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A DAE Approach to Flexible Multibody Dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work deals with the dynamics of multibody systems consisting ofrigid bodies and beams. Nonlinear finite element methods are used to devise a frame-indifferent spacediscretization of the underlying geometrically exact beam theory. Both rigid bodies and semi-discrete beams are viewed as finite-dimensional dynamical systems with holonomic constraints. The equations of motion pertaining to the constrained mechanical systems under considerationtake the form of Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs).The DAEs are discretized directly by applying a Galerkin-based method.It is shown that the proposed DAE approach provides a unified framework for the integration of flexible multibody dynamics.  相似文献   

Complex Flexible Multibody Systems with Application to Vehicle Dynamics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A formulation to describe the linear elastodynamics offlexible multibody systems is presented in this paper. By using a lumpedmass formulation the flexible body mass is represented by a collectionof point masses with rotational inertia. Furthermore, the bodydeformations are described with respect to a body-fixed coordinateframe. The coupling between the flexible body deformation and its rigidbody motion is completely preserved independently of the methods used todescribe the body flexibility. In particular, if the finite elementmethod is chosen for this purpose only the standard finite elementparameters obtained from any commercial finite element code are used inthe methodology. In this manner, not only the analyst can use any typeof finite elements in the multibody model but the same finite elementmodel can be used to evaluate the structural integrity of any systemcomponent also. To deal with complex-shaped structural models offlexible bodies it is necessary to reduce the number of generalizedcoordinates to a reasonable dimension. This is achieved with thecomponent mode synthesis at the cost of specializing the formulation toflexible multibody models experiencing linear elastic deformations only.Structural damping is introduced to achieve better numerical performancewithout compromising the quality of the results. The motions of therigid body and flexible body reference frames are described usingCartesian coordinates. The kinematic constraints between the differentsystem components are evaluated in terms of this set of generalizedcoordinates. The equations of motion of the flexible multibody systemare solved by using the augmented Lagrangean method and a sparse matrixsolver. Finally, the methodology is applied to model a vehicle with acomplex flexible chassis, simulated in typical handling scenarios. Theresults of the simulations are discussed in terms of their numericalprecision and efficiency.  相似文献   

In this article it is shown how non-holonomic constraints can beincluded in the formulation of the dynamic equations of flexiblemultibody systems. The equations are given in state space formwith the degrees of freedom, their derivatives and the kinematiccoordinates as state variables, which circumvents the use ofLagrangian multipliers. With these independent state variables forthe system the derivation of the linearized equations of motion isstraightforward. The incorporation of the method in a finiteelement based program for flexible multibody systems is discussed.The method is illustrated by three examples, which show, amongother things, how the linearized equations can be used to analysethe stability of a nominal steady motion.  相似文献   

We present a new implementation of substructuring methods forflexible multibody analysis. In previous developed formulations, wefixed the local axes of the superelement to one node. In thisformulation, the reference frame is floating and close, in some sense,to the body center. The local frame is selected based on the positionsof the interface nodes of the superelement, and completely independentof the order in which the nodes of the superelement are given.Therefore, the superelement itself depends only on the nodes positions,and on the mass and stiffness properties, thus allowing a very easyinterfacing between the finite element program which computed thesuperelement and the mechanism analysis program.  相似文献   

Bae  D.S.  Han  J.M.  Choi  J.H. 《Multibody System Dynamics》2000,4(4):297-315
A convenient implementation method for constrained flexiblemultibody dynamics is presented by introducing a virtual rigid body andjoint. The general purpose program for rigid and flexible multibodydynamics consists of three major parts of a set of inertia modules, aset of force modules, and a set of joint modules. Whenever a new forceor joint module is added to the general purpose program, the modules forthe rigid body dynamics are not reusable for the flexible body dynamics.Consequently, the corresponding modules for the flexible body dynamicsmust be formulated and programmed again. Since the flexible bodydynamics handles more degrees of freedom than the rigid body dynamicsdoes, implementation of the module is generally complicated and prone tocoding mistakes. In order to overcome these difficulties, a virtualrigid body is introduced at every joint and force reference frames. Newkinematic admissibility conditions are imposed on two-body referenceframes of virtual and original bodies by introducing a virtual flexiblebody joint. There are some computational overheads due to the additionalbodies and joints. However, since computation time is mainly dependenton the frequency of flexible body dynamics, the computational overheadof the presented method is not a critical problem, while implementationconvenience is dramatically improved.  相似文献   

