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Effects and mechanisms of grain refinement in aluminium alloys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grain refinement plays a crucial role in improving characteristics and properties of cast and wrought aluminium alloys. Generally Al-Ti and Al-Ti-B master alloys are added to the aluminium alloys to grain refine the solidified product. The mechanism of grain refinement is of considerable controversy in the scientific literature. The nucleant effects i.e. which particle and its characteristics nucleate α-Al, has been the subject of intensive research. Lately the solute effect i.e. the effect of dissolved titanium on grain refinement, has come into forefront of grain refinement research. The present paper attempts to review the literature on the nucleant effects and solute effects on grain refinement and addresses the importance of dissolved titanium in promoting nucleation of α-Al on nucleant particles.  相似文献   

旋转磁场对Pb-Sn-Sb合金组织及性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善Pb-Sn-Sb三元轴承合金液态成型过程中的比重偏析,用旋转磁场控制Pb-Sn-Sb合金液态成型过程.采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜能谱分析研究了旋转磁场对Pb-Sn-Sb合金显微组织及成分分布的影响.用布氏硬度计、摩擦磨损试验机测试Pb-Sn-Sb合金的硬度及摩擦磨损性能.实验结果表明:旋转磁场能有效改善Pb-Sn-Sb合金的比重偏析,且能细化晶粒.激磁电压为45V时,SbSn块状化合物在试样上下截面分布最均匀,块度变小,比重偏析改善效果最好;试样上下截面Pb、Sn、Sb三元素含量基本趋于一致.随着激磁电压增加,试样上下截面的硬度及耐磨性有一定程度提高,并明显趋于一致.  相似文献   

吴志方  周帆  吴润 《功能材料》2015,(6):6106-6110
从热力学角度来看,溶质在晶界偏聚,通过降低晶界能来降低晶粒长大的驱动力,从而抑制晶粒长大。从动力学角度来看,溶质与晶界交互作用,钉扎晶界,使晶界迁移速率降低,从而抑制晶粒长大。本文从热力学和动力学两方面综述了溶质对单相纳米晶材料晶粒长大行为的影响,并展望了其发展方向。  相似文献   

Grain growth behaviour of Al–Mg alloys containing 0.3, 2.7 and mass% Mg was investigated focusing on the spatial distribution of grain orientation and grain boundary character. In Al–0.3 mass% Mg alloy the cube texture developed at the first stage and then the texture declined accompanied with abnormal grain growth of non-cube grains at the second stage. The development of cube grains was suppressed by an increase of solute Mg atoms. The texture change depended strongly on spatial distribution of grain boundary character and cube clusters.  相似文献   

Effect of solute content on the grain refinement of binary alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data are presented for the grain refining of AI-Si and Pb-Sb alloy systems. These show a minimum grain size near the maximum solubility limit. An explanation in terms of the solidification interval is presented. In general, the optimum grain refining is predicted to occur at the solubility limit since t is at this concentration that the solidification times are longest.  相似文献   

高强铝合金(2×××,7×××等)因具有比强度高、加工性好等优点而被航空航天、汽车等领域广泛应用。随着大推重比飞行器设计及汽车轻量化技术的发展,轻质结构材料的需求日益增加,同时零部件也面临着“薄壁化、中空化、复合化”的发展趋势,高强铝合金的传统加工方法越来越难以满足要求。近年来,激光选区熔化成形(selective laser melting,SLM)作为一种常见的金属增材制造技术(additive manufacturing,AM)在复杂零部件成形领域受到关注,有望成为进一步拓宽高强铝合金应用领域的新兴技术。然而,SLM成形高强铝合金因易产生周期性热裂纹和粗大柱状晶不良组织等问题而发展缓慢,晶粒细化是克服增材制造高强铝合金这一固有热裂问题的关键所在。本文综述了近年来SLM成形高强铝合金显微组织和力学性能调控等方面的研究进展,归纳了不同体系合金的力学性能,重点阐述了抑制SLM成形高强铝合金中热裂纹形成的主要策略,包括SLM工艺参数优化以及通过微合金化或添加纳米颗粒细化晶粒等方法。指出当前研究存在的主要问题是合金成分的改变对材料综合性能以及热处理制度的影响规律尚不清晰等,并展望了未来的发展趋势,如SLM成形新型高强铝合金成分设计与综合性能评价、利用后处理工艺等手段进一步提升合金综合性能以及专用晶粒细化剂的设计与细化机制探究等。  相似文献   

