the same reasons they are included in that language  相似文献   

A conceptual virtual reality model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In recent years, Web services have been developed as a fundamental technique for the new generation of B2B or EAI applications. As they have matured and a new vision of service-oriented computing has emerged, the software industry has shifted its attention from developing required software to delivering desired services. In order to benefit from such a service-oriented model of software, several critical issues must be addressed in a service-oriented environment such as differentiation of services by various attributes, dynamic selection and provision of services in a supply chain style, and commitment of services with prescribed rules. From the managerial perspective, these issues are concerned with a process of negotiating desired services in a service-oriented environment. In this paper, we propose an object-oriented model that specifies such a negotiation process by architectural constructs where these critical issues are adequately addressed. The model contains a use case diagram that depicts requirements for the negotiation process, an architecture diagram that describes collaborative components for satisfying these requirements, and a class/sequence diagram that specifies class objects in these components to perform all behaviors occurring within the negotiation process. For illustration, the model is applied to an exemplified negotiation process for book publishing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a cooperative hypermedia-based process support system focusing on flexible business processes. An analysis of the communication, coordination and cooperation requirements of business processes reveals a gap in current computer support. We propose to address these requirements by extending a cooperative hypermedia system with process support. The resulting system, called CHIPS, uses hypermedia-based activity spaces to model the structural, relational, and computational semantics of both individual tasks and processes. Application examples demonstrate that the CHIPS system retains the intuitive usability of hypertext and can support a wide range of business processes.  相似文献   

Multimodality in learning analytics and learning science is under the spotlight. The landscape of sensors and wearable trackers that can be used for learning support is evolving rapidly, as well as data collection and analysis methods. Multimodal data can now be collected and processed in real time at an unprecedented scale. With sensors, it is possible to capture observable events of the learning process such as learner's behaviour and the learning context. The learning process, however, consists also of latent attributes, such as the learner's cognitions or emotions. These attributes are unobservable to sensors and need to be elicited by human‐driven interpretations. We conducted a literature survey of experiments using multimodal data to frame the young research field of multimodal learning analytics. The survey explored the multimodal data used in related studies (the input space) and the learning theories selected (the hypothesis space). The survey led to the formulation of the Multimodal Learning Analytics Model whose main objectives are of (O1) mapping the use of multimodal data to enhance the feedback in a learning context; (O2) showing how to combine machine learning with multimodal data; and (O3) aligning the terminology used in the field of machine learning and learning science.  相似文献   

Lumped, conceptual groundwater models can be used to simulate groundwater level time-series quickly and efficiently without the need for comprehensive modelling expertise. A new model of this type, AquiMod, is presented for simulating groundwater level time-series in unconfined aquifers. Its modular design enables users to implement different model structures to gain understanding about controls on aquifer storage and discharge. Five model structures are evaluated for four contrasting aquifers in the United Kingdom. The ability of different model structures and parameterisations to replicate the observed hydrographs is examined. AquiMod simulates the quasi-sinusoidal hydrographs of the relatively uniform Chalk and Sandstone aquifers most efficiently. It is least efficient at capturing the flashy hydrograph of a heterogeneous, fractured Limestone aquifer. The majority of model parameters demonstrate sensitivity and can be related to available field data. The model structure experiments demonstrate the need to represent vertical aquifer heterogeneity to capture the storage–discharge dynamics efficiently.  相似文献   

The research presented in this paper is a follow-up of our prior work involving the development of a graphical modeling tool to support designers at the conceptual design stage. To close the loop for supporting designers in generating design concepts flexibly, fast, and easily, an ontology-based approach for knowledge management that works along with the graphical modeling tool is discussed. Ontology and databases for the tool are developed to promote the systematic capture of design knowledge and efficient reuse of the design knowledge selection. In order to locate the proper information and query the data from the databases, the relationship between the ontology and databases, the data analysis process, ontology enrichment, and the ontology-based query engine are built to offer users multiple design results according to users’ requirements. A tire design example is presented to demonstrate the proposed approach. The ontology-based method described in this paper can help retrieve and save the complex relations, support the reasoning, integrate heterogeneous data resources and offer users more accurate, proper and comprehensive data.  相似文献   

