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A new approach to the choice of catalysts for oxidative coupling of methane based on the determination of the defect degree is suggested. For the most active catalysts (oxides of rare earth elements (REE), alkaline earth metals (AEM), manganese, lead), it is shown that oxygen defectness is of great importance in this process.Based on the structural approach Bi2O3-containing catalytic systems have been suggested. They have C2-hydrocarbon formation activity and selectivity to be comparable with those ones for most active catalysts as REE oxides. 相似文献
Ion chromatographic separation of rare earth elements (REE) was studied using isocratic elution from Dionex Ion Pac CS3 + CG3 column with sulfonic acid functional groups and buffered solutions of tartaric (HTart), citric (HCit) and nitrilotriacetic (NTA) acids, respectively, at temperatures 25–70°C. Apparent atomic numbers (App.At.No.) of Y and Sc with respect to lanthanide series were established and found to vary widely both with the ion exchange system and with temperature. A novel method for the separation of Dy-Y-Tb triad was proposed using 68 m mol L?1 HCit, pH = 3.18 at T = 60°C and its capability to be used for analytical determinations was demonstrated. The significance of contribution of longitudinal diffusion in the stationary phase to total zone spreading in the systems studied was emphasized. 相似文献
Carina A. Emilio Raquel Gettar Marta I. Litter 《Journal of Applied Electrochemistry》2005,35(7-8):733-740
TiO2-heterogeneous photocatalysis of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) at pH 2.5 was studied to establish the kinetic regime and the
reaction mechanism. Pure Degussa P-25 and Hombikat UV100 commercial samples were compared. A Langmuirian behavior was observed
over P-25. Platinization of the Hombikat sample (0.5 wt.%) caused an important increase on the photocatalytic rate with a
change in the kinetics from zero order in the pure precursors to first order in the platinized sample. The nature of the intermediates
and their evolution with time were compared on all systems. Glycine, iminodiacetic and oxamic acids have been identified in
different proportions, together with ammonium and glycolic acid, depending on the catalyst used. The rapid depletion of NTA
was not accompanied by a corresponding total organic carbon (TOC) reduction, but 84% of TOC decrease was obtained on P25 after
24 h, a very reasonable result for refractory compounds. A detailed mechanism is proposed for the photocatalytic reaction,
suggested to be the same over the three catalysts here tested. 相似文献
Effect of temperature (5°–65°C) on the separation of 11 inorganic anions by ion interaction chromatography (IIC) was studied employing RP C18 and C PhenylHexyl columns and aqueous mobile phase: 2.8 mM NaHCO3 + 0.7 mM TBAOH (tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide). The apparent enthalpy changes, ΔH for hydrophobic ions like I?, SCN?, and ClO4 ? largely exceeded 3 kcal/mole suggesting that added to ion exchange they are retained by hydrophobic adsorption. Unlike conventional strongly basic anion exchangers, our system can be used at elevated temperatures with alkaline eluents without irreversible damaging the column. 相似文献
Girish M. Deshmukh Aparna Shete Deepali M. Pawar 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2013,88(3):432-436
BACKGROUND: Oxidative absorption of hydrogen sulfide into a solution of ferric chelates is studied in a stirred cell glass reactor. The experiments were performed to investigate the degradation of chelates sodium salt of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) (Merck), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid diadisodium salt (EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) at 313 K, pH 6, iron concentration 10 000 g L?1 and Fe:chelate molar ratio 1:2. RESULTS: Oxidative absorption of hydrogen sulfide into a solution of Fe‐NTA was found to be more successful, therefore, further experiments with 10%, 50% and 100% concentrations of hydrogen sulfide were performed. It was shown that this process is applicable for removal of low and high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. The effect of antioxidants using sodium thiosulfate was also studied in order to minimize degradation of NTA. The kinetics were studied and it was observed that the reaction appeared to be first order in ferric chelate with rate constants for 100, 50 and 10% hydrogen sulfide concentration: 0.035, 0.013 and 0.019 h?1, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Gas sweetening processes have commercial importance in natural gases, refinery of gases and biogas processing. Desulphurization and cleaning (i.e. removal of H2S and CO2) of petroleum gas and biogas is important to make the gas methane rich and to increase the calorific value of fuel. The same techniques of desulphurization and cleaning can be used for treating natural gas or petroleum gas. The desulphurization and cleaning processes can minimize the atmospheric emission of gases like SOx, NOx and CO. As the iron chelate based process is based on the principle of redox reaction of metal chelate with hydrogen sulfide, this method is very useful for desulphurization of petroleum gas and biogas. This work studied the effective use of Fe‐NTA solution for removal of high to low concentrations of H2S as found in biogas and industrial waste gases. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