Copper matrix composite reinforced with ZrB2 particles was prepared by in situ reaction in two different ways: by mechanical alloying and subsequent hot pressing, i.e. mechanical alloying and followed by laser melting process. Microstructural changes during mechanical alloying, hot pressing and laser melting of Cu, Zr and B powder mixtures were studied using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. In particular, changes in the Cu particle size, structural parameters of the powder mixtures and formation of new ZrB2 and CuZr phases during hot pressing, i.e. laser melting were investigated. The mechanisms of in situ formation of reinforcement particles and hardening effects in the copper composite were also studied. Large supersaturation which is possible with laser melting process results in homogeneous nucleation of CuZr precipitates and the presence of finer CuZr precipitates and ZrB2 reinforcements in the Cu matrix. This affected on significantly higher degree of Cu matrix hardening compared to composites obtained by mechanical alloying and hot pressing.  相似文献   


The capacity of AlTi5B1, AlTi3B3 and AlB3 grain refiners to refine the grain structures of AlSi7Mg and AlSi11Cu2 foundry alloys was investigated. The performance of AlTi5B1, well established to be the best grain refiner for wrought aluminium alloys, is not nearly as good with the AlSi7Mg and AlSi11Cu2 alloys. Relatively smaller grains are obtained with the AlTi3B3 grain refiner in both alloys. The AlB3 grain refiner, on the other hand, improves the grain structure only as much as the AlTi5B1 grain refiner does. With as much as 0·04–0·1 wt-%Ti, the commercial alloys cannot enjoy the outstanding potency of the AlB2 particles since the B supply is readily transformed to TiB2 particles. However, the grains of the Ti free AlSi7Mg and AlSi11Cu2 alloys (~0·005 wt-%Ti) are very small and nearly globular for the entire range of holding times when inoculated with AlB3, implying not only a remarkable grain refining capacity but also a strong resistance to fading of the grain refinement effect. The lack of Ti in the melt allows the entire B to form AlB2 particles, the perfect substrates to promote the nucleation of α-Al crystals. Aluminium castings can enjoy grain sizes well below 200 μm, with an addition of 0·02 wt-%B, provided that they are Ti free. That the potent substrates are made available just before the nucleation of α-Al crystals avoids fading effects and is a further advantage of the AlB3 grain refiner in recycling operations.  相似文献   

The microstructures and impact toughness of Al-7Si and Al-7Si-2.5Cu cast alloys were studied after various melt treatments like grain refinement and modification. The results indicate that combined grain refined and modified Al-7Si-2.5Cu alloys have microstructures consisting of uniformly distributed α-Al grains, interdendritic network of fine eutectic silicon and fine CuAl2 particles in the interdendritic region. These alloys exhibited improved impact toughness in as cast condition when compared to those treated by individual addition of grain refiner or modifier. The improved impact toughness of Al-7Si-2.5Cu alloys are related to breakage of the large aluminum grains and uniform distribution of eutectic silicon and fine CuAl2 particles in the interdendritic region resulting from combined refinement and modification. This paper attempts to investigate the influence of microstructural changes in the Al-7Si and Al-7Si-2.5Cu cast alloys by grain refinement, modification and combined action of both on the impact toughness.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the effect of cooling rate on the grain size of a range of grain refined wrought aluminum alloys was carried out under quiescent solidification conditions where nucleation occurs predominantly by a constitutional undercooling mechanism. Increasing the cooling rate reduced the grain size by increasing the number of particles that nucleate grains and by affecting the development of constitutional undercooling. Both effects are represented using simple analytical relationships. By coupling these results with earlier work, an empirical relationship is developed between grain size, density of nucleant particles, cooling rate, nucleant potency and alloy composition that allows prediction of grain size across a wide range of alloys and cooling rates.  相似文献   

