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双曲柄环板式针摆行星传动降低振动与噪声的优化设计与试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
双曲柄环板式针摆行星传动是一种高承载能力和高传动效率的新型传动装置.它有多种结构型式,从中选择两种主要结构型式,以提高承载能力为目标进行优化设计,研制出样机进行性能试验,它们都具有高的承载能力和高的传动效率.介绍这两种能传递更大功率且动态特性更优的主要结构型式和进一步提高其动态特性的研究成果.其中,以提高承载能力为目标进行优化设计的三齿轮联动双曲柄四环板针摆行星传动的样机,高转速满负荷工作时的噪声为92 dB;而振动的评级为好.经过以降低振动和噪声为目标的改进优化设计后,高转速满负荷工作时的噪声为85 dB,噪声降低了7 dB,其评级指标也上升为"好";同时样机的振动性能又得到进一步的改善. 相似文献
双曲柄四环板针摆行星减速器是具有多种传动优点的新型针摆行星传动,文章从提高其系列化设计效率的角度出发,研究该种减速器的参数化设计方法.文中还系统地介绍了如何利用VC 平台及Pro/E的二次开发工具包Pro/Toolkit开发出能运行于Pro/E环境下的零件三维模型的参数化设计程序的总体思路和具体的设计步骤. 相似文献
针对双曲柄环板式针摆行星传动中的平行四杆机构,运用动力学原理分析了机构中杆长尺寸误差和运动副侧隙等随机变量对转臂轴承栽荷的影响,并建立了力分析模型,为在设计双曲柄环板式针摆传动时,更好地计算各构件的强度、动力性能及机构可靠性等提供了一定的理论基础。 相似文献
提出了利用圆周形连杆曲线的平面机构引导行星轮实现少齿差内啮合运动的机构组合方式,分析了曲柄摆块输入机构齿圈中心运动轨迹及误差,证明了机构系统的运动可能性,在此基础上分析了齿圈的运动,推导了机构瞬时传动比的计算公式。 相似文献
Recursive matrix relations concerning the geometric analysis, kinematics and dynamics of a Bendix wrist planetary bevel-gear train for robotics are established in the paper. The prototype of this mechanism is a 3-DOF system with seven links and four bevel gear pairs controlled by electric motors. Supposing that the rotational motion of the platform is known, an inverse dynamic problem is developed using the principle of virtual powers. Some relations and graphs for torques and powers of three actuators are determined. 相似文献
Influence of bearing stiffness on the static properties of a planetary gear system with manufacturing errors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hybrid finite element analysis was used to analyze the influence of bearing stiffness on the static properties of a planetary
gear system with manufacturing errors. The effects of changes in stiffness were similar for most of the manufacturing errors.
State variables were most affected by the stiffness of the planet bearings. Floating either the sun or carrier helps to equal
load sharing and minimizes the critical tooth stress. The effects of a floating sun and carrier are similar, but it is not
recommended that both float, because this can induce greater critical tooth stress. Planet bearing stiffness should be optimized.
Both load sharing and critical tooth stress should be considered to determine optimal bearing stiffness. 相似文献
一种分析行星齿轮变速器的新方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
提出了一种利用波尔(Boo1ean)参数对行星齿轮变速器进行分析的新方法,由于它能将变速器的运动学和动力学方程用一组含波尔参数的代数方程表示,因而,既能使分析过程简化,又特别适用于此类变速器的设计。 相似文献
Influence of manufacturing errors on the dynamic characteristics of planetary gear systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A dynamic analysis using a hybrid finite element method was performed to characterize the effects of a number of manufacturing
errors on bearing forces and critical tooth stress in the elements of a planetary gear system. Some tolerance control guidelines
for managing bearing forces and critical stress are deduced from the results. The carrier indexing error for the planet assembly
and planet runout error are the most critical factors in reducing the planet bearing force and maximizing load sharing, as
well as in reducing the critical stress. 相似文献
车方机床用曲率半径很大的椭圆短半轴曲线代替直线切削方形工件。生产率高 ,刀具成本低。选取适当的车头行星轮的分度圆直径 ,可以有效地控制车方原理的直线度误差。对实际工件进行了原理误差的分析计算和行星轮系的设计计算 相似文献
针对液力自动变速器传动效率低、油耗大、结构复杂的缺陷,提出了一种新型的行星齿轮功率分流式无级变速器,它取消了液力变矩器,在辛普森双行星排变速机构的基础上,通过功率分流并调节发电机输入功率来实现无级变速,该变速器结构简单,传动效率高,具有较高的实用价值。 相似文献
内齿行星齿轮传动啮合效率的分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文采用Крейнес方法推导出内齿行星齿轮传动的啮合效率公式,分析了影响啮合效率的因素,给出了这种传动形式用于增速时的自锁条件,得到了一些具有实际意义的结论。 相似文献
Goutam Pohit 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2006,31(1-2):85-91
The manufacturing process of gears is fairly complicated due to the presence of various simultaneous motions of the cutter and the job. In this paper, an attempt is made to generate meaningful design data for spur and helical gears and the corresponding rack form cutter necessary for the manufacturing. Using this information, solid models for the cutter and blank are developed and finally gear-manufacturing processes are simulated in a virtual manufacturing environment. The user has the option to choose between design and manufacture mode at will. The integrated process may also help to develop an optimized product. For better understanding of the operational principle, an animation facility in the form of a movie is included in the package. 相似文献