Multibody Dynamics of Very Flexible Damped Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An efficient multibody dynamics formulation is presented for simulating the forward dynamics of open and closed loop mechanical systems comprised of rigid and flexible bodies interconnected by revolute, prismatic, free, and fixed joints. Geometrically nonlinear deformation of flexible bodies is included and the formulation does not impose restrictions on the representation of material damping within flexible bodies.The approach is based on Kane's equation without multipliers and the resulting formulation generates 2ndof+m first order ordinary differential equations directly where ndof is the smallest number of system degrees of freedom that can completely describe the system configuration and m is the number of loop closure velocity constraint equations. The equations are integrated numerically in the time domain to propagate the solution.Flexible bodies are discretized using a finite element approach. The mass and stiffness matrices for a six-degree-of-freedom planar beam element are developed including mass coupling terms, rotary inertia, centripetal and Coriolis forces, and geometric stiffening terms.The formulation is implemented in the general purpose multibody dynamics computer program flxdyn. Extensive validation of the formulation and corresponding computer program is accomplished by comparing results with analytically derived equations, alternative approximate solutions, and benchmark problems selected from the literature. The formulation is found to perform well in terms of accuracy and solution efficiency.This article develops the formulation and presents a set of validation problems including a sliding pendulum, seven link mechanism, flexible beam spin-up problem, and flexible slider crank mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the dynamic analysis of flexible,nonlinear multibody systems undergoing intermittent contacts. Contact isassumed to be of finite duration, and the forces acting between thecontacting bodies which can be either rigid or deformable are explicitlycomputed during simulation. The modeling of contact consists of threeparts: a number of holonomic constraints that define the candidatecontact points on the bodies, a unilateral contact condition which istransformed into a holonomic constraint by the addition of a slackvariable, and a contact model which describes the relationship betweenthe contact force and the local deformation of the contacting bodies.This work is developed within the framework of energy preserving anddecaying time integration schemes that provide unconditional stabilityfor nonlinear, flexible multibody systems undergoing intermittentcontacts.  相似文献   

The context of this work is the non-linear dynamics ofmultibody systems (MBS). The approach followed for parametrisation ofrigid bodies is the use of inertial coordinates, forming a dependent setof parameters. This approach mixes naturally with nodal coordinates in adisplacement-based finite element discretisation of flexible bodies,allowing an efficient simulation for MBS dynamics. An energy-momentumtime integration algorithm is developed within the context of MBSconstraints enforced through penalty methods. The approach follows theconcept of a discrete derivative for Hamiltonian systems proposed byGonzalez, achieving exact preservation of energy and momentum. Thealgorithm displays considerable stability, overcoming the traditionaldrawback of the penalty method, namely numerical ill-conditioning thatleads to stiff equation systems. Additionally, excellent performance isachieved in long-term simulations with rather large time-steps.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the efficient extension of the recursive formalism (articulated body inertia) for flexible multibody systems. Present recursive formalisms for flexible multibody systems require the inversion of the mass matrix with the dimension equal to the number of flexible degrees of freedom of particular bodies. This is completely removed. The paper describes the derivation of equations of motion expressed in the local coordinate system attached to the body, then the discretization of these equations of motion based on component mode synthesis and FEM shape functions and, finally, two versions of the new recursive formalism.  相似文献   

The use of a multibody methodology to describe the large motion of complex systems that experience structural deformations enables to represent the complete system motion, the relative kinematics between the components involved, the deformation of the structural members and the inertia coupling between the large rigid body motion and the system elastodynamics. In this work, the flexible multibody dynamics formulations of complex models are extended to include elastic components made of composite materials, which may be laminated and anisotropic. The deformation of any structural member must be elastic and linear, when described in a coordinate frame fixed to one or more material points of its domain, regardless of the complexity of its geometry. To achieve the proposed flexible multibody formulation, a finite element model for each flexible body is used. For the beam composite material elements, the sections properties are found using an asymptotic procedure that involves a two-dimensional finite element analysis of their cross-section. The equations of motion of the flexible multibody system are solved using an augmented Lagrangian formulation and the accelerations and velocities are integrated in time using a multi-step multi-order integration algorithm based on the Gear method.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the modeling of the contact conditionsassociated with cylindrical, prismatic, and screw joints in flexiblemultibody systems. In the classical formulation these joints aredeveloped for rigid bodies, and kinematic constraints are enforcedbetween the kinematic variables of the two bodies. These constraintsexpress the conditions for relative translation and rotation of the twobodies along and about a body-fixed axis, and imply the relative slidingand rotation of the two bodies which remain in constant contact witheach other. However, these kinematic constraints no longer implyrelative sliding with contact when one of the bodies is flexible. Toremedy this situation, a sliding joint and a sliding screwjoint are proposed that involves kinematic constraints at theinstantaneous point of contact between the sliding bodies. For slidingscrew joints, additional constraints are added on the relative rotationof the contacting bodies. Various numerical examples are presented thatdemonstrate the dramatically different behavior of cylindrical,prismatic, or screw joints and of the proposed sliding and sliding screwjoints in the presence of elastic bodies, and the usefulness of theseconstraint elements in the modeling of complex mechanical systems.  相似文献   

By combining linear graph theory with the principle of virtualwork, a dynamic formulation is obtained that extends graph-theoreticmodelling methods to the analysis of flexible multibody systems. Thesystem is represented by a linear graph, in which nodes representreference frames on rigid and flexible bodies, and edges representcomponents that connect these frames. By selecting a spanning tree forthe graph, the analyst can choose the set of coordinates appearing inthe final system of equations. This set can include absolute, joint, orelastic coordinates, or some combination thereof. If desired, allnon-working constraint forces and torques can be automaticallyeliminated from the dynamic equations by exploiting the properties ofvirtual work. The formulation has been implemented in a computerprogram, DynaFlex, that generates the equations of motion in symbolicform. Three examples are presented to demonstrate the application of theformulation, and to validate the symbolic computer implementation.  相似文献   