In agricultural and environmental sciences dispersal models are often used for risk assessment to predict the risk associated with a given configuration and also to test scenarios that are likely to minimise those risks. Like any biological process, dispersal is subject to biological, climatic and environmental variability and its prediction relies on models and parameter values which can only approximate the real processes. In this paper, we present a Bayesian method to model dispersal using spatial configuration and climatic data (distances between emitters and receptors; main wind direction) while accounting for uncertainty, with an application to the prediction of adventitious presence rate of genetically modified maize (GM) in a non-GM field. This method includes the design of candidate models, their calibration, selection and evaluation on an independent dataset. A group of models was identified that is sufficiently robust to be used for prediction purpose. The group of models allows to include local information and it reflects reliably enough the observed variability in the data so that probabilistic model predictions can be performed and used to quantify risk under different scenarios or derive optimal sampling schemes.  相似文献   

Virtual learning environments can now be enriched not only with visual and auditory information, but also with tactile and kinesthetic feedback. However, the way to successfully integrate haptic feedback on a multimodal learning environment is still unclear. This study aims to provide guidelines on how visuohaptic simulations can be implemented effectively, thus the research question is: Under what conditions do visual and tactile information support students' development of conceptual learning of force‐related concepts? Participants comprised 170 undergraduate students of a Midwestern University enrolled in a physics for elementary education class. Four experiments were conducted using four different configurations of multimodal learning environments: Visual feedback only, haptic force feedback only, visual and haptic force feedback at the same time, and sequenced modality of haptic feedback first and visual feedback second. Our results suggest that haptic force feedback has the potential to enrich learning when compared with visual only environments. Also, haptic and visual modalities interact better when sequenced one after another rather than presented simultaneously. Finally, exposure to virtual learning environments enhanced by haptic forced feedback was a positive experience, but the ease of use and ease of interpretation was not so evident.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual definition of an information fusion (IF) processing framework. Several concepts borrowed from complex systems theory, informational philosophy and computer sciences have been integrated to conceptualize that framework. The concepts of holon and informon developed by Koestler, Sulis, Alonso, Paggi et al. are exploited here to develop an information fusion processing framework. The proposed functional holonic structure is suitable for processing any level of information abstraction of the Joint Directors of Laboratory (JDL) data fusion model. The framework comprises the characterization of a basic element of information and the definition of an IF cell as a basic IF system unit to achieve fusion of information. The framework advocates a goal-driven approach with notions coming from business sciences to take into account quality of information for managing the fusion process. The framework is illustrated through several examples namely with an elaborated case in remote sensing.  相似文献   

At a time when communication, new media, and digitalization are transversal to the whole of society, private health care organizations have the possibility of making their business processes evolve. The objective is thus to seize the benefits associated to the active use of patients' electronic health records (EHRs) as the basis for personalized health care. In order to initially validate the health care sector acceptance of a 360° health care information system (HIS), focused on collecting patients' data to create the necessary knowledge for delivering personalized health care procedures and initiatives, a focus group involving a set of health-related professionals was performed. Despite recognizing the immense possibilities associated to EHR and its direct incorporation on a 360° HIS, the referred professionals still highlighted their concerns relative to the maintenance of adequate security and privacy levels. With this in mind, a proposal for a 360° HIS model is presented, and its main functional blocks are described with a focus on triggering patient/customer loyalty.  相似文献   

This paper describes ACTEN, a conceptual model for the design of security systems. Security information is represented by action-entity pairs and organized into a framework composed of graphs and tables. The rules permitting the building and management of this framework are introduced.The model describes both static and dynamic aspects of the security system; in fact, it shows the access modalities between objects in the system and the evolution of such modalities due to grant and revocation of rights within the security system.ACTEN also allows the identification of the authority and protection level of each component of the system. The tools for this analysis are introduced and an example is given.  相似文献   

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