Aluminium alloys containing eutectic particles of the Al-Ni, Al-Mg-Si, Al-Ni-Ce and Al-Cu-Ce systems are investigated. The particles which control grain growth and stimulate grain nucleation are studied. The Zener-Smith law about dependence between grain size and particle parameters is confirmed and experimental coefficients are found. Experimental coefficients of the Zener-Smith equation obtained in this study depend on the particle size and differ from theoretical coefficients proposed by Zener and Smith. Some alloys with grain size about 3 μm demonstrate very good superplasticity indicators, namely: the strain rate sensitivity index m = 0.5-0.6 and the elongation over 400% at constant strain rate 5 × 10−3 s−1.  相似文献   

The correlation of mechanical properties and corrosion behavior with microstructure parameters can be very useful for planning solidification conditions in order to achieve a desired level of final properties. The present study aims to investigate the influence of silicon content on the microstructural pattern, i.e., dendrite spacings and distribution of interdendritic phases on the corrosion behavior of Al-Si alloys castings. The corrosion resistance was analyzed by both the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique and Tafel's plots carried out in a 0.5 M NaCl test solution at 25 °C. The increase on silicon content has provided a dendritic refinement and a more extensive redistribution of the eutectic mixture which has provoked a decrease on the corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

The as-cast Mg-5Li-3Al-xCa (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 wt.%) was prepared with vacuum induction melting furnace, then processed by hot extrusion. The microstructures and tensile properties were investigated. The results show that the grains of as-cast alloys were refined gradually with the increase of Ca content from 0.5 wt.% to 1 wt.%, while the Ca content increases to 1.5 wt.%, the grain size increases. The microstructures of investigated alloys were further refined after hot extrusion. Both as-cast and as-extruded Mg-5Li-3Al-0.5Ca alloys have the highest mechanical properties, which is mainly attributed to the grain refinement caused by the addition of Ca and the formation of strengthening phase, Al4Ca. When the addition of Ca is up to 1-1.5 wt.%, the tensile properties of alloys are worsened due to the excessive (Mg, Al)2Ca eutectic phase forming at grain boundary.  相似文献   

TiAl合金和Ti合金由于缺少滑移系,是典型的难变形材料.本文探索应用高密度脉冲电流改善其成形性.所选择的材料是TiAl合金 (Ti2AlNb)、TC4合金(Ti-6Al-4V)、TA15合金和TA1-A.研究了脉冲电流处理对变形损伤的影响,研究结果表明,在一定条件下因塑性变形而产生的微裂纹可以被治愈,并形成局部的再结晶组织,预塑性变形试样的塑性可以被完全恢复,极限变形量得到提高.对退火态的板材进行了高密度电流脉冲处理试验分析,试验结果表明,电流脉冲处理显著地改变了板材的力学性能:均匀延伸率提高、屈服应力和屈强比下降.这对改善钛合金板材成形性具有重要的意义.选用冷轧态板材进行了脉冲电流处理实验,研究结果表明,脉冲电流处理可以大幅度地提高冷轧钛合金板材的塑性,同时材料强度不降低,由于晶粒的细化作用,强韧性得到改善.本文的研究结果表明高密度脉冲电流是改善难变形合金成形性的一种有效方法.  相似文献   


Extensive previous research has established that the oxidation of FeCrAl alloys at temperatures ≥1000°C results in the formation of α-Al2O3 oxide scales, and that minor alloy constituents (particularly Reactive Elements (RE) such as Y, Hf, Zr, etc.) can change the oxide growth mechanism. A knowledge of the segregation behaviour of these REs is thus central to our understanding of the oxidation behaviour of these, technologically important, range of alloys.