During the last decade robots with flexible links became a popular research object for control engineers. This is because of their sophisticated properties referring to feedback control, e.g., non-minimum phase behaviour in end-effector control. Massive problems already occur trying to obtain an accurate analytic model for multilink flexible robots. This paper presents an effective way for numerical modelling of multilink flexible robots using the multibody system toolkit MBILE. The experimental model fitting to a laboratory test bed of a two-link flexible robot is documented.  相似文献   

The stability of linear systems defined by ordinarydifferential equations with constant or periodic coefficients can beassessed from the spectral radius of their transition matrix. Inclassical applications of this theory, the transition matrix isexplicitly computed first, then its eigenvalues are evaluated; if thelargest eigenvalue is larger than unity, the system is unstable. Theproposed implicit transition matrix approach extracts the dominanteigenvalues of the transition matrix using the Arnoldi algorithm,without the explicit computation of this matrix. As a result, theproposed implicit method yields stability information at a far lowercomputational cost than that of the classical approach, and is ideallysuited for stability computations of systems involving a large number ofdegrees of freedom. Examples of application of the proposed methodologyto flexible multi-body systems are presented that demonstrate itsaccuracy and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

In this work we discuss an application of the finite elementmethod to modeling of flexible multibody systems employing geometricallyexact structural elements. Two different approaches to handleconstraints, one based on the Lagrange multiplier procedure and anotherbased on the use of release degrees of freedom, are examined in detail.The energy conserving time stepping scheme, which is proved to be wellsuited for integrating stiff differential equations, gouverning themotion of a single flexible link is appropriately modified and extendedto nonlinear dynamics of multibody systems.  相似文献   

Simulation of Wheels in Nonlinear,Flexible Multibody Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is concerned with the modeling of wheels within the framework of finite element-based dynamic analysis of nonlinear, flexible multibody systems. The overall approach to the modeling of wheels is broken into four distinct parts: a purely kinematic part describing the configuration of the wheel and contacting plane, a unilateral contact condition giving rise to a contact force, the friction forces associated with rolling and/or sliding, and a model of the deformations in the wheel tire. The formulation of these various aspects of the problem involves a combination of holonomic and non-holonomic constraints enforced via the Lagrange multiplier technique. This work is developed within the framework of energy-preserving and decaying time integration schemes that provide unconditional stability for nonlinear, flexible multibody systems involving wheels. Strategies for dealing with the transitions from rolling to sliding and vice-versa are discussed and are found to be more efficient than the use of a continuous friction law. Numerical examples are presented that demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Simulation of Deployment of a Flexible Solar Array   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The deployment of a solar array is simulated three-dimensionally using the multibody program SIMPACK. The analyses are performed for 500 real-time seconds, which contain the three deployment phases, (I) jump-out, (II) steering phase and (III) deployed phase. The goal of the simulations is to check the influence of the flexibility of the solar array on the solar generator motions during these three phases against results obtained by a rigid body model simulation.The modelling of flexible bodies is based on the widely used method of floating frame of reference formulation applying global shape functions (Ritz method). The preparation of a proper set of shape functions to represent the flexibility of the yoke and the six solar panels is one of the main objectives of thispaper. For each of the components, eigenmodes and static modes forvarious boundary conditions are computed using the finite elementprogram NASTRAN.For a good convergence of the Ritz approximation with a smallnumber of shape functions, the shape functions are selected usingmodal participation factors, that are computed for various load casesprior to the time simulations. The load cases are obtained, for example,by a rigid body simulation of the deployment phases. The proposed methodof shape function selection using modal participation factors isdemonstrated by examples.  相似文献   

To consider large deformation problems in multibody system simulations afinite element approach, called absolute nodal coordinate.formulation,has been proposed. In this formulation absolute nodal coordinates andtheir material derivatives are applied to represent both deformation andrigid body motion. The choice of nodal variables allows a fullynonlinear representation of rigid body motion and can provide the exactrigid body inertia in the case of large rotations. The methodology isespecially suited for but not limited to modeling of beams, cables andshells in multibody dynamics.This paper summarizes the absolute nodal coordinate formulation for a 3D Euler–Bernoulli beam model, in particular the definition of nodal variables, corresponding generalized elastic and inertia forces and equations of motion. The element stiffness matrix is a nonlinear function of the nodal variables even in the case of linearized strain/displacement relations. Nonlinear strain/displacement relations can be calculated from the global displacements using quadrature formulae.Computational examples are given which demonstrate the capabilities of the applied methodology. Consequences of the choice of shape.functions on the representation of internal forces are discussed. Linearized strain/displacement modeling is compared to the nonlinear approach and significant advantages of the latter, when using the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, are outlined.  相似文献   

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