川西稀土矿泥氯化后水浸液中,稀土含量较低,可借助环烷酸萃取法分离出稀土元素。水浸液组成复杂,导致环烷酸易乳化流失,故萃取前需除杂。着重讨论用高锰酸钾除铁的机理和实验控制条件。 相似文献
Frank Lauterwasser Paul G. Hayes Warren E. Piers Laurel L. Schafer Stefan Brse 《Advanced Synthesis \u0026amp; Catalysis》2011,353(8):1384-1390
The intramolecular hydroamination of aminoalkynes and unactivated aminoalkenes catalyzed by yttrium N,O‐ and N,N‐complexes has been investigated. The N,N‐yttrium complexes are highly active, catalyzing the conversion of a wide range of terminal aminoalkenes at room temperature, and internal aminoalkenes at elevated temperature, to yield pyrrolidine and piperidine products in high yields. A high diastereoselectivity of up to 23:1 is observed at 0 °C with 1‐methyl‐4‐pentenylamine as substrate. 相似文献
在酸性介质中Ce4+和La3+同时阻抑溴酸钾氧化甲基红褪色反应,研究发现:两者对溴酸钾氧化甲基红褪色反应阻抑作用不具有加和性,根据这一现象,用人工神经网络处理非线性体系的优势进行数据处理,从而建立了一种同时测定Ce4+和La3+混合物的人工神经网络阻抑动力学光度法。对3种烟草样品进行测定,回收率位于95.0%~104.0%之间,RSD均小于4%,结果良好。 相似文献
Dmitry V. Filosofov Nikolai A. Lebedev Alimardon V. Rakhimov Steffen Happel Frank Roesch 《溶剂提取与离子交换》2013,31(5):496-509
In this work, the interactions between the divalent alkaline earth elements (AEE) (Sr, Ba, Ra), the trivalent rare earth elements (REE) (Ce-Lu, Y), and Ac(III) with Sr-resin were investigated in the presence of HNO3, HCl, HBr, HClO4, and HPF6. Distribution coefficients of these ions on the Sr-resin were determined under batch-loading conditions. Lastly, online column separations were performed to demonstrate the utility of these systems. Substantial differences in the behavior of the ions in solutions comprised of the five different acids were observed. These differences can partly be explained by a combination of ion exchange (primary) and extraction (solvation) mechanisms. From a practical point of view, the Sr-resin/HClO4 or Sr-resin/HPF6 systems were demonstrated to be effective for the separation and purification of the different groups of the elements. 相似文献
Adam Makowka 《分离科学与技术》2020,55(12):2193-2203
ABSTRACT This work shows application of Cyphos IL 104 (trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinate) as the extractant and the ion carrier of Ce(III) and La(III) from aqueous solutions through polymer inclusion membranes (PIM). These membranes were used for separation of Ce(III) from solution containing La(III), Cu(II), Co(II) and Ni(II). The best results of the separation process were obtained for PIM containing: 20.0 wt.% CTA, 55.0 wt.% NPOE and 25.0 wt.% Cyphos IL 104 at pH 3.8 into 1 M H2SO4. The separation coefficients were found in order of S Ce/La < S Ce/Cu < S Ce/Co < S Ce/Ni. 相似文献
稀土元素对脂肪醇胺化催化剂性能的影响 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5
无论是作为脂肪醇胺化催化剂的活性组分还是载体 ,La和Gd均能提高目前工业用Cu—Ni催化剂的活性和选择性 ,可以使生成的高沸物小于 2 % ,二甲基叔胺的收率大于 97% ,而Nd和Ce则无明显的促进作用。这些稀土元素均对催化剂的稳定性没有改善 相似文献
Homopolymers of itaconic acid (PIA) and its copolymers with acrylamide (P(IA‐AAm) were synthesized using ceric ammonium nitrate (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 in combination with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) as redox initiator, and potassium persulphate at pH 1. The chain structures of the resulting products have been studied by FTIR spectroscopy. It is concluded from a comparison of spectroscopic results with gravimetric and viscometric data that the depressions in the yields and viscosity numbers in the case of Ce(IV)–NTA redox pair result from interactions between the constituents of the redox initiator and IA. Spectra of the insoluble and pale yellow precipitates, which are formed during the first 4 h of the reaction, after addition of Ce(IV) solution to the NTA and NTA–IA homogeneous solutions, also indicate the presence of various oxidation products. Furthermore, it is observed that H‐bonded homopolymer complex obtained from PAAm–PIA blends, prepared from aqueous solutions containing equal unit moles of each polymer, contain both ordered and defective structures. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
The effect of sonication on sludge exhibited a faster settling rate. Sonication creates acoustic cavitation preparing the slurry for better interaction with flocculant and generating faster settlement. Five samples of flocculants were conditioned at 25, 50, 60, 75 and 100° C for settlement. The flocculant conditioned at 60°C had the best performance in terms of settlement. However, further increase in temperature damaged polymer chains of the flocculant decreasing its effectiveness. ICP analysis showed sonicated samples trapped 11% more rare earth elements (REEs) in their residue and that temperature above 60º C is not favorable for the flocculant preparation in terms of coagulation. 相似文献
饲料级柠檬酸稀土制备条件研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对饲料级柠檬酸生产中的酸度,原料用量,温度,沉淀条件等进行了实验,测定了该产品中RE2O3%及Pb,As,Cd,Hg等有害元素含量,通过动物急性毒理实验,蓄积性实验,证明了该产品无毒,无残留,为养殖业的安全使用提供了科学依据。 相似文献