The new SuperSTEM microscope at the Daresbury Laboratory offers considerable potential for a detailed study of the segregation to oxide grain boundaries at the atomic level. The microscope has an aberration corrector fitted to the objective lens, allowing the formation of sub-Angstrom probe for simultaneous ultra-high resolution high angle annular dark field (HAADF) imaging and atomic-column electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). This paper reports on an initial study of oxide grain boundary segregation in commercial and model FeCrAlRE alloys containing controlled additions of the reactive elements, yttrium, zirconium and hafnium oxidised at 1250°C, in air, for 50 hours. Both yttrium and hafnium are shown to segregate to the grain boundaries while hafnium rich particules form in the outer region of the scale.  相似文献   

The tear resistance behaviour of Al–7% Si–0.4% Mg cast alloys was examined using Kahn‐type tear test specimens. Tests were performed for two permanent mould casts with an ordinary dendrite structure and a semi‐liquid die cast with a globular cell and fine grain structure. The microstructure of the two permanent mould casts was controlled by the cooling rates and the addition of Ti elements. Tear resistance was evaluated by the ‘pop‐in’ stress, the energies required for crack initiation, UEi and the crack propagation, UEp. Special attention was paid to an effective microstructural parameter for tear resistance improvement. Pop‐in, indicating sudden crack extension and arrest, was observed in all specimens. Homogeneous deformation occurs near the notch tip of the semi‐liquid die cast, characterized by a refined grain structure. Refinement of the grain size is more effective than that of the dendrite cell size or eutectic Si particle size to increase the energy for crack initiation. Unit propagation energy, UEp, can be converted into a critical stress intensity factor, Kc, which in the semi‐liquid die cast was improved due to an increased amount of slant or shear fracture surface.  相似文献   

时效对Mg-Y-Nd合金的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了Mg-Y-Nd合金时效过程中的硬化软化现象.在时效初期(-473K/2h左右)出现了一次明显的时效硬化峰,之后硬度急剧下降;然后合金的硬度缓慢增加,出现小幅二次硬化现象;523K/600h后,合金出现软化现象微观结构的分析结果表明,初次时效峰是合金中析出了5nm大小的MgY弥散分布沉淀相所致;随后弥散相溶解消失,材料出现软化;在时效过程中β沉淀相的析出、增多和板条状组织的形成导致材料二次硬化.长时间时效后β沉淀相的聚集长大,以及在α/β界面产生纳米晶MgO区导致材料再次软化。  相似文献   

硼作为一种显著影响钛合金组织的元素,已经在钛合金应用研究领域引起材料工作者的广泛关注。国内外近几年的研究工作主要围绕少量硼对钛合金的晶粒尺寸、组织稳定性以及相变点的影响展开。对含硼钛合金研究的最新进展进行了综述,分析了硼显著改变钛合金组织的机理,并提出了当前研究存在的不足以及今后潜在的发展方向。  相似文献   

电磁-悬浮铸造对变形镁合金晶粒细化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在悬浮铸造的基础上引入了电磁搅拌,并将其与悬浮铸造的优点有机结合,通过不同电磁搅拌时间对悬浮铸造AZ61变形镁合金进行了试验,悬浮剂的加入使合金液中形成了大的能量起伏和成分起伏,有助于形成细晶组织,电磁搅拌的引入加速了悬浮剂和合金母液的均匀混合,有效避免了悬浮剂在合金液中的聚集"搭桥"现象和悬浮剂在铸件中的夹生,结果表明在悬浮剂为2%(质量分数)时进行2 min搅拌时效果最佳,组织的平均晶粒度最小,达到57.5 μm,是悬浮铸造时的三分之一,是金属型铸造的四分之一.析出相Mg17Al12明显减少和细化,并且在基体上的分布更加弥散.电磁悬浮铸造(2min,2%)对比金属型铸造,抗拉强度提高了约20%,屈服强度提高了约30%,延伸率提高了近50%.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic–kinetic model is presented for the simulation of phase change and solute redistribution during solidification of binary, one-solid-phase (fcc) copper alloys containing Ag, Al, Ni, P, Sn or Zn. Depending on the alloy composition, the cooling rate and the dendrite arm spacing, the model determines the phase fractions and compositions during solidification. In addition, it calculates important thermophysical material properties (enthalpy, specific heat, thermal conductivity, density and viscosity) from the liquid state down to room temperature. These data are important input data for other models, such as heat transfer and thermal stress models, whose reliability has become more and more dependent on the input data itself. The model is validated comparing calculated results with experimental data of literature.  相似文献   

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